MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 357

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Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche looked at each other and didn't bother to care about these two goods.

Southern Province, Hainan Island and Taihu Base are all in one word, and if the top boss is dealt with, everything is easy to talk about. In the capital, the old city is almost completely destroyed, lost contact with the outside world, trapped in an isolated city, the evolution of more than 20 million people, the infection and death of infection and death, the power structure can be said to have been completely reshuffled, and the relationship between various departments is intertwined. ,complex. Although in terms of the overall environment, everyone is committed to survival and development, and is progressing in a positive direction, but when the interests of various departments are involved, whoever makes concessions is stupid. There are so many authorities in the capital with real power and strength. They want to build a laboratory, and who to cooperate with and who not to cooperate with. These problems are more complicated than building a laboratory.

Liu Ziche is a special patient, and there are no discharge procedures to go through. Although it is a single ward, the conditions of the ward are not very good nowadays. There is not even hot water, so you have to go to the hot water room to get hot water. Liu Ziche couldn't even take a hot bath. Besides, when he returned to the capital, he wanted to go home and have a look.

Although she only stayed in the hospital for one day, the leaders of the capital, large and small, came dozens of times, and many of them came with gifts. It's not an expensive gift, but it's not something you can buy on the street. There are a lot of canned animal meat and nutrients that help heal wounds. Liu Ziche doesn't really need these things, but it can be left to her parents to replenish her body.

Although Liu Ziche understands the current environment, it is very rare that an ordinary old man like her mother without supernatural powers can survive until now with enough food and clothing, but she After all, their parents feel distressed and always want to let them live a better life within their ability.

It is too cold for the elderly to walk back. Sitting on Aunt Qing’s back was never smooth and comfortable in a car. Besides, Aunt Qing took the two little green-scaled beasts and Young Master Bird for a while and didn’t know where to go, so Secretary Yun proposed to send a car to take them back, Liu Zi Che gladly accepted.

The car drove on the snow-covered road for about 40 minutes before entering a resettlement area.

Row of stilted buildings are built in the resettlement area.

Winter is the blizzard season, and the snow is extremely thick. If the house is built directly on the flat ground, the house will be buried by the snow, and it is impossible to even shovel the snow. When it comes to the season of melting snow, it is often accompanied by floods, and there is a danger of floods. Therefore, the house is built on stilts, the first floor is a two-story overhead floor, and there are stairs leading to the second and third floors.

Up from the sloping and straight stairs, there are two families on each floor.

Liu Ziche thanked Secretary Yun, and together they carried the things they brought back out of the car.

Mother Liu was supported by Liu Ziche, happily greeted them to the second floor, and took out the key to open the door.

Mo Qingqing saw that this was a residential building with limited load-bearing capacity. She did not intend to use her own weight to measure the load-bearing capacity of their houses. in a blizzard.

When Liu Ziche arrived at the door, she saw Mo Qingqing didn't keep up, looked at the building materials under her feet again, and shouted: "Second goods, don't stay outside, come in. Don't jump too hard. Just go."

Mo Qingqing asked: "Will it not be crushed?"

Liu Ziche replied: "An old tree log building is stronger than a steel frame building."

Mo Qingqing leaned over happily and said, "Oh, that's great, I really felt as pitiful as a dog just now."

Mother Liu opened the door and invited them in.

The house is a small suite with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom and a balcony covered with snow. The windows are tightly closed by windows made of old logs, and the cracks are filled with animal skins, which are windproof and soundproof. There was a door by the window, which should have led to the balcony outside, and it was also tightly closed. There is a fireplace in the living room wall with extinguished charcoal, next to a rattan frame with a small amount of charcoal in it. Liu Ziche estimated that if it takes twenty-four hours for heating, it will only be enough for two days. There are a few rattan chairs, a rattan desk and a dining table in the living room, and some rattan frames are stacked in the corners with some daily necessities.

Liu Ziche stood at the door of the bedroom and looked into the room. There was only a bed and a rail in the bedroom, and her parents' clothes were hung on the rail. In the past, her mother's clothes had to be stored in a large cloakroom. Now, her parents' clothes for the four seasons, combined, do not hang on a clothes pole that is less than three meters long. There was no winter clothes on the clothes rail. Except for summer clothes, there were only two spring and autumn clothes hanging on it.

Liu Mu took out the match, lit the oil lamp on the table, and then went to the fireplace to light the fire.

Wu Meng put down her gun and stepped forward a few steps to help start the fire.

Father Liu greeted everyone to sit down, then went to the kitchen to pour water for everyone, and found that there was no water in the kettle and water tank. He asked Mother Liu, "Why is there no water?"

