MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 614 ? Why do you have to repay it?

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The flame of God Mountain is broken.

The man in the black robe behind the portal that suddenly appeared, was slaped into two halves with a slap, and the upper half was connected with the statue of the ancestral beast ancestor and was pulled into the portal.

突然 This sudden scene shocked everyone.

Even if the people are quasi-santong ancient Taoists, they are extremely surprised.

I looked at the shattered mountain of flames, and the Tonggu Taoist had an impulse to shave his beard, saying that it could not be exaggerated, and it would be better to **** the statue of the ancestor of the beast. Nowadays, he even ignores the land.

Digging three feet!

I deserve to be Brother Lu, who operates as usual.

The people in Tongtong Ancient Road felt something.

But in the void, the gods of the elements, and many demon gods were surprised by this scene.

怎么 However, they never thought that in this place of understanding, a portal would suddenly appear, and after the portal, there was a space channel.

The black robe man is so familiar to the gods of the elements.

I am not someone else, it is the man in the black robe who stole the statue of Jinyuan Beast Ancestor last time!

"Damn !!!"

The **** of the gold element angered his mouth.

How dare he come? !!

到底 Who the **** is this?

How can there be such a wretched, so thoughtful person in the world.

They were defenseless, and they never thought that there would be a door that opened to the statue of the beast ancestor and stole it.

The statue of the Golden Beast Ancestor is gone.

Isn't even the statue of the ancestral beast ancestor disappeared now? !!

The most important thing is ... why stealing the statue of the ancestral beast ancestor, and only half of the flame **** mountain?

哪里 Where is this aggressive coming out? !!


A terrifying roar blew.

The sea of ​​flames is boiling, and the Flame Mountain is constantly cracking.


The **** of beacon elements reacted, his lungs were exploding, he never thought that this man in black robes really dared to appear again, and still appeared in front of their **** of elements!

I shot it with one palm, as if I had traveled through space and time, compressed everything, and after entering the portal, he was detained from the black robe.

Lu Fan wrapped in a black robe.

黑 This black robe is exactly what the previous system provided, but it is very good. It can isolate the Yuanshen detection.

Is a must-have for travelling at home.

The terrible blow seemed to be suffocating.

The human geniuses in the Longmen aisle looked at the sitting black robe man, and when they took away the statue of the fire source beast ancestor with half of the flame **** mountain, they all felt tingling for a while.

Lu Jiulian and Yantai Xuan looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were drawn.

This familiar style of action is indeed Lu Shaozhu!

However, the terrible blow of the **** of fire element also changed the look of many people.

They were a little frightened. If the blow of the **** of the fire element hits the channel, everyone will be killed.

After all, that is a **** of the elements, the top power in the gods and demons, and the ruler of the elemental realm.

Lu Pan's black robe hunting.

The statues of Sheshan and Huoyuan Beast Ancestor have been pulled into the space passage by Lu Fan.

At this moment, he was sitting in front of the portal, facing this terrible palm, and his black robe was hunting.

Under the black robe, Lu Panyu eyes narrowed.

The blow of the Elemental God is still terrible.

如今 Even now, Lu Xing's indestructible body has been approaching the completion of Lu Fan, there is no certainty to resist this move.

Therefore, Lu Fan has no hard resistance.

As soon as I moved my heart, I removed the statue of the Fire Beast Ancestor above the Flame Mountain.

I was blocked in front of the passage.

Before the Longmen, the endless Huaguang surging, which is the flame gods of the **** of the elements, shines through the ages.

This blow is like annihilating the void and killing all beings.

The **** of beacon elements really shot with thousands of anger.

However, when this blow approached the Dragon Gate.

The **** of beacon elements saw the black robe man actually holding the statue of the beast ancestor in front of the door.

I almost spit out old blood!

This man ... can you be more shameless? !!

A loud cry cried through.

It seems that the ancient times are far away, and countless stars seem to be shaking at this moment.

The supreme existence in the starry sky seems to be disturbed, recovering from deep sleep, and staring at the falling stars.


The face of the beacon element **** is almost dark!

The beast ancestor statue stood in front, and his blow directly triggered the supreme coercion contained in the beast ancestor statue.

How terrible that might be!

I feel like depression from the soul.

Let the **** of fire element, want to cough up blood, as if Supreme Being stared at him.

The **** of the beacon element forcibly dispersed the attack and his eyes were red, which was his helpless action.

If 真的 really hit, hit the statue of the beast ancestor ...

