MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 15 Posted gold thighs 3

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Zhao Bowen couldn't take care of the oil stains on his hands. He raised his hand and used the power of grabbing to get the information. He seriously looked through it.

Seeing that he was fascinated, Qing Yun did not remind him, stood up and handed him a business card: "After reading, you decide."

“Hey, hey!!”

Zhao Bowen pointed at the information in his hand and was shocked. As the debris in his head shook his mouth and sprayed directly, he was immediately attracted by the information.

Qingyun chuckled and didn't pay any attention to him. He went back along the way. This information covers the anticancer mechanism, pharmacological effects, preparation methods and other aspects of an anticancer drug. It is the result of these days.

It's not that he has a lot of achievements in the field of biomedicine. Qingyun is a lingering sickbed for nearly a million years. His drugs are so fascinating. Even if there is a slight limit in the use of this world, it is not difficult to link some magical prescriptions with modern medical knowledge with the ability of Qingyun.

The reason why he is looking for Zhao Bowen is to set up a shield for himself.

After all, Xiao Chengnuo’s management major is inconsistent with the pharmaceutical gossip, and how come back to these endless ideas.

According to the original world trend, it is Xiao Chengzhe who excavated Zhao Bowen. He has a good understanding of Zhao Bowen, and through Zhao Bowen's achievements in the field of medicine, he has pushed his company to a higher level and officially entered the top 500 in the world.

Qing Yun found Zhao Bowen, but he did not only let him follow his own ideas. This information is only a reminder to Zhao Bowen. Qing Yun believes that with his talent, he will do better and go further.

But all of this has nothing to do with Xiao Chengzhe.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the dawn of Qingyun is slowly becoming intolerant.

Someone followed him.

When Qingyun came out from the residence, she noticed that someone was staring, because she did not feel malicious.

But whether it is Xiaofu or someone sent by other people, this kind of behavior is enough to make Qingyun unhappy.

Shaking off the snowflake on the scarf, Qingyun gently sighed a white air, and seemed to turn around.

A commercial car came and just stopped at Qingyun.

The window slowly descends, revealing the Zou "flying 铄涞 铄涞 郏蚩 郏蚩 郏蚩 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 湓 饷胬洹 饷胬洹 饷胬洹 饷胬洹 饷胬洹 饷胬洹 饷胬洹 饷胬洹

Qingyun slightly raised his eyebrows and turned out to be the man. Sweeping through the man's cold and swaying enthusiasm, Qingyun suddenly became clear. Only one side, he did not expect that this man actually got his heart.

However, it is also said that he is wrong in the first place, stupidly admits the wrong person.

"Forget it." Qingyun coveted his head and shook his head.

Unexpectedly, the man reached out to catch Qingyun's wrist and pulled the man into the car with a toughness.

Qingyun’s eyes are small and his body has been completely transformed. This man can surprise him by accidentally catching him. Qing Yun could not help but be more cautious.

"The hand is so ice, don't know how to wear thick?" Surprised in the touch of the hand, Zou" Fan Huimei 辶 辶 迕 迕 迕 焓 焓 鞲 鞲 鞲 鞲 鞲 恪 恪 恪 恪

Qingyun made a clever move to break free of his wrists and looked at the man with dissatisfaction: "Who are you?"

The person who is staring at him today is estimated to be related to this man.

Hearing his question, Zou’s 鲎 鲎 钔 钔 钔 钔 ζ鹄矗 ζ鹄矗 ζ鹄矗 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 ┬碛湓 崮诨氐矗 浞 趴盏鞯呐纾鸬 趴盏鞯呐纾鸬 趴盏鞯呐纾鸬 浞 浞 浞

The displeasure in Qingyun’s eyes was a little deeper.

"How? This is so confident that the fact that you throw away my business card is really good? Xiao Er less." Zou" boiled and played zinc 吭谧

He was relaxed at this moment, and God knows how violent his temper and how many cups he fell before seeing the youth. These days, the entire Zou's consortium knows that its own president is ill, and both up and down are chilling.

With Zou's 硖宓氖嬲 硖宓氖嬲 硖宓氖嬲 龀 崮诓慷 致 致 潘 潘 潘 潘 潘 潘 潘 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙 烙

"You didn't know my identity without my consent?" Qingyun gave him a sigh of relief. His current situation is only strange. He knows that this man can't be underestimated. He has always hinted that he has erected his heart, but all his defenses have collapsed in the words of men.

