MTL - Blue Sky Sword-Chapter 39 Breakthrough, 2nd runner-up

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In a trance, there seemed to be a breeze in the air, and Feng Ying sensed it, opened his beautiful eyes, and slid into Feng Ying's arms.

As they get along with each other for a long time, it has long been accustomed to this opportunity to take advantage.

This is... it's here again!

The boundless spiritual energy gathered from all directions in a quiet but gentle and quick way, merged into Fengyin's body, and merged into the meridians.

But for a moment, the vortex of spiritual energy gathered in the dantian quickly took shape.

Fengyin has been tired for a while since he was enlightened for Xu Laosan and Xu Laosi that day, and found that this kind of enlightenment ability derived from the Spiritual Transformation Sutra is best used only once a day.

Of course, it doesn't have to be more than once, otherwise, the two brothers of the Xu family will not be able to act one after another on that day.

And the price of more than one time is to make the body feel hollowed out. Not only will the self-cultivation be damaged, but it will also be weak for a few days, and no matter the physical condition or the practice efficiency will be greatly reduced.

It was not until these two days that Fengyin felt that his cultivation state had returned to normal, and at the same time he had made up for the loss that night.

Although he paid such a price, he had no regrets for what he had done to Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu that night.

But please do not worry about anything else.

——This is Fengyin's life creed.

The aura gathered more and more, but Feng Yin's body at the moment was like a bottomless pit, swallowing the endless aura, like a river converging into the sea.

Fengying curled up in Fengyin's arms, closed her eyes, and seemed to be asleep, but her hair was crystal clear, but it was overflowing with brilliance.

——As time passed, Feng Yin finally got rid of the title of nanny, Feng Ying only needed to shrink in his arms to follow the practice,

At first, the little guy was very unhappy. But gradually I got used to it. Now that it has arrived, even if Feng Yin opens his clothes to lure him, the little guy is a little embarrassed, and he will not suck.

This made Fengyin sigh deeply: the child has grown up, become a big girl, and knows how to be shy...

With the luck of the wind seal...

In the yard, the leaves of the two Tie Xintang trees that had just been brought over also froze up during the flow of Peiran's spiritual energy, becoming emerald green. The leaves swayed gently, which seemed very pleasant.

Obviously, the huge amount of spiritual energy surged in this wave has benefited the two trees.

The duration of Fengyin's exercise this time is extraordinarily long. The dantian has always been like a bottomless pit, absorbing spiritual energy like a bottomless pit, but the meridians don't have that kind of swelling and pain at all.

I don't know when the meridians have grown to such an extent.

The vortex of spiritual qi gathering in the Hualing Sutra has long been formed, but the spiritual qi is still roaring in.

There is no other reason, Fengyin obviously intends to break through the innate barriers in one fell swoop during this training process.

Fengyin's judgment was correct, the innate barriers were indeed unstable, and swayed under the surging impact of Peiran's spiritual power.

In Fengyin's heart, a feeling constantly arises: cross this barrier, it will be different from now on!

This feeling is very clear and very real.

So much so that there was an impulsive emotion that couldn't wait to cross.

This wave of cultivation continued from the afternoon to the evening, always sitting still, absorbing spiritual energy in the sea...

Finally, at a certain moment, the spiritual energy stopped pouring in.

At this moment, the spiritual energy of the meridians, the spiritual energy of Dantian, seemed to be completely still... Feng Yin only felt that the eardrums of his two ears were also buzzing, and the Baihui point on the top of his head was beating slightly...

The blood in the whole body seems to be congealed...

Then, very suddenly, very suddenly...


Fengyin clearly heard a huge roaring sound in his body. Although there was no sound at all, the feeling of this explosion and roaring sound was so real.

The innate barrier is like a glass that has been smashed with a hammer, falling apart and shattering.

The road ahead, Huo Ran cave opened.

The originally static aura has a way out, like a huge reservoir of still water, suddenly pouring out like a dam burst!


Fengyin's facial features and seven orifices spurted thin bloodshots, and purple-black blood quietly seeped out of the pores all over his body.

All over the body, from head to toe.


Fengying screamed and jumped out of Fengyin's arms in a panic. It really didn't understand, it was obviously good at rubbing, why did it suddenly fall into the ditch...

Stinky baby!

The white hairs all over his body were polluted, giving off a pungent odor.


Fengying rushed up the big tree in a flash, rubbed against the tree continuously, and quickly rubbed these sticky and smelly things away from him.

The beautiful eyes are full of resentment and grievance.


It's so annoying, don't you know that people are born with a habit of cleanliness?


At this moment, Feng Yin didn't even notice that Feng Ying had run away, and he was immersed in a new feeling.

The unprecedented surging spiritual energy in his body made him instantly feel the feeling of 'I am invincible in the world'.

The mastery of one's own strength has gone a step further, and he has also gone further in his vision, hearing, and tactile acuity.