Mother Liu said: "The water truck is stuck in the snow pit. It's broken. It can't be delivered until it's repaired. Everyone's water is cut off. Go to the balcony to get some snow and boil it for a drink."

The snow before the disaster, boiled, can drink. Now that the snow falls on the ground, it is hard to say whether it has been infected by insects and fungi blown by the wind. It has supernormal abilities, and it may not be boiled to death after boiling water for two hours. Her mother is an ordinary person, drinking this kind of water can easily cause accidents. Liu Ziche got into the kitchen and saw that there was a filter tank. The filter layer not only contained carbon, but also covered a layer of grass and sawdust. She picked up a few pieces and checked carefully, and saw that it was a medicinal material processed by different plants, which had the effect of filtering and purifying the water quality.

Academician Liu went to open the window, put a large bucket of snow into the kitchen against the blizzard, set fire to coal and boiled water. He said to Liu Ziche, "Don't stand, the water will be boiled soon, go sit outside and talk to your mother for a while."

Liu Ziche leaned against the door and asked, "Dad, are the living difficult?"

Academician Liu sighed and said: "A worldwide disaster, returning to the pre-liberation overnight. We are okay, the first expenses are uniformly supplied by the Materials Department and allocated to the laboratory's materials budget Among them is the cost of easing family members, so you won't be starving and freezing."

Liu Ziche asked, "I think this community is quite big, what kind of people live there?"

Academician Liu said: "Most of them are family members of supernatural beings, and there are also family members of some protected special talents." He paused, smiled, and said, "I don't know yet. What are you thinking? Your mother lives with the family of the supernatural beings. If a strange beast invades the city one day, those supernatural beings can’t give up, and they can’t give up this area, and their families are behind them.”

Liu Ziche smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes." Academician Liu's wife is still worth some money. When the supernatural person protects his family and retreats, as long as he can take someone along, he can always take her mother away by the way. Her father is the key protection target of the government, but when something goes wrong, the protection laboratory and these precious scientific researchers are too late, and it is difficult to dispatch personnel in time to protect the family members. To put it in a bad way, even if the protection is not effective and something happens to the family members, these researchers can only accept their fate with sad tears.

Feng Qingran helped to move the materials brought in to the corner of the living room together with Mother Liu, and by the way, she could also see what Mother Liu was eating. In the food box, there are boxes of canned food and a bag of flour. The flour was not the wheat flour before the disaster, but a dried and ground flour of the fruit they named the bread tree. Because the main components are starch and protein, the fruit looks like a loaf, so it is called the bread tree.

Liu Mu took all the flour to the kitchen, and took out a piece of jerky from the bedroom that was tightly packaged and hidden. The jerky is not big, just ordinary beast meat. She took it to the kitchen and let Academician Liu do it.

Liu Ziche looked at her mother and said, "Mrs. Liu, what do you mean by hiding the jerky in the bedroom?"

Liu Mu said: "Anti-thief! We live in good-quality families, and often people who can't eat sneak in to steal things. Flour or something, if it is stolen, it will be stolen. Meat is not good. This is not rat meat, this is real beast meat. Your dad can receive five pounds a month, and many eyes are greedy. I specially found someone at the bedside to play a secret cabinet, and hid the meat in it , I have suffered many thieves, and I have never lost a piece of meat."

Mo Qingqing: "..." She asked, "Should there be law and order in your area?"

Mother Liu smiled and glanced at Mo Qingqing, and said, "I can't care, besides, there are many people with supernatural powers living in this area, some of them come to steal things, that is, the kind of abnormal Yes, it is said that if they do not want to be discovered, no one will be able to find it under the eyes of others."

Mo Qingqing exclaimed: "It's too much! Ability users come to steal things from ordinary people."

Liu Mu said: "A person with supernatural abilities also has to support his family, and he also has the habit of being sneaky."

Mo Qingqing nodded and said, "So, it's so cold outside, it can be used as a refrigerator, you can only make jerky and put it at home."

Mother Liu wanted to serve them delicious food, but Feng Qingran and the others didn't stop her.

Feng Qingran also rolled up her sleeves and went in to cook, kicking Liu Ziche and her parents out of the kitchen, who were not good at cooking, so that the three of them could get together.

There is flour, Feng Qingran originally wanted to make pancakes, but there was no oil. She asked Mother Liu how to make flour. Mother Liu told her to make noodles, knead them into lumps, boil them with water, and add some salt to eat them.

Feng Qingran: "..." Fortunately, there is meat, so you can make oil soup, and then cut the flour into pieces.

She was cooking when someone knocked on the door.

