MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 902 , the east wind blows, the war drums beat

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Chapter 902: The east wind blows and the war drums beat

 Ask about the specific cause of the internal strife.

Jia Tengying said with emotion: "It's all that spy..."

 “Which spy?”

 “The one who wasn’t caught.”

 “You weren’t caught later?”



 Zhang Yong tried hard to recall what happened that day.

That day, he went to intercept Sayuri Koko. All combat tasks were handed over to Chen Gongshu.

 Chen Gongshu eliminated most of the Japanese invaders. Only the last one escaped. He remembered that Chen Gongshu chased him all the way. Didn't you catch it?

 It seems that the spy is also very cunning. He actually avoided Chen Gongshu's search.


 Zhang Yong will definitely not refuse. This is also a good thing.

What does it want to do?

  Could it be someone ambushing Shanghai Station?

"Yes. I smell its breath." Zhang Yong nodded, "It shouldn't be far away. Arrange more people and let's catch him."

 He decided not to use his own people. Use Shanghai Station.

 Hey, it’s all Sayuri Kouko’s fault.

Yu Fei and Bao Rui are also among them. They are all newbies. The weapons are all shell guns.

 At least Chen Gongshu will feel better inside.

Then there's no way.

 He also felt very ridiculous.

 Suddenly, the map prompted a red dot to appear.

Jia Tengying may indeed have little ability. However, this guy has a wide range of contacts!

"Stationmaster, please arrange a few people and we will catch the spy." Zhang Yong said slowly.

“Stationmaster, if I said that the spy that Deputy Stationmaster Chen didn’t catch is nearby, would you believe it?” Zhang Yong looked strange.

 The sedan chair is carried by everyone.

 That day, when the spy was about to escape from the edge of the map, he decisively marked it.

 He mobilized all the elite generals from the Shanghai Station.

If the Japanese spy can be successfully caught, more than half of the credit belongs to the Shanghai Station.

"I'll go with you." Jia Tengying suddenly became excited. Whatever you say, you have to do it yourself.

She appeared earlier or later, and it happened to be that time...

 “I didn’t find it. I ran away. I also looked for it later. I couldn’t find it.”

 Be well prepared.

 The map is unmistakable. It must be that spy.

Jia Tengying immediately mobilized his troops and generals.

 Chen Gongshu did not catch the opponent. The other party then became arrogant. He actually dared to lurk near Shanghai Station. Also armed.

 Check it out at will. As a result, his eyes darkened. An expression of disbelief emerged.


 I didn’t think much about it at the time. I didn't expect it to be really useful.

 There is no one in the Fuxing Society Secret Service who is good to begin with.

 Perhaps his connections will come into use at some point.

 Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

 “What’s wrong with you?” Jia Tengying realized something was wrong.

Probably he ran back to the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​Hongkou.

As long as he hides inside and doesn't come out, it's impossible to catch him.

This Zhao Lijun also deserves a beating. Chen Gongshu was originally in a bad mood. You also specialize in teasing. Chen Gongshu was being polite by not using his gun.

 “What?” Jia Tengying did not react.

 “Okay.” Zhang Yong agreed.

Zhao Lijun should be the one who doesn’t open the pot and pick up the pot. Deliberately poking Chen Gongshu's sore spot. Chen Gongshu couldn't stand the excitement, so he started doing it.

 “Is that Japanese spy nearby?” Jia Tengying felt incredible.

Made, so arrogant...

 “Where is the spy?”

 Set off quietly.

 Zhang Yong led his team and lurked close to the Japanese invaders.

 The Japanese invaders did not notice anything was wrong. Still wandering in the same place. See soon.

  He is a rag collector riding a tricycle.

  The tricycle was parked at the intersection, and the Japanese spy was wearing rags. Eating noodles.

 Behind it is a wall. Ahead is the street.

 Zhang Yong paid attention to details. This guy's noodle bowl is broken. The noodles are also dry noodles. Topped with half a salty radish. Dark.

 In terms of details, no flaws were found. Does a rag collector still want to eat meat?

Moreover, when he eats noodles, he devours them ravenously, which is called hunger. Really realistic indeed.

 Perhaps Chen Gongshu missed it like this.

 As for Zhang Yong, if there was no map prompt, he would probably have ignored it at a glance.

 “Where is the spy?” Jia Tengying didn’t find anything wrong.

“That’s the tricycle driver.” Zhang Yong replied in a low voice.

