MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 296 Divine Doctor, 1 paragraph [2 in 1]

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"How?" Feng Yin's heart tightened.

"Death looms over a large area... This battle is destined to be unavoidable."

The phantom silkworm fell down indifferently: "Give me energy."

The transcendent existence of the phantom silkworm, where would he care about the turmoil of wars between secular humans.

The life and death of human beings can no longer cause any fluctuations in his emotions.

The only thing that can make it care about is detachment, only energy, and all the other things are gone.

But Feng Yin was disappointed.

This is... is it really going to start?

The two generations of people still know how terrible the war is. Once the war begins, it will be more than appalling and devastated.

The truth of the war has never been the romance of the legendary soldiers, let alone the legend of men. It is the flesh and blood ladder of emperors and generals.

That is the foundational way of supreme authority!

That is the loss of countless family pillars.

It was the loss of countless lives.

But throughout the ages, in any world plane, the only thing that cannot be avoided is war, all kinds of war.

Compared with Fengyin, Cat Emperor and others are much calmer.

Cloud powerhouses are not allowed to participate in secular warfare.

Well, it would be more appropriate to say that it is not allowed, or that it is disdainful to participate.

Soldiers against soldiers against generals, even if there are strong players in the cloud, they are all strategic weapons, and the significance of deterrence is far greater than the significance of actual participation in war.

"Don't worry so much."

The Cat Emperor sighed slightly and said, "In our long life, we have seen too many human wars. At the beginning, it is natural to feel sorry for it, but... because we have seen too many, we have already seen too many wars. indifferent."

"One life..."

The Cat Emperor smiled wryly and shook his head: "Especially a life that has nothing to do with me... It's really nothing, Feng Yin, do you understand, or rather know... Who cares about life the most?"

Fengyin asked blankly, "Who?"

"It's not a general, it's not a soldier, it's not a powerhouse in the cloud. The people who really don't care about their lives are actually those so-called in power, those in positions of authority. In the eyes of those people, for the so-called hegemony, the lives of millions and tens of millions of people are Their romance. You don't really think that being approachable and having fun with the people is true?!"

"Your Majesty's words are really... spicy."

Fengyin thought for a while, and answered such a sentence out of nowhere, with a rare sense of bleakness in his tone.

The cat emperor smiled bitterly and said, "The people in power I just mentioned... are not just human beings."

"the same!"

Dong Xiaoyan sneered and said: "Whether it is a country, a sect, a demon clan, a gang or something, whoever wants to establish and stand for a long time, which one is not accompanied by countless sacrifices? It even has to go through generations without knowing how many people have served one after another. Only by making sacrifices can they succeed. In fact, these successful people are still lucky, because there are more people in their generation who have sacrificed everything and still fail to succeed. !"

"The dead have no complaints and no regrets, and the living continue to struggle until the moment of death. Those who are sad and sad for this are actually irrelevant people. Only in the prosperous world under the great rule, there are many moral shackles appearing and nitpicking. , in a partial generalization.”

Hanhan's words made the Cat Emperor speechless for a while.

"Don't look at my Tianjian Cloud Palace now known as the chief of the world's famous sects, but at the beginning of its establishment, it was promoted step by step, and it took a long time of 11,500 years! People began to die from the beginning, and they continue to die! After so many years, not to mention the ordinary cultivators of the low-level and middle-level, they are the warriors of the cloud level, and thousands of people have also fallen. This is the truth, this is the reality. "

"These many casualties may not be worth it to outsiders, because the dead are nothing. But today's Tianjian Cloud Palace stands at the top of the world, and this is the meaning of their sacrifice. "

Dong Xiaoyan said: "I used to be ignorant and ignorant about this. Until one day, my father specifically told me a paragraph. I have always remembered it. Every time I think of it, I always remember it and imprint my soul."

The Cat Emperor asked with interest: "What? Since it was said by the Palace Master Yun, it must be gold and jade!"

Dong Xiaoyan said in a low voice: "At that time my father said... In fact, death and sacrifice have the same result, they are both perishing. But sacrifice is more valuable. It must be known that in life, even if you enter the Taoist practice, you will inevitably go to death. This ending , No one can be an exception. So, do you choose to sacrifice for the family, for the sect, for the career, for the country, for the nation? Or do you choose to die in an ordinary life?"

"Since it's a dead word in the end, why not let yourself die more valuable?"

Dong Xiaoyan said: "My father also said that whether it is a warrior or an ordinary person, if death is worthwhile, then this life is worthwhile."

"Whether it's an ordinary person or a martial artist, whether it's a thousand years old or a hundred years old, the root of it... Everyone is still the same!"

