MTL - Boneless Incense-Chapter 63

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  Chapter 63

  Chapter 61

  A flash of lightning pierced the night sky outside, illuminating the sky and the earth as if it were day.

  Shen Mo knew that Jiang Xiaosi and Mo Yang didn't go back to stay in the store today, so he didn't dare to be careless and stayed outside. The rain poured down from the eaves and wet his trouser legs. He could monitor their every move, but he couldn't do anything, he could only grit his teeth and scold Jiang Xiaosi, an idiot, a thousand times in concern! If he had known that they were developing so fast, he should have told her Mo Yang's real identity. But he also knows that as long as Jiang Xiaosi really likes her, no identity can stop her.

  But at this moment, a shrill scream came from upstairs.

  The blood all over Shen Mo's body froze immediately, he broke into the door and went straight upstairs.

  I saw Mo Yang laying on the ground twitching, with a golden five-claw hook inserted on his back. And Jiang Xiaosi retreated to the corner, looking at Shen Mo with wide eyes, obviously quite surprised by his sudden intrusion.

"How did you come!"

Shen Mo didn't know what happened just now. He was only worried about whether Jiang Xiaosi was injured. He rushed over quickly, but he didn't expect to bump into a transparent light wall and was bounced back. When he looked down, the ground was wrapped with red wires. After a circle, one end of the thread was still in Jiang Xiaosi's hand, and he couldn't help roaring loudly: "Jiang Xiaosi! What are you doing!"

  Jiang Xiaosi trembled, she had never seen Shen Mo get so angry, his body was half wet, his hair was sticking to his face, the veins on his neck burst, and he punched **** the light wall.

At this time, Mo Yang on the ground was desperately raising his hand to pull out the five-claw hook on his back. Jiang Xiaosi looked a little flustered and didn't have time to explain to Shen Mo. Both Mo Yang and Mo Yang were locked inside, and they couldn't get out of it for a while.

   It's important to stop him first. Jiang Xiaosi took out the silver chain that he had prepared earlier in the morning from the bedside table, and carefully stepped forward two steps, trying to tie Mo Yang up.

  Shen Mo was horrified, only then did he realize that Jiang Xiaosi knew that Mo Yang was Messing, and getting close to him was just a trick. Gosh! Could it be that she took such a big risk just to help him catch Messing? Did she think she could control Messing by herself? The idiot! Shen Mo bit his finger and desperately wrote talismans on the light wall.

  At this time, the almost invisible figure of the little ghost suddenly flew out of the cradle. He looked around in confusion, not knowing what happened when he was just sleeping. He felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, but he didn't want to leave Jiang Xiaosi. It was hard for someone in this world to treat him well. Jiang Xiaosi was also taken aback, she clearly let the kid stay at home on purpose today. Fearing that he would be hurt by Mo Yang, he hurriedly told him to hide behind him.

Although Mo Yang was protected by the purple seal coat of arms, he only suffered a little flesh injury, but the five claws were quite powerful, penetrating through his heart and bones, nailing his soul to this body so that he could not get out . His face was already ferocious, and there seemed to be fire burning all over his body. Seeing that Jiang Xiaosi wanted to bind him with a silver chain, he swung his palm away. The power was not small. Clothes were still charred.

   "Xiao Si!" Shen Mo's heart almost jumped into his throat outside.

  Jiang Xiaosi chanted the formula, and threw the silver chain at Mo Yang. As soon as he touched it, he wrapped himself around his body like a snake, and tightened it tighter. She borrowed these things from Miaoyan. Fortunately, everything went smoothly as she imagined, although the appearance of the kid and Shen Mo was not in her plan.

  Mo Yang was like a trapped animal, trying his best to jump out of the window frantically, trying to escape, but hit the light wall heavily and fell to the ground. Jiang Xiaosi didn't expect that he could still have such great strength when he was restrained like this. Fortunately, he set up an enchantment. Seeing that Mo Yang was finally restrained, she picked up the red thread in shock and wanted to untie it to let Shen Mo in, but the knot was too tight, and the dagger kept cutting, so she had to bite her teeth hard.

  But Shen Mo yelled: "Xiao Si! Be careful!"

