MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 5 ,theater

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Chapter 5, Theater

 Two hours later.

 Zhang Yong returned to Li Boqi's office.

 The ocean was given to me. I also told my mother. I have a task recently. You may not be able to go home for a long time.

 I didn’t say anything. They eat public meals. This is also common. Remind him repeatedly to be careful.

In addition, there are also imported Thompson submachine guns. Comes with 100 round drum magazine. It can be said to be Lixingshe's heavy weapon.

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"I know a little."

 No one paid any attention to him. No one greeted him. He doesn't know other people's details. No one else knows his true identity.

“Yes.” Zhang Yong hurriedly got up.

Li Boqi handed him a bag.

 Outside, people have begun to gather.

 “You go to the logistics department to change clothes first. Then rest. I’ll call you anytime if there’s a mission.”

 A Japanese, pretending to be Chinese, also opened a cotton mill in China. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no ulterior motive behind this.

Li Boqi also came out. But he was not wearing a Chinese tunic suit. Instead, he was wearing a long silk shirt.

 That was all he could be sure of.

 Get dressed quickly.

  Promised to put it on.

 If you just met a few days ago, you will definitely recognize him.

 Zhang Yong’s polite answer.


 Having changed my clothes, it’s just time for dinner. Go to the dining hall to eat.

 “He may have to go out and meet other Japanese. If he is Japanese.”

His previous position as a police officer was to temporarily replace his father who became ill due to overwork. In fact, it is not considered a formal employment. In the words of later generations, they were auxiliary police officers.

 “Fifty meters, maybe.”

good quality. Much more advanced than the black police uniform. Of course, it's also much more dangerous.

 Double dormitory. There are two single beds. All have mattresses. But he is alone at the moment.


 It’s actually…

 When the officer speaks, he cannot simply nod in response. You must answer loudly.

 “He is Japanese.” Zhang Yong responded in a deep voice.


 Eat enough. Go back to the dormitory. sleep.

Li Boqi pulled out the pistol from his back, pulled the bolt, and loaded the gun.

 Hang the clothes. Put on Mao suit.

 In the logistics office, Zhang Yong also saw someone holding a gun.

 “That’s useless.”


“How far can you identify Japanese people?”

 Just go out and leave.

"Okay. We'll keep an eye on him."

 The Chinese tunic suit was put in the bag.

 In addition to eating, I also sleep. I feel like my body is growing hairy.

When the all-out Anti-Japanese War broke out, the Central Unification was severely hit and its strength was seriously weakened, and the Military Unification ushered in a blowout period.

“Let me tell you briefly. No. 9 has a reaction.”


 Zhang Yong got off the car. Look around. I discovered it was the Guangming Theater.

“Team leader, that woman is Japanese.”

 Practice over and over again. I have achieved some results in practice.

 At this period, there were not many people in Lixingshe.

 Actually, I didn’t fall asleep. But Li Boqi asked him to rest and wait for the mission, but he did not dare to run around.

Zhang Yong said, suddenly his mind moved.

 “What other languages ​​do you speak?”

 Zhang Yong observed silently and found that it was a woman. very young. very beautiful. Wearing a white dress. Carrying a small white bag.

 Zhang Yong exited Li Boqi's office.

Huh? Cinema?

Follow Li Boqi in. I found that there is a hidden world inside.

Li Boqi said.

 Zhang Yong nodded. He immediately reacted and said, "Yes."

 As soon as he came in, he saw it.

The latest Browning M1935 high-power pistol is available. Not many. The most popular one is the Browning M1903 pistol.

 Zhang Yong nodded.

"I will work hard…"

What's more, if you give him the courage, he won't dare to run around. This is Lixingshe. Too long to live.

"understand English?"

"His name is Meng Chaowei." Li Boqi said slowly, "He is in the cotton yarn business. Shenghua Cotton Mill. He makes a lot of money. Before Du Xiaodie was mysteriously killed, he was the last person to accompany him. But he himself firmly denied it. Kill Du Xiaodie. Because there is not enough evidence, we have no way to keep him."

 Such a small action group actually has logistical support. There seems to be a lot of stuff.

 Soon, the car stopped.

 “Cantonese vernacular. Cantonese. I learned it from people in the 19th Route Army.”

 “Have you seen number nine?”

 On the other hand, after joining Lixingshe, it seems that he has a very rich future.

Cao Mengqi doesn’t like to talk much.

 After all, graduates of Huangpu Military Academy are professionally suited to the military. When you come to Lixingshe Secret Service, do you always feel like you are overqualified? There are no military operations to direct.

 Unexpectedly, this woman is actually Japanese.

 The radar map has been marked. near. Just determine the location.

“I was given seven days to climb the peak. Five days have passed now.”

 “You follow me!”

 Not long after, Little Red Dot entered the Guangming Theater.

The two female spies I saw in the morgue before were also among them. All carried Browning pistols.

 His father is an auxiliary police officer. He is also an auxiliary police officer. So the salary is only a few yuan a month. Can't support the family.

 “The one who just came in?”

 “Sure. She is Japanese.”

 Boss Dai is rich. The logistics are still very good.

 What should I do if I have nothing to do? So I practiced putting on clothes and shoes in the dormitory. Once someone calls, you can get out as quickly as possible.


There are also dormitories.

 Zhang Yong saw it. no response.

 Wardrobe or something. There is a key. But it's never locked. There is no secret.


  guns are also good guns.

 The radar map shows a small red dot approaching the Guangming Grand Theater from a distance.

 Shouldn’t he be able to shoot? It’s better to catch them alive…

"The person in front of you is called Cao Mengqi. He is from the ninth phase of the military academy. He is the squad leader. Your name is Captain Cao."

 Everyone else is busy. In and out.

 “Can you speak Japanese?”

I guess I don’t really like working in the Lixingshe Secret Service. He might want to go into the military.

 “Change on!”

"you sure?"

 Zhang Yong took it over. It was found to be a casual suit. Like a clerk working at a foreign company?


 He's really not good at shooting. Let others do the shooting.

 The food is quite rich. There is a lot of meat. Absolutely full. Boss Dai's food is still very good. I know that my subordinates are all rough guys. They all have to work. If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to work? Therefore, even if the people below are greedy, they dare not make a fuss about food expenses. That will be criticized by thousands of people.

 As to whether the other party is a spy, there is no way to know. But it will definitely not be a good product.

 His eyes followed.

 Li Boqi sat behind the co-pilot. Zhang Yong sat on the other side.

  “Saw it.”

 Zhang Yong frowned secretly.

"What's the matter?

Li Boqi noticed the change in Zhang Yong's eyes.

Getting into Li Boqi's car. There was a tough secret agent sitting in the co-pilot. But also casual clothes.

 Actually, anyone who has attended a training class will do this reflexively. However, Zhang Yong has never attended a training class. I didn't go to military school either.

 “Hello, Captain Cao.”

Is she the legendary female spy from the special high school?

 He is a newbie. Follow everyone to find the canteen.

 It’s not that Boss Dai has no money, it’s because he is restricted by others. Unable to expand. Especially being closely watched by the nemesis Party Affairs Investigation Section.

This Party Affairs Investigation Section is the predecessor of the Central Unification Committee. The person in charge is Xu Enzeng. Behind it is the CC series.


 "Zhang Yong! On a mission! Meet at the door!" someone called.

Three days passed in this state of mind.

Of course, there are many grenades and the like. There are quite a few models.

Oh, there is also a stage inside. There are people singing opera. These days, opera singers are more popular than movie theaters. Many opera singers are very popular among the upper class.



Li Boqi remained calm.

 (End of this chapter)