MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 369

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Although Feng Qingran sits in the mining area, she does not intervene in the management of the mining area. She needs to determine whether the current leadership team in the mining area can efficiently and effectively lead a strong team. If not, then adjustments must be made in time, otherwise it will affect the subsequent layout and even the safety of the capital base.

With the expansion of the insect area, the living space of other animals will inevitably become smaller and smaller. Even the underground rats will have a food crisis, not to mention the people in the capital base. Moving out, crossing the desert of thorns, the sky is high and the sea is wide, no matter what is better than being trapped here, but to open up a safe passage through the desert of thorns, it must be dangerous step by step, the whole team is slightly lacking, it is possible developed into a catastrophe.

In fact, this riot did not cause much waves in the mining camp.

Whether it's Lei Ting or Liu Ziji, or other people in the management team of the entire mining area, they did not become supernatural beings after the disaster, they formed a team of mouse hunters, roamed the bottom of the base and raised their families Small, seen a lot, experienced a lot, naturally know what these people are like.

In the sinister environment, food and resources that can become stronger are like fresh meat in front of hungry wolves. Those who can come to be miners are willing to risk their lives, and many of them are from the rat hunting team. In the dark underground rat holes, it is not uncommon to kill people to **** their prey. In order for rat meat to be able to kill people, not to mention the ability liquid that allows people to evolve abilities, the defense of the material warehouse is the top priority.

Neither the management of the mining area nor the miners who wanted to take the opportunity to rush into the material warehouse and loot, they never imagined that Mo Qingqing, the **** of war, would take action so quickly and decisively that the miners and guards who burst into action had not yet After reacting, the God of War directly killed those who rushed to the front, leaving no one, not even a wreckage. Rao kills without blinking his eyes. Seeing the sight in his eyes is as terrifying as encountering giant alien beasts, he is also frightened.

Not only the rioting miners, but even the guards were weak and heartbroken.

Be unequivocal. As for those who shout about the cruelty of the God of War and want to challenge things, they will be caught directly, and the private discussions of the big guys will be ignored.

The entire mining camp was brought up by the **** of war, and anyone who had contact with her knew what kind of person she was. That is to be as cold as winter to the enemy, and to be disgusted with one's own people, but it is indeed the most irresistible. The management, security area and miners in the mining area are all treated with super high treatment. It can be said that whenever there are bases, the God of War will try to get them over to make them grow rapidly. The God of War's attitude towards them has always been disgusting, but what they encountered was "following the God of War to eat meat". They didn't need to go out and fight with others when they encountered a riot. Those who are satisfied and those who are dissatisfied are those who feel that they have not made enough and are not satisfied. Some people were scolded, and some people were written down by their foremen and captains in their small notebooks, silently paying attention to see if they wanted to make trouble.

People want to go higher, pursue a better future, and want to live a good life. What kind of life did they live before the establishment of the mining area, and what kind of life did they live after the establishment of the mining area? The development direction of the mining area has been clearly explained to them from above. Vine, think about it and know how to choose. Those who are locked up have no warm room to stay. The cages made of thorns and vines are held in the open air. The food provided only ensures that they will not starve to death. As for those who want to eat enough to survive and then find a way to escape, don’t think about it. .

Duo was sent in shifts to constantly reinforce the walls and build fortifications. As for the security team, they had to resist the beasts that climbed up the city wall, and also prevent people from chaos.

Mo Qingqing threw the power crystal of the giant anteater in its shell, and then got thorn vines to wrap them tightly to prevent them from falling out, and then wrapped the giant vine with ghost hand vines The anteater shell was dragged back outside the camp. With such a big shell, there was no way to drag it back to the camp. She put it outside and had to block the flood discharge road, so she snatched a small hill from countless ants, scorpions, and centipedes and put the shell on it. She put the shells away, and when she returned to the camp, she found that the city wall was very lively, and those snakes, rats, insects and ants that were washed out by the flood went up wherever they saw that was not flooded. She occupied the city wall before, and those things did not dare to come over. After she left, they all wanted to go ashore.

Mo Qingqing heard them shouting that her methods were cruel, okay, once the aunt was kind, the aunt went on strike.

She glanced at the city wall, turned her head and went back to the shell of the giant anteater. She was also idle when she was idle. She also went to hunt some prey, cut it into thin slices, and enjoyed the raw "fish" feast.

The God of War has a big heart, but the God of War is not big.

The consequence of the God of War strike was that even the miners sent weapons to the city to fight strange beasts.

Lei Ting and Liu Ziji looked at the casualties and the rapidly depleted power liquid warehouse, their hearts were bleeding, but they couldn't rely on the God of War to protect them all the time, and they would face this situation in the future When I got there, I could only grit my teeth and stand up. If the security team was not enough, I would pick out the strong ones from the miners who dared to do nothing, give weapons to the fence to fight, treat the wounds with life liquid, and let the medical team take care of them. Special abilities will be arranged separately. In this way, the enthusiasm of the miners is very high. Whenever the security team needs someone, they shout, and a large number of people crowd to go.

