MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 17 What I fancy ... is you

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Lu Lu looked at the somewhat decadent middle-aged man, Mei Yu slightly raised his head.

The familiar temperament gradually overlaps with the vague figure composed of that aura in preaching Taichung.

Nie Changqing ... It seems that this person is in front of him.

Xi Ningzhao stood in front of Lu Fan, and she had a dignified look on her gorgeous face.

This decadent hog killer actually gave her a sense of crisis.

Master Gong?

I am not very similar, because the blood in front of people seems to be a little too depressed.

In Luobei city ... there are such a number of people!

Sui Yiyue's crisp hand has also been placed on a long whip around her waist, her body tight.

Her strength is not as good as that of Ningzhao, so she feels more obvious. When this victorious pig killer stares, her pores are tightened, and the blood flow becomes stagnant.

As for Ni Yu ...

She was in love to the extreme, leaning against Lu Fan's wheelchair, her eyes dying.

I took the wrong way a few times and was fined several times for not eating.

Ni Yu really wants to slap herself, why is it that Pork Shop should be able to make a comeback?

No food for the next few days, she was afraid of starving.

The grandpa just praised her for being blessed, and starved her to death ...

Grandpa is really getting worse.

Uh ...

Nie Changqing looked at Lu Fan, he protected the big boy in his arms.

His eyes were suspicious, because Lu Fan's words made him a little stunned.

While this young man in a wheelchair is arrogant in his words, he feels very bland and taken for granted.

"You're not from Daoism?"

Nie Changqing's hoarse voice haunted the room again.

"The son is the master of Beiluo City and has nothing to do with Daozong."

Xu Ningzhao said.

Lu Lufan was sitting in a wheelchair with a smile on his face, with one hand on his chin, and the other on the thin woolen blanket covering his thighs.

He didn't look at Nie Changqing, his eyes fell on the big head boy protected by Nie Changqing.

大 The eyes of this big-headed boy are really clean, like a clear sky, pure and untouched by impurities and dust.

The moment I met the sight, even the self-proclaimed Lu Fan couldn't help turning his old face blushing.

It seems that Lu Fan's eyes are too hot.

The big-headed boy hid in Nie Changqing's arms with a little fear.

"It was Lu Shaozhu, I don't know if the young master came to the shop, is there something wrong?"

Nie Changqing heard Lu Fan's identity, and his tense heart was slightly relaxed.

However, he still did not relax his vigilance, because why Lu Fan knew he was a Taoist abandoner, he has been hiding in Beiluo City for five years, and no one can know his whereabouts.

He even changed his name to "Nie Rourong" in order to protect Nie Shuang.

However, Lu Fan still came.

Therefore, Nie Changqing was not sure if Lu Fan had nothing to do with Daozong.

"What is his name?"

Lu Lufan sat in a wheelchair and chuckled and pointed at the big head boy in Nie Changqing's arms.

Nie Changqing's mind was frozen, hugging the boy tightly, and burying his head in his arms full of smell of pork.

"The name of Lu Shaozhu, the son of a contemptible man, is indispensable to the ears of the master."

Nie Changqing said, between the lines, the rejection was very strong.

The smile on Lu Lufan's face slowly disappeared.

看着 He looked at Nie Changqing with a serious look in his eyes.

"People are in rivers and lakes, and you can't help yourself. Do you think you can live a life incognito?"

"You don't think about yourself or your son?"

Lu Fandao.

"Do you want your son to inherit the pig-knife in your hand in the future and be an ordinary pig-killer?"

Nie Changqing froze.

I did not expect that Lu Fan would actually say such a thing.

Alas, Nie Changqing did not refute, he was silent.

He touched Nie Shuang's head, and his mood was a little stunned for a while.

"Be an ordinary pig killer ... isn't it good?"

"Parents don't want him to live in peace and peace."

Nie Changqing said bitterly.

Lu Panyu narrowed his eyes.

没有 He ignored Nie Changqing and looked at the big boy.

"Little guy, tell brother, do you want to be a pig maker?"

Lu Lu asked with a smile.

Nie Shuang in Nie Changqing's arms turned to look at Lu Fan, his eyes fluttered, full of spirituality.

"No ... I don't want to."

"Shuanger ..." Nie Changqing froze.

The big-headed boy looked up and looked at Nie Changqing with a stubborn and serious expression. "Because Dad doesn't like being a pigsmith."

