MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 18 Yu Xiaoxuan, you are very worrying, you know?

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In the evening, after Yu Jingxuan took a bath, he sat beside the bed.

The medicated oil in the abdomen has been washed away, and there is almost no smell. But the temperature on the man's hand seemed to remain on top, warm and hot.

He took the medicated oil again and rubbed it on the injured area, and the thin calluses rubbed the skin red.

Not comfortable at all.

A message from Lu Feifei came from the phone:

[Baby fish fish! I heard Chengzi say that I want to introduce you to an Alpha, his comrade-in-arms, how is it? ]

[Oh, Chengzi told me just now that the mission is still out, and it will take a few more days to come back. I heard oranges say that Alpha is very handsome! And it's still in the army, sounds like a great Ako! Blessed are our fish! Let the fool like He Cheng get out of our world! ]

Speaking of Alpha, Yu Jingxuan felt that the glands in the back of his neck began to hurt again.

In the afternoon, he was pressed and beaten by three Alphas, and his pain went from the glands to the cranial nerves.

Fortunately, there is Mr. Nie's soothing pheromone, otherwise he might have to rely on painkillers tonight.

However, this was the first time he had smelled Omega's soothing pheromone.

To be precise, it was the first time he had smelled a soothing pheromone.

It was so comfortable back then...

It's like bathing in marshmallows all over.

Yu Jingxuan felt that he seemed to understand a little bit why everyone said AO was the perfect match. A zero in his Alpha can be attracted by Mr. Nie's pheromone, and until now, he has been thinking about how deeply the ties between those AOs with normal sexual orientation are...

He got into the bed with his phone and chatted with his friends: [Feifei, why do you like Alpha? ]

[Do you need to ask, of course, I like Alpha's super-strong male hormones! Their strong muscles! Their inverted triangle figure! I love to die! ]

[Don't you? ]

Yu Jingxuan looked at the sentence "Aren't you", and was in a trance for a moment.

He knew from a young age that he was different from other Alphas.

Other Alphas like the sweet and soft Omega, and they will be overwhelmed with protection when they see Xiao O, and they will compare with each other.

He was the only one who showed no interest in Omegas, and even disgusted the comparisons between the little Alphas.

Until one night in junior high school...that was his first enlightenment.

In the dream, he was pressed and fiddled with by a man.

After waking up, he secretly surfed the Internet and searched all night before he figured out... It turned out that his orientation was different from that of ordinary Alphas.

He always felt that he should be an AA love, because only Alpha can match his orientation.

But the pheromone of Mr. Nie that he smelled today made another voice faintly appear in his heart.

He thought about it and typed in the dialog box: [Feifei, have you tried Omega's pheromone? ]

[what? Why should I try Omega's Pheromones? ]

[Yuyu, this question... you seem to have asked me last time, right? ]

[! ! Could it be that you were stimulated by He Cheng and suddenly changed your orientation? do not! Don't be impulsive! Didn't you say last time that you don't like being on it! Did you forget! ]

Yu Jingxuan: …

Fish: [Uh...I don't. I just, suddenly feel that Alpha is not good...]

Fish: [Where do you think Alpha attracts you...]

Feifei: [I said so much just now, did you lose your memory! ]

Feifei: [Screenshot.JPG]

Fish: [But I don't find these appealing to me... Also, I have these myself. ]

Feifei: […]

Feifei: [Baby, are you drinking? I know you feel bad. ]

Yu Jingxuan: …

Then, a video conversation from Lu Feifei popped up on the screen.

Yu Jingxuan didn't even think about it, and just hung up.

Fish: [I'm going to sleep. ]

Feifei: [Hey, don't be sad alone... I'll accompany you to drink remotely...]

Yu Jingxuan simply set the phone to airplane mode.

The world is finally clean.

In the dark night, the delicate Alpha slowly got up, lifted the quilt and looked out the window.

In the sky, Venus, which only appears once a month, is accompanied by the moon, hanging far away in the quiet villa area not far away.

I don't know if Mr. Nie fell asleep at this time.

Omega's intense estrus, how will he pass?

On the sixth day of the pre-estrus period, Nie Zihang had cut off contact with the outside world, and even Chen Xin, a Beta, was ordered not to enter his house.

He was afraid that he would become a beast, and even the stupid apprentice would not let him go.

The glands in the back of the neck, almost completely unstoppable, have begun to emit courtship pheromones in strands.

The man was sitting on the sofa, beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, and his eyes were as black as ink.

He had spent a lot of estrus alone before, but Nie Zihang had never been so eager to be alone like he did today.

I want to hear his voice and smell his pheromones...

