MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 5

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The hustle and bustle of the city seemed to quiet down with the storm last night and the sudden outbreak of these unknown plants. The main road has become a world of plants, and there is no trace of a living person in sight.

Mo Qingqing could see many tragically dead bodies from the broken windows.

Their corpses were tightly wrapped by the dense roots of plants, and the corpses that were wet by the rain were not swelled by the rain, but shriveled down as if they had been sucked dry.

You can see corpses lying on the ground and struggling before death everywhere along the way. These corpses were very close to the vehicle that opened the door, as if the people in the car had to get out of the car in a rainy night, but they were attacked within a few steps. After struggling violently, they died in next to the car.

Green plants and colorful mushrooms cover the city, and at a glance, it is magnificent. But under this scenery, there are shocking corpses.

Mo Qingqing clenched the dagger in her hand, carefully bypassed the plants and mushrooms that were growing to the door, and walked forward.

She saw a lot of green vines that she saw at Wu Mengmen's house before, she named them ghost hand vines.

Ghost vines shuttled through the mushroom bushes, and its vines climbed to cars, trees, and walls, contributing lush green to the city.

Suddenly, she heard the rustling sound of the leaves rubbing, her whole body tightened, and she turned her head to look in the direction from which the sound came, and saw that a piece of ghost-hand vine was heading for a car blocking the road The bus climbs. The glass of the bus was all shattered, and there were many roots hanging from the ceiling in the car, and the roots wrapped the bus.

On the roof of the bus, there is a plant with claws and claws. This plant is covered with thorns, a bit like a thorn plant. It is about two feet tall, and the plant is slightly thicker than a thumb, rust-colored, and covered with clusters of thorny **** that are the size of a fist.

She didn't know if the ball was moving or the thorn plant was moving.

As they vibrated, the surrounding ghost vines were attracted by them. The unfolded leaves of the ghost-hand vine covered the ball and withered quickly. When a ghost-hand vine withered, more ghost-hand vines climbed up. The action of the ghost hand vine covering the ball is exactly the same as the action of grabbing the tissue box.

Mo Qingqing felt that it was a spherical thorn plant trapping the ghost vine.

These plants will actually take the initiative to prey on and trap other plants, which is not like a plant, it is simply fine.

Mo Qingqing felt suffocated and realized that she was holding her breath because she was too nervous.

She took a deep breath, held down her beating heart, and continued to walk forward.

She walked slowly.

Because there are too many strange-shaped plants on the road that she doesn't know, after she has seen the ghost hand vine and the rust ball, she doesn't even dare to touch these plants that come from nowhere. They had to be carefully bypassed, thus slowing things down.

Where there is no roof, there are also plants under the eaves, but it is slightly less than the main road, and you can find an open space to stay.

From upstairs along the street, screams, painful moans (groans), and heart-piercing shouts were heard from time to time. These voices rang out from time to time in this dead silent city, making them particularly terrifying.

Mo Qingqing smelled a stench when she was approaching the intersection, like something was rotting. She heard moans (groans) and cries for help, as well as "ahhh-" painful cries, and "bang bang bang" banging on the door and other sounds from the front.

She swallowed nervously, clenched the dagger in her hand subconsciously, and walked slowly past.

She walked to the intersection with the main road, and when she turned the corner, she saw people lying under the eaves, some people were stacked on top of people, and some people were still crawling on the ground. The clothes of these people were soaked with eroded tatters. Many of them had their skin turned green, mushrooms grew on their backs, and all the exposed skin on their faces, hands, and necks. They all looked rotting, like a green cobweb. There was green juice oozing out of the rotten skin.

Not far away, a corpse fell to the ground on its back, with a colorful mushroom growing on its face. There was green grass growing on his body, the grass was slender and very soft, and it was swaying in the wind. The grass is flat and toothed on both sides, like a saw with two blades.

The main road is eight lanes in both directions, and the lanes are full of cars with their doors open.

There are many corpses lying on the ground from the car to the eaves. These corpses are all facing the roadside, and some even maintain a crawling posture. died.

More corpses piled up on the roadside, and they have begun to rot and dissolve, and shoots have grown from their bodies.

Some people are still alive, squirming with difficulty beside the pile of corpses under the eaves, making painful moans (groans) and shouts.

Mo Qingqing stood motionless holding the dagger, her hands and body were shaking, shaking uncontrollably.

, stay at home and wait for the troops to clean up these plants on the road before they come out.

She knew that mushrooms were spread by spores, which could travel great distances by ventilating and passing animals. She also knew that there are some parasitic fungi in nature that live in ants and bees. Cordyceps sinensis is a kind of fungal spore called Cordyceps sinensis infected with bat moth larvae.

She didn't know if she had been infected with the true spores floating in the air, she didn't dare to think deeply. She only knew that there would be no way for her to stay in that small hotel. At this time, she could only go to the gymnasium and the city government to survive.

A man whose skin turned green and was covered with a layer of albuginea crawled towards Mo Qingqing and shouted hoarsely: "Save me, take me to the hospital..."

Mo Qingqing stepped back, she saw the man crawling towards her, turned around and ran back quickly.

Her legs were weak, and she almost fell to the ground without standing.

Mo Qingqing was terrified. She thought that if she was infected, it would be terrible to end up like that. In fact, this is very likely. So many people were not spared, she walked in the open field for so long, defenseless, it was almost impossible to make an exception.

Mo Qingqing cried and wiped her tears as she walked. She did not dare to take the main road, but detoured to a road between tall buildings with only two lanes near the main road.

The road is still full of traffic jams. Fortunately, there are no dead people on the eaves of this street.