With the movement of the spiritual energy, it squeezes the meridians of the whole body, and then squeezes the small meridians of the branches, and impurities are continuously excreted from the body.

This feeling of clear ears and clear eyes and a transparent whole body is also becoming more and more obvious.

Even his whole body was stained with blood, and even his hair seemed to be coated with a thick layer of asphalt.

In this way, after ninety-nine weeks of meritorious deeds, there was a slight swelling and pain in the meridians.

Fengyin didn't dare to be neglected, so she immediately closed her eyes and did not open her eyes. She turned to look inside her own situation.

Every meridian in the body is almost visible to the naked eye. When it appears in the scope of inner vision, it is slightly visible. You can even clearly "see" your blood flowing, your heart beating, and every change in your dantian.

You can even "see" the aura rushing in from the pores of the whole body, first condensing into an awl, then entering the skin, where hundreds of rivers converge, entering the meridians, and then marching forward...

This is a very wonderful feeling.

Feng Yin felt that he was almost lost in this feeling, unable to extricate himself.

Suddenly, I felt that this accidental travel was really worth it, because in my previous life, even with the help of high-tech medical equipment, it was difficult to see such a scene, and in any case, I couldn't achieve such an understanding of my own body.

Fengyin thus gave birth to another feeling: as the cultivation level grows, what he will see in the future will become more and more detailed and larger.

For example, if the human body is regarded as the universe, ordinary people know the concept of the universe, but they don’t know the specifics. However, those who are truly advanced can see the subtleties. , which contains countless secrets, countless spaces, and countless mysteries...

And this universe can never see the edge.

It can only be said that as the cultivation level grows, there will only be more and more observations.

"At this moment, I have doubled my understanding of the popular saying in my previous life: the human body is the greatest treasure house in the world."

Fengyin gently sighed contentedly, then packed up his six senses and slowly opened his eyes...

In an instant, a strong stench of deja vu struck forcefully, and a viscous blood clot was spit out from his mouth.

I wanted to open my eyes, but I felt that my eyes couldn't be opened at all. When I touched them with my hand, I discovered a sticky layer of dirt on the outside of the eyelids, sealing them up.

"I go……"

Feng Yin had previous experience and hurriedly peeled it off with his fingers, and finally got two pieces that were semi-dry and semi-wet, super sticky, but very complete.

"Who could have imagined how much filth can be stored in a person's body, only to undergo a rebirth, and it will only take a few days for the impurities to be excreted..."

Fengyin sighed: "...It's just like the human heart, and it's not right. The filth of the human heart cannot be removed."

He finally opened his eyes and looked at the two sheets in front of him that were almost like masks. He couldn't help but the muscles on his face twitched.

Unsurprisingly, two big lumps came out from the nostrils again...

And then...then the smell was even stronger!

"I wipe..."

Feng Yin's face was full of twisted colors, because the feeling was too familiar and too unbearable, so he turned around and ran to the well.


A soft and cute voice of aggrieved Baba sounded.

Feng Ying jumped down from the tree, squatting on the ground, looking at Feng Ying with innocent and aggrieved eyes, the white hair on his body almost turned into flowers, and the strands of hair were still sticking...

The little face was wrinkled and almost twisted. It stinks and can't be washed off, which makes the little things that always love clean almost collapse.

If it wasn't for a smaller body, it would look like a man with skin all over his body... I'll go, what's wrong with you, why are you bald..."

Fengyin said halfway through, he immediately understood and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha..."


Feng Ying wrinkled her little nose, pressed Feng Yin's hand with her little paw, and turned her head to look at the things on her body that looked like leprosy.

The meaning is very clear, wash me quickly!

Too sticky, the little guy struggled for a long time, but instead of getting better, he made a mess of his hair.

"Okay, let's wash together, let's wash together."

Feng Yin picked up the little guy and rushed to the well, fetched water, and briefly heated it with a large pot; although he was not afraid of the cold, the little guy was still too young after all.

Throw the small things into the warm water, and then start rinsing yourself with cold water.

Until the moon hangs on the treetops, one person and one cat are finally washed, and their faces are radiant.

Fengying seemed to be a little afraid of the cold, curled up in his arms and kept warm against his belly. Form a circle from head to tail.

Feng Yin thought about it, and pointed a finger on the little guy's head.

Point it out!

The first time after breaking through the innate, the second time Ju Ling was enlightened and gave it to the little guy.

The little guy suddenly narrowed his eyes and fell asleep.

A burst of fresh air emerged again, followed the fingertips, and returned to Feng Yin's body.

"Huh? What is this?"

Feng Yin suddenly noticed.

This time, I have broken through the innate wind seal, but I can finally clearly feel the strangeness of this fresh air.

It immediately caught his attention.


[Tell you good news, my application for raising a cat was finally approved. quack quack...]