MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 71 New King (3)

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The holy spear pierced Luo Yin's left lung, and Surtur pierced Odin's right shoulder.

The gray dragon pressed Odin into the rock, and both sides attacked with tail thorns at almost the same time. The powerful tail muscles were like twisting steel cables.

Tian Congyun first slashed at the middle of the black tail thorn, directly shaving one-third of its volume.

Odin tried to pierce Luo Yin's abdomen with his left claw, but his left arm was pierced by a bone sword just as he tore the dragon scale on the surface.

The monsters were entangled and crashed into the sea at several times the speed of sound.

Luo Yin adjusted the structure of the keel, stuck Kungunir tightly, and twisted Surtur's hilt with force.

The various chemical components in the blood of the Black King beyond common sense made both sides of the fight ignore the pain and the fear of biological instinct. The only goal in their minds is to destroy the opponent's near-immortal body to the point where it can no longer regenerate and move.

Luo Yin pulled out the black sword, the terrifying high temperature on the sword caused a steam explosion in the sea water, and ashes drifted from the wound.

Odin stretched out his sharp claws and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from his shoulders, along with the dark flames attached to it.

If you fight against Surtur's power to forcibly heal the injury, the consumption will be even greater, so it is better to directly abandon the local body tissue.

Luo Yin seized this opportunity and stabbed Surtur at Odin's one eye with all his strength.

Odin held the holy spear in both hands to block the black sword, and Kungunir's spear was cut with a half-inch-deep ravine.

Luo Yin flew through the famine in an instant, the Dragon Wing accelerated in the reverse direction within 0.01 seconds, and the blocked black sword slashed back towards Odin's cervical vertebrae from the oblique rear.

At the same time, Odin stabbed straight back, and the tip of the spear slammed the end of Surtur's sword with a sacred radiance.

Tian Congyun slashed towards the root of Famine's Dragon Wing from another angle, Odin blocked it with his left arm, and the bone sword slashed straight into the bone. He released Kungunnir and used his right claw to cut through the muscles of Roin's tail.

Surtur left a deep wound on Odin's back, and Luo Yin broke free from his restraints and quickly moved to the front to attack again.

The body after the fusion of the Black King Sacred Skeleton has extremely exaggerated flexibility. The offensive and defensive moves of both sides are as fast as ghosts, and the attack angle is so strange that it seems that the number of frames between the two actions is taken out.

Gravity, resistance, vision range, elemental turbulence... these factors can no longer bind or interfere with the fighting.

Everything else around him has become an understatement, and the only thing left is the enemy in front of him, the sword sees blood.

The two mad dragons broke through the water and rushed to the top of the rock at the same time, entangled with each other, the majesty in their burning eyes no longer belonged to the world.

The slender bone swords at their tails were trapped in each other's bones, the bone spurs intertwined and pierced through the enemy's armor, and the gray and black dragon wings were angled with each other.

Odin was breaking Roin's ribs with his claws, trying to destroy the organs. Luo Yin stabbed Surtur into the root of the dragon wing, and roared off the left dragon wing of Famine.

The holy spear roared through the tide and the atmosphere, kept accelerating, and penetrated from the center of Luo Yin's back.

The stimulated flesh and blood of the Black King immediately started to fight back, and the dark flesh tentacles and **** structure pushed Kungunir out of Luo Yin inch by inch.

The indescribable pain broke through the upper limit of Luo Yin's pain nerve, causing him to lose consciousness for a moment.


The lava-like lines on Surtur's surface glowed with dazzling fire, and the alchemy field suddenly soared. The terrifying kinetic energy and heat that erupted at one time pushed the two sides of the fight away forcibly.

Odin's severed half of the dragon's wings quickly turned to ashes in the jet-black fire, and it took at least half a minute for the wing bones to fully regenerate.

The one-eyed **** who landed on the ice raised the spear of fate full of scars. From the claws and right arm to the very end of the dragon's tail, all the muscles were tensed to the extreme.

The alchemy field that Surtur broke out was shrinking rapidly, and the arc of light at the edge of the field continued to grow brighter at an astonishing speed.

Luo Yin clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the burning sword in the center of the realm withdrew all its brilliance and heat and turned into a deep black.

Surtur's sword is constantly growing and getting heavier and heavier, and the black sword carries absolute will.

Cut open everything in front of you, whether steel, gods, or written fate, and destroy them all.

Even the invincible king of the gods, the spear of destiny of eternal victory—the day of dusk will come, and he will know when that day comes.

Odin threw Kungunnir, and the pitch-black sword fell from the sky.

The infinitely short time is infinitely elongated, and the light, air, and water flow have become abstract and blurred, and only guns and swords remain in this world.

When the black sword and the holy spear collided, the eardrums of both sides were shattered by sound waves and air currents, the vision was severely attenuated, and the powerful kingdom could hardly perceive the existence of anything.

"A place without dust!"

All the surviving dust-free land users released their word spirits at the same time in extreme The eight-layer domain merged with each other and increased, turning into a vacuum shield with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

The remaining living people of the action group withdrew to the rear of the Nautilus when the two monsters first started fighting, but the horror of those two lives was still beyond everyone's imagination.

The vacuum cover only carried the initial aftermath of the collision, and was easily torn apart by the subsequent turbulence.

The locust-shaped dragon subspecies that made the scalp numb before were carbonized and died in large areas in the high temperature and impact of the aftermath of the collision.

Luo Yin, who was at the center of the collision, had an extremely tragic appearance. The dragon scales all over his body had been removed, and many parts of his sword-wielding arms were exposed with dark golden bones.

He roared, his severely damaged vocal cords made a low, hoarse sound, and Surtur responded with a tremor in response to his will.


The black sword slashed forward, unstoppable, even if the holy spear of fate was ahead.

The large-scale cracked Kungunnir was cut from the center into two symmetrical halves, shedding all light and turning into an inconspicuous charred black branch.

Luo Yin fell onto the ice, supported his body with his sword, and rushed towards Odin, who was also severely injured.

The ferocious and irregular bone spurs grew on the body of the famine, and the dancing black tentacles filled the dragon's body riddled with holes.

Odin's one eye became bleak and crazy, releasing the ferocity like a beast.

It's just that they lost their weapons and continued to fight, no matter the cost, until they died.