Just like when I was in the guest room last time, I hugged myself reliantly, acted coquettishly with myself, and begged myself to hug him.

He let out a low gasp from his chest, holding the water glass in his hand, clenching the blue veins.


Why didn't you use any more force when holding him?

Why don't you put your hand up a little bit when you're not applying the medicine, or... a little bit down...

most damn...

That's an Alpha.

An Alpha that he couldn't move and would never touch him.

Is this the natural gravity of AO?

I have only met a few times, and the two of them are not very familiar, so I was attracted to this completely uncontrollable appearance.

Nie Zihang gritted his teeth and opened the phone, then clicked on the chat software.

He doesn't send messages to Yu Jingxuan...

He just looked and didn't speak.

Nie Zihang first deceived himself and opened their case work group, and he saw their latest chat.

Yu: [@陈新晨陈, I have submitted the newly collected evidence to you, please review it for me, thank you. ]

Chen Xin: [@fish received! Officer Yu sent it to me in private chat. Next time, you can send it directly to the group chat. When my master is free, he can also help us with the information. ]

Chen Xin: [Officer Yu, this evidence is absolutely fine! I can guarantee that once these things are submitted to the relevant departments, they will completely put him in jail! ]

Chen Xin: [@Officer Yuyu, in about a week, I will sort out the electronic and paper files of all the evidence and show you! Please reply! ]

The time shows that it is ten o'clock this morning.

Chen Xin asked Yu Jingxuan twice in total, but Alpha never responded.

Nie Zihang looked at the current time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Before that, Yu Jingxuan would basically reply to any news from Aite in this small group within half an hour.

Even if you are busy, you will find time to reply to a receipt.

Nie Zihang looked at Yu Jingxuan's beautiful head of a little fish, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He opened the private chat dialog with Yu Jingxuan and sent him a message:

[Officer Yu, are you busy? I routinely check the work group, but I didn’t see your reply. If you’re not busy, remember to reply in the group. ]

The news is sinking again.

Nie Zihang waited for an hour without a reply, and made another voice call, but no one answered.

He dug out Yu Jingxuan's personal phone number from the materials and called it, and it showed that it was turned off.

Now Nie Zihang couldn't sit still.

Alpha travels alone every day, and lives in a small apartment of fifty or so square meters. No one may know what happened.

From Yu Jingxuan's message in the group, until now, at ten o'clock in the evening, Alpha has disappeared for twelve hours.

Especially, two days ago, this Alpha also cried in front of him because of the gland pain.

Nie Zihang didn't care that he was on the verge of estrus, so he sprayed the suppressant spray on the back of his neck a few times, put on some clothes and went out the door.

He thought about it, and went to Yu Jingxuan's small apartment to have a look first. If there is no apartment, go to the police station where he works.

Anyway, knowing where Alpha's home and work are located, he never has to worry about finding the slightest bit of news.

However, what he didn't expect was...

Just after leaving my community, I saw a person sitting under the street lamp not far from the gate.

Alpha was wearing home clothes, and even sitting on the flower pond by the road, his back was still straight.

At this moment, he was holding a handful of mutton skewers in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other, drinking with his head up.

Under the warm yellow light, you can still see the wine spilling from the man's lips, flowing down the beautiful neck, flowing through the Adam's apple that rolls up and down.

It was Yu Jingxuan who had been missing for twelve hours.

"Yu Xiaoxuan?"

Nie Zihang reluctantly walked towards the person.

Alpha froze when he heard the sound. As soon as the fingers holding the wine bottle exerted force, a crisp metal crash sounded.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Nie Zihang walked directly in front of this man and squatted down on one knee.

"Yu Xiaoxuan, you haven't replied to the message for twelve hours, and the phone is still off, which is very worrying, you know?"

Alpha's eyes kept drooping. From Nie Zihang's point of view, he could only see the silhouette of the eyelid under the long eyelashes, and the slightly pointed lower jaw.

"Yu Xiaoxuan?" Nie Zihang called out again tentatively, and then pulled his cool hand.

The finished beer bottle rolled to the ground with a "click".

On the empty street, there is a long echo.

Nie Zihang held the back of the man's hand, and a drop of warm water suddenly fell.

He was startled, his fingertips touched the man's chin and slowly lifted it up.

Under the street lamp, I saw Alpha with a delicate face, with tiny drops of water on his long eyelashes.

In the dark eyes, a single tear was about to fall, and the end of his eyes was red with grievances and grievances.

The author has something to say:

Wife Crying and Provoking QAQ

Why is my wife unhappy, I will perform a white and fat qu for my wife on the spot! (starts to twist

Wife, am I so funny! (beaten up