  Jiang Xiaosi turned his head in a hurry, and saw that Mo Yang had stood up, his body muscles were bulging high, and the chain was broken with a thump.

  Jiang Xiaosi opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and saw that the five-claw gilt hook on his back had been pulled out, and it was now in the hands of the little ghost.

   "Little devil, you..."

   Seeing Jiang Xiaosi's expression, the little ghost realized that he seemed to have done something bad, and quickly threw the hook on the ground.

  At this moment, Mo Yang's eyes were bloodshot, he walked up to Jiang Xiaosi and slapped him.

   "Xiao Si!" Shen Mo concentrated all his strength to push the light wall away like crazy, and finally saw the light wall cracked slowly along the lines of the talisman, and then shattered and cracked like glass, and his hands were **** with sharp strokes.

   But there was no rush, Jiang Xiaosi was forced to retreat by the heat wave all over Mo Yang, and the kid threw himself in front of her desperately to stop her. But Mo Yang's palm pierced straight through his soul, and after only a little delay, he slapped Jiang Xiaosi's right shoulder hard.

  The yellow light of the amulet on Jiang Xiaosi's body and the purple light of the beads flashed, and he took off most of the force, but Jiang Xiaosi still spurted out a mouthful of blood, flew out, hit the wall heavily, and fell down again.

  Before she could catch her breath, Mo Yang kicked up again, but was knocked away by Shen Mo who was standing in front of her two meters away.

   "Meixing!" Shen Mo yelled angrily, and flew forward, grabbed his left arm with one hand, and forcibly pulled out the purple seal embedded in the flesh, blood and flesh splattered for a moment.

  Meixing's soul also escaped from Mo Yang's body. Looking at the furious Shen Mo, he knew that he was not his opponent and finally escaped, so it was better to go. So it flew out of the window like an arrow leaving the string, and disappeared in the rain instantly.

  Although this is the best chance for revenge, Shen Mo can't care less about chasing him, but nervously checks Jiang Xiaosi's injuries.

  Jiang Xiaosi stared straight ahead, and called a brat.

  The little ghost used all his power to weaken Mo Yang's palm, and was severely injured. Now he looked down at his body distorted like smoke, and knew that he could no longer stay in this world. Mo Yang knew before that he was reluctant to leave Jiang Xiaosi, and said that he had a way to help him stay by Jiang Xiaosi's side forever, but he had to listen to him no matter what in the future. That's why he listened to his order just now and pulled out the five-claw hook on his body.

He only saw that Jiang Xiaosi was in a relationship with him, and the two had a very good relationship, so he didn't know that this was Jiang Xiaosi's trick, and he didn't know that the hook on Mo Yang was Jiang Xiaosi inserted into it while the two were kissing. When he went up, he asked him to pull it out, but he didn't expect to be used to cause a catastrophe, and even injured Jiang Xiaosi.

  He felt guilty, but he didn't want to leave Jiang Xiaosi just like that.

  Mom, come with me.

  The little ghost suddenly turned into a gust of dark wind, wrapped around Jiang Xiaosi's left little finger, trying to hook her soul.

   "Evil! You still want to harm people!" Shen Mo was furious, and the purple seal in his hand suddenly became bigger, and it was heavily pressed down on the ghost baby!

   "Don't!" Jiang Xiaosi yelled sadly, stretching out his hands to protect him. But the little ghost let out a high-pitched cry the moment it was touched by the seal, and then disappeared instantly, leaving nothing behind.

  Shen Mo, still in shock, stepped forward and hugged the weeping Jiang Xiaosi in his arms, his hands were trembling slightly, with an indescribable fear in his heart.

   "Little ghost, why did you kill him..." Jiang Xiaosi kept struggling and kicking, she could understand the little ghost's dependence on her, he was reluctant to part with him, that's why he wanted to die together if he couldn't live together. The little ghost is ignorant at all, why did Shen Mo kill him!

  Shen Mo didn't speak, but held her tightly in his arms. He almost lost her!

   "Demons, ghosts, death is not a pity, I only want you to live well."

  Shen Mo had a serious expression on his face, his embrace was warmer than before, but Jiang Xiaosi couldn't help shivering fiercely.

  (end of this chapter)