MTL - Bound To The Divorce System-Chapter 55 Marriage is like buying a lottery ticket

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Before dawn, Zhang Cai came to the door.

This night, he tossed and turned, but didn't fall asleep. At this time, Zhang Cai is no longer the impetuous young man who just graduated and was admitted to the village official. He knows the danger of being in this position. The small notebook he used as a record of achievements and medals, he had already burned down.

But Zhang Cai didn't expect that the most primitive book, the one he thought was taken away and devoured by mice, was actually in Wang Caihua's place. If this book is exposed, not only will he not be able to keep his current position, he may even be imprisoned.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cai broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to send a text message to Wang Caihua, so he wanted to call her to chat, but Wang Caihua shut down directly.

So early in the morning, Zhang Cai drove to Wang Caihua.

This time, Zhang Cai was no longer arrogant.

"Sister-in-law, if something happens, let's talk about it, okay?" Zhang Cai looked down at Bai Ertang to pack up his things.

"You don't have to worry. If I don't want to talk about it, I won't just send you a message. My request is very clear to you, and my request is very reasonable. I just want to get what I want."

"Twenty thousand?"

"Yes, at least half of the money in that house in town belongs to me. I only need two hundred thousand, but it's not too much. If that doesn't work, then only the fish will die. If you don't make me feel better, I'll make your family. It's not easy either." Bai Ertang put down her harsh words, she stared at Zhang Cai and expressed her determination.

Zhang Cai was frightened by the fierce light in Bai Ertang's eyes, and he was extremely suspicious. When did the submissive Wang Caihua become so terrifying?

But right now, Zhang Cai didn't have the time to think about it, "What if you use this book to threaten me in the future?" Zhang Cai is most concerned about how to solve the troubles.

Bai Ertang smiled, "Don't worry about this, I just want to lead Xiaobao to live a good life, and I don't want to cause trouble for myself. If I'm really so greedy, I can ask for more right now, right? Wait for me and Zhang De to be smooth. After the divorce, I will return the book to you, and delete the photos on the phone in person. In short, from now on, we won't make water from the well."

Of course, Bai Ertang will never completely eliminate the evidence. If she doesn't leave it alone, who knows what Zhang Cai's family will do in the future? "

In this regard, Zhang Cai can only believe it. Come to think of it, what can Wang Caihua, a village woman who has not read much, do?

So Zhang Cai left and went to find Zhang De and his parents to talk in detail. For the two hundred thousand, even if his parents and Zhang De refused to give it, he had to give it.

After the divorce, he could no longer live here. Bai Ertang thought about it, and Wang Caihua would better move to the town. Away from this Zhangkou Village, she can start her life again later.

It is impossible to raise ducks. After all, the cost and investment are also large, and she does not have a place to raise them. With two hundred thousand, it might be better to go to town and start a small business.

With Wang Caihua with her daughter, she will definitely have a hard life in the future, but at least it is better than being a slave in Zhang De's house. The most important thing is that Xiaobao can live a normal life.

[Miss, you are awesome. Although you have never given birth to a child, your mother loves a lot. 】

In fact, this is also Wang Caihua's own mind. She is now desperate about marriage and men, and her only hope is to live with Xiaobao. It's also good to recognize the reality and start over.

[Actually, reality is not so bad, there are many good men. 】

Where is it?

White disaccharide was noncommittal. She took Xiaobao out the door. Today, she wanted to go to the town to see the house. Wang Caihua's mother was going to pack her things at home. Bai Ertang planned to ask Xiaolin next door to help take care of Xiaobao.

As soon as he walked to the next door, he saw Xia Xucheng feeding the chickens.

[Hey, isn't there one in front of you? 】

Bai Ertang rolled his eyes: He looks like a good man, who knows what will happen after marriage, if everyone is the same on the outside, before and after marriage, how did your divorce system come about?

[…] I was speechless.

"Xiao Xia, I have to trouble Xiao Lin to take care of Xiao Bao again today." Seeing Xia Xucheng also, Bai Ertang thought it was just right. It is inconvenient for her to go to the town, in fact, she wants to rub the car. Anyway, this Xia Xucheng is our auxiliary NPC, so he can use it as a driver.

"No trouble, Xiaolin is fine at home now during the summer vacation. Aunt Caihua, are you going to run errands in the town?"

"Yeah, I'm going to divorce Zhang De, and I can't live here in the future. After thinking about it, it's better to rent a house in the town, so that Xiaobao can go to school more easily."

Xia Xucheng nodded, "Well, there is no primary school in the village, so I can only go to the town. Living in the village is inconvenient to go to school, and life is also very inconvenient, but if you go to the town, the cost of living is quite high."

"As long as you are willing to work, you are not afraid of not making money."

"Yes. I'm free anyway. Let's take you to town."

Just waiting for your words, Bai Ertang is very happy.

"Xiao Xia, how long are you going to stay in the village? Will it not affect your work?" Bai Ertang asked. Now that the matter is almost over, she is not afraid of this auxiliary NPC running away.

"I'll go back in a few days. In fact, I like staying in the village, which is different from the city."

"The living conditions are so poor, wouldn't you be uncomfortable?" Bai Ertang was curious, she couldn't stand living in the village at all, it was troublesome to go to the town to buy things, and it was inconvenient to eat, drink, and drink in life.

"It's very quiet here and the pace is very slow, which allows me to calm down and think about a lot of things. I also figured out a lot of things."

"I heard that you have a doctorate. You are so smart and have such a high degree. Is there anything you can't figure out?"

"Of course. In fact, the more people read, the easier it is to think a lot and not understand life."

Bai Ertang was stunned for a moment, she recognized this, and the ignorant is fearless. The more people know, the more they think, the more they will be trapped by their own thinking. She is such a person.

The more she understood what marriage was about and what human nature was about, the less she wanted to get into marriage, the more she was afraid to get along with people, and finally she became an alien.

Soon the two arrived in the town, and Bai Ertang chose to rent a house not far from the primary school, but on the edge of the town.

In this case, on the one hand, it is convenient for Xiaobao to go to school, and on the other hand, the house is on the edge of the town. The price is cheap and the surrounding space is large. Bai Ertang intends to find a place with some vegetable fields, so that he can save some money by growing vegetables.

Wang Caihua has no relationship network, and the information network in the town is not developed. If you want to find such a rental house, you have to ask every family.

They searched all morning and finally found a suitable one. The owners of this two-storey house are a pair of old people. Their sons are working in other places. They plan to help take care of their grandson. Bai Ertang plans to rent the first floor, and the upper floor, the old people keep things and come back for Chinese New Year. set foot.

Behind the house, there are dozens of flat vegetable fields.

"Three thousand yuan a year is given to you. We are empty and empty. There are people at home, so we can rest assured." The two old people spoke very well.