He is really afraid of being erased by the statue of the beast ancestor, but that is the beast ancestor, who is like the terrible giant of the star saint in the chaos order.

Therefore, the attack of the **** of fire elements came fiercely, but it dissipated quickly, like a twilight rain, sprinkled on the dragon gate, a little bit of leisure.

Qi Lufan's black robe raised slightly, could not help but smile.

I set aside the statue of the ancestral beast ancestor aside, and then clasped with both palms, as if pulling the portal up.


The portal of Yonglong Gate moved, making a heavy and long crunch.

"who are you?!"

"Return to the statue of Jinyuan Beast Ancestor!"

之外 Outside the portal.

The **** of the golden element and the **** of the darkly wounded fire element swept across instantly, raised their hands, and wanted to block the space and break the space passage.

However, they found that the spatial mystery of the portal seemed completely different from their spatial mystery.

Although the way the Heipao people left was much simpler than the last time, they still couldn't stop them.

As the portal gradually closed.

The figure of the black robe of Lu Fan gradually blurred and disappeared.

However, as for the question of the **** of gold and the **** of fire, the face under the black robe seemed to chuckle.

"I borrowed the statue of the beast ancestor on my own. Why should I return it?"

A faint voice floated from behind the closed portal.

Lingering between the heavens, the cover pressed the voice of the sea of ​​fire.

I made heaven and earth seem deadly silent at this moment.

The tongtong ancient Taoist took a deep breath, and was shocked and admired in his heart. What this said ... is worthy of Brother Lu, worthy of Brother Lu who is backed by a sage.

Look at the **** of the gold element and the **** of the fire element, and when they heard that, they were both dumb.

I borrow?

说 This person said to borrow?

Why do you have a face to say it is borrowed?

However, don't wait for them to say anything.

Jain Dragon Gate has been completely closed.

The genius of the Tatar people, the statue of the beast ancestor, and the broken Fire Mountain are all because of this gate, which is completely out of touch with this place of understanding.

Humming ...

At the moment when the dragon gate disappeared, Xiao Xiaolong felt as if he had been hollowed out.

However, he is very satisfied. He is able to make a great contribution to Abba and help him to do such a big and powerful event!

Even after this time, he must die, but he is still excited and happy.

Wu Xiaochilong dispersed the dragon gate and fell down weakly from the void. His power was completely exhausted. This time the opening of the dragon gate was more difficult than he imagined.

Alas, just as he was about to fall into the sea of ​​fire, he swept through his wide sleeves.

The ancient Taoists rolled up Xiao Chilong and put it into their sleeves, and then the body suddenly burst into anger.

"Who is this person ?!"

"Where have I brought so many geniuses to my people ?!"

The roar of the ancient Taoist people contained sorrow, heartbreak, and the sorrow of the geniuses of the people who had high hopes.

"You gods of thousands of swords! Is it your intention!"

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist eyes were red, and the whole face was full of scum.

The truth is revealed at this moment, and all the demon in the place of enlightenment are stunned.

The **** of the gold element and the **** of the fire element are slightly stunned.

He who wanted to speak and scold them was shocked by the wicked people of the ancient Gudao people.

This is so much worse than that of the black robe man!

"To shut up!"

The **** of the gold element and the **** of the fire are extremely angry.

They woke up in an instant, this Tongdao people are doing things.

"Leave the little loach!"

The **** of the beacon element soared tens of thousands of seconds, covering the whole place of enlightenment.

On the other side, the other elemental gods also released Qi.

The black robe man left, but the only clue left to them was the little red dragon.

The appearance of the Dragon Gate was because of the little red dragon. Therefore, as long as they grasped the little red dragon and forced confessions, they could definitely ask the whereabouts of the beast ancestor statue.

However, Xiao Chilong was taken away by Tonggu.

凭 By the act of the Tonggu Taoist alone, they can be sure that the Tonggu Taoist and the black robe man may be a group.

Feeling the terrible qi that filled the whole place of enlightenment.

The ancient Tongdao sighed, and there was a bit of sadness on his face.

I can't fool these guys.

These demons are actually clever.

I can't ...

The ancient Tongdao smiled, holding the dust in his hand, shaking it slowly, his face paled like water.

Nowadays, without a lot of human genius as a bond, as a human quasi-san, he really has the confidence to leave.

Although this space was confined by the innate treasure "Dingkongzhu".

Alas, Tonggu Taoists are also fearless.

The space-time spirit boat can't break away, but he may not.

Swept away.

Whisk dust three thousand wires, like a sharp blade.

