MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 347

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Mo Qingqing climbed down the cliff not long before she saw many large bird nests built on the cliff.

The face cliff is fiery red red gold rock, and the rock surface is in the shape of a sloping fault, which makes the rock surface covered with many cracks, and there are many places where caves or mountain cracks of different depths fall out. A sturdy bird's nest as big as a hut was built on it, but it was all abandoned nests.

Mo Qingqing also found traces of bombing in the bird's nest that has been destroyed, and found a lot of bombs on the cliff, and also found some red gold warheads that were burned by supernatural powers.

This is so close to the post above, it's clearly been cleaned.

Because of these faults, the cliff has a lot of leverage points, so Mo Qingqing does not need to use the ghost hand vine to climb the cliff.

In the winter season of the blizzard, many plants were submerged by the wind and snow, and the plants on the cliffs were frozen into popsicles.

Mo Qingqing has come into contact with a lot of abilities, even if they enter the hibernation period, there is no fluctuation in their abilities, Mo Qingqing can recognize them from the shape of them frozen into a popsicle. Taste.

There are bird nests and plants, so it is not surprising that Mo Qingqing finds traces and caves left by other animals.

When she got to the bottom of the cliff, she saw a rope bridge made of red gold broke down. One end of the rope bridge sank under the ice far from the edge of the cliff, and the other end fell on the edge of the cliff.

The bridge head is a metal frame made of red gold, in the shape of a solid triangle, deeply penetrated into the red gold ore, and now the bridge head and the red gold ore fell here together. The bridge body is mainly composed of red gold chains, with tracks on the bridge. According to the current living situation, such an outpost is not worth spending so much money to build a bridge that can cross trains. There is no point in building a railway station here, and in this harsh natural environment, it is difficult. Also great.

Mo Qingqing thought of a small carriage for mining. She said, "This chain bridge is just two rails. It's not heavy, so why did it fall off?"

Feng Qingran said: "The red gold is sturdy, look at this track again, the design is very delicate, the groove on the wheel is used to fix the transport vehicle, even if there is a blizzard, the car box will swing with the rope bridge. It will be overturned. This track is movable and has high flexibility. Look at this, these mechanical structures below are force-bearing devices, that is to say, this chain bridge, even if you run up and drag the bridge, what will happen? No matter how you shake it, it won't break." She paused and said, "I speculate that there should be some very heavy giant beast chasing something, and it reached the opposite bridge. The piles were uprooted. When the bridge fell, the giant alien beast grabbed the end of the bridge head. Under the strong pulling force, the cable bridge did not break. Then, the bridge pile at this end would receive stronger force than the other end. So it was also torn down.

She said to Mo Qingqing: "The technology here in the capital is more developed than the Fengbu and Taihu bases, but ... it is more dangerous." She paused and said, "Liu Ziche is her parents. Laolaidv, her mother gave birth to her at the age of 40. In all, although Liu Ziche is younger than me, her father must be in his early 80s. Even if he has supernatural powers to make people younger, her father is a For scientific research, the combat effectiveness will not be strong. Let a scientist go to an extremely dangerous place to conduct scientific research, instead of the combat troops capturing samples and sending them to the laboratory, it can only mean that... the situation endangers the lives of most people. It can only be solved by scientists as soon as possible.”

Feng Qingran paused and said: "That is to say, the bugs of the nuclear power plant are approaching the city where people live, and the combat team has no effective way to deal with it. According to their weapons and equipment , If the guns can't be solved, then there are four speculations: one is a huge number, two, it will burrow into the ground, and it will burrow very deeply, three, the movement speed is fast, and four, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick and cannot be fried."

While speaking, the ice surface broke open, and the mother green-scaled beast and the two little green-scaled beasts each bit a water beast and swam ashore from the water.

Friction and twisting body swing, put the clothes on. They put on their clothes and hurried to eat.

Aunt Qing also dug out the heart of the water beast she hunted and brought it to Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing.

Feng Qingran smiled and said, "Aunt Qing, you can eat, Xiaomo and I are not hungry." Although we are greedy for meat, facing this **** heart that is still beating, it really doesn't matter. appetite. Along the way, she and Mo Qingqing had absorbed a lot of supernatural powers, and they were not very hungry.

Aunt Qing left the heart of the alien beast and hummed a few times.

Feng Qingran said: "Okay, I'll keep it for Liu Ziche and Wu Nan."

Mo Qingqing asked Feng Qingran curiously: "Do you understand animal language?"

Aunt Qing squinted Mo Qingqing, turned her head to eat.

After a while, Liu Ziche and Wu Nan who flew out to explore the road came back.

When the two of them landed, Feng Qingran told them: "Well, this heart was reserved for you two by Aunt Qing."

Liu Ziche said: "The cliff here is obviously cleaned by the outpost, and the cliff opposite is the territory of a pair of big alien birds. In addition, I found a huge alien beast ravaging on the cliff. The traces of the past, like a giant python." She paused, looked at the heart in her hand, it was a blue supernatural beast, and said, "The cliff opposite is not ore, sedimentary rock, and the rock is slightly different from our common materials. , light gray, judging from the feel, the texture is harder than granite. The surface of the rock is covered with plants, and there are a lot of living creatures under the plants, among which there are many exotic animals. I didn't get close to looking at it."

