MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 247 child

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"Brother?" Louise looked at Eric puzzledly. .

"If Qi Jingchen can really cure you, and we have the exact evidence, then as long as the mother emperor tests the Light God, will the Light God not let him treat you?" Eric laughed. Laughing, thinking of Louise's temper, he persuaded again, "Louis, this is the place of the Bright Deities. Qi Jingchen is still very important in the Bright Deities. You shouldn't offend him then."

Louise nodded aggrieved, she was really scared, and now even if she is unwilling, she will definitely not offend Qi Jingchen.

Seeing Louise like this, Eric touched her hair distressedly.

Paper mills have begun to recruit workers in the Western District. Based on the current situation in Yell, paper can be sold regardless of how much paper is produced. Therefore, Qi Jingchen opened the paper mill very large and required a large number of workers.

Qi Jingchen promised that all men with labor can enter the paper mill. They were responsible for the construction of the paper mill at the beginning, and then they were responsible for the production of paper or printed books. As for the women who have labor, the Western District is basically eating big pots now Status, they need to be responsible for cooking, cleaning, and handling various chores. Basically, if they are willing, they can be assigned to work.

At this time, the household registration in the Western District has been completely completed, and every citizen in the Western District already has his own household registration.

Qi Jingchen found the old Norman and laughed, "It's time to start."

The old Norman nodded, and that day, he asked his priest to pass on a message.

In the future, the Western District will not provide free food to adult laborers.

The Western Church will continue to provide food for children and the elderly, but will no longer provide food for adult strong labor. Those people, whether men or women, must go to work to earn food by themselves.

Of course, when arranging work, they will consider the physical conditions of these people, and when they are sick or a woman is giving birth, they will even get vacations.

"No, how can this be? Then we have no work, what to eat in the future?" Someone said angrily.

"The paper mill still needs a lot of workers. You don't need to be afraid to find a job." Qi Jingchen said, in fact, there are too many workers under his hands, but he will continue to recruit, even if there are too many workers in the end, He may have only allowed some of his workers to plant land—he has already bought a large piece of land in order to build a paper mill.

"I can't do any craftsmanship, and haven't worked for a long time!" The man said again.

"Our work does not require you to have any skills." Qi Jingchen said coldly.

The lazy man finally dared not speak again.

The old Norman just informed the people in the Western District and did not discuss with them, and the next day, they no longer provided food for the adult men and women.

Seeing this, most people chose to go to the place where they were recruited immediately to find a job for themselves, but some people stubbornly decided to fight to the end.

These people are basically men, and many of them have fallen to the Western District from other parts of the Holy City. Before that, some gambling lost all their properties, and some of them did not work. At first they depended on their parents to support them. After their parents died, Unwilling to work, they just mixed up in the Western District ...

They are accustomed to doing nothing, and are unwilling to work at all, and even convinced that the people of the Light God will not watch them starve to death, but they are unwilling to work.

However, how can such an adult really starve to death? The Bright Gods really watched these people coldly!

After discovering this, some of them went to work, and then they found that they couldn't be lazy while working. If they were lazy, they could only get a little bit of food.

Some of them are trying to **** other people's food, relying on their physical strength to let others give them food, but ...

Qi Jingchen has organized several security teams for the Western District long ago. The members of these security teams have been staring at those who are not working. When they see that they are doing bad things, they immediately arrest people and then whipping.

The people in the Western District are not all good. On the contrary, many of them have all kinds of bad habits. Qi Jingchen does not expect these people to change at once, but he will try his best to make it better.

The situation in the Western District is indeed getting better. Occasionally, when someone commits an offence, he will be dragged out and whipped, then hungry for a few days, and then gradually no one dares to commit an offence.

Qi Jingchen was very satisfied with the situation, and what made him even more satisfied was that the paper mill had begun to be built.

They have too many workers, and Qi Jingchen asked people to organize the extra workers to plant land, build factories to the holy city, and clean up the rivers. In short, he just didn't let these people leave.