 “It’s him?” Jia Tengying was very surprised.

"Yes. That's him. Pay attention. He has weapons." Zhang Yong reminded, "Tell brothers to be careful."

"I know. I'll make arrangements." Jia Tengying turned around.

 The most difficult thing about catching Japanese spies is to identify them. Once they are identified, arresting them is easy.

 So what if we have weapons? No weapon can hold up against a large number of people.

This time, more than 30 people came to Shanghai Station. All are heavily armed. There are also submachine guns.

 Zhang Yong squatted down quietly.

 His mission has been accomplished.

 The rest is to see how Jia Tengying and others arrest people.

Those are all familiar things.

 No matter how powerful a spy is, he should still...



 It is said that it is late and that it is fast. Shanghai Station is in action.

 Outflank from both sides. More than a dozen people rushed forward.

The spy immediately realized something was wrong. He threw the noodle bowl away and backed away. Follow and turn around. After running a few steps quickly, I climbed onto the wall.

follow closely. His figure. Just disappeared over the wall.

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

other people:? ? ?

 The speed is so fast. The movements are so flexible.

The originally deployed tactic of outflanking was immediately broken.

No one expected that Japanese spies would climb over the wall.

 The wall is very high. At least two meters.

The Japanese spy actually climbed over easily?

 It’s sloppy…

 The terrible thing is that after the Japanese spies climbed into the wall behind, they could no longer see them. I don't know where the spy went.



 Jia Tengying was anxious.

The voice is on fire. Sweat breaks out on forehead.

 It’s fatal!

 You can escape this way!

 What is the origin of Dog Day? So powerful?

 No wonder Chen Gongshu didn’t catch up!

The dare to be the corner of the Japanese spy turned into the corner, and others couldn't find it at all.

Shanghai Beach is so big, with so many people, and there are so many nooks and crannies. Even if you mobilize thousands of people, it's impossible to search every nook and cranny.

 Then put on another disguise and you can easily appear again.

 "Shaolong..." Jia Tengying shouted hurriedly.

 “I’m here.” Zhang Yong nodded. Emerge from behind cover.

 This Japanese spy is quite good.

Probably not an ordinary spy.

That would be interesting.

 It’s a pity that the spy does not have a gold mark on his body...


"follow me."

 Zhang Yong did not elaborate. Lead the team and start chasing.

After the spy quickly climbed over the wall, he immediately slipped through the gap in the wall inside.

 It is indeed as moving as a rabbit. His skills are first-class agility.

Within a few dozen seconds, he had reached the other side of the street. It also moved along the edge of the street.

 Zhang Yong estimated that he might have put on makeup. Maybe he has changed his appearance.

Sure enough, when he led the team to another street and looked at the spy in the distance in front of him, he found that he had turned into a middle-aged man. Traveling in a hurry. Keep your head down. He seemed to be in a hurry to get home. Also carrying a basket of eggs.

I don’t know where I picked it up on the way. The Japanese spy at this moment is completely different from the one just now. Moreover, the weapons on it are gone. Thrown behind a wall. Even if you encounter interrogation, you can easily pass it. This level of cross-dressing is indeed not bad.

 “Shao Long…”

 “He is in front.”


Jia Tengying gritted her teeth.

 He swore that catching this spy would make him regret coming into this world.

 Let’s lock some weasels and spies together first...


 Zhang Yong suddenly turned around.

 Following behind is not an option. You have to copy it to the front.

 At this moment, a yellow dot appeared. Faintly, Zhang Yong felt that he might encounter a Japanese spy.


 Finally saw the Japanese spy again.

 At the same time, the yellow dot also appeared. Surprisingly it was Ma Ming.

 Zhang Yong:…

Well. sweat. What a coincidence.

 Ma Ming and the Japanese spy happened to be face to face.

 The Japanese spy saw Ma Ming. Ma Ming also saw the spy. But no feeling.

 Ma Ming also saw Zhang Yong. His face looked a little surprised. Then ignore it.

The two of them were about to pass by each other.

"catch him!"

 “Catch the Japanese invader on your left! He is carrying eggs!”

 Zhang Yong suddenly roared.

 It seemed that Ma Ming understood it somehow.

Moreover, he reflexively attacked the Japanese spies. The spy realized something was wrong. Fight back immediately. Immediately, the two began to struggle.

 The egg fell to the ground. Crush. The yolk is flowing all over the place. The two of them were wrestling in the egg yolk. For a moment, both of them were embarrassed.

