MTL - Bound To The Divorce System-Chapter 66 drop the vest

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how could you do this! ! This is my privacy! So about everything about her, this so-called system is huge, isn't it clear! Bai Ertang became angry and became incoherent all of a sudden.

[If you can't understand your inner world, how can you stimulate you to wake up? 】The system is big and I don't think there is any problem. [Regarding the issue of privacy, it is not important. The key now is why you didn't wake up in time. The reality may not be beautiful, and you should not choose to escape. 】

The system criticized Bai Ertang much like it was educating elementary school students.

Bai Ertang fell into deep thought. In fact, the system was right. In the process of performing system tasks, she does feel happier. Anyway, as a heroine, she doesn't need to care about other people's eyes, she can do whatever she wants, and she can say whatever she wants. To be honest, this state is quite enjoyable.

[If this is the case, I will choose Hell difficulty for you in the next mission, so that you will not feel very happy staying in the system. 】

...Hell difficulty? ! I was wrong, I was wrong, so how can I wake up.

[This is up to you. Now that you have woken up once, it means that your injury is no problem. If you want to return to the real world, you will naturally wake up. 】

All right. There is another question, the system is huge, you are actually a real person, right?

【Yes. 】The system has not concealed it, and has admitted it generously.

You are the Dr. Xia I just met, right?

【…right. 】This time the system is a little guilty.

In the previous missions, driver Xia, cleaning Xia, and doctor Xia were all you, right?

【…Um. 】 The system's voice is even lower, this time, he is more like a primary school student being criticized.

Last question, this time the beauty Misha is also you, right?

【…cough. ] The system largely avoids the answer, but is it still necessary to ask? Combining all kinds of clues, this beautiful beauty, Mei Xia, is obviously also "Dr. Xia".

Perverted, actually a man pretends to be a woman, do you have a fetish for women's clothing? ! Bai Ertang couldn't help but complain, and played such a beautiful woman? !

【How can I be perverted! It's just needed for the mission plot, my cameo role is okay! Take care of yourself first! I remind you that if you are in a coma for too long, the muscle tissue of your body will atrophy, and the functions of various organs will also decline. The final result, I don't need to tell you. 】

The system's big warning brought Bai Ertang back to his senses. Indeed, the most important thing now is to wake up in reality. But how?

[Deal with the things in front of you first, when the time comes, you will naturally wake up. 】

Right now, Bai Ertang was in a dirt pit. She recalled that she was dazed by Xiao Qing before, and it seemed that Xiao Qing threw her here.

Apart from being cold, she was not injured. Xiao Qing probably didn't want to kill her, but had other purposes.

Bai Ertang is very puzzled, why did Xiao Qing do this?

At this moment, she heard a voice, "Miss Jin, where are you?"

Bai Ertang responded quickly and shouted for help, "I'm here, I'm here!"

The person here is none other than Mei Xia, a beautiful girl played by "Dr. Xia".

You two look at me, I look at you. Mei Xia was too lazy to pretend, she looked at Bai Ertang blankly, as if she was reading the script, "Miss Jin, you disappeared at the banquet, everyone is looking for you."

"..." Bai Ertang rolled her eyes, and she had no choice but to follow the plot, "Mixia, why are you here?"

"I'm also an invited guest for this banquet, but I came late, so you may not have noticed me. If you have nothing to do, get out quickly, don't waste time." Mi Xia was very impatient.

But the pit was deeper, and Bai Ertang was frozen, and her hands and feet were inflexible, so Mei Xia had to pull her up.

Bai Ertang sneezed from the cold, her hands and feet were stiff, she almost fell several times before she took a few steps, and Mei Xia had no choice but to pick her up.

Bai Ertang almost laughed, "Is this bad?"

"What's wrong?" Mei Xia said coldly, "You're walking slower than a snail, and you're still unsteady. You're stupid."

"...But, as a woman, it's not good for the princess to hug me."

"Anyway, no one sees it. When someone comes, I'll throw you down."

"Wow, you don't have the least respect for the plot, you don't take the role seriously at all." Bai Ertang complained.

"I have a lot of respect, and even women play."

But Mi Xia was a woman after all, she was out of breath after walking with Bai Ertang for a while.

"It's really heavy." Misha sprayed her again.

Bai Ertang got angry, "It's not me who is heavy, it's this Miss Jin Sisi who is heavy."

"You're not too light. You have more than 100 pounds in a coma. You usually eat sweets." Mei Xia continued to spray.

"...How do you know that I have more than 100 pounds?!"

"Why don't I know, I didn't move you when you were transferred to a hospital, transferred to a hospital bed, or performed an operation. I usually waited on you, changed your clothes or something..."

Bai Ertang was stunned, "You, aren't you! I clearly saw a female nurse with a round face."

"What do you have to worry about? As doctors, looking at a patient's body is no different from looking at dead pork." Mei Xia added.

"You call me dead pork?!" Bai Ertang got even more angry.

The two were arguing, and Bai Ertang suddenly forgot that he was frozen.

But fortunately, it was not far from the banquet address, and soon they saw other people who were looking for it.

Mi Xia hurriedly threw Bai Ertang down and let her go by herself.

Seeing Jin Sisi come back, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaomi helped Bai Ertang back indoors and wrapped her in a blanket.

"Sisi, you really scared us to death. Why did you suddenly disappear? We searched for two hours and almost called the police. Fortunately, you are all right."

"I'm fine."

"I heard Miss Maysha say that she found you in a pit in the woods outside the manor, what's the matter?" another friend asked.

"It's me going to the bathroom and coming out..."

"Si Si may have drank too much and couldn't find the direction, so she walked towards the grove. She drank too much and fell asleep unconsciously." Xiao Qing popped out.

Bai Ertang looked at Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing also looked at him, and there was a cold light in her worried eyes.

It seemed that Xiao Qing was threatening her again.

Bai Ertang nodded, "Probably, that's it." It was imminent to deal with Xiao Qing, but now it was necessary to maintain the surface peace.

"Sisi, if you're okay, take a good rest here, I have to go to the hospital quickly."

"Hospital?" Bai Ertang was puzzled.

"It's Dad. He learned that you were missing and that high blood pressure has flared up again." Xiao Qing explained.

"...How did he know that I was missing so quickly!"

Bai Ertang immediately understood that she had been missing for only 2 hours. According to the regulations, she could not call the police, but Jin's father quickly found out that she was missing. This was probably Xiao Qing's purpose.

Xiao Qing didn't want to do anything to Jin Sisi, but wanted to hit Dad Jin through Jin Sisi.

After all, Dad Jin is the person Xiao Qing is the most difficult to deal with.

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