Today, the people in the factory went to clean up the river and caught a lot of fish. The kitchen picked up the fish and made it for lunch.

All the small fish and shrimp are fried, and the bigger fish are steamed uniformly.

This is the opinion put forward by Qi Jingchen. He thinks that instead of allowing the women to freely make all the fish into dark dishes, it is better to let them cook the fish in the simplest way.

There is a large canteen here at the paper mill. The ground floor is for ordinary people. They will be assigned some cards according to their work performance, and then they can use these cards to eat different meals in the canteen.

This is used in the transitional stage. After they have worked for a while, the factory will pay them. At that time, the canteen will provide the most basic food for free. If they want to eat well, they must use their salary to buy those delicious food. Food out.

Qi Jingchen sat on the second floor of the cafeteria while eating the meals made by Nie Yi while watching the situation downstairs.

Those who work hard are assigned the highest-level cards, and when they arrive at the cafeteria, they can choose the best meals.

They entered the cafeteria with arrogance, and they chose their favorite meat dishes when they ate. Most people were assigned intermediate cards. They did n’t eat as well as those who received the highest-level cards, but they were also full. And you can eat fish.

The worst performers can naturally only be assigned the worst card, and with this card, they can only be assigned a dark bread ...

Qi Jingchen looked at it for a while, then smiled and turned around to continue eating his own meals.

On earth, it is not easy for him to eat fish and shrimp, but here he eats such things, and others will be fussed--how can the distinguished pastor eat such ordinary food?

Nie Yi was impatient to eat shelled things, such as shrimp. He stuck one in his mouth with chopsticks and could spit out only one shrimp head. Then his tail chewed with the shell and swallowed it all into his stomach.

Seeing this, Qi Jingchen allocated a few shrimps and put them in Nie Yi's bowl.

Nie Yi finished the shrimp and his meal with a thunderbolt, and then began to ... peel the shrimp for Qi Jingchen.

"I can't eat a few, you can eat it yourself!" Qi Jingchen was a little speechless, but it cannot be denied that because of Nie Yi's behavior, his heart was sweet.

After eating at the paper mill, the two decided to go to Chenguang Restaurant.

Someone in the Western District will catch a carriage. Now that person is the driver of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen. They only need to stay in the carriage. Although it is impossible to do anything, they can also intersect with each other and hold hands.

The carriage slowly came forward, and after driving for a while, Qi Jingchen's brows suddenly frowned: "Smell of blood!"

Yes, there was a **** smell from the front, and it was not from the blood of animals, it was from the blood of humans, and they also heard some painful moans.

Qi Jingchen's expression changed: "Stop."

The carriage stopped, Qi Jingchen got out of the carriage, and then saw a child covered in blood on the side of the road.

This child is not particularly young, but he is in a really bad condition. He is covered with wounds all over his body. He still bleeds blood from his mouth and can see that he is very, very distressed.

Qi Jingchen saved Qi An at first because Qi An was a child, and now he is also a child.

The magic of light was used, and the child's face in front of Qi Jingchen suddenly improved, and the whole person passed out. At this time, Qi Jingchen was free to examine the wound on the other side.

The child had wounds all over her body, and she was slowly getting better under the action of bright magic. Those shallow wounds were no longer visible at all.

But even so, his situation gave a shocking feeling, especially Qi Jingchen found that the child had no tongue.

His tongue was cut off.

"This child is a third-line power." Nie Yi walked over and only looked at the child, and came to this conclusion.

"The people over Louise did it?" Qi Jingchen thought of the woman almost immediately.

"Should be." Nie Yi said, with disgust in his eyes, Louise's woman turned out to be a lunatic. To test them, she even tossed a child like this!

"They should want to know how to make the magic core's rejection smaller, and now ... I find my magic has such a function." Qi Jingchen said.

The magic around the child was a bit messy before, but after he used his light magic, the child's condition improved ...

"Throw him?" Nie Yi suggested.