However, no one cares.

 Ma Ming’s body was injured. Maybe it's not healed yet. However, he struck first.

 Hearing that they were Japanese invaders, he struck mercilessly.

 He was fought **** the battlefield, knowing full well that he could not give the Japanese aggressors a chance to counterattack.

Hold the Japanese invader down and at the same time kick the Japanese spy in the abdomen.

 The spy's response was actually very quick. However, it was just a little slower. Got kicked.     However, it is a master after all. He immediately dragged Ma Ming with his backhand and pinned him down. At the same time, try to push him away. Then continue running.


Ma Ming just won’t let go. He also turned over and tried to hold down the spy again.

 The spy was anxious and angry. But couldn't break free. It was hugged tightly by Ma Ming. Ma Ming has rich experience in hand-to-hand combat on the battlefield and clings to his opponent.

that's enough.

 Others immediately rushed forward.

The spy was anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do.


It suddenly bit Ma Ming's ear.

Ma Ming showed no sign of weakness. He also bit the spy's shoulder firmly.


Ma Ming’s ear was bitten off.

  A large piece of flesh was also bitten off the spy's shoulder.

 Blood flows.

 Cover the egg yolk.

The scene became a mess. It was shocking.

At this moment, suddenly, a large amount of dollars poured out from the spy's torn clothes.

Ma Ming turned a blind eye.

Still biting the Japanese invaders' shoulders.

The U.S. dollars fell scatteredly into the blood, and were soon stained red by the blood.


 The agents from Shanghai Station arrived.

 They quickly dragged the spy away. As a result, the spy refused to let go. He chewed up Ma Ming's ear and swallowed it.

Over there, Ma Ming also bit into pieces of the spy's flesh and swallowed it forcefully.

 The east wind blows and the war drum beats. Who is afraid of whom in this world?

 Zhang Yong also rushed there. He hurriedly pulled Ma Ming up.

 Others immediately **** the spy. Spread his mouth open and try to take the ears out. But it's no use. Already swallowed.

Jia Tengying ran over panting and slapped the Japanese spy hard.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Son of a bitch!"

 The spy showed no reaction.

 The mouth was full of blood. Like a wild beast.

 Zhang Yong had to admit it. This Japanese spy is very fanatical. It seems that he is not afraid of pain.


 What kind of monsters are they!

How come there are so many perverts among the Japanese invaders!

 Lower your head.

 There was blood all over the ground.

  There is a horse crowing. There are also Japanese spies.

 No weapons were used by either side. However, the fighting scene was extremely brutal.

bend over.

 Pick up the dollars in the **** water.

 Mosquito meat is also meat. No matter how much.

 As a result, there were quite a lot of unexpected discoveries. There are more than thirty pictures. The face value is $5. Over a hundred dollars.


 “Send to the hospital!”

Jia Tengying shouted.

 Zhang Yong suddenly came close to his ear.

“The station manager said he is also from Shanghai Station.”


“The young man who helps us arrest people must be an agent of our Shanghai Station.”


Jia Tengying was slightly startled. Then react.

 Zhang Yong was reminding him. Gotta pull that guy over. We cannot allow an "outsider" to make meritorious deeds.

 Must be someone arrested by our Shanghai Station. It is the credit of Shanghai Station.

What? The young man is actually not...

 Arrange an identity immediately. Arrange information. Move the date forward.

 Now is the time to employ people...

 Zhang Yong smiled slightly. No more words.

 He has already reminded Jia Tengying. The other party naturally knows what to do.

In this way, Ma Ming has the opportunity to join the Shanghai station. As for how the future will develop, let nature take its course.


Ma Ming might not be willing?

 That is something that underground party organizations consider. He will report it to the underground party organization.

 “I’m fine…”

 At this time, Ma Ming was still arrogant.

 His whole ear was bitten off. Cut off at the root. Japanese spies are also ruthless.

However, Ma Ming, who was covered in blood, was not nervous at all. On the contrary, he asked Zhang Yong loudly: "Do you think he is a Japanese invader?"

"Yes. He is a Japanese invader." Zhang Yong nodded, "He escaped from our pursuit several times in a row. But this time, he was caught by you."

"Ah, I want to beat him..." Ma Ming stepped forward and beat the Japanese spy violently.

 “Baga!” the spy cursed in Japanese.

 He knows that he has been exposed and does not pretend anymore.

Ma Ming suddenly became even more angry.

