MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 21

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Mo Qingqing glanced at the ghost hand vine that sealed the fire corridor tightly, replied to Feng Qingran: "Yes", turned and walked towards the escalator. She suddenly accelerated to run about ten meters before the escalator, rushed to the escalator and took off with big strides. She jumped over the escalator on the third floor to the fourth floor in two steps.

After she stood firm, she let out a long breath and made a face at the green-scaled beast who was still wandering the building, causing the green-scaled beast to scream at her.

Feng Qingran ran upstairs at the fastest speed while the green-scaled beast was calling at Mo Qingqing without noticing her. She ran to the seventh floor in one breath, dragged the roasted jackal to the railing, and shouted to the green-scaled beast, "Hello!" After attracting the green-scaled beast's attention, she threw the jackal meat down.

One big and two small, three blue-scaled beasts sniffed hard in front of the roasted jackal.

The two blue-scaled beast cubs couldn't help tearing up the jackal meat after a few sniffs.

The bluescale beast roared at the two cubs, arching their heads away. It tore off a small piece of jackal meat and devoured it into its belly. It didn't taste anything wrong, and then it made a low voice to the two cubs.

The two cubs threw themselves in front of the fragrant jackal meat and devoured them.

The green-scaled beast was lying beside her, watching the cubs to eat barbecue.

Feng Qingran called Mo Qingqing and rushed to the underground parking lot as fast as possible.

The escalator is some distance from the fire corridor.

They carefully avoided the ghost hand vines hanging down from the third floor, holding torches, stepping on the **** silt and unknown weeds washed into the corridor by the storm, carefully going downstairs.

The corridor was filled with plants, the smell of rotten garbage, and the strong corpse odor, which was stronger than the smell of the garbage dump in summer, making Mo Qingqing nauseous.

Feng Qingran's brows were tightened, and her mood became extremely heavy.

The further down they went, the heavier the corpse stench was.

Mo Qingqing held a torch in her left hand and an iron rod in her right hand. She could only try her best to hide her nose in the jacket of the jackal and use the jackal to block the stench of corpses. The cloak on her body has not been washed, and the smell of animal fur mixed with the smell of blood and the smell of burning garbage is not much better than the smell of corpse.

When they walked to the fire door on the second basement floor, they saw an iron chain thicker than a thumb locked on the fire door, and a large lock hung on the iron chain. A dry hand covered with white silk film stretched out from the crack of the door. The hand rested on the iron chain, as if trying to remove the chain that locked the door.

Mo Qingqing stared at the hand and the iron chain, her heart was crushed by a stone, heavy and unspeakably uncomfortable.

She went forward and used the iron bar in her hand to pry open the hand, and then used the iron bar to forcefully move the large lock and chain. The chains and locks were strong, and she couldn't break them even with a pry.

Feng Qingran stepped forward and pried off the handle, which opened the fire door.

Several rotting corpses fell in front of the fire door, their bodies were covered with a layer of albuginea and rotting plant shoots, oozing dark green viscous liquid. Corpse worms and cockroaches burrowed into the corpse.

The two walked around the corpses at the door. The rotting infected corpses were everywhere, lying on the ground or in the car. His face distorted with pain at the time of death.

Ventilation ducts, cars, and the ground are full of big rats with bright green eyes, and many rats are eating corpses.

Feng Qingran shouted loudly: "Is there anyone?"

There was no sound other than the rat squeak.

She shouted again: "Is anyone alive? Little sister, are you there?"

Mo Qingqing trembled slightly when she heard Feng Qingran's voice, she didn't know if Feng Qingran was afraid or if these people died too badly.

Feng Qingran shouted again: "Little sister, we are leaving here, I want to ask if you would like to come with us."

The dark parking lot was as silent as a grave.

Mo Qingqing thought that if she can survive, Feng Qingran can survive. There are so many people in this parking lot, and some people should survive. She said to Feng Qingran, "Let's look again."

Feng Qingran gave a "um", she said softly, "Xiao Mo, thank you."

Mo Qingqing asked in confusion: "Thank me for what?"

Feng Qingran glanced at the corpse with lingering fear, and said, "Thank you for saving me."

Mo Qingqing said embarrassedly: "I only fed you some unpalatable food, and did nothing else, but you saved me a lot later-" She suddenly caught a glimpse of her words before she finished speaking. Not far away, a dark humanoid figure appeared behind the car. The human-shaped shadow was only as high as the front cover of the off-road vehicle. It suddenly emerged from the back of the off-road vehicle like a ghost, staring at her with green eyes. both. Those faint green eyes were brighter than those of a mouse, and looked particularly terrifying in the dark.