"Forget it, Louise will test this way. Most of the time, I have discovered that my magic is different from others. It is meaningless to cover it now." Qi Jingchen said, then looked at Nie Yi: "Let's take this child back. "

Nie Yi nodded, immediately lifted the child up, and took a bath by the way.

Although Qi Jingchen decided to take the child home, he did not intend to take the child to Chenguang Restaurant or Central College, so he went to the West District and gave the child to Old Norman.

"This child ..." Old Norman had a very thorough understanding of bright magic. As soon as he saw the child, it was determined that the child should have just been healed by the bright magic. He couldn't help feeling a little distressed to the child.

"His tongue has also been cut ..." Qi Jingchen said: "Trouble Lord Norman to take care of him and wait for him to wake up. If he is in good condition, he can let him go to class to learn Chinese characters."

"I will," said Old Norman, and then paused. "But this child has three lines of magic. I'm afraid he won't live long?"

"It's not necessarily," Qi Jingchen said, attaching his hand to the child's head, and then some bright magic passed through his hand and entered the child's head.

The child's face showed a comfortable expression, and the three magic cores in his mind became smoother and smoother.

"Your magic ..." Old Norman looked at Qi Jingchen in surprise.

"Because I have this." Qi Jingchen said, then took out the mirror of light and showed it to the old Norman. If his magical speciality is found, he must find something that can give him a saucepan, the mirror of light. Definitely the most suitable.

The flesh and blood of the Holy Eucharist are all elixir, and it is indeed dangerous to be exposed. The possession of the Mirror of Light reveals a small relationship, but the Mirror of Light certainly belongs to the Shinto religion, and only people who use the Shinto religion can use The other people will never take the plunder, but the bright gods, his things, those elders already knew.

The old Norman immediately felt the rich energy contained in this seemingly ordinary stone. He was puzzled at first, and then lost his temper: "The mirror of light?"

"Yes," Qi Jingchen said.

"No wonder ..." After knowing this, Old Norman could think of everything.

It turned out that Qi Jingchen had a mirror of light. No wonder the six elders would go to become the dean of the Holy Light Branch. The sage, Lancelot, was so kind to him.

This child was given to Old Norman by Qi Jingchen, but he also paid attention to this child.

When he woke up, he was terrified and looked at everything around him, but Old Norman was very kind to him, telling him over and over again that he was safe now, and he relaxed.

Old Norman began to teach him to read characters and took him to class-this child has no tongue, and the bright magic of broken limb regeneration can only be performed by the Holy Power. Now it is impossible for anyone to help him, so at this stage he If you want to communicate with people, you can only learn to recognize words quickly, and then recognize more words.

But he was very scared to leave the old Norman, so he did not reject words, but was unwilling to go to class. The old Norman thought about it and did not persecute him, so he let him live in the church.

When the priests treat ordinary people, they have a somewhat high-minded attitude, but this child is a magician and has a pitiful attitude. They are very friendly to this child.

"That child was raised in the Western Church. The magic core has been very stable." Eric told Louise about the child's condition, and then said: "Brother will help you find Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen tomorrow. "

"Brother, thank you!" Louise was excited and happy again.

"Don't worry, you're my favorite sister." Eric touched Luise's hair.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen had long guessed that the child was related to Louise. When someone told them that Prince Eric of the Rose Empire had come to visit, they were more certain of this.

Qi Jingchen actually doesn't care about many things. If Louise is better, he doesn't mind helping her solve the magic core problem. However, Louise not only targeted them several times for no reason at first, but also treated one like that. child.

To such a person, he is not like trying to save each other.

"Hello." Eric came in from outside and said to Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

"Hello." Qi Jingchen said lightly.

Eric glanced at Qi Jingchen and said nothing, and said directly: "I think you already know the reason for this visit. Qi Jingchen, you obviously have the ability to heal Louise, but you have deceived our Rose Empire with lies. Aren't you afraid we're angry? "

Qi Jingchen looked at Eric and said directly, "I don't understand what you are talking about."