From the sound of footsteps and heartbeat, they clearly concluded that the other party was an ordinary person who walked all the way.

Standing in front was a middle-aged man with a terrifying face, he was wearing a tattered leather jacket, and his lips were frozen purple. When he saw Mother Liu, he shouted, "Aunt, I heard that Ziche is back—" Before he finished speaking, he saw Liu Ziche behind Mother Liu, and he was a little afraid to recognize him.

Mother Liu hurriedly greeted: "Come in quickly, it's cold outside." She put all seven people at the door in, and suddenly the room was so crowded that she couldn't stand up, and it suddenly became noisy. .

Liu Ziche's relatives, her cousin Liu Ziji, second cousin Liu Zixi, fifth sister-in-law Shen Qin, and Liu Ziji's two sons Liu Xu and Liu Chen , as well as Liu Xu's girlfriend Xia Miao and Shen Qin's daughter Liu An'an.

When Mo Qingqing saw them, she suddenly realized that Liu Ziche's parents were really well dressed. All of them were wearing patched mouseskin coats, all of them were shaking a little involuntarily from the cold, they had frostbite on their faces and hands, and they were all very thin. Whether it was Liu Ziche's cousin or nephew, the exposed skin was injured. Liu Ziji lost one of his eyes, his face was covered with scars, his five senses were distorted, half of his left arm was missing, and he was limping when he walked. His two sons, one fourteen or fifteen years old, and the other eighteen or nineteen years old, were both thin and extremely thin. To be precise, they are all very thin. The four or five-year-old girl, who had frostbite on her face and hands, was held by her mother and kept looking at Liu Ziche's wings with curiosity, without blinking. The girl named Xia Miao was about the same age as Liu Xu, she followed Liu Xu quietly, followed Liu Xu and called Liu Ziche: "Cousin."

Mo Qingqing muttered to Wu in a low voice: "As for how enthusiastic you are?"

Wu said in a muffled voice, "It is estimated that only these relatives are left in Liu Ziche's family." The family was ruined, missing for so many years, and suddenly came back, of course, excited.

Mo Qingqing thought about it and said, "Yes."

After the relatives of the Liu family were excited, they noticed that there were still people in the corner and in the kitchen. Liu Ziche gave an introduction to everyone.

When they saw Liu Ziche's house was cooking and there were guests, they said they would come back in the afternoon.

Mother Liu said quickly, "Don't go, stay and have a meal together."

Liu Ziji grinned and said with a smile, "No. I'll be relieved to see Zi Che come back safely. I won't eat the meal, and I have to have half of the supplies when Uncle sends it. Months." As he spoke, a group of people went out, but Mother Liu couldn't stop them.

Mother Liu shouted in a hurry: "Hurry up and come back to me."

Liu Ziche grabbed her cousin directly and stopped the whole family. She said, "What are you going to go? It's freezing cold, and walking so far against a blizzard, you can look back at one glance, and it's not too cold to panic."

Liu Ziji said to Liu Ziche: "I'm not being polite to you, it's really in short supply right now, both my uncle and auntie are getting old, and it's not easy to make a living. There are so many of us, how can we Stay and eat. You have just come back, and you are not familiar with the land. There is still room for you to spend. We have finished eating this little thing in your house. Are you going back hungry or running out in the cold weather? Hunting. Every winter season, it is difficult to find prey, and hunting for prey in the hunting city kills a lot of people every year.”

Liu Ziche said, "I really don't worry about supplies. After all, you used to be a big boss with a net worth of over 100 million, so don't bother with me over a meal." He paused and said, "Brother Ji, I just came back, and there are still many things to trouble you."

Liu Ziji said, "Then you can talk to me after dinner."

Liu Ziche rolled his eyes at Liu Ziji, forcibly pressed Liu Ziji back to the chair and sat down, saying: "There are only a few people left in our Liu family, I won't meet you, I will Let’s just say it. You know the situation at home better than I do, and it has to be improved. I’m not familiar with many situations in the capital, so I have to ask you to take care of it. What I mean is to get some supplies first, and we have to let everyone eat We have a few more people here, and there is still a strange bird and three strange beasts outside that have no place to put them, so we need to find a big yard, the bigger the better." She said, turning around and picking up her backpack, Pour out a bunch of power crystals on the table. Mo Qingqing got back a large number of power crystals, and all the power crystals left after paying off the debt were packed and moved back, and each of them had some on them. That's what the three burlap pockets in the corner of the living room hold.

Liu Ziji saw the pile of green power crystals on the table, "Gu Dong" swallowed, his eyes straightened, "This... is this power crystal?"