MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 87 Xu Dabo

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Nie Yi originally liked Qi Jingchen so much?

Nie Yi liked Qi Jingchen so much, but he still hasn’t chased Qi Jingchen?

Qi Yaoyao’s words made those who had just eaten and had to eat, and they were not in the mood to eat. Instead, they couldn’t help but want to know Nie Yi’s gossip.

Those large safe areas are related to the b city safety zone, and some know about some b city safety zones, but the z-survivors of the z county have not been able to form a safe zone, and they may know the b city safety zone. ?

Prior to this, they did not know that Nie Yi was a well-recognized lover in the city of B. They were more loyal to their own love than Jin Jian, and even they did not even know the specific identity of Nie Yi.

Of course, they all know now.

Nie Yi left, Qi Yaoyao also "Xuwu Yangwei" in front of Xu Qiuyu, Ping Shengchao told Nie Yi's identity, and his deep feelings with Qi Jingchen to tell these people in z County.

The son of the district chief of the security zone? ! I learned that Nie Yi had such a tall identity, and Yun Yunxiu and others regretted it. Before regretting, he was not enthusiastic about Nie Yi.

No, you should regret that they were not enthusiastic enough to align with Jingchen before. Pingshengchao said, Nie Yi is the most concerned person is Qi Jingchen!

Although they felt that Qi Jingchen was very important to Nie Yi, they did not take Qi Jingchen seriously, but now...

Feeling Nie Yi will not let others go to see Qi Jingchen, not let Zhou Jinrong talk to Qi Jingchen, not to take Qi Jingchen seriously, but to fear that others will seduce Qi Jingchen...

Jin Yunxiu looked at Zhou Jinrong with sympathy.

Zhou Jinrong wiped a sweat and finally understood why he went to find Qi Jingchen every time, and finally he would be talked by Nie Yi. Hey! He likes women, really not interested in Jingchen!

Others just regret it, Xu Yehui and Xu Qiuyu, but they are both annoyed and desperate, afraid of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen looking for their troubles.

Before Xu Yihui gave Xu Qiuyu an analysis, he told Xu Qiuyu that Nie Yi could not be true love when Jing Jing was aligned. Although Xu Qiuyu was also good at Qi Jingchen, now he knows that Nie Yi is actually chasing Qi Jingchen. People are still the mayor of the b city safety zone, she can not stand it, and even the original love for Nie Yi has become very ten.

What is Qi Jingchen? However, it was a son that her dad didn't want before. I heard that I have been growing up in the country and I am a countryman. How can such a person, Nie Yi, who is so good, like it?

Doesn't he look at him to look good? If you haven’t been hungry for so long in the last days, it’s definitely better than Qi Jingchen!

The shackles in Xu Qiuyu’s heart have become hateful, but she can’t do anything. Ping Shengchao specifically warned them that their family would not appear near Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, and even other people began to shun them.

Although Xu Qiuyu is not comparable to Qi Jingchen, but the appearance of the survivors in the z county is also top-notch. Before, there was a water system who liked her, but now... she clearly saw that the water abilities were looking disgusted. Her.

When the eyes were sour, Xu Qiuyu couldn't help but cry, but no one came up to comfort her, and no one helped her.

Even among these survivors, there are people who sympathize with Xu Yehui. I think that since Xu Yehui is the father of Qi Jingchen, Qi Jingchen can't disrespect him, but they also dare not defy Nie Yi.

In the end, Xu Qiuyu could only help the father who was hurt by the fall and left the place, returning to the rough house where they lived. Vaguely, they heard the sound of Qi Yaoyao behind them.

"Ts. Xu Yehui is simply nonsense. He was a big boss before the end of the world. My parents are just ordinary people who work in the factory. If he really remembers his brother, why not bring his brother back? Even let his brother work hard. Hard work to earn tuition?" Qi Yaoyao knows that the rumors spread by Xu Yehui are mad, and now there is a chance to clarify.

Qi Qi and his mother are honest people. Apart from planting their own land, they only work at nearby factories, but they are very economical. In the countryside, food and vegetables don't have to be bought, and Qi Jingchen doesn't spend much of their money. So most of the wages they earned from work have collapsed. They can save two or three million yuan each year. The conditions for Qi Yaoyao are small. The place is not bad, but it only ends there!

Qi Yaoyao remembers that when she had a conflict with Qi Jingchen in the past few years, she once paid attention to Qi Jingchen’s original parents. Xu Yehui’s career was successful. It is said that she was a big boss outside. She went back to the countryside to build a villa that she plans to use for the elderly in the future. Tens of thousands, he is so rich, but never cared about Qi Jingchen.

Is this still the case? Qi Yunxiu chatted with Qi Yaoyao and asked some of Xu Yehui's first things from other people. However, he believed most of the words in Yaoyao and helped Qi Yaoyao publicize the matter.

For a time, more people were disdainful to Xu Yehui.

Xu Yehui didn't know anything downstairs, but he could guess something. The feeling of losing money was very bad. Fortunately, after Nie Yi threw him back, he did not pursue it again...

