MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 55 Sword Weight (End)

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The latest website: Luo Yin's ears were filled with the whistling sound of the wind, and the rushing dragon blood transported all the nutrients stored in the body to all parts of the body, strengthening the newborn dragon body.

If he fails, when the sun rises tomorrow, a haze will hang over all life.

Gattuso is a group of power-obsessed careerists, and the Siberian Evolutionists are war-hungry lunatics.

In some cases, at a particular time and place, a person perceives the facts of the moment with unparalleled clarity:

He is the only candidate.

There are no options and no alternatives.

There will always be surprises he can't predict. At this moment, Luo Yin only had four words in his mind, he could go on.

The air burst on both sides of the dragon wings, and the resistance of the sound barrier was as fragile as a piece of candy paper.

He devoured one-third of Li Wuyue's keel and one-third of the power of the wind, which allowed him to reach the peak of speed.

Luo Yin took the initiative to sink his consciousness into Li Wuyue's remaining memory fragments, and now he can't think about the sequelae of this behavior.

He seems to have ruled this sky for thousands of years. The winds of the world are his subjects, and the sky is within reach.

He fine-tuned the structure of dragon wings and bones, mobilized the authority of the wind, and attenuated atmospheric resistance to negligible levels.

Faster, he's going to fly faster.

Luo Yin gradually had the illusion of breaking free from gravity.

In the underground silo, the evolutionary engineers and logisticians felt absurd as **** in broad daylight.

The three-stage rocket carrying the Scourge satellite was already close to the speed of sound after the first ten seconds of vertical acceleration, but a UFO was rapidly approaching the height of the rocket.

That thing was accelerating in sync with their rocket, and that thing was accelerating even more.

"Start the backup launch plan and separate the first stage of the rocket ahead of schedule."

"Risk of a backup plan without Lilith's support... as ordered."

The voice of the person in charge is getting smaller and smaller. They can only execute orders.

Luo Yin maintained himself at the same level as the top of the launch vehicle, and was about to open the original boundary and rush over.

Long-range bombardment with Word Spirit is just his backup plan. He wasn't sure if that would damage the rocket's structure, and he couldn't predict the consequences of the rocket's disintegration.

The first stage of the rocket suddenly separated and fell, and the rest of the rocket exploded and accelerated in a spectacular orange-blue flame. The blasted airflow made Luo Yin struggle to maintain his balance.

In theory, the remaining two parts of the engine are enough to put the satellite into low-Earth orbit. Evolutionists envisioned the possibility of rockets being intercepted at low altitudes.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the white dragon roared and fanned the dragon wings. The membrane wings between the fan-shaped bones were filled to the limit by the high-pressure air, and they were almost broken.

Twice the speed of sound, three times, three and a half times the speed of sound...

The clouds rolled around him to avoid dispersing, and the sky in the distance could be reached in an instant.

But far from enough, the launch vehicle is rapidly pulling away from him.

Luo Yin remembers that a single-stage liquid rocket can accelerate to a speed of 4 kilometers per second in the atmosphere, about Mach 12. And this one on his head will be faster.

When it separates the second-stage rocket into low-Earth orbit, the speed will exceed 9 kilometers per second, exceeding the first cosmic speed.

Luo Yin couldn't catch up, even the body of the Dragon King was far from reaching that speed.

Only beyond the limit. Like Li Wuyue, in the state of extremely fast flight, time zero is superimposed at the same time.

He must use the incomplete authority to cancel the wind resistance, and at the same time release the time zero field of at least 5 times speed, and maintain it until he touches the rocket.

And every moment Luo Yin thought or hesitated, the distance between him and the rocket became wider.

Assuming that he makes a mistake, the tearing and breaking of the dragon wings are only secondary consequences. The key is that he has no chance to come back.

Calm down and think of something that will relax you.

A familiar melody appeared in Luo Yin's tense thinking, and he subconsciously hummed it.

"gonnatiga! takeme, takemehigher!

Courage hugs き し め て strong く (strongly embrace courage)! "

How many messes are in his DNA.

Li Wuyue, lend me your power.

Luo Yin thought silently in his heart. Whether you like it or not.

He raised his head, and the whole world turned into a still picture. In the midst of extreme movement, the illusion of extreme stillness suddenly arises.

Like a bow and arrow, the white dragon accelerated into the high-temperature and high-pressure airflow around the rocket.

Everything happened in an instant.

Luo Yin lost his balance in the impact of the airflow.

The realm of time zero is broken.

The membrane wings were torn by the airflow, and the left and right dragon wings suffered multiple burns and fractures.

The celestial cloud is transformed into the almighty ether, and the metal wire penetrates the inner structure of the rocket and is temporarily endowed with strength and high temperature resistance.

He hit the outer layer of the rocket, and the terrifying impact and high temperature of thousands of degrees caused the dragon scales on Luo Yin's body to crack directly, accompanied by severe internal bleeding.

