MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2254 Double Dragon!

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The second two hundred and fifty-four chapters of the double dragon!

Between the strong, you don't need to do it directly, you can deeply understand the strength of each other.

At least at this moment, Xiao Zheng can feel the terrorist strength of Zhao Wei. Even if he is just a gas field, it is slightly revealed. It is enough to make Xiao Zheng have a comprehensive understanding of him.

This is a strong person who has never seen or experienced it.

A true god-level powerhouse!

How powerful is he? Xiao Zheng did not know much. But he believes that he can witness this powerful existence tonight.

Moreover, he has to challenge alone!

Above the Buddhist temple, the atmosphere suddenly became cold and abnormal. A strong temperament spread from Zhao Wei. It is as if it is the core of a tornado. It takes a lot of courage to be close.

Ye Yuhua sees that the situation is about to lose control. Her heart has also sunk.

She is not a circle, but she can guess the power of Zhao Wei. He can wait for everyone to come here with his own strength. How strong is his strength?

Ye Yuhua does not want this to start. But she has no way to stop it. She knows that Zhao Wei will not let Xiao Zheng go, she also knows that Xiao Zheng will not be merciful to Zhao Wei.

So how should she choose?

She didn't have to choose! Because she is not a strong enough strong person.

However, the old monk is.

As the strongest of the eight, as an old monk who has already stepped into the rank of a master, he can stand up at this moment.

"You should give me an explanation first." The old monk stood up and stared at Zhao Wei. "How did my father die?"

Zhao Wei seems to have expected the old monk to come forward, but he just said coldly: "Your father's death is what your brother did. You ran to ask me what?"

"It may not be directly related to you. But it must be irrelevant to you. Isn't it?" The old monk's facial expression was very cold. A rush of effort was released from him.

This is a sign that we are about to prepare for the war.

Xiao Zheng has a slight glimpse. Feel the old monk to block this robbery for himself. But he does not allow such things to happen.

He can even imagine that if he is really shot by an old monk, he may confess his life here.

But when Xiao Zheng was preparing to speak, the old monk said again: "Zhao Wei, I want to challenge you."

As a strong, as a god-level powerhouse.

Zhao Wei has no reason to reject the challenge of another strongman. What's more, Zhao Wei has absolute confidence to defeat any of these two. Even if it is a wheel battle, he has absolute certainty.

This is the psychological quality that a god-level powerhouse should have. This is why he has to make such a dragon.

Because he is strong enough.

Because he has absolute confidence to face the strong who appears before him.

"Okay. I accept your challenge." Zhao Wei said, look back at Xiao Zheng. "You wait a moment."


What he said was waiting a moment.

This means that in Zhao Yan’s eyes, it is not necessary to wait too long to defeat or kill the old monk. Perhaps, just a few tricks?

The old monk was not irritated by Zhao Wei’s madness.

In the early years of practicing meditation in Fengmingshan, he had already extinguished the anger of his heart. Now, he is quiet like a pine, and it is hard to have something to irritate him.

A formidable strongman is even less likely to make his emotions move.

He knew that he had to come up with all the energy to have a battle.

God-level powerhouse?

That is a hopeful presence. Even for the old monk, it cannot be easily ignored.

Xiao Zheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Can take advantage of the old monk's persevering face. He knows that no matter what he says, he can't stop this.

Sometimes, for a strong person, dignity is more important than life.

If Xiao Zhengqiang obstructs the absolute between the strong, it may not be understood by the old monk. Will be complained and even resentful.

It is as if Lao Lin has never stopped his duel with anyone.

The dignity of the strong is not to be trampled upon.

It is worth defending with life.

Xiao Zheng silently retreated to the side, he must wait for the old monk to finish this battle before he can continue.

He came to Ye Yuhua's side and whispered: "The strength of the mother-in-law, Bai Shu, is still guaranteed."

"He is not more secure?" Ye Yuhua glanced at Zhao Wei. There is no resentment or discomfort in the eyes.

She can understand Zhao's mood.

The hatred has been backlogged for half a century, and it is really easy to drive people crazy.

"Is there still me?" Xiao Zheng smiled slightly, and his heart was also worried about the old monk.

He hasn't started working for a long time.

Every time I start, it seems like a storm. Xiao Zheng does not question the strength of the old monk, but like Ye Yuhua, he is more confident in the strength of Zhao Wei.

This is a very bad idea and a signal that is extremely unfavorable to the old monk.

Everyone thinks that the old monk will definitely lose to Zhao Wei.

What is the price of losing?

Xiao Zheng’s palms sweated slightly. His face has become more and more dignified.

Zhao Yan looked at the old monk with no expression, and the old monk stared at Zhao Wei with the same expression.

They are like two statues that don't move.

But as long as they move, it may be the offensive that destroys the earth.

Zhao Wei does not seem to be eager to start, he just said slowly: "I heard that you are the strongest?"

"I don't care about this." The old monk shook his head.

"But you must be complacent about this, right?" Zhao said.

"This is just your personal thought." The old monk seems to be old. The look is as usual. "You are not me, you can't use your thoughts to rate me."

"As a monk, people have become hypocritical." Zhao Wei said slowly. "You were not so humble at the time."

"People will always change." The old monk said as always.

"But I won't." Zhao's momentum suddenly skyrocketed. "From the day I left China, I made an oath. The only purpose of this life is to revenge. In the same year, the Zhao family was vengeful by the blood of yours!"


Zhao moved.

Like an iron tower, he suddenly swayed toward the old monk.

In an instant, the overwhelming sense of oppression swept over. Even Xiao Zheng, who stood on the side, felt the incredibly powerful atmosphere.

What's more, is the old monk in it?

The old monk did not have much movement until Zhao Wei rushed to him, and his naturally falling hands were slowly lifted.

The left hand is slightly raised and the right hand is pulled back.

For a moment, the old monk showed a new upgraded version of the dragon hand that Xiao Zheng had never seen before!

Use both hands together, as if two dragons roared out. Destroy the sky!

Sorry to the friend who saw my circle of friends. It is necessary to have three chapters tomorrow. And will end the update before lunch.

Ps: Recently returned to the elderly to rest, rest at 7 or 8 in the evening, get up at 4 or 5 in the morning to eat breakfast, buy food and cook...