"When it's time to eat, let's go downstairs to cook." Xu Yehui said to her daughter, Nie Yi was looking for trouble at noon, now it is time to eat dinner.

"I won't go." Xu Qiuyu bite his teeth.


"Dad, now people outside look at me, how can I still have a face to go to dinner?" Xu Qiuyu said with red eyes.

"Is the face important or important to life? What do we eat without cooking? And Nie Yi will leave tomorrow. I am not looking for an opportunity to apologize today. What should we do if we are thrown away?" Xu Yehui said.

"Qi Jingchen hates us very much. Dad, do you think he will take us away?" Xu Qiuyu has tears in his eyes, and some of them blame his father. If her dad used to align with Jingchen, they would not be like this... ...

"You can't do nothing, so we really have only one way to die!" Xu Yehui sighed and touched his daughter's hair.

Xu Qiuyu cried "wow".

The two of their father and daughter appeared in the hall downstairs on time and began to wait in line for dinner.

Qi Jingchen followed Nie Yi to the place where he had eaten. He saw them at a glance, but he admired it. After all, if he changed to the previous one, he would never be so cheeky.

Qi Jingchen saw Xu Qiuyu more, and then saw Xu Qiuyu stunned himself with a look - all this time, this girl has not yet learned.

Fortunately, this person did not let Nie Yi see it, or else he did not know how Nie Yi would toss her... Qi Jingchen’s mouth was hooked up.

It’s really good that the rivals just showed up their lover and took the initiative to put the enemy down.

"Don't look at other people." Nie Yi has been looking at Qi Jingchen and found that Qi Jingchen's smile on his mouth could not help. It wasn't until Qi Jingchen's gaze that Xu Jingchen looked at Xu Qiuyu that his face was so good: "This kind of woman with a bad heart, don't take care of her."

"I know." Qi Jingchen smiled and then asked: "How is things going?"

"Run well, there are still people living in the people you want to save." Nie Yidao said that while setting up the sofa for Qi Jingchen, Qi Jingchen could sit comfortably.

They are leaving tomorrow, and there are still many things to be solved today. Let Qi Jingchen wait for a while.

Qi Jingchen sat on the sofa and stroked the lettuce in his hand. This lettuce is very unusual and has not grown up, but he can feel the energy that has been condensed on it. He is very comfortable.

Could it be that the energy that spilled on oneself transformed this dish? Qi Jingchen is somewhat curious about what this dish will look like in the future.

Qi Jingchen's ostentation is as hot as ever. After Nie Yi said that he has not caught up with him, there are more people with hot eyes, and there is no lack of feeling in his heart.

However, the people of the morning light team are looking as usual - no way, get used to it when you see more.

The food for the survivors of the county of Z is very good this evening. The staple food is rice, and there are two dishes. One dish is a green vegetable soup with few leaves, and the other is radish stew.

There are very few radish stews, and even radishes are not many. Each person can also get two radishes, but those survivors are very satisfied and even whisper.

"I didn't like to eat radish before, but now I found that radish is so delicious!"

"This radish is meaty!"

"I have a piece of meat here! Haha!"


These people have been living in the county town. The rice has found a lot of good food. It can fill the stomach, but the vegetables are basically not eaten. Now I like the radish very much.

Even Xu Qiuyu, after being assigned two radishes, couldn’t take a look at Qi Jingchen, but took one of them into his mouth.

The radish that was not loved to eat, this unexpected unexpected taste, Xu Qiuyu ate two, and then went to see Qi Jingchen, but found that Nie Yi was peeling a radish, cut into small pieces in front of him, also from The body touched a fruit fork and washed it with water. "This radish is very sweet, not spicy at all. Try it."

People can't compare with people!

Xu Qiuyu looked at Qi Jingchen's expression more angry, and at this time, the outside door was opened.

It snowed a few days ago, but the weather was good in the past few days, so the snow was already gone, but it was still very cold outside. When the door opened, the cold wind poured in, and the people inside couldn’t help but shrink. Neck, only Qi Jingchen did not feel cold, but felt very cool.

No way, he stood next to a big stove - Nie Yi just like an electric heater, screaming out hot, no stop, making Qi Jingchen's face can not help because of this heat Red, it looks more attractive. When Nie Yi liked Qi Jingchen at the beginning, Qi Jingchen’s appearance could not be described. At that time, he was glad that no one would grab Qi Jingchen with himself. The result is now...

Nie Yi took a step forward and blocked the people around him from looking at Qi Jingchen's line of sight. At the same time, people outside the door also came in.

Those who came in from outside the door were survivors of the countryside near Z County.

Nie Yi said that it would take a few days to repair it here, but it is impossible to let these people have been resting for a long time. In fact, the people of the morning light team have been taking turns to find supplies.

There are not many foreigners in this county town. There are very few zombies wandering outside in the early days of the last days. At that time, there were many survivors. Therefore, the materials in the city had already been searched for almost. Nie Yi did not spend time here, but went nearby. Rural.

In rural areas, people usually keep a lot of food. After they receive new food, they will sell the grain. One family said that they also have one or two hundred kilograms of food.