Luo Yin manipulated the flowing ether to cover the body surface to isolate the high temperature, and adjusted the keel structure to control the injury.

His impact definitely deflected the rocket's orbit, but it was re-angling.

Yan Ling·Mirror pupil!

Luo Yin still remembered that when he had just awakened his bloodline, he could only maintain the mirror pupil for more than ten seconds, and his analytical ability was difficult to deal with even an electric fan.

Excellent mirror pupil users can analyze firearms, clocks, cars, and even manipulate fighter jets and copy words.

In front of Luo Yin at the moment, is an oversized toy with more than 80,000 parts.

The tide of information poured into his brain, a spectacle that only he could witness.

The parameters of each part, the composition of solid and liquid dyes, the high-density tungsten rods carried in the satellite, every error that occurs during the molding, cutting, and grinding processes, including structural damage in the impact.

The ether is like a metal vine, growing and spreading inside the rocket, binding the "life" of the mechanical creation firmly.

He didn't need to slash or explode, Luo Yin took a silent dismemberment method.

The effect of the mirror pupil is weakening, and the element is slowly becoming thinner. He is getting closer and closer to the stars.

it's time.

The metal wires of the ether became extremely sharp, destroying hundreds of local structures of the rocket in an instant.

On the periphery of the thin middle layer of the atmosphere, the nameless rocket carrying the second scourge was disintegrated into dozens of scattered pieces of space junk, leaving only the deviated engine to continue flying towards the starry sky.

Luo Yin watched them rub against the atmosphere, burn in red heat, and fall from the sky. The broken dragon wings behind him were covered with a layer of frost.

Before he fell, he looked through the clear pale blue sky to the blazing stars and the sun.

The stars went out, and the fragments of the sun gradually cooled. Ice covered the sky, and fragments of artificial satellites left human writing in the dust. On the vast and dark ruins, new life is thriving.

Such fantasies and whimsical thoughts flashed across Luo Yin's mind in an instant. He felt small, but not frightened.

He opened his broken wings, and the sound of the wind poured into his ears again, feeling the pull of gravity.

The burning debris gathered into a rain of fire, streaked across the sky, and crashed into the tomb-like wasteland.

Dozens of anti-aircraft missiles flew towards the high-altitude Fire Rain and White Dragon with their bright tail flames.

In the rain of fire, an uninterrupted chain explosion began. The residual fuel and the launch device of the scourge made the explosion more violent, and the cracked parts were blown into tens of thousands of pieces.

Luo Yin was bombed too many times, to the point of forming a conditioned reflex.

The four elements were constantly transforming around him, and he carried the entire original realm in free fall under the baptism of artillery fire.

Luo Yin endows the ether with temporary magnetism, so that it can smoothly slow down in a large-scale strong magnetic field. The permafrost burst with a loud noise, and Luo Yin landed successfully.

After the explosion, the rain of fire that fell from the sky was reflected in Susie's golden eyes, which was the best landscape she had seen during her trip to Siberia.

"I was wondering what kind of person Korolev would be. An engineer trapped in a Siberian cell, dreaming of stepping into the stars."

Luo Yin was in pain all over his body, inside and out, but fortunately the injury was slowly healing.

"In his eyes, the starry sky is probably the only beautiful thing here.

But maybe one day, the stars will fall to dust, covered with dirty footprints, and billboards of businessmen stuck among the stars. At least he didn't have to see that day. "

"Neither will we."

He destroyed the evolutionary space-based weapons, but it wasn't over.

They have the manufacturing technology of Scourge in their hands, and there may be other launch sites in the remaining shelters.

Luo Yin gave orders to all the corpse guards within the range to surround City No. 23 and the underground silo. Every time one more person escapes here, the probability of a third scourge satellite will increase by one point.


In the huge laboratory, the temperature was below freezing, and more than a dozen researchers with broken bones lay on the ground shuddering, not daring to make a sound.

City 23 is in unprecedented chaos, with most of the guards being called out to deal with the invading enemy.

They had just received an order to urgently move the most important property here. All of a sudden, a girl who looked like an underage broke through the door of the lab, seriously wounding all the guards, killing the lab chief, and breaking their arms.

She came for the black snake. But the researchers didn't know exactly what she wanted, and she took at most a very small amount of body samples from the black snake alone.

Blood flowed down Zero's calf, and she walked quickly to the end of the laboratory, as if she was not affected in any way.

Zero froze in place.

She raised her head, stared at her friend in Black Swan Harbor, and slowly reached out to that familiar and unfamiliar face.

Tears flowed from the corners of Zero's eyes, silently. Her fingertips touched the rough black dragon scales, feeling no warmth.

He has lost his eyes. One was stolen, and the other was dug up for taxidermy.

His drooping head is full of scars, and the majestic horns and bone spurs have long been sawed off and transported away.

There is not a single intact scale on his gigantic body. Countless dragon scales were pried open with flesh and blood, and deep holes were drilled.