 The other party is really a Japanese invader!


 Punching and kicking.

 Others are also fully cooperative.

His whole ear was bitten off by the Japanese invaders. What’s the point of beating him for a while?

 Everyone admired Ma Ming's fierceness. This guy really won't let go if he catches a spy!

 “Stop fighting. Beat him to death.”

 In the end, Zhang Yong pulled away when he saw Ma Ming. Then arrange for someone to take him to the hospital to treat his wounds.

 But the wounds of the Japanese spy should not be taken care of for the time being. Let him continue to hurt.

 Shoulders! Can't die. Do not care.

"Need not."

 As a result, Ma Ming is also a stubborn donkey.

 He seemed to be competing with the Japanese invaders to see who was the toughest.

 My ears are bleeding, your shoulders are bleeding. None of us go to the hospital. Just stand like this and see who can persist to the end.

 Fortunately, Zhang Yong pushed Ma Ming away. Someone was sent to take him to the hospital by force.

 It’s a joke! You were bitten off your ear.

 You have to be stubborn. I'll wait until the bandage comes back before I fight again.

 “I am Shimazu Funaki! I want you all to die! You sick men of East Asia!”


 Zhang Yong was a little surprised.

This guy is actually Shimazu Funaki?

 hurriedly took out the list of nineteen people. That's right. It does have the name on it.

 Also, there is a note: traitor.


 Traitor? what happened?

 Thought for a moment. Figured it out. This Shimazu Funaki is indeed a "traitor".

The Shimazu family was originally the lord of the Satsuma Domain. Logically speaking, they should be the backbone of the Japanese navy. You should join the Japanese navy.

However, this Shimazu Funaki betrayed his family and went to join the army. No wonder the Navy wants to kill him. Also note the word traitor at the back.

  No matter which country you are in, traitors are the most hated. The Japanese invaders were no exception.

 “Are you Shimazu Funaki?”

 “Yes. I am Shimazu Funaki! I demand to be treated well!”

"such a pity…"

 “What’s the pity?”

"I am Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong from the Fuxingshe Secret Service. I specialize in catching Japanese spies. I am telling you now that your request has been rejected."

 Zhang Yong said darkly.

Following the attack, he kicked Shimazu Funaki hard between his legs.

                    Matt. He was so arrogant even after being caught. Still want good treatment? Okay, I will give you flying treatment now!

Let’s become immortal!

 As fast as flying!

 You are very cool, right? But I only have a little over a hundred dollars on me!

 It’s worse than me! What an awesome der!



 Vaguely, it seems like an egg is broken...

 Hold your legs.


 The rest of the matter does not need to be dealt with by him.

That is a matter between Jia Tengying and Shanghai Station. It's best not to mention Zhang Yong's name. Or pass it off in one stroke.

In this way, Shanghai Station can get all the credit. Feeling honored.

 As for Zhang Yong, it’s a small matter...

 Just give me some benefits...

 For example, I, Zhang Yong, took the more than one hundred dollars in the blood without asking.

 In fact, Jia Tengying did pretend not to see it.

As long as the Japanese spy is caught, it doesn’t matter if Zhang Yong takes so few dollars.

That Ma Ming is also a talent. Cruel enough. Shanghai Station needs such people. He must be recruited.

 Zhang Yong successfully returned to the 026 Logistics Base.

As soon as they met, Shi Bingdao said: "The Presidential Palace has called you."

 “Okay.” Zhang Yong then went to make a call.

Presidential Palace? Director Lin?

 What's going on?

 Call to the Presidential Palace. Find Director Lin.

 Sure enough…

“Young Master, there is something you need to do.”

 “Director, tell me.”

“The committee wants to set up an inspection team in Shanghai to supervise the donations of the patriotic aviation movement. I recommend that you serve as the team leader.”


 Zhang Yong responded quickly.

 The mind is spinning. Yes, Lao Jiang must have received some news.

 There must be someone inside trying to do something small. Then Lao Jiang became angry. He hates other people's petty tricks the most.

 Although he himself is a master of small tricks. However, he hates it when others do it.

 So, I immediately thought of myself. I think this knife should be very useful. It's time to warn some people.

 To put it bluntly, as an inspector, what I do is to offend people.

 But, it doesn’t matter. He Zhang Yong doesn't care.

He is not afraid of any monsters or monsters.

Whoever is not convinced, wait until he is convinced!

 Specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction.

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)

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