After Nie Yi’s people cleared the nearby countryside, the amount of food collected was huge. Not only that, but he also saved some survivors.

These survivors, they brought it back together today.

These rural survivors are similar to the survivors of the county, because there are several villages that have organized the villagers together, adding up to more than 100 people. After they came in, they took the Pingsheng Super Road. "You also go to the queue to cook, wait until you are full, Nie Shao has something to say."

When they heard Pingshengchao, these people nodded and slammed to the back of the county survivors.

"Big Brother?" Xu Yehui saw a middle-aged man among those people, cried in surprise.

Xu Yehui had a house in the county town, and the daughter came to play with the county town, but his brothers and sisters lived in the country. Before Xu Yehui always thought that they should have died, they did not expect to see it here.

"Hey!" Xu Dabo, who looks like Xu Yehui, saw Xu Yehui, and immediately snorted. He was still standing next to his grandson. Now the 13-year-old child is obviously resentful when he looks at Xu Yehui.

"Big brother, you are still alive, really good." Xu Yehui suddenly saw his relatives a little excited, but for a time did not notice the difference of his older brother.

"I remember you remember us? I thought you forgot us!" Xu Dabo sneered: "If you really want us to live well, why don't you ask him to save us after seeing Jingchen? Chen still remembers us, we are afraid that we will be eaten by zombies!"

When I heard Xu Dabo’s words, Xu Yehui was a little embarrassed. He did not remember this.

These days have been struggling to survive, how can he still have time to manage others? What's more, he always thought that his relatives should have been killed.

"You really have the ability to remember to let your daughter seduce other people and men, but forget the family!" Xu Dabo saw Xu Yehui more disappointing. At the beginning, those people said in front of him that Xu Yehui did not remember them. However, when I only thought that my daughter would seduce Nie Shao who likes Jing Chen, he still doesn't believe it, but now it seems... his brother has indeed forgotten them.

They have been thinking about this person when the last days have just appeared. His son just went to the county to find his uncle, and finally he will not go back. This person is good, and he has forgotten them all the time!

Xu Yehui wants to argue a few words, but every time he goes to find Qi Jingchen, there are people watching. In this case, he even lie that he actually went to Qi Jingchen, and will soon be dismantled...

"The surname Xu, I really misread you!" Xu Dabo and others in front of a county survivor were indignant. When Xu Yehui was criticized this afternoon, he also privately helped Xu Yehui to speak, feeling that Qi Jingchen was wrong, but Look now... This Xu Yehui has forgotten his brother!

Xu Yehui's face was suddenly white and white, Xu Qiuyu couldn't stand it anymore. She used to be back to her hometown and was always held by her relatives. At this time, she wanted to quarrel with her uncle.

Xu Yehui grabbed her daughter and held her daughter's mouth. Then she said to her big brother: "Big brother, I am sorry."

Xu Yehui also knows that it is useless to say anything at this time. He simply took his daughter away. When he went far, Xu Dabo gratefully looked at Qi Jingchen.

He had never cared about his nephew before. Xu Yehui did not object to him when he passed it out, but he did not expect that he would be saved by this person...

"Jing Chen, how do you want to save him?" Nie Yi sat next to Qi Jingchen and couldn't help but ask.

"They have raised me after all." Qi Jingchen said that he basically can't remember the things he was at Xu family when he was a child, but he knew that Xu family had not lost his food and clothing at that time - then Xu Yehui's career had just started, but When he did not give money to his family, his aunt always said that he was eating white rice.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen and always felt that there was a soft spot in his heart. His Jingchen is like this. As long as others are good to him, he will always remember that good and never forget.

As long as he is always good to him, he will definitely stay with him forever.

Whether it is the survivor of the county seat of the county, or the survivor of the rural area near the z county, after sitting in the hall, they found a place to sit down in the hall. Ping Shengchao said that Nie Yi had something to say.

They didn't know what Nie Yi was going to say, but they all quieted down in the same place, and their sights fell on Nie Yi.

"Would you like to go with me?" Nie Yi suddenly asked.

"Will!" These people almost did not hesitate to say that their eyes were lit up. They always thought that Nie Yi would throw them down. I didn't expect Nie Yi to be willing to take them away!

Nie Yi is not only strong, but also noble, and it is certainly not wrong to follow Nie Yi!

"But I won't always carry you." When those people were very excited, Nie Yi said again.

The expressions of these people’s excitement suddenly changed their concerns, and a heart was raised.

Nie Yi said at this time: "I will build a safe base in the Dabie Mountains. If you want, you can build a village in the mountains. There are few people in the mountains, and you can grow the land. It is better than living here."

He made a morning light team and prepared for the establishment of his own safe area.

After Qi Jingchen's abilities are awakened, most of them will be chased by those Daxing security zones. At that time, if they can have their own safe zone, the days will be much more comfortable!

Of course, the hidden points that they can establish in this safe area, you can also find some survivors outside to build a village as a cover...

There are many undeveloped peaks in the Dabie Mountains, which is quite suitable.

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Thank you, mine mine grenades and rockets~ love you~

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