I pierced into the void, as if the space was broken like a broken mirror.

The twisted space storm began to sweep.

The ancient Taoists closed their palms together and released the boundless air machine.

The frowning eye seemed to open a vertical eye, which contained boundless upright meaning, as if looking through the past, the present and the future.

"It is a magical power that leads to ancient ways! The eye of space!"

The gaze of the **** of the golden element was condensed.

The God of Beacon Elements has already released the boundless air machine. There are countless fire dragons in the sea of ​​fire. They will be turned into thousands of dragon snakes, and they will be killed towards Tonggu Taoists, and they will be left.


The eyes of the ancient Taoist people seemed to turn into an incandescent light.

Frowning his eyebrows seemed to cut out a sky knife.

Space turbulence is like a galloping current.

Xi Tiandao pumped the knife to cut off the water flow, but actually chopped the space out of the hollow.

It seems that countless branches of time and space were chopped up by the Tonggu Taoist. Then, the Tonggu Taoist shook his body into a streamer, plunged into the unfolding void, and turned into one of countless spatial chaos.

It seems like a drop of water dripped into the boundless ocean and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Boom! !!

And this time.

The raid of the **** of elemental elements is a blast.

The entire place of enlightenment is completely broken, falling apart, and the sky is falling apart, as if reflected in the sea of ​​fire.

"Tonggudao people still fled."

"No way, his understanding of the mystery of space is close to 90% ... even if there is a 'Dingkongzhu', he cannot be left."

"This time, I'm waiting for a big loss."

"I lost another statue of the beast ancestor. I am a **** and a monster, and really want to be injured."

"The important thing now is that the human race has got another statue of the beast ancestor, with two statues in hand. The human race is afraid that it can train a lot of Heavenly Emperors. This is the greatest threat to the demon family!"

A **** of elemental elements began to speak.

Their faces were gloomy as if dripping.

However they never thought that they would be defended by all means, but the man in the black robe still had a hole in it.

"Who is the black robe ... who is it? The space mystery of the two escapes is even far above me, even with the shadow of saints, there are so many human saints. Which one is standing behind this son?"

The gods of elementary elements communicate more than ever.

However, they still cannot judge the origin and division of the Heipao people.

"Anyway, the order goes down, these human geniuses are wanted ... and the black robe man, as for the statues of the water source beast ancestors and earthen beast ancestors, don't open them in a short time ..."

The reason why does not open is to prevent thieves from thinking!

The gods of the elementary elements are really afraid.

The black robes are not strong, but ... they are so disgusting to them.

Stinging once or twice makes them mentally unstable.

Uh ...

Every space collapsed.

的 Somewhere in the Taikoo starry sky, a broken duster emerged. After that, the people from Tonggu broke the void and walked out.

His robes were torn apart by the turbulent flow of space, like noodles hanging on him.

His appearance is extremely embarrassing, and he displays space power and space eyes.

他 For him, it is also a great expense.

After all, it is impossible to escape from the siege of the elemental gods and many gods and gods without paying a price.

Fortunately, this time ... the harvest was quite rewarding.

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist people's eyes are shining.

"The statue of the Fire Beast Ancestor is in hand ..."

"Hahaha ... my tribe, transshipment!"

The ancient Tongdao laughed.

The eyes were brilliant.

However, the two beast ancestor statues were lost in a row, fearing that they would anger the gods of the elements. Next, the Archean sky will become more unsafe.

"No ... The Five Phoenix World is still far from the ancestral land of the human race, and there are two statues of the beast ancestors in the Five Phoenix, their status and meaning are completely different."

"Originally, I planned to persuade Brother Lu to relocate the five phoenixes to the ancestral homeland of the people. Now it seems that I can't do much about it."

"Once the five phoenixes migrate, the migration of an immortal world will definitely attract the attention of the gods and demons. At that time, the five phoenixes may be exposed. Today's five phoenixes ... have not yet attracted the attention of the elemental gods."

The Tongtong ancient Taoist wiped the blood on his face and was shocked.

Blood water evaporates, and the whole person recovers the bones of Xianfeng Road again, refreshed.

"唔 ... But the five phoenixes do not migrate. Next, once the existence of the five phoenixes is found by the few elements, it is definitely a disaster for the five phoenixes."

"After all, Brother Lu's Master has gone to the stars ..."

"The sage of the starry sky travels by starry sky, who knows how long it will take, it will be possible for millions of years ..."

The ancient Tongdao sighed.

He suddenly felt that an additional statue of the beast ancestor seemed to be annoying.