Feng Qingran heard Mo Qingqing's voice halfway through and suddenly lost his voice, and asked, "What's wrong?" Looking down Mo Qingqing's line of sight, he was also startled. She calmed down and walked over carefully with the torch. When she got to the off-road vehicle, when the light of the torch passed, she saw a dirty little girl standing beside the off-road vehicle. She had probably not seen the light for a long time. It's not very comfortable to put it, and he also covered his eyes with a pair of hands covered with green stains.

This little girl appeared too suddenly and strangely, even if Feng Qingran guessed that she might be the sister mentioned on the small note, she would not dare to approach her easily. She looked at the little girl across the off-road vehicle, tried her best to keep her voice soft, and asked, "Little sister, where is your sister?"

The little girl put down her hand, revealing a skinny green face. The exposed skin on her face and neck seemed to be covered with a layer of moss, and it seemed to have a layer of green hair, which was green and fluffy.

Feng Qingran took in a breath of cold air, and even his breath was trembling.

Mo Qingqing stared blankly at the little girl, feeling sad for a while. Seeing the little girl hiding behind the car, she seemed scared and inferior, and quickly said, "Don't be afraid." She pointed to Feng Qingran and said, "This sister is just like you, except that you have become a green man, and she has become a green man. black people."

Feng Qingran glared at Mo Qingqing angrily and said, "How do you speak?"

Mo Qingqing said: "You are black."

The little girl stuck her head out from the back of the car again and asked, "Sister, have you become a monster too?"

Feng Qingran suddenly felt that these bear children were in distress and could not change their hateful nature. She said to this little green velvet child that she would turn white if I couldn't wash it off, she nodded against her will, and said, "Yes."

The little girl cheered: "Great." She jumped out from the back of the off-road vehicle, and she stood in front of Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran's eyes widened in shock, thinking that he was dazzled. She seemed to have seen the little girl rush in front of her just now. She asked, "Little sister, you... are you running very fast?"

The little girl said: "Yes." She raised her thin, sunken face, looked up at Feng Qingran, and said, "Sister, I smell the aroma of barbecue..." She He bowed his head in embarrassment and said, "I...I'm so hungry...I..."

Feng Qingran opened the mountaineering bag and took out a packet of barbecued meat wrapped in tin foil and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl cheered: "Thank you, sister." She happily took the barbecue and peeled off the foil, and put the barbecue to her mouth. She opened her mouth wide and was about to bite down, but suddenly stopped, wrapping the barbecue in tinfoil.

Feng Qing asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Why don't you eat?"

The little girl said, "I'll wait for my sister to come back and eat together."

Feng Qingran asked: "Where's your sister?"

The little girl said: "My sister went out hunting. She said that you can kill the ugly dog, and she should also be able to. She also said that there are beasts on the first floor, so I don't want to go up."

Feng Qingran remembered that the fire door leading to the corridor was locked, she asked, "How did your sister get upstairs?"

The little girl put her nose in front of the barbecue and took a deep breath and said, "Climbed up from the elevator shaft."

Feng Qingran took out the packet of barbecue and handed it to the little girl, saying, "This packet is for your sister."

The little girl happily said aloud, "Thank you, big sister." She took the barbecue that Feng Qingran gave her and ran to the off-road vehicle.

Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing followed, and saw that the trunk of the wild off-road vehicle was open, and there was a small bed made of blankets and pillows, and there was a Winnie the Pooh in the corner.

The little girl went to the back seat to find a newspaper and spread it out, put the barbecue on it, and then opened the barbecue that Feng Qingran gave her to eat.

Feng Qingran asked: "What's your name?"

The little girl replied: "Lin Qianyun", she added: "Big sister can call me Qianqian."

Feng Qingran said: "Eat slowly, this meat is tough, be careful of choking."

The little girl said "um", with meat in her mouth, vaguely asked Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing's names.

After Feng Qingran told her and Mo Qingqing's names to the little girl, she asked, "What's your sister's name?"

The little girl said, "My sister's name is Lin Runsheng."

In the far corner, there was a sudden sound of cans being kicked away.

Mo Qingqing tensed up and shouted, "Who's there?"

Feng Qingran clenched the iron rod in his hand, stared intently at the direction of the voice, and asked, "Qianqian, is there anyone else here besides you and your sister?"

Lin Qianyun said, "Yes." She swallowed the meat that could not be chewed, and said, "There is an uncle who eats mice."

Mo Qingqing felt a chill when she thought that the mice here eat corpses.

An unshaven, green-eyed, haggard and dirty man came out of the darkness, his body covered with green mucus from the corpse, about 1.8 meters tall, thin He couldn't even hold his clothes, and when he walked, he didn't seem to be walking, but rather floated. He stared straight at the meat in Lin Qianyun's hand, swallowed hard, then looked at Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing, and asked, "Can you give me something to eat?"

Mo Qingqing turned to look at Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran took out the packaged jackal meat and threw it over.

The man caught the jackal meat, tore open the tinfoil package, held it and gnawed it.

Feng Qingran asked: "Apart from the three of you, is there anyone else here?"