The Cat Emperor sighed and said, "Your father, right up to Guanqiao, is so reasonable."

Fengyin nodded and said, "Well, it does have depth."

Dong Xiaoyan was triumphant, and said to Fengyin: "Of course there is depth, you will definitely not be able to say this."

Fengyin said: "To sum up, it is very easy to say that no one has died in life since ancient times, and they will keep their hearts and minds in the history!"

Dong Xiaoyan and Cat King's eyes lit up together: "These two sentences summed up really... it's really... wonderful!"

The eyes of the two women looking at Fengyin were a bit of admiration and admiration.

"I didn't expect you to come up with such a sentence... My father said something earnestly and earnestly for a long time, but he was actually summed up in one sentence by you... It was summed up clearly, and it was even sublimated..."

Dong Xiaoyan's eyes were full of little stars, as if she was thinking of something, without saying a word, she ran into the room and took a pen and paper, wrote it down, and said proudly: "I'll write a letter to my father later, Copy his theory on it, and then put your two sentences at the back to shock him!"

Fengyin shook his head triumphantly, and was full of arrogance, feeling that he was forced to pretend to be home.

The cat emperor really sighed and left.

Originally, I was discussing a very serious and heavy topic just a moment ago, but with a variation, the style of painting changed sharply, and it evolved into this mellow thing with a big...

What is this called!

However, the cat emperor also understands that Fengyin looks cynical, but in fact, as Dong Xiaoyan's father said, in this world, there is always value and meaning in life.

And Fengyin's value positioning for himself is: it can make this world better and cleaner. Do your best, do your best!

"You're not going to stand idly by."

The cat emperor was in the room, looking at the unconscious husband and sister-in-law, and muttered something.

Dong Xiaoyan picked up Fengying and played.

I don't know what happened, probably after eating Xiantan last time, Feng Ying's hostility towards Dong Xiaoyan suddenly eased a lot, and gradually developed to the point where they could play together often.

This change made Feng Yin feel even more surprised, because Miss Feng is strictly forbidden to touch other creatures except herself and Cat Emperor, including Uncle Zhuang and Aunt Zhuang.

He Xiangming hugged her all of a sudden that day, but Feng Ying had held her grudges for a long time. She knew that she still hated her now. Every time He Xiangming came to the door, she was not seen by Feng Ying, but she still didn't know where she had offended Feng Ying.

Fengyin pondered for a while, and came to the conclusion that Dong Xiaoyan's careless and selfless character, as long as they get along for a long time, no one can resist, even Miss Feng is a rare exception.

Thinking about it carefully, Dong Xiaoyan's character is really unpleasant.

Well, although Feng Ying accepted Dong Xiaoyan to play with herself, she was still the big sister from before with Ice Phoenix.

Even though Ice Phoenix has made rapid progress in this period of time, it is still not as good as Feng Ying, so she can only be beaten by the elder sister.

However, Fengyin did not have many surprises about this. There were few such things in the past, such as the little eagle, the little falcon and the little snake. Who can be an exception, even if you are a phoenix, what can you do?

What Feng Yin is really looking forward to now is actually another thing.

According to the cat emperor: "...The little guy is about to have nine tails. I am afraid that after his nine tails are completed, he will change shape."

Well, what the cat emperor said was quietly told to Fengyin alone.

Because Fengying was unwilling to tell Fengyin about it.

This little guy seems to have a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he seems a little unwilling to change shape.

Fengyin asked why, and the cat emperor didn't understand this, but said that the little guy was very resistant to changing shape, and his mood was unprecedentedly low.

Fengyin also talked to the little guy twice for this. The little guy ignored the whole process and didn't respond. He pretended not to understand. What can I do?

"What did she say?"

Feng Yin asked the cat emperor.

"I just asked, what the transformation looks like now." The Cat Emperor recalled.

"Then how did you answer?"

"I said, she must be a pretty girl who looks like a fairy!"

Cat King Road.


Feng Yin frowned: "That shouldn't be contradictory."

"Yes, I also feel that what I said is not wrong, so I feel strange!" The Cat Emperor was also puzzled by this.

"...Wait, maybe, maybe it's just that your nature can't be changed for a while?"

Fengyin said understandingly: "After all, I got used to my kitten form, and after I transformed, I became a human being, Ying'er lived for too short a time, and I couldn't accept it in my mind, but it's not too unusual! "

The cat emperor frowned. From the point of view of the demon clan, she felt that this was not the reason, nor should it be the reason, but the current situation is that Feng Ying refused to say anything, just blindly silent , of course it is difficult to draw conclusions.

