MTL - Bleach: Secret Intentions-Chapter 182 : Convergence

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In the team, except for the Sanfan team and the Wufan team, all the captains of the 13th team were all in line. ???? Bayi Chinese W (eight) W (one) W (eight). ?8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

Yamamoto Yuzawa’s heavy country stood at the forefront and said: “The destroyer sent a declaration of war, and five days later, he will attack the martyrdom and fight with the **** of death.”

Jingle Chunshui said with some distress: "The destroyer is still there, they are really a ghost."

The floating bamboo fourteen lang nodded and said: "It turned out to be a destroyer. It is no wonder that there have been many disappearances of the soul in the spirit."

The **** of death and the destroyer had two battles, one was thousands of years ago, and that Yamamoto’s Liuzhai would sleep with his friend Habach.

The second time was two hundred years ago, when the **** of death slaughtered the remaining destroyers.

More wooden swords said, "I have been defeated twice, why bother with them? If they dare to attack, they will all kill."

More wooden swords and eight said, his face showed a crazy war.

Yamamoto Yuzawa said: "You can't underestimate them, they can seize the sorrow, and the minister Jiro can't understand. If it's not a broken bee, the finch is dead now."

"It is a very powerful ability to seize the liberation."

Zhibo Haiyan said softly.

The winter lion of the Japanese Fan Valley frowned and said: "If the relief is taken away, then the combat power of the death will be greatly reduced."

The village left to ask: "I don't know if there is any way to crack?"

Yamamoto Yukizawa said, "I have already handed the star to Niely. Niely, can you crack it?"

Niely frowned and said: "There will be a battle in five days. I will figure out the principle at the most, but I will reverse the project and will recapture it. I can't guarantee it."

When I heard this, everyone’s face was a bit ugly.

Without a solution, the combat power is greatly reduced, and it is extremely difficult to deal with the destroyer.

But at this time, Yamamoto Yuzawa was cold and shouted: "Come out."

Along with his voice, a black cat jumped into the house and slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the figure, the broken bee shouted unexpectedly: "The night is a senior."

"Is it bothering you?"

The night jumped on the shoulder of the broken bee and asked with a smile.

Yamamoto Yuzawa looked at the night and asked: "You should not come here for this reason?"

Nodded at night, said: "I am coming to pass the message."

Yamamoto Yuzawa frowned and asked: "What?"

The night replied: "Your martyrdom is destroyed but the teacher takes away. Don't directly reverse the ability to crack, it is better to think in another direction."

"Night, your message is really well-informed."

There are some unexpected nights in Jingle Spring Water.

Niely frowned and said, "The other direction?"

The night smiled and said: "Yes, if death wants to begin to understand and understand, it is necessary to infuse the soul into the sickle."

Niely's eyes lit up and said: "That is to say, the destroyer is deprived of the soul through deprivation, and will be taken away."

Nodded in the night and said: "So how do you find the nemesis of the destroyer in the soul?"

Nirvana’s mouth showed a smile and said: “The original reason is that the soul of the teacher’s soul is a virtual soul. The reason why the teacher is annihilated on a large scale is because the soul of the teacher is smeared with a slight power. The whole person will be infected and collapse. As long as the soul of the **** of death is blurred, the power of the illusion will be transmitted to the soul of the teacher through the soul of the sorrow, and then the soul will collapse and take the initiative to separate and dissolve."

The night said: "It seems that you already have ideas."

Niely snorted and said: "This is what Puyuan Xizhu let you tell me?"

The night smiled and said: "It is OK."

Yamamoto Yuzawa said: "If this is the case, then Niely will let you take back the drugs that are ridiculous. Should there be no problem?"

Niely snorted and said: "Of course, five days is enough."

But at this moment, the night smiled and said: "Right, let's say one more thing, now the ruined division is in the virtual circle."

Friends Habach is currently in a virtual circle, the first large-scale invasion, from the virtual circle to the 瀞灵廷.

Then from the Lingling, return to the invisible empire in the shadow.

In the second large-scale invasion, it will arrive from the shadow to reach the Lingling.

"It turned out to be."

Yamamoto’s Liuzhai’s eyes started, and he said coldly: “Declaration of war? At that time, the initiative to engage in war may not necessarily be on them.”

With the invading drugs, Yan Lingting will not sit still, and since they want to attack, how can they put the battlefield at their home court.

The night said: "The things I want to convey have been done, and the rest will be handed over to you. Be careful, destroy the strength of the division, very powerful."

Yamamoto Yukizawa snorted and said: "Is the Puyuan Xizhu even aware of this?"

I smiled at the night and said, "Okay."

Leaving this sentence, the night disappeared and disappeared. Yamamoto Yuzawa said: "Niely, develop a way to prevent the relief from being taken away, and teach you, and strive to do it five days ago."

Niely sneered and said: "You can do it in three days."

Yamamoto Yuenai nodded and said: "Well, the other captains go back to prepare for a full-scale war."


. . .

At night, I left the Lingling, and went straight to the gate. After arriving in the world, I arrived at the city of Namu.

The night came to the huge warehouse in the city of Mingmu, went to the corner and walked down.

I came to the underground training ground and walked over to the figure in the night and said, "I have told them things."

"Trouble you for a night."

The figure said softly.

The night smiled and said: "Xia Yan, your goal is to destroy the division."

This figure is Xia Yan, compared with him a year ago, the current Xia Yan, tall and tall, reached one meter eight, which is the result of horizontal evolution, height, muscle tissue density, and responsiveness, have reached the limit .

But Xia Yan's body is still wrapped in white armor, but only one eye is exposed in the head.

The distance is completely broken, almost the same.

Not far away, a voice sounded, "But how did you get it?"

Not far away, Puyuan, who wore a fisherman's hat, asked curiously.

Xia Yan said softly: "I noticed that I spoke and entered the shadow, but I was killed and fled."

Puyuan asked curiously: "Have you met friend Habach?"

Xia Yan shook her head and said: "Not a friend Habach, just a destroyer below. Because of this, I feel that the strength of Habbach is daunting."

Puyuan hi help frowned and said: "Your strength is very strong, a destroyer can beat you, and the strength of the friend Habach is so powerful."

Xia Yan waved his hand and said: "There is no difference so much. I am afraid of stunned snakes and no liberation sickles. Of course, the other party has not shown all the strength. But the strength of Friends Habach is unquestionable, so I need the power of collapse. ""

Puyuan’s eyes flashed and smiled and said: “Well, with the information you provided, you will not be passive.”

Losing the sorrow, this is a terrible result for the death.

At that time, I don't know how many deaths will die.

Having said that, Puyuan Xizhu looked at the distance and said: "And there are so many helpers."

In the place where Puyuan’s vision is, the face is broken, the surgeon is finished, and the mask is gathered, not far away.

These people are enough to destroy the martyrdom.

The Destroyer is faced with two powerful forces. What is the odds?