Feng Qingran said: "I'll be full later, Xiao Mo will open the way, and I will break."

Mo Qingqing said: "I will crush the ice."

Feng Qingran said: "You use the ghost hand vine to open the way and directly crush it." She quickly added: "You use supernatural powers, don't use poison."

Mo Qingqing agrees.

Mo Qingqing went into the water again to catch a water beast with good abilities.

The water here is very deep, but the content of power is similar to that of Taihu Lake. Most of the aquatic animals in the water were ones that Mo Qingqing had never seen before. However, the types of creatures were nothing more than those, such as soft bodies, spines, carapaces, and so on. They looked strange, but Mo Qingqing had seen them a lot. It's no wonder. Whether it was a tortoise or a king bastard, Mo Qingqing rudely put it into the turtle class when he saw the turtle shell shape. She is not engaged in biological research, so there is no need to distinguish it so clearly. Aquatic animals, to say that the meat is succulent and tender, are still fish. If you want to talk about supernatural abilities, you have to be water beasts.

Mo Qingqing hunted a big beast with plenty of supernatural powers, eating it raw, and making the big guys full, and then she was on her way.

Ghost vines opened the way, the momentum of giant alien beasts, even if there were big alien beasts, they would hide.

However, when they were halfway, they unexpectedly found the skeleton of a giant alien beast.

The giant python with a length of 1000 meters is three stories high, and it was pierced by the bridge head of the iron chain bridge at seven inches. The triangular bridge head, with a pointed top, ties the goods to the opposite side. Part of its skeleton was exposed on the ice, or it fell on the plants growing on the water. There were obvious signs of being hit on the plants. However, the plants near the giant beast bones grew significantly better than those in other places.

They were busy on their way, so they didn't pay much attention to the giant python bone, and went straight through the middle of the bone and began to climb the cliff.

They climbed the cliff to find a devastated and unmanned camp.

According to Liu Ziche's information from the Academy of Sciences, this camp is a transfer station for red gold mines.

Mo Qingqing asked: "The transfer station of Chijin Mine?"

Liu Ziche said: "It is not difficult to see from their weapons, firearms, armor and rope bridges that they use a lot of red gold metal. The sand on the opposite side contains both minerals and power crystals. You two know better than me. A desert this big is a huge mine. The outpost opposite should be built for mining."

She paused and said, "Go forward 30 kilometers, it is Hunting City. Hunting City is a free city, there is no law, no laws, there are many underground industries, at the same time, It is also a rich city. Because there are countless outlaws here who rely on hunting for huge wealth, the government calls them the Hunting Corps. I don’t know what the situation is, and I didn’t ask much at the time. Anyway, we were just passing by.”

"Along the material line, past Hunting City, and then 30 kilometers ahead, is a garrison base, mainly responsible for this material transportation line. We have two options, the first one It is to follow the transportation line, go all the way to the capital, enter the city, and then start from the city to the nuclear power plant. The advantage is that there is a ready-made route, there is no need to distinguish the direction and find the way, and it is not easy to get lost. The disadvantage is that we have to go around Road. The other line is to insert diagonally from the middle garrison base."

Feng Qingran asked, "How far should I go?"

Liu Ziche said: "The transportation route, one garrison base every 30 kilometers, passes through thirteen garrison bases, and then passes through the old city of the capital to reach the new base in the capital."

Feng Qingran: "...In other words, we have to go forward for nearly 400 kilometers, and we have to traverse the previous Beijing city before we reach the place."

Liu Ziche nodded and said, "Yes. You know that in the capital, before the disaster, the building and the subway had already dug up the ground in a mess. With such a big change here, I guess the earthquake at that time definitely didn't happen. Small... Even if the earthquake resistance coefficient of public facilities passes the test, it will not be able to withstand such a catastrophic disaster, as we know from the urban conditions we have seen along the way."

Mo Qingqing asked, "How about a short cut?"

Liu Ziche said: "To take a shortcut, we have to climb the cliff, and we have to pass through a floating island area of ​​amethyst mine with a chaotic magnetic field. Go past the garrison base and walk about 100 kilometers to the cliff. The side, that is, the Great Rift River we just crossed, crossed the Great Rift River, crossed the amethyst mine floating island area with chaotic magnetic field, climbed the cliff to the insect area, and crossed the insect area to reach the nuclear power plant. "

"Amethyst mining area is occupied by big alien birds, these big alien birds feed on bugs, and many birds have evolved nuclear mutation energy. The most common is the attack of scheming birds, and Electric discharges, lasers, the academy calls that area the death zone. They call those birds nuclear mutants.”

Feng Qingran: "…"

Mo Qingqing: "…"

Wu Mengmeng: "…"

The thought of facing so many scheming birds made their scalp tingle.

Mo Qingqing said, "Let's take a detour."