She turned to this street and walked for a short distance, when she suddenly saw the shutters of a convenience supermarket ajar, the shelves fell down, and there was only one large supermarket full of dead people. One person died at the door, his head was smashed, and a **** tire-changing jack was dropped next to him. Almost all of these people in the supermarket were injured, as if they had fought fiercely. After they died, mushrooms also grew on their bodies, but not as many as those she had seen dead outside. She raised her eyes and looked at the pulled up rolling shutter door, and saw that the rolling shutter door had been pried.

She suspected that after the rain yesterday, someone found something wrong, abandoned the car and fled to the side of the road, and opened the shutters of the supermarket to escape. I don't know what happened, they killed each other and died here.

The situation in the small supermarket was too terrifying, Mo Qingqing did not dare to stay for long, and continued to move forward.

The rolling shutters of many shops along the street were pried, and there were groans (groans) and screams behind some of the shutters that were not pulled tightly.

Mo Qingqing was walking, when suddenly there was a "wheeze", a cloud of green juice accompanied by the wriggling ghost hand vine twigs and rotten leaves fell from the upstairs to less than three meters away from her far right front.

Mo Qingqing was taken aback and froze in place.

Upstairs, another ghost hand vine fell down, one by one.

Mo Qingqing stepped back three or four meters, and then looked upstairs, only to see a shovel shovelling the ghost hand vine out of the balcony and throwing it downstairs. The shovel was full of green juice and had been corroded with holes.

Mo Qingqing broke out in a cold sweat. If she walked a few steps faster and let the ghost hand vine smash straight, half of her head would be melted. The people upstairs clean up the ghost hand vines in their homes, patronize their own clean and fresh, and don't care about the lives of the people downstairs. She jumped to her feet with anger and shouted: "People who have no morality will die!"

The broken branches and leaves of the ghost vine that were thrown downstairs were scattered everywhere, even on the walls and other people's doors. If she wants to go through again, she has to step on these ghost hand vines that can corrode the door.

Mo Qingqing gritted her teeth angrily.

From the upstairs, there was a rough scolding voice, and shouted: "You come out with your skills, and I will kill you!"

In the incessant scolding, there were many sounds of pushing windows upstairs, and there were even many figures in front of the opposite window.

The other family upstairs screamed again: "Husband, the people upstairs dumped this ghost on our balcony - come and see -"

And then, another family burst into a loud scolding, and the upstairs and downstairs started to scold.

After scolding a few words, Mo Qingqing saw someone on the third floor sticking out their head and scolding at the fourth floor.

The family on the fourth floor that threw the ghost vine downstairs shouted back and shoveled the ghost vine to the person on the third floor.

Mo Qingqing saw a sturdy man on the fourth floor with a shovel in his hand, looking downstairs. He glared at her fiercely, and quickly shrank back. She shuddered, turned her head and ran!

Not long after she ran out, she heard the sound of something falling to the ground behind her, and when she looked back, she saw a lot of ghost vines fell on the place where she was standing, and Green juice had splashed on his trousers.

Her jeans were immediately corroded with tiny holes, and the skin at the holes was burning and aching.

She ran a little further before she rolled up her trousers to check. There were a few drops of green juice on her leg, and the skin around the green juice turned green, and the green veins spread around.


Mo Qingqing thought of the people who were green and dead on the road, and her teeth were chattering. She could not wait to rush upstairs to find that person desperately.

The person on the third floor who was splashed on the face by the ghost hand vine screamed terribly. A woman shouted "husband" in a panic, a little girl shouted "Dad" in panic, and the surrounding neighbors shouted "This is a murder", the screams and shouts were mixed.

Mo Qingqing with tears in her eyes, unscrewed the mineral water and washed the wound. There were four large and small stains on her legs, three of which were only the size of a mung bean, and the larger one was the size of a coin. The skin was gone, revealing the meat inside, and green juice oozing out of the meat, which looked particularly terrifying. . She squeezed the wound hard, and the burning pain made her shiver, and the blood squeezed out of the wound was green.

She was desperately rinsing the wound and squeezing the blood. Soon, the bottle of mineral water was gone. Fortunately, the cobweb-like veins around the wound had a tendency to subside. The blood that came out also had some blood color, no longer green.

Upstairs, the man's screams disappeared.

The woman made a cry of "Aah-husband-".

Mo Qingqing clenched the dagger tightly and wanted to cut off the green juice on her leg, but when the dagger fell on the wound, the heart-wrenching pain caused her to stop. hand.

But...what if you die?

Mo Qingqing no longer hesitated, gritted her teeth and used a dagger, until she saw fresh flesh.

She was crying in pain.

The place where the meat was cut with a knife also bleeds outward.

Mo Qingqing had no gauze, so she could only use a dagger to cut off a piece of the T-shirt and wrap it around the wound, bandaging the wound.

She took care of the wound, stood up, and looked upstairs. She was very angry, but she knew in her heart that the more important thing was to escape for her life. in danger.

Mo Qingqing looked at the ghost vines that were thrown down from the upstairs. The ghost-hand vines that were broken into pieces were still moving, and some tentacles were digging into the concrete.

She thought of Lulu inexplicably. Pinch off the green radish and insert (into) the soil or put it in the water, it is easy to grow new rhizomes and live. There are also roots growing on the vine of the green dill. If the cut off has roots, as long as the water is sufficient, it can basically survive.

This ghost hand vine can take root and sprout on cement floors and ceramic tiles, and it will take root in the ground when it is broken, and its vitality is extremely strong. On the balcony of the house on the fourth floor where the victim was killed, there are likely to be ghosts and stalks left behind, and they are still in danger.

Mo Qingqing looked at her injured foot and didn't want to remind them, she pursed her mouth tightly, turned her head and left.

The author has something to say:=. = This chapter has been written for a long time.