MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 254 White

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At the beginning of printing, Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi encountered a lot of troubles, and the workers were very unskilled when doing things. Fortunately, everything is now on the right track, and the printing plant has stopped them from watching. It is even possible to give everything to the housekeeper to take care of himself, and he is not sticky at all, and most nobles basically do this. .し w0.

As for the subordinates may make bad ... Under the control of the master-servant contract, those subordinates will never make bad.

"We just don't care about it? What if our technology is stolen by others?" Pei Xing has been trapped in a printing factory this month. Now he is very excited to get a new life, but also worried about his labor. The results will be stolen by others.

"I'll give you an analogy. If the six elders of the Guangshenism opened a shop selling mala Tang that is unique in the Holy City now, would you dare to imitate him?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"Of course I don't dare. If I really want to do that, I'm definitely trying to die. As a person, the six elders just stretch out a finger and they can pinch me to death." Pei Xing shook his head quickly.

"Isn't that all?" Qi Jingchen said.

Pei Xing pondered for a moment, and then they remembered that they are now also big names with names!

Qi Jingchen is hot in Hyer now. Who dares to plagiarize his business ideas with so little eyes?

Suddenly, Pei Xing, who suddenly found herself doing something stupid, swallowed: "I want to eat spicy food."

"Go do it, if you do, remember to give me a copy." Qi Jingchen said.

Pei Xing left his mouth and left. From the people who came to Yell from the earth, his cooking skills were the worst. Giving him the spicy soup base made him toss all kinds of vegetables and meat to cook. It was impossible for him to make hot soup base.

Seeing that Pei Xing was gone, Qi Jingchen told Nie Yi: "Let's go to our new home? I heard that it is very beautiful and the place is very large. We can take a few days off."

Qi Jingchen remembered that he had a wish before the last days, that is, one day, after he bought a house and saved enough money, he could take his wife and children to the beach for a vacation, and he didn't want to play for ten days and a half months.

Now that his wife and children no longer exist, and the seashore on the earth has become extremely dangerous. It is estimated that Qi Jingchen's wish will never be fulfilled. He can only find a way to change ...

For example, taking Nie Yi to his manor house, he was served by many servants and lived a comfortable life of nobility.

"OK." Nie Yi nodded.

Nie Yi has many abilities and many things, so he did a lot of things during this time, so that he was very, very busy, Qi Jingchen couldn't help feeling distressed, when he got into the carriage and went to the manor outside the city. He held Nie Yi's hand and let his power flow through Nie Yi's body.

Nie Yi felt very comfortable. He was not tired. After all, he could take a good rest here every night. He didn't have to worry about zombies attacking himself, but he didn't refuse Qi Jingchen's kindness, even when Qi Jingchen was not. Idea, kissed Qi Jingchen secretly.

In such a small sweet, the two went all the way out of the city and saw their manor.

When Qi Jingchen heard Harris said that the manor originally owned by the Magister had bought it without any loss, he bought the manor, and only looked at the area and simple drawings. He had never come to the field to see it. The servant also let others send it in. Yes, so until now he saw what the manor looked like, he finally understood what it means to be absolutely indestructible.

"It's so big!" When he saw the area divided by trees outside the manor from a distance, Qi Jingchen was stunned. When he saw the house in the middle of the manor, he had an incredible feeling.

He never thought that he would still have a day to own such a large house, or that he would be in a place with a lot of money.

This is a very large house. The outside is built with stone walls that are not high but very chic. The door is guarded by servants. After entering the door, the carriage will have to travel some distance to see the building inside.

There is not only one building, but there are several buildings. The one at the front is not tall but spacious. It has two floors and is said to be used for banquets and dinners. The one at the back is for the owner. The houses around and behind are then lived by the children of the owner or by the guests.

A large number of servants' houses were built next to the wall.

In the front of the house, there is a small wood on the left. There is a place where horse-drawn carriages are used to keep the World of Warcraft. On the other side is a beautiful small lake. Some flowers are planted by the lake and some fish are in the lake. .

Qi Jingchen visited around and then entered the house where the master lived under the leadership of his servant.

This building alone is actually larger than the villa they lived in at Central College.

"Sir, there are many magic books and magic utensils on the ground floor of this house. There is also a training ground behind it. It is a place for people to practice all kinds of magic. The second floor is the bedroom and living room cloakroom. Meditate, "said the steward," I haven't moved the valuable things in the house, but all the clothes, sheets, and bedding have been changed. "

"Very good." Qi Jingchen praised the housekeeper.

