MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 24 intrusion

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Remember [New] for a second,! It turned out that there was no air defense system, so he was worried.

Luo Yin put away his dragon wings and landed on the back of a mountain. The large area of ​​flat wasteland nearby is the take-off runway for the two fighter planes, and the exit of the shelter has been closed and hidden in the snow and ice again.

"Run fast."

The two pilots didn't understand what Luo Yin was saying, but they understood his gestures, and their brains on the verge of collapse drove their bodies away from here.

Luo Yin inserted Tian Congyun into the ground until the end handle, but did not pierce the metal outer wall. This outrageous thickness is a bit more elegant than the **** in the equipment department.

It was certain that a large group of heavily armed thugs were waiting for them under the ground at this moment.

Luo Yin admitted that there is actually a slight possibility that the evolutionists are just a group of radicals who love arms, and there is nothing shameful in the shelter. In that case, he will lose a little more money.

"Violent demolition."


Susie nodded, 12 black swords flew around her in the low air, ready to go.

Word Spirit Copy, Kingship, Maximum Strength Burst.

As the word spirit of Tian Zhaoming, Luo Yin had the illusion of turning into a scorching sun when he was fully driving the kingship.

King Quan's target has never been a high-level dragon with strong mobility. The meaning of its existence is to make the submissive kneel, crush everything on a large-scale battlefield, let the majestic city walls collapse in an instant, and the copper pillars that reach the sky fall to the ground.

The air in the field was compressed and twisted, and the ice and soil were compressed like pig iron. In less than 10 seconds, the distorted super-gravity made a harsh quaking sound from the metal outer layer, followed by an incomparably clear pop.

Twelve black swords cut along the metal gap like a scalpel, and the blades grew and extended in the skyrocketing alchemy field, violently chopping the solid metal wall.

With a deafening crack, the outer walls of City 12 collapsed.

Luo Yin, who was in a state of deep dragon transformation, stood on top of the steel ruins, using his strong dragon wings to blow away the smoke and dust, and glanced at the situation in the shelter, feeling a little dazed.

It looked too ordinary, just a single room with lots of grey iron doors. There are no ordnance, no laboratories, no nuclear reactors, replaced by rudimentary canteens and libraries.

People who haven't had time to take refuge to the lower floors hid in the corners, trembling, avoiding the light of golden pupils. Among them were the white-clothed guards and the black-clothed guards, but most of them were only fifteen or sixteen-year-old children.

Several guards clasped the ak-74 in their hands, but their rigid bodies could not raise the muzzle.

Deadpool. Half of these children have deadpool symptoms, but they are still in the first or second stage, and it is too early to get out of control.

Word spirit copy, snake.

The group of snakes formed by bioelectricity penetrated the metal and moved towards the underground, completely feeding the underground structure back into Luo Yin's brain.

"The second underground floor is their laboratory, with 8 machine guns."


The two communicated through the group snake device throughout the whole process, and there was no hesitation and sluggishness in their actions.

The snake's domain had just been lifted, and Yan Lingjian Yu passed through the floor and erupted twice on the second underground floor.

Whether it is a machine gun or a rifle, the barrels are reversed by more than 120 degrees in the magnetic field, and the tough firing pins are easily destroyed.

Luo Yin waved his hand to the side, and the original realm broke out, crushing a newly formed Word Spirit Realm to collapse.

Anton, a blond Russian boy, the second stage of Deadpool. Anton's unstable bloodline seemed to be stimulated by him, trying to attack him with a word spirit that solidified the air.

Among these mixed-race children, there are many holders of high-level word spirits, and there are still some potential risks.

Luo Yin reluctantly released the kingship again. This Poyan Spirit itself consumes a lot of physical strength, and he uses the mirror pupil to copy and release it, which consumes even more.

"cпyckancr! (Get down!

Luo Yin's voice became extremely deep in the state of dragon transformation, echoing in the closed underground space.

He used the field of gravity to cover the first and second underground floors at the same time, with a strength of 9g for 5 seconds. Hundreds of people in the field of words and spirits lowered their bodies subconsciously, and then fell to the ground to keep their brains awake, which was rapidly losing blood.

Only a few individuals of higher ancestry remain in the minus tier without shock, but also experience intense headaches, dizziness, and ringing in the ears.

"Nothing special, let's go downstairs."

Susie slashed the door bolt with one sword, and swept away the guards in ambush on the corridor to both sides with a sharp sword, and the monitoring equipment burst into a large group of sparks.

The researchers on the negative second floor probably received the notification of their invasion within 20 seconds, and most of them were still dealing with their work, and they played gg in the realm of kingship in a confused way.

Luo Yin moved his body a bit and released multiple words in a row. Even with his current physical strength, he couldn't bear it, and the [Thousand Faces] on his waist was already hot. After all, it is not the top alchemy creation.

"The flesh and blood of the Lord of the Seas and Waters...the same one as the Japan Trench."

The experimental equipment in the negative second floor is of excellent quality and almost unbroken. In the high-strength, corrosion-resistant resin water tank, large pieces of dark dragon-like body tissue quietly float in the nutrient solution.

Many long-held clues and doubts became clear in Luo Yin's mind at this moment.

General Wang, Dr. Herzog, came from a mysterious port called Black Swan Harbor. He has living dragons there as research subjects. That dragon is, unsurprisingly, the Water King.

The embryo of the Water King was taken away from the Black Swan Harbor, accompanied by the icebreaker sinking into the Japan Trench, awakening the holy wreck. And his old dragon body stayed in Black Swan Harbor and continued to be used as research material.

The powerful and distorted regeneration ability makes the black snake's body a treasure in the eyes of dragon researchers.

Is this the Black Swan Harbor? Impossible, this underground shelter and the port can't get together, and the doctor will not make such a mistake.

In addition, the flesh and blood tissue cultivated here is too little compared to the majestic body of the black snake.

Luo Yin quickly looked around, with a strong sense of sight. Dragon subspecies breeding pond, Dragon King body tissue production line, serum extractor, dragon blood by-product analyzer... He almost thought he was going home.

Susie's thoughts were similar, and her face covered with dragon scales had a strange look.

"Hiding underground and secretly doing such a dark experiment must not be a good person."


Susie reluctantly agreed.

She was thinking about the origin of the mixed-race children in the upper class. Most of them were Slavs, but there were also many other ethnic groups and skin colors. Like it was deliberately collected and trapped here.

Just as Luo Yin was about to break through the gate and go down to the third floor, he noticed a person pretending to be dizzy on the ground. He restrained his breathing, but his heart was beating too fast.

The middle-aged man heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and slammed the syringe he carried with him into the vein of his left arm. It was a by-product obtained in the process of purifying the Dragon King serum. The pain-relieving and exciting effects of the polymer were dozens of times stronger than those of steroids, making him strong enough to resist the dragon's might.


Only the Magnum pistol with special bullets has the chance to kill the great life in front of him, the creature named dragon that he spent his companion research on.

The terrifying recoil nearly broke the man's wrist bone, but the fatal bullet was crushed by the white claws halfway through.

The warhead was just treated with the toxin in the dragon's blood, not a big killer like the Sage's Stone. Luo Yin stared at the unfamiliar middle-aged man in front of him, a little dazed.

"Long time no see, Dr. Herzog."

This is the first time he has seen Dr. before plastic surgery. The dark gray woolen military uniform was ironed neatly, and the neat short silver-gray hair was a little messy.

Luo Yin patted Herzog's shoulder lightly, as if the old friend had reunited. Gu Kui

According to the information he compiled, if Dr. He was still alive, he would be nearly ninety years old. This Herzog looked at least forty years old. The number after his name is 12e.

At this time, Luo Yin was finally convinced that the dark side monarch who sent him the invitation letter possessed extremely mature hybrid cloning technology.


The white shadow flashed, and the Magnum pistol was in Luo Yin's hands.

"Doctor, I ask, you answer. Don't have superfluous thoughts."

He switched to English to communicate with Herzog. Luo Yin knew that the doctor was proficient in German, Russian, and English, and later learned Japanese and Chinese by himself in Japan.

"What's the name of this shelter?"

"There's only one number, 12. A lot of people call it City 12."

"What are you researching here?"

Luo Yin heard the hurried footsteps from the lower floor, but was not anxious, and continued to ask Dr. Clone.

"Project Delta, the fourth domain project. The fourth domain except the eubacteria domain, the archaea domain and the eukaryotic domain, the dragon family."

"What are the children of the upper class used for?"

The doctor hesitated, but Tian Congyun waited for no one. The time was urgent, Luo Yin's urgent tone contained a threat that could not be refused.

"Experiment. They are rich in dragon genes. We want to use them to screen out the hybrids that are most suitable for dragon serum, carrying recessive genes that can be stimulated by serum."

Luo Yin's eyes became serious about the Dragon Race Genome Analysis Project. Purified Dragon King Serum has a pedigree-boosting effect and may work exceptionally well on certain individuals, possibly even triggering evolution.

Then, the cause of the deadpool symptoms in some children is very clear: they are not the perfect match for the serum, and the bloodline goes out of control after the overdose.

"Is there a nuclear reactor in City 12? Where is it?"

"The lowest level."

The footsteps below stopped, followed by a dense metal crash. Susie slowly opened Jian Yu.

"Last question. Do you know the time? Do you know that you are a clone?"

"June 1989..."

Seeing that Dr. Clone's expression changed from hesitant to annoyed, to confused, suddenly, to collapse, Luo Yin already got the answer to the question.

Knock stun and put it aside, take it away later.

The high-pitched siren was mingled with the dull sound of gears and levers turning. The people on the negative third floor did not attack them head-on, but activated emergency security measures to block the negative second floor.

The electronic lock enters the locked state, and only the most primitive mechanical lock remains at the exit. The copper walls and iron walls weighing more than hundreds of tons have become unbreakable metal cages.

Susie shook her head, Jian Yu couldn't break the door. Just cut hard.

With a clicking sound, dozens of workbenches on the negative second floor popped out of the hidden interlayer from below, spraying a misty gas-liquid mixture from it.

It's a high concentration of nerve gas, enough to poison everyone else here hundreds of times.

Poisonous and anesthetic gases are released from the four walls at the same time. Gas is not released through ventilation ducts, gas storage and release devices are built into the walls.

Except for Susie, Luo Yin only had time to pull the unconscious Dr. Clone into the original world, and other researchers had no need for rescue.

"There's a question, I've been thinking about it for a long time. After Odin modified the world line, how did Luo Ying, who replaced me, appear."

The absolute realm of the original world isolates all kinds of chemical weapons, and Luo Yin strolled towards the gate.

"To achieve this, Odin must modify everyone's memory, then create 'Luo Ying', and then weave a false script for him."

"That's right. But the power to modify memory is far beyond the scope of ordinary dragon kings. As for creating life, that belongs to the domain of black kings and gods."

Luo Yin's hint is not difficult to guess.

"There is a force working with Odin. They cloned Luo Ying and put it into the modified world."

"I suspected it was Hunter Net before, but unfortunately, the connection between Lin Fenglong and Odin is limited to the coffin of the heroic spirit."

At this moment, a force with mature cloning technology appeared in front of Luo Yin. A majestic killing intent naturally emerged in his heart. Evolution, are you working with Odin?


The solid floor exploded in pieces, realizing the huge amount of explosives buried, and blasting the water tank and dragon tissue, precious dragon blood extract and dying researchers to pieces.

The chain explosion that lasted for several seconds severely deformed the ground and outer walls, and the toxic gas and air were burned out, and the room temperature exceeded 1,000 degrees Celsius.

Light and heat, explosive wind and metal sheets are isolated on the edge of the realm of the original realm, quietly annihilating in the endless transformation of elements.

In the center of the field, Luo Yin and Susie coughed heavily. Dr. Clone was injured by the power of the explosion, and he didn't know how long he could last.

"I have a minute at the most."

"You deal with the people on the negative three floors, pay attention to the subspecies and experimental subjects they breed, and don't get close. I'll go check the situation of the reactor."

Susie nodded, and the two rushed towards the deformed iron gate together.

Alchemists excel at refining metals as well as destroying them. Under the influence of the elements of earth and fire, the material of the heavy gate deteriorated rapidly, and the flickering Tiancongyun slashed the alloy gate open with a few swords.

The rapidly trembling black sword released a whirling and cutting metal storm at the moment the gate fell, giving the β, γ, and δ teams guarding here no chance.

The β team is an attacking team equipped with heavy weapons, the γ team is a sniper and a scout, and the δ team is a patrol soldier equipped with low-level alchemy swords and dragon bloodhounds. Their biggest mistake was not expecting a creature to come out from behind that door.

The turbulent sword wind blew the splashing blood far away. To deal with these people, Susie knew that she had no room to spare.

Just a second later, the counterattack struck. Hundreds of thousands of bullets crashed into the field, stopped, and exploded.

The opponent is inexperienced and has not replaced the alchemy bullets or plastic bullets for Jian Yu in time, or there is no such reserve at all.

The black sword slashed twice, and there were only a few dragon blood hounds with tenacious vitality left in the eyes, who were still struggling, roaring and preparing to attack her.

Susie glanced at the arrangement in the negative third floor. There were more than a dozen guards hiding in the corners and behind the blood-stained iron railings.

There were deep, depressed breathing sounds from the surrounding closed rooms Luo Yin just mentioned the "experimental body".

He used Word Spirit Snake to gain insight into the underground structure of the shelter in advance, and the reactor was still below.

Susie saw that the negative third floor seemed to be a place for "clinical experiments" and was heavily guarded. The negative first floor is like a shabby orphanage, the negative second floor makes serum and other medicines, and the negative first floor hybrids are sent here to perform experiments.

The person in power supervises everything in City 12 at the bottom, and can execute everyone above in a critical moment.

The blue-black snake tail suddenly pierced the chest of a guard, the heart and the wound froze within a hundredth of a second, and the blood that splattered radially turned into ice crystals in mid-air.

Seven strong heartbeats became extremely rapid in just five seconds. The guards unleashed these failed subjects, who were one step away from Deadpool, but their prey was not limited to trespassers.

The black sword surrounded Susie, like a steel-structured light or a bouquet. Out of the corner of her eye, she searched for a space where she could take refuge. The explosion like just now could happen again at any time.

Without the protection of the original realm, her body strength is very easy to be severely injured. I hope Luo Yin can control the commander here as soon as possible.