This feeling of being beyond control makes Qing Yun extremely uncomfortable.

Zou "诽裘 a a a spring valley emblem 饷 window edge 雒 雒 only 剐枰 猓

“Would you like to open a pharmaceutical company?” He suddenly turned to Qingyun. “Would you like me to help?”

In fact, not only Qingyun’s recent plans, even Xiao Chengzhe’s affairs, Xiao’s attitude, and Qing’s situation in Xiao’s family, Zou’s Fan’s sputum 宥 暇 运 矸荩 矸荩 矸荩 ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷

"Oh? It's so eloquent to reveal the fact that you are monitoring me. Is it really good?" Qingyun's eyes swept away in a cool, but his mouth was awkwardly imitating his sentence.

"Zou" penalty industry to take the frame! The disadvantages of "吠耆 吠耆 凰 凰 坎 坎 坎 凰 凰 凰 凰 钡 钡 钡 钡 钡 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠 獠

Xiao Chengnuo’s apartment arrived and the car stopped slowly.

Qing Yunxiao laughed, and opened the door neatly and stepped into the heavy snow.

He turned back and looked down at the man behind him. His eyes were dissatisfied: "I don't like other people's involvement in my affairs, taking back your people, all aspects."


The door of the car slammed shut in front of Zou f宸, and as in the case of Qing Yun, it showed a gesture of rejection. He frowned and frowned, this is the first time he has encountered such a difficult scene in his life.

Zou, a long-time high, is a filthy and fashionable woman. URL is sparse

But he was hesitant to think of Qingyun’s disappointment with disgusting eyes.

The cold snow poured into the neck of Qingyun, and Qingyun remembered that the scarf had been forgotten in the car.

But Qingyun is not ready to go back, although he knows that the car is still behind him.

The last world was with Nie Chenyuan, but Qingyun suddenly became young and curious to try it once. Can go to the end with Nie Chenyuan, Qingyun himself is also very surprised. But he is not prepared to talk about love in every world and to entangle people for a lifetime.

After all, the powerful heaven is like a butcher's knife, always hanging on the head of Qingyun.

Traveling through the world is more like a flight and revenge for Qingyun, not a vacation.

Qingyun felt a bit cold, and he took a sigh of relief toward his palm, and his brow did not consciously wrinkle. If the car was not forgotten by him, how could he not meet the man today?

The days are flying fast.

Has entered the late twelfth lunar month, Qingyun is still busy. Xiao Chengnuo had no money on hand, and the registration of a company was basically finished. It could not support the development of new drugs. Therefore, Qingyun has been running to the stock exchange market recently, but the funds are not open at the same time.

Of course, this must be ignored in the five hundred million that suddenly popped up in his account.

Qingyun uses his toes to think that this is Zou's returning to the bed. Huai's 蛩愣g湓撇2蝗 奘 奘 仆 诺 恼 恼 恼 恼 嫒 嫒 嫒 嫒 嫒 嫒 嫒 馕 馕 馕 馕 馕 馕 忠 忠 忠 忠 忠 忠 忠 忠恼 咽 咀 拍 拍 拍 瞿腥 瞿腥 瞿腥 瞿腥 运 运 笸 笸

What's more, in the original direction of the world, Zou's fennel 闶 闶 闶 鹘 こ こ 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅 鸫笸龋蘸罅

After Qingyun saw Zhao Bowen a week later, he finally received a call from Zhao Bowen.

The voice on the phone was exhausted and with a strange excitement: "This is the achievement of the Nobel Prize... Are you handing it to me?"

At the other end, Zhao Bowen hangs his dark circles. The whole person is crazy about his admiration: "I really want to see the person who wrote this information. Does he still accept the laboratory? Can you let me in?" ”

In fact, on the night of seeing this information, he planned to promise Qingyun, but it was really indulging in the information, and it was not until seven days later that he completely read it and thought of going back to Qingyun.

But he is also a bit strange: "There are such masters to help you, you don't need to come to me."

"You don't care about these, you just have to tell me if you want to enter our company." Qingyun turned the phone while finishing the documents on the table.

"Yes! Of course!" Zhao Bowen replied.

"Okay, we signed the contract about a year later."