He had to think of a way to keep the Five Phoenixes safe.

The ancient Taoist shook his sleeve.

Xiao Xiaolong emerged suddenly, his face was pale, and it was obviously huge.

"But you have made great achievements. I did not expect that Brother Lu has been in the layout since the opening of the place of enlightenment. It is incredible, the layout is deep and admired by the old way."

"Who can think of a little dragon that is not the first emperor's combat power, it will become the key to the retreat of the human race."

The ancient Tongdao people now look at Xiao Chilong more and more.

This dragon, upright, strong, hard-working, upward ... Let Tonggu Taoists appreciate it.

"This time the old way has also accepted your love, so I will give you a good fortune."

The ancient Taoist narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, hand to hand.

I was actually a dazzling flame circling.

"This is the soul crystal of a fire attribute Tenjin Order demon that was beheaded by Lao Dao that year, and I will give it to you."

Pass through the ancient humane.

His words fell, his fingers flew, and this flame penetrated into the heart of Xiao Chilong's eyebrows.

Xiao Xiaolong suddenly felt that the whole body was entangled with flames, and the fiery heat kept him twisting his body.

But he seemed to be undergoing incredible transformation all over him.

Breath is also constantly getting stronger.

From the first emperor to the emperor, all the way up to the peak of the emperor ...

Does not even leave any sequelae.

"A good understanding, if you can eat it thoroughly, it will be of great benefit to you, and with the statue of the beast ancestor of the source of fire, it will not be impossible to reach the limit of the emperor all the way."

The ancient Tongdao smiled.

After that, he flicked his sleeves and put the little red dragon who was enlightening into the sleeves.

I took a step forward, the stars turned and turned into streamers, and quickly moved across the Archean sky.

He was in a good mood, holding his hand, whistling, and even happily trying to hum the ballad.

far away.

One respected **** and demon headed.

Seeing the Tonggu Taoist frighteningly far away, I dare to look at the Tonggu Taoist from afar. After all, this is a quasi-ethnic holy person. If the other party is unhappy, it is nothing to just find an excuse to kill them.

他们 And their purpose is just to monitor the Tonggudao people, so there is no need to take their lives.

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist walked around the starry sky.

He walked around, taking a group of gods and monitors around him.

Anyway, he has a lot of time, so how long can these gods be a while.

Uh ...

There was silence in the Longmen Passage.

Genius Geniuses looked at each other and didn't know what to say. The atmosphere was a little weird.

And Yan Taixuan sat on the ground with a sigh of relief, relieved.


This trip to the place of enlightenment made him deeply understand the cowardly of the human race in front of the demon.

The Dai people need the strong, and Yantai Xuan has a desire to become stronger.

Sunda Emperor, sooner or later, will stand on top of Taikoo Starry Sky.

"Thank you for your help ..."

Many human geniuses have been easing for a long time, and then they are returning to God.

The Emperor Luoyang, the emperor of the Qiang ethnic group, put away his fire pistol and laughed at Lu Fangong wrapped in a black robe.

Qi Lufan waved his hand and didn't care.

But Lu Jiulian, Bai Jade, Yantai Xuan and others bowed their hands toward the landing.

"Lu Shaozhu ..."

Qi Lufan disperses the black robe, reveals the appearance of Shengxue in white, and sits on a thousand-edged chair.

I looked at them with a smile.

"Just come back safely."

Lu Fandao.

"You don't need to worry about the safety of Xiao Chilong. The predecessors of ancient times can't do so with so many of you. It is still possible to leave Xiao Chilong."

The human race geniuses couldn't help but see Lu Fan.

I did not expect that under this black robe, it was actually the Five Phoenix Lu Shaozhu.

The statue of the beast ancestor could not be included in the Lingbao of space, and Lu Fan took it directly.

The beast ancestor beast ancestral statue began to become smaller in his hands, and finally became the size of a trophy.

Buzz buzz ...

Lu Fan held the statue of the ancestral beast ancestor. On top of the statue, there was a mighty fire source surging.

Lufan's white shirt turned into a red shirt, and her hair turned into red.

The power of these sources of fire entangled continuously along his body, piling into Lu Fan's body.

Suddenly, Lu Fan's fire line did not destroy the demon body. At this moment, it began to continuously improve, and launched an impact towards completeness.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the cute statue of the Fire Origin Beast Patriarch ..."

In front of my eyes, the system prompts a sudden pop-up.