But this made the cat emperor more and more uneasy, but no matter what, there is still room for manoeuvre in this matter, the little guy transforms, no hurry!

As Fengyin said, Fengying has only lived a little longer in total, and is just over a year old. What's the hurry?

As long as it doesn't activate the transformation mode, it won't lead to thunder calamity, and it doesn't matter if it takes a while.

Speaking of which, if Fengying is so young, it is about to transform into shape. Not to mention the future, but it must be unprecedented, there is no ancient person, um, there is no ancient demon!

Seeing that the Cat Emperor had no objection, Feng Yin of course chose to follow the little guy's wishes.

Because if she transforms into a little girl of one or two years old... I guess Feng Ying thinks so too, right?

Yuezhou shook again.

The high-level cultivator's treatment has come to an end again. The reason is the same as before, the medicine primer has been exhausted again, and it is completely gone.

Fengshen doctor bluntly said that he was going to go out to look for it again, but this time was different from the previous time, and the return date was uncertain.

Well, the more specific explanation is that this time, the genius doctor may want to go deep into the demon continent area, cross the 100,000 mountains, traverse the ten thousand demon plains, and search for the medicine introduction.

This trip is really high and long, and the return date is unknown.

For this reason, I can only say sorry to the patient, and wait until I find the medicine introduction and come back, and then conduct a free clinic in Yuezhou.

This announcement immediately caused bursts of boiling.

Many people are simply dumbfounded.

It looks like it's about to be my turn, why is it... gone?

When the Fengshen doctor dispensed the medicine for the last time, he only had seven elixir.

But just these seven pills instantly detonated the market. For this reason, someone simply offered the sky-high price of one million taels of gold, intending to buy a low-level pill.

But still priceless.

While people are lining up, there are those who are praying and those who are ready to go. There are not a few people who are willing to fight and break the rules!

Eyes full of confusion.

Some people were beaten because of a disagreement, and some people were praying, praying for the doctor to come back sooner!

This world needs such good people, the more the better.

But no matter what, the genius doctor never appeared again after the last announcement.

It was also in the morning that something happened next door to Fengyin's old house.

All the servants of the old couple next door, that is, the heroes of the rivers and lakes, disappeared collectively.

Live without people and dead without corpses, and disappear cleanly.

Feng Yin was surprised by this.

What's the matter, is this? Why is it so weird? !

The cat emperor was very secretive and vague about this.

"Those people aren't good people anyway; if you want them dead, they're dead. If you want them alive, or doing some sort of mission...they're alive."

"Life and death are just a matter of one thought. I can't take it all seriously when I see it. If I don't see it, I forget it."

This statement is too vague, too cloudy and foggy.

Fengyin can't make any conclusions about this.

"Why do you have to have a conclusion? Why do you need to do this and assume cause and effect!"

The cat emperor said meaningfully.

So Fengyin is not sure in the end, are those people alive? Still dead?

Attributing it to a case of confusion, no one cares anyway.

During this period of time, although there were countless living people in Yuezhou, there were also many dead people. Although many of them were famous guests of Jun Tianjian, there were also many people who went unintelligible, not only in the old house next door.

So far, the turmoil of the genius doctor in Yuezhou seems to have come to an end for the time being, and only countless people are still feeling it.

How many people in this world can live as pure as Fengshenyi?

A great love.

Full of compassion.

Save the world.

Living Buddha in this world!

Although the genius doctor is no longer in Yuezhou, it is because he collects medicines to prepare for a better and more universal world in the future.

Although the genius doctor is gone, his reputation is only getting bigger and bigger, which is directly a trend of being promoted to the altar.

All people make gods!

Physician is God!

What kind of conspiracy is the State of Yan, who set up all kinds of conspiracies and plots against the genius doctor, what did the genius doctor say?

He just waved his sleeves and floated away, never saying a word for himself from beginning to end, let alone any excuse!

All the troubles in the world seem to be no longer in the eyes of Fengshenyi.

Even the so-called remuneration received, nine times out of ten, are also sold at the conscience grocery store.

The genius doctor didn't take anything away, he just walked on the road, following the path of medicine.

If it must be said that the genius doctor has something on his way, it should be a small amount of top-quality spirit crystals.

All the high-level genius treasures have been refined into elixir, and they have all been turned into pills that save people!

The genius doctor walked away and walked away with a breeze, so high and bright, wouldn't it make people look up to the mountains and admire them from the heart.

Countless people thought of this, and their eyes were red.

"Divine Doctor... It's really a living **** in the world, a bodhisattva who saves the world!"

