MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 35, the original tribe

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"There is a voice, there are people shouting!" Ding Haojian suddenly moved, his face was a hint of joy.

"Sound? Where, why didn't you feel it?" The evil moon looked around and his ears were straight and did not hear the shouts or other voices in Ding Hao's mouth.

"A thousand miles away!" said, Ding Hao with the evil moon disappeared in the same place, through the void, through a thousand miles between a thought, came to a place surrounded by mountains.

Seeing the changed scene around, the evil moon is different, and I look to Ding Hao and ask, "What happened?"

"Look there, this [original world] really exists of the human race, not only those monsters that only have to kill!" Ding Hao pointed to the bottom, and the color was more prosperous.

"Where? Terran!" The evil moon followed Ding Hao's gaze and looked down.

I saw there, there were more than a dozen figures for the group, all of them were men.

They are not afraid of the cold, they are wearing thin clothes, their hair is unkempt, they are wild, they are holding a variety of inferior weapons, they are staring at the front, but they are very nervous.

I saw the monsters standing opposite the three bears. The atmosphere was strong and the demon was rolling. One of the bears was more horrible, and the whole body was full of killing, like a demonic existence, and terrible.

These bears are a snow horn bear.

In the snow, at the moment, seven or eight bodies were lying horizontally, blood flowing across, and internal organs were everywhere.

Apparently, the Terran warrior fell in the wind, and in the previous attack by the snow horn bear, lost a lot of people.

"It's really a human race!" The evil moon look is also a bit of joy: "Since there are people, there will definitely be power. As long as there is power, then we will find it easier to find the heart of heaven and earth through these forces."

Ding Hao nodded. During these few days, he did not know how many thousands of miles had been scanned, but he did not see any human beings.

Now I finally see the indigenous people of [Original World], how can they not like it.

"Those guys of the Terran, the strongest of them, only the middle-aged man is a low-level mirror, and the rest is only the Emperor."

"And the three snow horn bears, two of them are low-level mirrors, and the last one is still at the peak of the gods. Those tribes of the Terran are not very optimistic." The evil moon overlooks them from top to bottom, to Ding Hao Asked: "People are pets, we have to save them. If we let those snow horn bears kill them, we can't ask any information..."

Ding Hao and Evil Moon don't know much about the original world. Nowadays, there are so many people who can ask about the situation here. Naturally, they can't let them die in the mouth of the demon. After all, this is what they are here, even [Heart of Heaven and Earth], there is a lot of help.

Ding Hao’s eyes flashed, and he did not want to respond for a long time: “The rescue is sure to be saved, but it still needs to wait.”

"Wait? Waiting for the first thing you rushed up to this kind of thing? Hey, okay..." The evil moon just wanted to start the mind, suddenly stagnation, then saw Ding Hao's eyes, it seems Knowing what he is thinking, he can only wait for it.

With their strength, they want to hide their breath, not let those people, as well as the monsters, discover that it is a breeze.

"Yang Shu, the flesh of these monsters is terrible. Our attacks don't work at all. They are unfortunately killed here before. What should we do?" At this time, a man is facing him. The sturdy middle-aged asked, but his face looked pale and weak.

"Would you like to leave here first?" Another man calmed his face and suggested.

The middle-aged man sighed: "Hey, it is too late to go now. Snow bears seem awkward, but they are extremely fast. Our speed is not comparable to them. If we show our enemies, it is even more dangerous. ”

"What should I do?"

The middle-aged man felt very guilty about himself, and his face was extremely unsightly. How can he do anything?

"I didn't expect this hunting to encounter snow horn bears. This is equivalent to the existence of a mirror. One of them is the strength of the peak of the gods. If there is no such thing, it will be easier, but now... just blame me too. If you know it, you will call more people when you know it."

They are all the people of the [Bone Khan] in the "original world", and in the "original world" is also a tribe whose power is not weak.

Because [original world] has special terrain, coupled with cold weather, even if some strange plants grow, they can't be eaten, let alone planted. Therefore, tribes like them want to maintain the livelihood of the tribe. As well as the survival of the tribe, nature can only come out to hunt the beast.

"Yang Shu, don't say this, how can you blame you, and the most important thing for us now is to think about how to leave, or to fight them back..." A man with a long face shook his head.

"You are right, now is not the time to say this!" After sighing again, ‘Yang Shu’ also understood the most important thing now.