However, at this moment, Lu Fan's whole thoughts are gathering the power of the source of fire, so he didn't pay attention to the system's prompt discourse and didn't pay attention to the rewards.

Around him, everyone held their breath and stared at Lufan.

The geniuses of the Tatar people are extremely surprised. Who is this person?

I was actually able to directly hold the beast ancestor statue to absorb the power of the fire.

You must know that the statue of the beast ancestor contains terrible coercion, that courage can scare the mind.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to approach the statue of the beast ancestor, and it is not easy to absorb the power of the fire source escaped from the statue of the beast ancestor.

Suddenly the man in front of him looked at the statue directly to absorb strength.

The power of the fire on Lu Lufan soon filled.


It looks like a volcanic eruption.

As Lu Fan's eyes coagulated, the coercion on his body became heavier.

After that, there was a terrifying roar, as if to turn the world upside down.

火 行 不灭 魔鬼… finally complete!

The corner of Lu Lu's mouth raised slightly, and she felt that her strength had increased too much.

Today, he is afraid of being able to subdue against the flames.

"Find a time to find the monster Quest and practice your hands ..."

Qi Lufan twisted his neck and dispersed the fire-killing indestructible body.

Qi Lufan shifted his sight and landed on half of the Flame God Mountain. He was in a pinch, and the compressed, pure source of fire bounced out, enveloping the Flame God Mountain.


Soon, this mountain of God melted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and in the end, it turned into a red-red crystal the size of a house.

"This is the Fire Spirit God Stone! The best minerals can be used to make the treasure!"

When Luoyang's eyes were frozen, it is no wonder that Lu Fan would also move half of the Flame Mountain back.

It turned out that this flame **** mountain was refined to the extreme, and it was actually able to extract such a pure fire **** stone.

Lu Fan satisfactorily put away the Fire Spirit Stone and took away half of the mountain. It was not Lu Fan who cut the door. He had to dig the ground three feet, but because he felt the Fire Spirit Stone. This fire spirit stone is so precious that it is extremely suitable.

Qi Lufan put away these.

I took everyone out of the Longmen space.

Luo Luoyang and many geniuses of human race, naturally have no change.

Qi Lufan's breath seemed not strong, but even Luoyang, who was at the level of the emperor, was afraid to act lightly.

Moreover, Tonggudao people have a very good relationship with Lufan, and they will naturally not engage in things.

Everyone left the Longmen space.

光 The glory flashed in front of my eyes.

The rich aura came forth, and the magnificence of the Five Phoenix World was revealed to their eyes, and they returned to the Five Phoenix!

In the continent of Five Phoenixes, the eyes of Tianjiao Chaifeng, who is cultivating the emperor's realm, are slightly condensed.

He felt many familiar breaths.

Isn't that the genius of the people who went to the place where the statue of Huoyuan Beast Ancestor was enlightened?

Are you back? !!

Moreover, Chai Feng felt a strong **** smell, and his face changed slightly.

Apparently, terrible battles have taken place in the place of enlightenment!

Therefore, Chai Feng immediately issued a thunder.

This is the necessary etiquette for the return of the strong men who came from the ancestral land of the human race ~ ~.

As the emperor of the human race, Wu Chaifeng was so impressed that his momentum was soaring into the sky that the five Phoenixes changed.

Luo Yang, who had just come out of the dragon gate, had a slight fluctuation in his eyes, and he was suddenly excited.

"Brother Jiulian ..."

Luo Luoyang's eyes were full of mild smiles, and he took a deep look at Lu Jiulian.

Lu Jiulian has some cyanosis.

The next moment, Luo Yang's movements made him even more dazed.

But I saw that the human emperor Luoyang stepped out, and his breath was like rainbow.

He shouted a sharp howl and went straight to Jiuxiao.

"The place where the source of fire comes to understand, the human race Tianjiao Lu Jiulian, with the body of the Emperor, cut the 14th-level gods and demons, cut the immortal-level gods and dozens of them!

"Congratulations to the Terrans, Congratulations to Brother Jiulian !!!"

The sound of the utterances was imposing, and it spread all over the Five Phoenix Land.

At this time, Chai Feng heard the record, but his face was red.

Growled loudly.

"Hey !!!"

This combination should make all the strong in the Five Phoenixes aggressive.

Even if it's Lu Fan, he's drawn at the corner of his mouth ...

What the hell? !!

Lu Jiulian pursed her lips.

He wanted to calmly say "Don't be surprised, Ji Cao", but glanced at Lu Fan beside him.

I actually can't separate my mouth.

Why is it ... a little shameful? !!

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