The result was not unexpected. He hung up the phone and noticed that the person who came from his place was slightly surprised and widened his eyes.

"Mom, how come you?"

Xiaomu walked in with an insulated pot, and looked up and down Xiao Chengnuo’s residence before she poked her son’s head.

"I can't come yet, aren't I? You can't go back home without me?"

She returned to her family and only recently returned, so she did not know that Xiaofu and Xiao Chengnu had another battle. When she came back and knew that Xiao Chengnuo had been driven away by Xiaofu, she was not too worried because Xiao Chengnuo was almost once out of the month and Xiaomu was used to it.

But this time Xiao Chengnuo didn't go home for nearly 20 days. Xiaofu, who had a knife and a tofu in the weekdays, was hard-hearted until now. So Xiaomu noticed that things were big, and quickly went to find Xiao Chengnuo. .

"Come, let mom see if it has been thinned these days?"

"Mom..." Qingyun was helpless and could only turn a circle according to Xiao's strength.

Looking at his son is still very handsome, Xiaomu just let go of his heart, open the insulation pot and pour out his own soup: "Come on, my mother will give you a supplement."

She looked at her son who sat down to drink soup and suddenly sighed and asked, "Why, this time is what your brother did?"

Qingyun did not speak, apparently by default.

Xiaomu sees more clearly than Xiaofu. When Xiao Chengzhe came to Xiaojia, the husband and wife had no children, and they saw Xiao Chengzhe as his own. Later, Xiao Chengnu was born, and the two did not ignore Xiao Chengzhe.

However, after all, women’s emotions are delicate. When Xiao Chengzhe’s bullying is still in the elementary school’s Xiao Chengnuo, Xiaomu laughs and laughs. She only thinks that this child lacks love, and she can't help but feel more sorry for Xiao Chengzhe.

However, Xiao Chengzhe did not close his hand. As Xiao Chengnuo grew up, he even turned into a car, even taking drugs.

This completely stepped on Xiao's bottom line.

Her attitude towards Xiao Chengzhe has also slowly changed, and she has begun to remind Xiaofu.

However, the more she is this attitude, the more she feels that she is biased against Xiao Chengzhe and more maintains Xiao Chengzhe. If Xiaomu believed in Xiaopin’s character, she would feel that Xiao Chengzhe was his illegitimate child.

"You are quite able to support this time." Xiaomu knocked on Qingyun's head. "Is not ready to go back?"

"He is so annoying to me, why am I going back?" Qing Yunyu lost, although not speaking on her mouth, but obviously with a grievous expression, Xiaomu was sore.

"I have to go back!" She leaned over. "I see who dares to drive my son away. I can't cut him."

After that, she helped Qingyun to make a plan: "Your father's 50th birthday, just to do a big job, you are ready for a gift..."

Listening to Xiao Mu's groaning, Qing Yun could not help but smile a little. Xiaomu is really hurting Xiao Chengnuo. In the original direction of the world, she is always the only one who will never give up on Xiao Chengnuo.

But because of her attitude, Xiao Chengzhe ousted Xiao Chengnuo and got Xiao's.

Even Xiaofu, who has always regarded Xiao Chengzhe as his own, has been tricked into using his tricks. In the end, the two old people who had nothing at all were driven out of Xiao's house by him, and the evening scene was desolate.

But now, Xiao Chengzhe's plan, one do not want to achieve.

As the protagonist of this world, Xiao Chengzhe naturally has his own eyeliner in Xiaojia. He got the news almost at the moment when Xiaomu left home.

At this time, he was staying in the private room of the clubhouse, and his expression was unpredictable. In a few days, Xiaofu’s 50th birthday, he had expected that Xiaomu would take this opportunity to bring Xiao Chengnu back.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but flash a sullen look.

The last time the **** incident was unsuccessful, he not only did not pull Xiao Chengnu into the water, but left a handle in the hands of the stupid woman of Miao Secretary, which abolished him a lot of effort. This made Xiao Chengzhe depressed. He felt a little bit wrong in his heart. Xiao Chengnuo did not follow the bureau set by him. Why did he make a mistake this time?

A good voice came from the door, and a young man full of arrogance came in.

Xiao Chengzhe saw the coming of the people, and suddenly the light was shining, and a plan came to mind.

The person who came is the second master of the Zou's consortium, the Zou family owner Zou "diversified oysters 2k novel reading network