I saw that the big-faced, horrible snow-faced bear, suddenly roared and arrogant, then it beard a bear, the red light flashed out inside, and the demon tumbling.

The horrible demon, running through the space, the horrible sound of rumbling.

"Not good, fast blocking!" The middle-aged man named "Yang Shu" changed his face and hurriedly exclaimed.

At the same time, a mad arrogance came out, and ‘Yang Shu’ held the inferior steel knife and tried to smash it.

Time, the amount of violent violence in the sky, surging.

At the same time, several strong men next to him, also rushed forward, picked up their own weapons, broke out the strongest momentum, bombarded the past.

It’s just that their level of power is far less than that of the bear king.


The roar of the roar, the few strong men immediately spit blood, was hit by this impact and was seriously injured.

"Animals! Ah, ah..."

And ‘Yang Shu’ is biting at the tiger’s mouth, and the delicate muscles skyrocketed in an instant, and the hard-earned ones blocked this monster.

The other two snow horn bears suddenly separated from each other, rushing away, lifting the bear claws, blowing a hurricane, and attacking ‘Yang Shu’.

‘Yang Shu’ did not reply in one breath, and there was no power to stop them. If this paw went down, I am afraid that it will immediately die.

"No, they have to kill Yang Shu first!"

"A wicked monster, stop them!"

The latter people saw this, the pupils suddenly contracted, and they stepped on their feet and swayed to the front of ‘Yang Shu’, hurriedly shot, trying to stop their attacks.

But the snow horns bears are amazingly powerful, let alone their repairs are much higher than those of them.

Just one face-to-face, immediately there were a few people who couldn’t stand it, and they were caught by a hand, and suddenly they were flustered, blood raging, and screaming again and again.

"Oh..." The snowy horn bear of the peak of the gods, once again snarled, contains the horrible claws of supreme power, and rushed forward.

At the same time, the body of the two snow horn bears moved, and at the same time stepped out and killed the past.

Looking at his posture, he actually wanted to kill them.

[Blank Khan] will not stand there, wait for them to kill themselves, under the leadership of ‘Yang Shu’, greet the three-headed snow horn bear.


The sound of a loud gold and iron symphony continued to spread.

Snow evil horn bears are extremely fierce, and the people of the [Kan Khan] can only block and retreat.

In the end, it was completely oppressed into a small space - a thousand-foot iceberg gorge.


"How to do how to do……"

"Don't we really want to die here today?" ‘Yang Shu’ looked back at the ground and had no interest, and those compatriots who were seriously injured and covered in blood were very heavy.

‘Yang Shu’’s panting and ugly face, staring at the three-headed beast in front of him.

"No, no, even if only one person escapes, it is good. I definitely don't allow everyone to die in these beasts."

"With my strength, I can stop the two snow horn bears for a while, although there is still one left, but certainly can't take care of everyone, so that you can run some people back to the tribe..." The eyes of 'Yang Shu' have become more and more determined.

Three heads of snow horn bears, one step after another, to the dozens of people, Xiongkou constantly whispered, as if in a declaration of death, wrapped around their hearts.

"Everyone, listen to me, I am trying my best to block the attack of the two snow horn bears. At the end, I will hand it over to you. Remember, once you find the opportunity to leave the battle, leave here..." "Yang Shu" looks cold I mentioned Xuanqi and said to the people behind me.

But when he just said it, some people immediately objected: "No, Yang Shu, we (Khan Khan) have never left the clan, the coward who fled alone, let alone Yang Shu, you are our leader."

"Yes, we will never leave you, even if I die here together, I will be willing."

"Yang Shu, you have to go together!"

Hearing these words, ‘Yang Shu’ was a cold face and said: “Don’t talk nonsense, I want you to do it, how to do it, the three animals are coming, you are ready...”

The three-headed snow-faced bears, naturally unable to understand their words, are still approaching, and in their view, these people are already their capsules, eating in the mouth.

‘Yang Shu’ seized the steel knife and died, and the sweat dripped, constantly accumulating strength, preparing to meet the snowy horn bear in the most fierce posture.

But at this moment, in the sky, a sigh of breath suddenly filled, and the three bears were forced to move.

Those who are [savage people] see this, they are all a glimpse, do not understand why they suddenly will be like this.

"How did they suddenly stop? There was a terrible smell just now, what happened?"

"Is the patriarch coming over?"

"No, not a patriarch."

"Look, there are people there!" One suddenly exclaimed.

Other [Blan Khan] people are looking up at the sky after they are blaspheming.