"Treat thousands of patients and save countless people who have been interrupted. When they arrive, they have not paid a cent, and they have worked tirelessly to find more life in other places... This kind of sentiment... I am ashamed."

"I'm ashamed too."

"As long as in the future, if someone dares to smear the genius doctor and say something strange, I must fight for him. Don't blame me for not saying anything!"

Someone swears in tears.

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

"Me too!"


After all, the genius doctor left, leaving only a well-known legend that was passed down to future generations.

"a bit tired."

Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan walked out of the city side by side. They were going to see the situation on the battlefield. In this regard, it was still difficult for Fengyin to completely abandon it.

Even if you know that, it will only make you feel more uncomfortable.

And it is absolutely impossible for him to bear the loss of tens of thousands of pills every day in the army, or even more...

But even so, Fengyin is still not at ease, that is, he does nothing, does not intervene in this matter at all, and still intends to go and see.

After all, in his heart, he had already regarded Wu Tiejun, Fei Xinyu and others as friends.

"Just go have a look, just look at it."

Dong Xiaoyan didn't scoff at Fengyin's words, but gave him a gentle look.

Through this period of contact, Dong Xiaoyan already knew Feng Yin very well.

This young man is actually a combination of contradictions in his bones.

When dealing with the enemy, he can talk, laugh and kill without changing his face, and his heart is cold and hard.

And when dealing with the vast majority of people in this world, he often poses a cynical look to face it, as if he has nothing in his heart.

It also seems that he himself is separated from the whole world and is out of tune.

He is him, the world is the world, two incompatible individuals, completely different things.

But in the face of the people he cares about, his friends, and the people he recognizes, he is softer than anyone else.

For the true love in the world, this is a person who can only gain but not lose.

Dong Xiaoyan once heard her father Dong Canglan comment on this kind of person: In fact, this kind of person is very tired and tired in this world.


Dong Xiaoyan sighed in her heart, and her small hand gently held Fengyin's hand, soft and greasy, and said with a soft smile, "Okay, then let's go and see."

All the way.

"Why do you want to release the news that the genius doctor has left Yuezhou?"

"Isn't it good? It's the end of a phase!"

"Um... that's fine too."

"Well, I think so too."

"But there should be other reasons for you to make such a choice, right?"

"One of the reasons is that the progress of my cultivation during this period of time is really too slow. Until now, it is less than the fourth grade of heaven, and my cultivation is shallow..."

"Hey... don't say this to the outside world, others will definitely beat you when they hear it. Your progress has been very fast, very fast, super fast! Even faster than my original progress, it is still much faster. kind!"

"But I just think it's slow, so I have to redouble my efforts to cultivate and get rid of foreign affairs. Naturally, it is the best mode of hard work."

"That said, it's not a bad thing to be diligent."

"The other thing is... every time I see a patient, I can always hear their stories and experiences. I really don't want to hear them... Hey, but we treat people who are not on the chase list, and the reason why these people are injured , a large part of the reason is caused by the fight with those on the list..."

"Huh? So what?"

"So after seeing it a lot, I'm in a bad mood."

"Will you be in a bad mood?"

"Yes, I always feel that good people are not rewarded, but why are good people not rewarded, where is the justice?"

"I advise you to stop worrying about this. The rivers and lakes have been like this a long time ago; if we are blindly entangled in this, it will be difficult to move on the rivers and lakes, for sure."

"I feel like the world shouldn't be like this."

"Then how should you feel?"

"Well...the old can be depended on, the young can be nurtured, the strong can be useful, the disabled can be reliable; the injustice can be sued, the Tao can be done; the good and the evil can be rewarded, the law can be followed; the strong can be followed, the weak can live , the world is in harmony, everyone is equal. There is no natural disaster, no disaster, life and death are free."

Feng Yin pondered, and slowly read out a sentence.

He said softly, "This is my ideal world."

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned, and said with fascination: "If there is such a world, who would work so hard to practice? If there is such a world, even if it is just like an ordinary person who is at ease and comfortable. After a few decades, this life will not be in vain."

She sighed softly, UU reading www. said: "Unfortunately, this is an illusion after all, an unrealistic fantasy."

Feng Yin looked into the distance with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Unrealistic fantasy? That's not necessarily the case, as far as I know, there is such a world. It's not much different from the ideal world I said, um, it should be said It's pretty close."

"Really? Is there really such a world?"

Dong Xiaoyan's eyes flashed brightly: "Where is where?"

"Practice hard, wait until we practice to a high enough level, or one day, I..."

Feng Yin said in a low voice: "...I took you to see it."


【. 】

(End of this chapter)