Only bones were left on his tail, and countless bite marks remained in his empty abdominal cavity.

A long row of hoses was still injecting nutrients and various medicines into him, while his blood and marrow were being drawn from the other side.

"What did they... do to you. You shouldn't have to suffer through all this."

The researchers were completely unable to comprehend what Zero said and did. In their eyes, "Black Snake" is an infinite material library with vital signs remaining, a gold mine that will bleed.

A smile suddenly appeared on Zero's sad face.

"You've been waiting for this day for a long time, twenty years.

Follow me to the outside world, to end this, with the sky and the sun.

Death is not terrible. The real you has ushered in a new life, and we will complete the mission together and send him to the throne. "

He called the black snake a pet, but the black snake was the one who stayed with him the longest, his original apostle.

As for Zero, her existence was an accident and not in the original plan. The same goes for chips and long legs.

Zero's blood slowly flowed along the cracks in the floor, and the smell of blood began to diffuse in the laboratory.

The researchers heard the wind. They thought it was an illusion, but then they felt the cold air in the room.

He is breathing. He is waking up.

His brain has long since shrunk, and only the brain stem is still functioning.

The black snake raised its head, sniffed the familiar smell, and rubbed the girl's palm with the scales on its face.

"Take me to the outside world. Like you once did."

Zero climbed onto the black snake's neck and grasped the dragon scales erected there.

She glanced around at the people who had been stunned and stunned, and shouted: "Everything in this city will cease to exist! Run away!"

The black snake roared and broke free from the chains on his body, pulled out the dense needle tubes on his body, and dragged his half-dead body into the iron wall of the laboratory.

When the snake head, the size of a locomotive, emerged from the wall, all the "residents" of City No. 23 resolutely gave up executing the order and began to flee upwards desperately.

Elizabeth and the old housekeeper, who had just evacuated to the ground, looked back and almost had a cardiac arrest. Co-authored this thing has been kept underground, and the closest distance to them was no more than ten meters before.

Everyone dashed along the spiral staircase, and Zero directed the black snake to swim up the wall.

He spit out ice-blue flames from his mouth, covering the foundation and walls of City 23 down.

The walls, iron bridges and steps below froze in the flames, then oxidized so rapidly that they collapsed in pieces like biscuits.

The academy has seen this kind of breath in Japan, and its power is no less than that of a high-risk word spirit, and its range is unusually large.

When the black snake released the flame, the mutilated body was rapidly shrinking. But Zero doesn't seem to care.

The ground floor of City 23 was completely submerged by the cold flames, and sections of the city collapsed. When the load-bearing columns also began to break, the destruction of City 23 was inevitable.

Zero didn't care about the few people who didn't escape. Given what they've done here, giving them the chance to escape is already merciful.

The black snake climbed to the ground and continued to swim in the direction of the silo.

Luo Yin was quite surprised when he saw the black snake. Although he knew that the old body of the Water King was in City No. 23, he did not expect that this thing could explode with the lethality of the Dragon King.

Even for the Throne of the Seas and Waters, this vitality is too unusual.

What's even more surprising is that this time, Zero is not here to disrupt their actions, but rather like to help them with some troublesome finishing work.

That is to say, the evolutionists are also the enemies of the Adventists.

When the black snake came to the silo, Luo Yin felt that his state had reached the stage of lingering. His heart would suddenly stop for a few seconds at times, and the movements of his head and body were noticeably uncoordinated.

The ice blue flame in the black snake's mouth also slowly extinguished.

Zero jumped off the black snake's back and stood in front of his empty eyes.

The black snake spewed hot air from its nostrils and touched the girl's fingers lightly with the barbs on its long tongue. Zero also smiled, she knew that the black snake could see it.

He raised his head again, and the flames in his mouth were stronger than before.

Luo Yin finally understood that this was a belated funeral.

In the eyes of the dragon clan, revenge is an extremely important event in the life of the dragon. They never want to die before they push their enemies into hell.

The dancing black snake poured flames into the silo, burning everything in it and burning itself.

The huge body of the black snake shriveled down like melting, and then even the keel began to rot.

He fell into the abyss-like underground silo, and everything in it, turned to ashes in the ice in his own flames.

This is the cemetery that Zero picked for him, and he likes it very much.


Luo Yin and Susie stood on the hillside, watching everything in City 23 come to an end.

Rasputin and Anastasia are still alive, and there are still a lot of evolutionary forces left. But their destruction is inevitable in the future.

"A comedian said the tragedy we face today is because of uninterrupted greed, the pain caused by those who fear human progress.

But the hatred among human beings will eventually dissipate, all dictators will eventually die, and the power they took away will eventually return to the people. "

Susie looked at Luo Yin with strange eyes.

"Why do you feel that your consciousness has become higher recently..."

Luo Yin pondered for two seconds.

"I have to get rid of these **** first, so that I can continue to make money with peace of mind."

------off topic-----

My aerospace knowledge is very lacking, so I will laugh at some possible mistakes.
