MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 306 ready

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When Ferro reached out and grabbed the computer, this catch...

He directly broke a computer and accidentally got an electric shock.

"What is this magic product? How is it so fragile?" Ferro couldn't help but say: "There is also this mine magic too weak!"

"Space magician?" Sun Chengyu watched Ferro on alert, then frowned. "Who sent you?"

"No one sent me to come... What the **** is this?" Fei Luo was very curious about the computer: "How did the above image suddenly disappear?" He had not seen Nie Yikai for a while before he stayed at Nie Yi. Off-road vehicles or doing something else, this is the first time I saw high-tech products, I feel very fresh.

"Space Magister Manuel is our friend, you better not have any intentions for us!" Sun Cheng said.

Manuel? Space Magister? Before he went to the dark abyss, he did not seem to have heard of this person, nor did he know where the little guy came from... Fei Luo did not put Sun Chengyu’s threat on his mind, but he used his mental power to check the computer in front of him. .

This thing is made of an unknown material and some metal. There is no magic on it. How can I record his appearance?

These people are really weird...

Fei Luo did not take Sun Chengzhen seriously. He has blocked the space here. He even felt that Sun Chenghao had no time to ask for help. He slowly checked the computer in front of him. He didn't want things to be exactly the opposite of what he thought.

He had just studied the computer for a little while, and someone came to the door of the house: "The person inside, you better hurry to let Sun Chengyu go! Otherwise the holy city patrol will definitely catch you!"

"How could he know that I caught you?" Ferro opened the door directly and looked at the outside of Xing Xing's face: "How did you find me?" He is the space law holy! Before in the dark abyss, he went to the Dark Law St. to steal things, and people could not find him!

Fei Luo must be white, looking at some old, but the expression is not fierce, looking very amiable, and he always tangled with the computer is going on, why can he find his problems, but let Sun Chengyi put his heart down Half.

"Of course we have special means. If you want to know, you should explain your origins clearly." Sun Cheng said.

"My origins..." Fei Luo was trying to say that he was found by Nie Yi. As a result, he felt that his field was attacked. He attacked him and was a space magician like him.

There is a space magician who dares to attack him, this space law holy, really long-sighted!

Ferro directly "returned" to the space magician.

Manuel was brought here by the dark.

In the past year, Manuel’s life has been very comfortable, on the one hand because his eyes are good, and on the other hand, because he has received two talented students.

There is no place for him to be dissatisfied. He not only learned a lot of space magic in a short time, but even helped him in his experiments...

Although the kitten is too small, it is not as dark as all aspects, but there is a dark care, and there is a dark tube, and he does not have to worry about it.

Manuel spent more than half a year to teach his two primary school students, and was planning to show them around with them. As a result, there was news of the disappearance of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen outside!

After knowing that Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were missing, the two children refused to study with peace of mind. They insisted on finding these two people... Manuel had no choice but to bring them to the Holy City.

The three of them came here carefully, and then they found that Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen seemed to have disappeared, and others were staring at them.

Things are big... Fortunately, Manuel’s ability can completely avoid those who are staring at Nie Yi’s men.

Just... It’s hard to see Zhao Xing, and I was told that Sun Chengyu was arrested...

Manuel had intended to tear open the space to take out Sun Chengyu, and he did not want to move back. He snorted and stepped back two steps.

"Teacher!" cried, he didn't like Manuel very much at first, didn't want to be a student for Manuel, but Manuel was very good to him later, he had feelings for Manuel, now Seeing that Manuel was injured, he was worried.

"Reassure, I'm fine." Manuel said, but his eyes flashed in fear: "Space Law St...."

"French holy?"

"There are people who know the goods coming... Yes, people outside, how do you know that I am here?" asked Ferro.

Zhao Xing will know that someone has captured Sun Chengyu, of course, because Sun Chengyu opened the walkie-talkie.

This type of walkie-talkie is used for short distances. It doesn't require networking or anything else. It's very easy to use... Of course no one will tell Ferro.

