MTL - Bleach: Secret Intentions-Chapter 137 : strange invitation

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The woman who appeared in front of Xia Yan, a purple double ponytail, has a sea of ​​forehead covering her forehead, her eyes are large, her eyes are red, and she has a woolen cap. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

For her, Xia Yan is no stranger, her name is Li Luka, the perfect operator.

The special human spirit capable of virtual power, leading to the power of the object of love, can extract and control the soul of matter or change its form.

Liluka is one of the perfect players, but why did she track them?

Now that the blue dyed article is not over, how come these people come out?

"Since you are now, there is no way." Liluka went to the two not far away, and looked at the empty side of the two.

"Hey, are we here?"

Xia Yan waved his hand, and your eyes are too bad.

Liluka turned around and looked at the two and said, "I don't have to say that, I have already seen you."

"You follow us, what the **** is going on?"

The broken bee looked at each other and asked with a frown.

Liluca smiled and asked: "You two little guys are dead?"

The broken bee nodded and said: "Not bad."

Xia Yan frowned and asked: "How do you know."

Liluca said with a smile: "I was just grabbing the doll machine. I heard the little sister say that you want to catch the dolls and give them to the members of the Women's Death Association, so I remembered your appearance."

"It turned out to be."

Xia Yan knows why the other party knows that they are dead. As for why she met Liluka, it is because she likes dolls very much, and her ability is also related to dolls. The station of xnet is in Mingmu City, while the masked army is singing. In the middle of the wooden city and the empty town.

The game hall that Xia Yan went to is the biggest game hall in Mingmu City. It is not surprising to meet Liluka.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Yan asked curiously.

Liluka said with a smile: "I hope that your two little guys will take a walk with me. After all, to the young gods of your age, you don't often meet."

The broken bee frowned and said, "Would I not go with you?"

Liluka suddenly stepped on the ground, and the whole person slammed up and hit the broken bee in a very fast way, punching it out.


The broken bee was blocked in front of the body, and the whole person was beaten back several steps.

The broken bee is full of surprise, weak strength.

That's right, it's too weak.

I use the righteousness myself, without the use of spiritual power, and by the power of righteousness, the other party actually only takes a few steps back, which is too weak.

However, her degree is very fast, much faster than humans, and has passed the limits of humanity.

Although it is slower than a turtle, it is faster than humans.

Xia Yan knows the source of her degree. She is the soul of the ground and the degree of self-improvement.

In this world, everything has souls, cups, grounds, toys, necklaces, pocket watches, water, all with soul.

By extracting their souls and changing their form, they can gain certain abilities.

For example, if you extract the soul of water, you can control the water to fly into your mouth.

For example, if you extract the soul of the cement floor, you can increase the degree of people.

For example, if you take out the soul of the air, you can walk in the air.

At the same time, the soul is extracted from a specific loved one, and the unique energy can be obtained.

In the original work, Kurosaki Ishigawa was attacked by Moon Island after thoroughly obtaining the strength of the current operation. He subconsciously used this technique to make himself lift and walk in the air.

Moon Island also relies on this ability to escape the pursuit of the dead white petals and keep up with each other.

This ability is very strong, but watching Liluka's performance is not too strong, just general.

The broken bee curiously asked: "Are you human?"

Liluka replied: "Yes, of course I am human. Although you can stop my fist, my strength, I have to know how many of these two inferior gods do not know, so I know each other and leave with me. Let's go."

The broken bee heard the name of the next death, his face was angry, just about to rush, Xia Yan took her and said: "Okay, let's go with you."

The broken bee heard this and converged the look of anger. She knew that Xia Yan must have a plan, so she said, "Take it with you."

Liluka nodded and said, "Let's go with us. We just have a few questions to ask you."


The broken bee frowned, and there were others.

Liluka said: "Of course, you will know when you see it."

Xia Yan and the broken bee followed Li Luka. The two walked toward the distance and went to a street. The entrance was written in the 7-chome of the butterfly garden. The nearby buildings were old and the people were scarce.

The two followed Liluka, came to an apartment, walked into the elevator, and pressed the elevator number three.

Then the elevator slowly went up and stopped on the third floor. Liluka pulled out a black card, gently brushed it, and the door opened.

Then Liluka walked in with two people and shouted: "Silver City, you don't want to ask the agent of death? I brought two deaths, or a little one."

Acting death?

Exposed agent death, except for Yincheng Kongwu, there is only Kurosaki Ichigo, here is the base of the complete operator, Silver City is here, then they said that the agent of death is naturally Kurosaki.

It turns out that they are now Kurosaki.

Xia Yan fixed his eyes and saw that there were many people in the huge space.

Behind the bar is a middle-aged man with a blindfold. On the sand is a burly youth, while on the other side of the chair is a teenager. In addition, there is a tall and gloomy body. youth.

Xia Yan knows their names. The middle-aged man is Zhai Ze, the boy is Xue Xu, the burly youth is Yincheng, and the gloomy youth is Yuedao.

At this point, the finished text has not yet begun, and the island has not used its ability to become an enemy of these people, no traps, so they are still gathered together.

Silver City looked at Xia Yan and the broken bee and said with a smile: "Very good, I was going to find another **** of death. You can find two young gods, very good."

Xia Yan pretended to be timid and asked: "Who are you?"

Silver City said with a smile: "Who we are not important, what is important is that you can tell us what we want to know. If you can't, you will die."

Silver City took hold of his necklace. The next moment, the necklace became a giant sword, and the table was directly split into two.

Seeing this scene, the face of the broken bee changed. "Is this?"

Silver City said with a smile: "It seems that you already know the danger, so please let me know, the news of the agent who died in the corpse soul community not long ago." (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion