MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 52 Sword weight (3)

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"Elizabeth, they are clones.

The evolutionists have the technology to clone hybrids and falsify memories, don't trust them. "

Luo Yin immediately reminded, but Elizabeth was a little lost.

"Yes, we have decades of cloning technology leading the world, and thousands of clones are working around the clock for a great cause.

But we are not one of them. Lily, can you give us a chance to explain? "

No, absolutely not.

An unstoppable killing intent poured out of Luo Yin's heart. The Laurent family cannot fall to the evolutionary faction, and cannot let this risk go.

Elizabeth is a sensible and calm person, but the current situation will undoubtedly weaken her judgment.

"We were not on that plane. After the crash, we replaced the identities and ticketing information of the two victims. Of course, their families were properly compensated.

Everything we did was because of Angers and the pressure of the Presbyterian Church. "

"Stand where you are and don't come near me. I need something more practical."

Elizabeth looked grim, warning her "parents" who had come back from the dead.

"Don't be nervous, we understand.

Angers is a friend of the Laurent family. This should be a statement you often hear, and we have told you the same thing before.

Your grandfather, my father, was one of his first students. Father, he has always respected the principal of Angers, and it did not change until he died in battle.

But my father didn't want me to be a dragon slayer, so I chose another path, just like you.

The family has achieved many unprecedented successes under our management. Even if Laurent is no longer known for his bravery.

But this runs counter to the expectations of conservatives in the Presbyterian Church. "

The Laurent couple spoke sincerely, but Luo Yin didn't listen at all.

He stared at the smiling priest, and Rasputin paid no heed to the contempt in his eyes.

"Dragon slaying never meant everything to a half-blood. But in the eyes of Angers and the old die-hards, it was everything.

Angers knew everything about the future, but he didn't care. We have to think about the future.

Historically, the Laurent family has paid too much for the secret party. What have we gained? Being stepped on by a mud leg like Gattuso?

But Angers didn't care. Our contradictions are becoming more and more intense, and one party must withdraw forever. "

Luo Yin recorded the whole process by the side, and then sent back to Angers to effectively prevent hypotension.

"Lily, you have always been a kind, righteous child, and Angers has taken advantage of you. He doesn't care about Laurent at all.

We have integrated the family's invisible industry, working with Her Majesty the Queen over the years. The family cannot be tied to the chariot of the Secret Party. "

"What's my 14th birthday present?"

The Laurent couple was stunned, desperately searching for their memories.

"Sorry...we don't remember."

Elizabeth sighed softly. The correct answer is not to remember.

When they forget their birthdays, the housekeeper will deliver pre-selected gifts on time, and the secretary will write greeting cards and deliver custom-made cakes.

"Whether you are true or not, the Laurent family will not cooperate with the evolutionary faction. That is a tarnish to the honor of the family."

"Adrian, bring Elizabeth here. You won't betray us, and you won't admit it."

"Yes, ma'am."

The situation had just improved, but suddenly it took a sharp turn for the worse. Elizabeth's old butler grabbed her wrist, clasped her throat with his right hand like a tong, and walked backwards towards the Laurent couple.

Luo Yin only felt a little numb. It was time for Susie to blame Elizabeth's cheap parents just now.

Baldwin and Alberga smile and open their arms, and family reunion is more of a beauty.

Yan Ling · Ghost wins!

The old butler instantly activated the spirit of words, the pain was shielded, and the upper limit of the force was increased to five times.

Blood burst out like arrows.

Adrian wiped the blood from his knuckles with a white handkerchief and knelt down on one knee in front of Elizabeth.

He pierced the throats of the two fakes with the knuckles of his index finger, breaking their cervical vertebrae.


"Really they wouldn't do such a thing to a lady.

Miss you know they are fake. But seeing those two faces again still makes you sad. "

On the holographic projection, the priest's smile disappeared for the first time.

"Adrian, I forgive your presumption.

As punishment, you will play Frisbee with Caesar every day for the next two months. "

"Yes, ma'am."

As far as Luo Yin knew, Caesar was the German Shepherd of Elizabeth's family.

Luo Yin moved his shoulders. It's better to hit the sun instead of picking a day. Let's take away the 23rd city today.

Although neither the princess nor the priest's body is here, it is always good to charge some interest first.

He didn't need to ask Elizabeth's advice, because she was out of anger at this time, and maybe she was thinking about the feasibility of the nuclear evolution.

"The next words are my personal and heartfelt advice. Run away, run away quickly."

Luo Yin took out the Tiancong Cloud Sword and pointed it at the priest and the princess.

"What is the secret party's greatest fear?"

Luo Yin: "5, 4, 3..."

"The return of the Black King? No, what you fear most are humans.

You think you are on the side of humanity, but deep down, you know it all too are afraid of humanity.

You look forward to, and fear, the day when you will no longer be hidden from this world. "

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not afraid of my mother."

Luo Yin complained at the speed of light, and Susie controlled her facial muscles with difficulty.

"Well, maybe a little scared."

"I understand. Her Majesty, start the doomsday plan."

The expressionless Anastasia entered a password, and the scarlet phantom appeared.

"Hello, immature copycat."

Norma's color-change repaint knockoff, Lilith.

The scarlet girl reported to Anastasia with a cold mechanical voice: "The doomsday plan has been activated and can be released in five minutes."

Luo Yin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Don't be that **** shit.

"Don't think of us as so evil. The doomsday plan is actually just some irrelevant video, audio, and text materials.

As long as the Queen presses that button, the data will be sent to millions of electronic terminals around the world. The Dragon Clan, the Secret Party, and the Cassel Academy will make headlines in all media. "

At the same time, Luo Yin's heart madly popped up dirty words in more than a dozen languages.

"You will also be exposed."

"Our core members are not many, and we are good at hiding. As for you, you are the face of a mixed race."

Luo Yin: "Lilith is no match for Norma and Samaria. It has no real wisdom at all."

"We are swords, you are shields. Millions of pieces of information, as long as 1% spreads, everything will be over."

Asshole, don't think I haven't seen "Three-Body Problem"! He actually used the way to deal with aliens to target me!

After a long absence, Luo Yin was a little short of breath. He actually started to get nervous.

"In the words of a novel, she is our sword bearer.

You know her unfortunate upbringing. So, when you act rashly, she will definitely press that button. In fact, she wants to press it now. "

Elizabeth Laurent also looked bad. She wants to burn everything here to ashes, but is she qualified to make decisions on behalf of the Secret Party, on behalf of all hybrids?

Expose the existence of hybrids without any buffer time, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Luo Yin held Tian Congyun tightly, the bloodline shackles were on the verge of being broken.

He has the sharpest sword in the world, and the blood of a dragon that rivals that of a king is running in his body, but he hesitates to swing the sword.

The air was as thick as iron, and the sword of the clouds overcame the mountains.

"As long as you leave the seeds of the World Tree, you can choose our wealth, technology, and intelligence at will.

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

Then, just get out of here and ignore us. We simply don't exist. "

Do you want to bet on Norma's successful interception? Do you want to bet on war and peace?

Various possibilities, the best and the worst, quickly flashed through Luo Yin's mind. The sound of clear metal friction interrupted his thoughts.

It was the sound of a sword being drawn.

"Being strong means a lot of things, but it definitely doesn't mean compromising.

If even the strong make concessions to the wicked, who will protect the justice of the weak? "

Susie clenched her sword tightly, and there was no tremor in her wrist.

At this moment, Luo Yin knew that he would love this woman forever.

That's right. He is no longer the passer-by of Cassell College and the only **** in the elite team, and now one of his choices will even affect the direction of the entire mixed-race society.

Luo Yin didn't realize it himself, but he did become more timid than before.

"I usually cherish words like gold, but I can still speak at critical moments."

"College Entrance Examination Chinese 133."

"Got it, be a quiz writer."

Luo Yin took a deep breath and gave Elizabeth a bright smile.

"We never compromise.

I will accept failure after all my efforts have been exhausted, but I will never accept the false peace of compromise. "

He called his dear mentor, Professor Manstein.

"Luo Yin?"

The German bald head who was on duty in the hall of the executive department suddenly became vigilant and sober.

According to Manstein's experience, there is an 85% chance that Luo Yin's phone calls will make him wear a pain mask, second only to the 100% chance of Daddy Bastard.

"Ahem, long story short. After 237 seconds, there will be a global cyber attack against hybrids, with a spread of millions, with the purpose of revealing the existence of hybrids to all mankind.

Hey? Hey Hey hey? "

Luo Yin could probably imagine that Manstein was still in a state of shutdown due to overheating of his brain.

"WTF! Sh*t! WaszurHölle?! You fucking..."

"230 seconds."

No sound.

"So, we need Norma."

"You have two black cards, permissions or something..."

"Go to Teacher Flamel, we need the real Norma. His phone is off again, fuck!

Not EVA, I want the real Norma! "

Luo Yin hung up the phone and gave Samaria an order to assist Norma.

He's not as powerful as Norma, but he's as smart as Norma.

"I'm Elizabeth Laurent. Now, do everything in your power to mobilize hackers and cyber navy, put all your media reporters on standby, and buy online forums if necessary. There's no cap.

Notify all other trustee families, including Gattuso. "

Money power is a really good thing. He needs more staff.

"Maybe it's not a bad thing. Maybe the half-bloods have worried about the destruction for thousands of years, and it's not serious at all."

There was no turning back, but Luo Yin was no longer nervous. There will always be a way out tomorrow.

He and Susie were leaning against their motorcycles, sharing **** on the Night's Watch forum.

Countdown to 30 seconds.

A faint blue spot of light appeared on Elizabeth's phone, and the girl in her pajamas yawned.

Thank goodness the vice-principal didn't sleep too hard.

The black-robed Samaria appeared from behind Luo, with an irregular silver mask solemn and strange.

Luo Yin noticed Norma's smart eyes, that's right, this is it.

"Hey Norma. You see there's someone who looks like you."

It might also work for advanced artificial intelligence.

Norma jumped up, looked around Lilith, and slowly showed a very bad expression on her little face with baby fat.

Flamel, her creator, said that Norma was born to commemorate the death of a young girl. Kind, brave, wise, and beloved Norma Lawens.

Therefore, this appearance is not a randomly fabricated body. It has a unique meaning.

Rasputin frowned. He seemed to see killing intent in the eyes of a supercomputer.

"The doomsday plan has been launched, waiting for the release..."

Anastasia immediately pressed the button, and the fingerprint was successfully unlocked.

"A typical sociopath, she can't wait!"

"As you wish. Now, let's watch the burning world!"

Discovered 49,147 sensitive information about If you stand from Norma's perspective, then the world at this moment is like a splendid fireworks show.

Doomsday plans are not ready in one day. The evolutionists disperse relevant information in hundreds of terminals, encrypted and protected in various forms.

But she is Norma. The superficial Norma is the almighty little college secretary, the hidden EVA is the college's war machine, and the real one is the super life that Flamel is afraid of every day.

She intercepted nearly 30% of the leaked information within ten seconds, and even if someone saw it, she would probably think it was a spam pop-up advertisement.

But the rest of the job is going to get trickier, and not all messages are so easy to intercept.

"I need your permission."

Samaria sends a request to Norma. There are too few information bases he can access, and he can't help much.

"For you, but only for today."

The millions of bullets fired by Lilith were rapidly decreasing, and the countless dragon-related information was shattered.

Luo Yin and others were also quickly swiping their phones, staring at news websites and online forums.

He had already swiped four or five pieces of leaked information, but it disappeared as soon as he refreshed.

On the other hand, the offensive and defensive battle has reached the most difficult part. The area that Norma can cover is very, very large, but she still has blind spots.

And Lilith spread the message in those blind spots. Norma and Samaria can only deal with it ad hoc after discovery, which is extremely draining their computing power.

When the time passed to 30 seconds, Norma was unable to support, but still deleted the leaked information one by one.

"you failed."

Lily stated with the slightest emotion.

------off topic-----

The young cats downstairs are super edible.