The battle can be said to be day and night. They have to hold their weapons even when they sleep. They wake up immediately when they hear a sound, and then they will go into battle. It's also possible not to get up, but it's hard to say if life is still there. There are also a lot of people who can't stand the days when they have to keep their eyes open all day long in fear and nervousness, even when they sleep. This kind of request to quit the security team and go back to work as a miner will not be stopped. Not everyone adapts to the battle and is reluctant to send them up, and it is only in vain that people die. In this world, there are many people who don’t want to be rich and noble, and they don’t want to have a great future. They only want to sell some coolies to earn materials to support their wives and children. What they want is to stay in a safe place and work hard to live. go back.

The flood has not yet faded, the battle is still going on, the evolution fluid and life fluid have been exhausted, Lei Ting and Liu Ziji have to ask the God of War for help.

If it was in the past, it was natural to use human life to save materials, but since they followed Feng Qingran and the God of War, they found that with them, people are fundamental, and human life is no longer a must, but valuable. In front of a box of power liquid and a human life, they will choose human life.

The material consumption was too fast, and they had to explain to Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran said: "As the commander, your first task is to ensure that your team can survive, calculate all the damage and consumption, and maintain it at an optimal level. If You are asking me for help, that means you are incompetent. If you think about letting the God of War ask for help and get supplies, then you must send the God of War when the supplies reach a certain stage. If the God of War does not come back, or does not come back with the supplies , you have to find a way to control the consumption to ensure that your materials can support the arrival of the next supply of supplies. This is your lifeline, and you have to hold it in your own hands, instead of relying on anyone you can't fully grasp. ."

The team that was formed at the beginning experienced the flood period in the thorn desert for the first time. Naturally, there were deficiencies. Feng Qingran did not embarrass them. After finding out the deficiencies, he sent Mo Qingqing out. Let her go to ask for help and dispatch supplies.

There is a flood outside, there is a nuclear mutant bird on the head, the bridge is washed away by the flood, and the entire mining camp is trapped into an island. The source of their prey is the desert of thorns, but the desert of thorns is full of red power beasts, and the conflict between red power and their blue power will kill people.

Lei Ting and Liu Ziji also admitted their mistakes to Mo Qingqing, "Only considering the reduction of casualties, and considering that you and Mr. Feng are still in charge, the distribution of materials is relatively loose, and... A month will become extraordinarily difficult. If there is no power fluid, we will have a large number of casualties later, not from alien beasts, but from no cure."

Mo Qingqing glanced at them and said, "Since we have taken into account the need to reduce casualties, and we know how long the flood season will be, why not prepare earlier."

Lei Ting and Liu Ziji were speechless. Their ability liquid is already very sufficient, and the base can supply it to the maximum extent. However, there is a shortage now, and it is true that they have not controlled consumption. The two also knew that the God of War's temper was going to be coaxed, so they begged and coaxed, and the God of War nodded and said, "Okay." Then they saw the God of War jumping into the rolling flood with a thud, splashing huge waves. After that, disappeared.

Lei Ting and Liu Ziji were lying on the fence, and they searched back and forth for several times, but they couldn't find the God of War.

They looked at each other and didn't understand where the God of War went. After returning to Feng Qingran, Feng Qingran just nodded, indicating that he understood.

Liu Ziji thought for a while and said, "Boss Feng, the bridge between us and the base is broken." There are radio messages sent out, but the difficulty is how to transport the supplies. There are nuclear mutant birds in the air, and it is very dangerous to let Liu Ziche and the scheming bird transport back and forth on both sides of the canyon. Besides, there was a flood on their side and a flood on the other side, and the transportation route was completely cut off.

Feng Qing was puzzled and asked, "Then what?"

Liu Ziji expressed his concerns.

Feng Qing did not understand, since they knew that the transportation route was cut off, how could there be such a situation of running out of materials.

Liu Ziji smiled wryly and said: "I probably believe that the God of War can solve the crisis, so I always want to save a few more people. I know it is almost impossible, but I always have inexplicable confidence in the God of War. ."

The wind smiled. Probably because Mo Erhuo acted as if nothing in the world would be difficult for her. She said, "Don't worry, since she's gone, there's always a way, just don't put your hopes on things you're not sure about next time."

Mo Qingqing couldn't think of a way at all, she was so heavy that she could not be washed away by the flood, she jumped into the flood and sank to the bottom of the water, and then walked to the edge of the cliff, facing the flood, down climb. She didn't dare to jump, she was afraid of falling to her death, and even more afraid that she would hit the water again under the impact of the water, and she would fall to death.

She is heavy, and the red gold ore rock rich in red power crystals is strong enough that even when she is steady, the giant waterfall-like flood cannot wash her down and hang. However, just in case, I still use the ghost hand vine as a safety rope to slowly climb down the cliff, then cross the turbulent Grand Canyon, and then climb up against the flood. The rocks on the other side are not easy to climb, but fortunately there are roots of towering ancient trees, vines, and ghost-hand vines. She climbed the cliff on the other side against the pouring flood water, and then climbed to the towering ancient trees. , covered the ghost hand vine with red ability and waved towards the camp on the opposite bank.

The sentry of the camp noticed that there was a red light on the opposite side. He picked up the sight glass and saw that it was the God of War.

Lei Ting and Liu Ziji received the news and ran out to see that the God of War had arrived on the other side, both of them were stupid. She has no wings, how did she get there!

Read An Extra's POV