The magician was deported, and he couldn't take away even a little property. There were people in this manor to check it. There was nothing suspicious, so he really picked up a bargain.

Of course, he was most satisfied with this steward. The original owner left a lot of things. This steward has now taken away everything he did not need, and even used it flexibly.

For example, the clothes belonging to the original owner were sold by the housekeeper, and then the housekeeper used the money to sell clothes to buy various clean beddings, and even helped him buy some clothes.

"Nie Yi and I will live here in the future. The servants are not used to help us clean, we cannot approach without our orders." Qi Jingchen said again.

"Okay, sir." The steward responded. Some magicians would n’t know anything, and some people would wear clothes to serve them, but some magicians did n’t like to be approached by others. As a versatile steward who had received various trainings, he told his master Any request can be handled perfectly.

It's too late, and Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen asked the servants to bring meals. After they finished eating, they went to the bedroom upstairs.

Mountain climbing vines are not planted here, but there is a magical array left by the original owner to prevent spying by the spiritual force, and it is still outside the city, which means that Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi do not have to worry about someone spying.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen and threw him directly on the unusually large bed.

The printing factory was built in the Western District. They lived in the Western District before, so that Nie Yi hadn't been next to Qi Jingchen's side for a whole month ... At this moment, he couldn't wait to eat Qi Jingchen one hundred and eighty times.

Qi Jingchen didn't refuse, even responded, and then he took the bed for granted the next day.

He ate his own breakfast in bed, and was not in a hurry. He took a cell phone and lay down to start playing Plants vs. Zombies. He also left Nie Yi to sit with him—he planned not to think about anything, and lived comfortably for two days. .

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were lying on the bed together, and also took a mobile phone to play the game, but after playing for a while, they felt uninterested, and simply watched Qi Jingchen playing.

Looking at it, he started to touch it, and then, something inappropriate for the child would happen.

"You are not afraid of kidney loss!" Qi Jingchen was speechless.

"You throw me some bright magic and I'll be fine!" Nie Yi said immediately.

Qi Jingchen grabbed Nie Yi's face and pulled down: "I want to be beautiful!"

At that age, lying on Nie Yi, he opened his field of light, and then surrounded Nie Yi inside.

The intimacy brought by the same area and the nourishment brought about by the magic of light made Nie Yi quickly regained his spirit.

"I dug your ears?" Staring at Nie Yi for a while, Qi Jingchen took a bite on Nie Yi's neck.

Dig ears? Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen a little bit.

"When I was a kid, I loved digging ears. I always felt that it was so cool." Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi.

After the end of the last days, he had a relaxed life, but he really didn't come before and remembered his little hobbies. Of course, the most important thing is that he is now lying in bed with Nie Yi and has nothing else to do.

The two stayed in bed for a day, and the next day, business as usual, but with more steps to go out in the middle.

On the third day, the two continued to do so.

For three days, Qi Jingchen didn't care about anything and completely relaxed. Three days later, he found a housekeeper, then asked the housekeeper to send invitations, and invited the young ladies and young masters he once invited. Attend the banquet, of course, now the venue of the banquet has changed from Chenguang Restaurant to his manor.

Qi Jingchen gave birth to several magical plants of the bright family at the door of the house with bright abilities. Nie Yi gave birth to countless rose in the manor.

This time Qi Jingchen invited people to visit his manor, so the selected time was earlier. In the afternoon, a number of carriages came to the manor one after another.

The numerous servants in the manor comforted all the guests. At the same time, these guests also discussed the various books that have swept the entire holy city recently, and then lamented Qi Jingchen's ideas.

"I think, after all, maybe everyone will use paper books, and those that need to be stored permanently will be copied with parchment." Someone said.

"Yes, that's a magical thing." Another said, "I'm not used to writing on parchment anymore.

"Maybe in the future I will write a travel journal, and then let him print it out," said one person who likes to walk around the most.

The words of this person have aroused the minds of many people. If the books they write can be printed out so that everyone can see, can their names be passed on?

The temptation to let yourself be exuberant is really very big, and many people's eyes are brightened.

Because of this, when Qi Jingchen came out, these people seemed extremely enthusiastic, and what Qi Jingchen said next made them even more excited.

Qi Jingchen wanted to run a newspaper.

The newspaper is called the Morning Post. It gathers all the news of the Holy City every night, and publishes some news on it. At the same time, it also publishes all kinds of anecdotes or stories written by people. Then it is printed overnight. .