"Dad doesn't like it, so do children."

The big head boy is serious.

Nie Changqing looked at his son's face, feeling the heart as if he was being pinched fiercely.

Lu Lu leaned on a wheelchair and smoothed the wrinkles on the thin woolen blanket covering her thighs.

"He's real gold, but why you let him dust."

"You are committing a crime, you know?"

Lu Lu whispered softly.

Ning Ning, Showa and Yiyue didn't know what to say.

The son of his own family is indeed a genius appreciated by the state teacher, and it really turns out to be a jealous one.

Ni Yu, who was originally sluggish, also suddenly became energetic.

"Ni Yu is also real gold, the son favors Ni Yumengchen, this is committing ... crime!"

Ni Yuqiao's face flushed with excitement.

A corner of Lufan mouth pumped.

Turned his head and glanced at Ni Yu, "Shut up, talk again, slap you."

Ni Yu shuddered.

I hurriedly covered her mouth.

Pu's heartlessness pierced her heart like a cold arrow.

Tears twitched in her eyes,

Sting her ... barely breasted, crying.

Nie Changqing was silent.

After a long time, I said with a husky voice.

所以 "So ... Lu Shaozhu, are you fancy for the son of a scumbag, you want to train him?"

The big head boy Nie Shuang also stared at the landing fan with bright eyes.

He yearns for the outside world, he wants to spread his wings and soar like an eagle, and he wants to get stronger to find his mother!

番 Lu Fan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and looked up and down the big boy with full of appreciation.

After a while, slowly speak.

"No ... I want you."

I was most afraid of the sudden quiet of the air.

The bright eyes of the big boy suddenly froze.

A little aggressive.

At this moment he suddenly understood the mood of Lu Fan's unlovable little girl.

Nie Changqing was also surprised, and it seemed that God had not come.

The next moment, his face shook slightly.

"Lu Shaozhu, I have my own heart, I'm really sorry."

Lu Lufan: "?????"

"Xiaopu closed today ... I'm sorry."

Nie Changqing said, the next moment, quickly removed a string of hanging pork, threw it into a bamboo basket, picked up the bamboo basket, pulled the straw shoes, and led the big boy along the alley in Fangshi.

Wu Ningzhao watched Nie Changqing leaving quickly, hesitated, and asked Lu Fan with a strange look.

"Son ... would you like to capture him?"

Lu Lufan leaned on a wheelchair and touched her fair chin, her lips slightly raised.

"No rush, my son's sincerity, he will feel it sooner or later."

Uh ...


As soon as the sky turns, it changes.

The dark clouds drifted from the sky, dull and oppressive.

The puddles of raindrops rolled down from the dark clouds and fell to the ground, wrapped in the heat of the earth, and splashed away.

Nie Changqing gave Nie Shuang a good fight. Raindrops hit the bucket and made a crackle.

He wiped his face, and UU read a book carrying a basket of pork, led Nie Shuang in the dim rain curtain, and stepped on the bluestone slab road filled with rainwater, deep in the alley Walk around the broken house.


Nie Changqing paused.

Rain is raining, the rain is falling, the sound of thunder is accompanied by thunderous thunder, and the rain and fog are dim, making the world and the world blurred and unreal.

Walk at the end of the alley, in front of the shabby house.

There were three figures in the robes and the dippers stood there.

Because of the misty rain and haze, their figures also became blurred.

"Two children."

Nie Changqing expressionless, shouted in the rain, generous, pinched Nie Shuang's cold hands.

"Dad tells you to run, run back immediately!"

"Remember, don't ... look back."

Nie Changqing said.

Nie Shuang was very smart, her pale lips were tight.


A sound of thunder broke the sky.

Nie Changqing's voice suddenly exploded!

"Two children! Run!"

Wu Nie Wushuang did not hesitate, clinging to the fight, turned and ran behind Nie Changqing.

Nie Changqing threw down the basket, and the red and white pork in the basket spilled to the ground, and he took a look at it, and pulled out a sharpened pig-knife from the basket.

I dragged the soles of the sandals and stepped on, the rain splashed.

far away.

There were three figures, one stood still, and the other two, wearing bucket dippers and wrapped in robes, suddenly dived towards Nie Changqing.

Under the clothes, there were glaring eyes with white blades, tearing the rain curtain.

PS: New book period, ask for a recommendation ~