Fei Luo secretly sighed and finally said: "Yi Yi and Qi Jingchen let me come."

"Really? Is the boss okay?"

"You are... 戚 ?? Sure enough talent." Fei Luo looked stunned for a while, his expression was a bit tangled, he used to be a genius, but also the pride of the sky, but he was just beginning to learn magic at the age of darkness. It! This kid’s talent is so good, is it related to the **** of space?

"Do you have any evidence that Nie Shao and Qi Shao are coming to you?" asked Yu Xing.

Fei Luo originally wanted to tease Nie Yi's men. Now he is anxious to know the news of the **** of space. But he has no thoughts: "They wrote letters to you... This is something messy."

Ferro took out the letter on his hand, which was written in Chinese.

Seeing Nie Yi’s notes, Sun Chengyu finally believed in Fei Luo: “It’s Nie Shao’s coming to you... We’re going to clean up and go with you tomorrow.”

Ferro nodded and couldn't help but tangled again.

He is the law of space law. These people should be very respectful to him.

And... "Yes, how did you contact before, how did you find me?"

Ferro was very curious, but unfortunately everyone didn't care for him. Only Manuel stayed and watched his expression very excited: "This master..."

Ferro finally found a sense of existence and chatted with Manuel.

Elf Forest.

After Fei Luo left, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen's life changed little compared with before, but the two of them had no time to play romantic and busy.

They are busy, and the morning mercenary group can certainly not be busy, as for the elves...

Suddenly a few hundred elves have been born, and the elves have nothing to blame! What's more... There are hundreds of hanging on the tree!

"So many children, I really can't take care of it." The Elf Queen couldn't help but said that now the Elves have no experience with children, and there are so many children coming out of the cold. They are really uncomfortable.

"I have some ways to bring children." Qi Jingchen smiled gently.

The elves and the light gods have nothing to do with each other, but there is no hatred other than Eva’s desire to kill the three elders, so the elves are very friendly when they are aligned with Jingchen, because his appearance looks really bearable. I can't help but feel good, even the elves like him more than Nie Yi.

They are respectful to Nie Yi, and Jingjing is like it.

When I heard that Qi Jingchen said that there was a way to bring children, the Elf Queen immediately asked: "What method?"

"Children can carry on their backs." Qi Jingchen said. These elves don't cry and are very cute. The only thing that needs to be noticed is to use the wood magic to appease them from time to time. Under such circumstances, the elves can continue to work.

Qi Jingchen introduced several ways to carry the child on his back. Then, the elves' resident station suddenly appeared a group of elves carrying the children to work.

This method was Qi Jingchen's thoughts, but after seeing the elves with their children, he suddenly found that the elves were far from his imagination, especially the elf queen.

After the restoration of the tree of life, I watched the younger and younger Elf Queen carrying a child and thanking herself, and then ran to plant the fruit. Qi Jingchen had the feeling of seeing rural working women.

Where did the Queen’s temperament go? Is this really good?

Nie Yi did not think so much, he has begun to prepare for returning to the earth, and the first thing he has to do is to turn some elves back.

Although the wood magicians on the earth are not too small, but how much better?

"You can also get a tree of life in the past." Qi Jingchen looked at the tree of life that was calling his father outside the door.

"Yes!" Nie Yidao, this guy is his "child" with Qi Jingchen.

Nie Yi made up his mind. On the evening of the night, he said that he was going to the earth at a routine meeting, and said that all human beings in the Elven Forest are going to pass, and the elves see their personal wishes.

"God! Wherever you go, where do I go, you can rest assured that I will protect your safety!" The three elders of the elves patted their chests.

"I go!"

"I'll go as well!"

"I'm going!"

Other elves have responded.

Going to other worlds will develop their elves and grow up. You must not miss yourself! And with God, you have a good life, they must be followed by God!

The elves looked at Nie Yi’s eyes with extra eagerness, but they made Nie Yi a little embarrassed.

Before that, he also had a thought of using these elves. Until this moment, these elves really became his burden.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future