"How many copies of this thing will be printed every day?" Someone asked.

"There are a lot of literate people in the Holy City. My plan is to publish 10,000 copies a day from the beginning. If the response is good, I will increase it. It is expected that 100,000 copies will be printed every day." Qi Jingchen said that the newspapers are not expensive, and even if the time comes Those servants will also buy newspapers.

One hundred thousand copies! These people looked at Qi Jingchen in shock, and instantly thought of the role of this newspaper.

"The newspaper will begin trial sale ten days later, and in these ten days, I will prepare a sample for you," Qi Jingchen said again.

Those who came to the banquet thoughtfully left when they left, and this time they left with the same gifts as last time.

The last gift was a mirror, and this time Qi Jingchen gave them a beautiful porcelain from Harris.

The beautiful wooden box contains a whole set of porcelain for tea, which looks extremely delicate. Although it is not expensive, it is absolutely flattering.

Most people left, but some stayed. Among those who stayed here were Harris and Yuri, as well as those of Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi.

Before Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen's men, whether they were on the earth or in Yell, they often shared a room with other people. This time, everyone could have a spacious room. They were very excited. Unfortunately, although there are many servants here, People serve them, but they don't have all kinds of convenient appliances and appliances, which makes them feel a bit pity.

There was someone in the manor. Nie Yi naturally disappeared at night, and the next day, because someone was there, instead of having breakfast in their bedroom, they chose to eat in the restaurant of the house where the banquet was held.

Qi Jingchen has already told the housekeepers about their preferences, so the breakfast served by the housekeeper meets everyone's taste.

For example, the breakfast in front of Qi Jingchen was WoW milk, an omelette, a few pieces of grilled meat, fruit salad, and bread. For the breakfast in front of Nie Yi, a small amount of grilled meat was replaced with a large piece of grilled meat.

In addition to the breakfast that has been divided in front of everyone, the housekeeper also prepared a variety of food on the table. If everyone wants to eat, you can let the servants serve.

Many foods on the planet have not been seen by Yell's people. Similarly, some foods of Yell have never seen Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

There is a pot in the middle of the table. The kind of food in the pot is a bit like porridge. Qi Jingchen has never seen it before.

"Qi Jingchen, this is Shui Linglu, which is made from the seeds of Shui Ling grass, and eating has a strong nourishing effect on the body." Yuri noticed Qi Jingchen's sight, said immediately, and then stood up and helped Qi Jingchen fill a bowl, Duan gave Qi Jingchen.

This should have been done by a servant, but he is doing very smoothly now, without the slightest habit.

Qi Jingchen was a bit uncomfortable, and took the bowl of water and dew and set it aside.

He felt it necessary to talk to Yuri. He didn't exclude someone to please himself, but Yuri really didn't need to.

For more than a month, Yuri has either stayed in the paper mill or the printing plant, and has been blessing his workers, so that his workers are full of spirits. It can be said that he has helped a lot. Qi Jingchen is very grateful to him and has decided not to treat Yuri in the future. Under such circumstances, Yuri has no need to treat him so diligently.

Just thinking about this, Qi Jingchen saw that the second bowl of water Linglu was brought over, and it was Nie Yi who brought it over.

Although Qi Jingchen was speechless, he was reluctant to refuse Nie Yi and ate after receiving it.

The taste of Shui Linglu is very good. It is boiled with a kind of milk from Warcraft. With sugar, when Qi Jingchen eats, he feels like drinking milk tea. Shui Linglu really looks like the sweet potatoes in the milk tea he used to drink. Made of flour.

Seeing that Qi Jingchen once again ate from Nie Yi without eating what he had passed, Yuri's face showed an injured expression. Qi Jingchen was a little embarrassed when he saw this, and he became more firm. Then he would talk to Yuri. Talk about the mind.

After breakfast, Nie Yi, Sun Chengyi, and others were going to cook and assemble appliances such as the toilet pool. They planned to remodel the manor, and Qi Jingchen took Yuri to the reception room.

"Yuri, your behavior has caused me some trouble." Qi Jingchen looked at Yuri and said, "You have helped me a lot, I appreciate you and treat you as my friend. Since we are friends, you use Don't do something ... that bothers me. "

"But Nie Yi did the same, and you didn't feel troubled." Yuli's gaze fell on Qi Jingchen's body, her eyes glowing.

"You are different." Qi Jingchen said without hesitation.

"What's different? He likes you, and I like you," Yuri suddenly said.