MTL - Card Room-~ Chapter 017:

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Chapter 17

The guardian "The fifth inning, No. 1 won. Since No. 5 lost, both players can enter the next inning."

The two girls present looked at Xiao Lou and were relieved at the same time.

Xiao Lou smiled and took back 5,000 bets in the fifth round, 4000 he called and 4000 on the 5th, for a total of 13,000 coins.

Shouguan Junior "The sixth game, the game begins. The cards are dealt randomly."

The previous few rounds of cards have been rotated counterclockwise, and by this time they have already made one turn.

This round is dealt randomly, just to random number 7.

Girl No. 7 folds directly, Xiao Lou immediately folds, No. 2 and No. 3 Yu Hanjiang also folds, and the four cards are discarded to the waste card pool. Bad cards like 8, 9 + 5.

Turn to number 5.

Because the other four players all exploded, beyond 10:30, No. 5 did nothing, and lay down to win, and got a 5,000 gold bet.

At this point in the game, people who are still slow understand the way to survive.

If the card is not good, you can fold it and lose only 1000 bets. When you have to call, you have to call less and stay safe-as long as you have gold coins in your hand, you will not be eliminated.

But there are only five chances to fold.

On the 5th, the first round of all, the fifth round of the call, and the sixth round of lying down, he folds only three times and has the opportunity to continue to fold. He has more than 10,000 gold coins in his hand, so in the seventh game, if he folds the card directly, he can clear the level immediately.

The remaining four players have run out of folds.

In the seventh game, the four must call at the same time.

But by this time, everyone had formed the tacit understanding-calling the lowest amount to save their lives.

The order of the cards was random, and the seventh round went to Xiao Lou at random.

At the start of the deal, Xiao Lou got an a.

Gatekeeper "The second round of licensing, please choose No. 1."

Xiao Lou glanced at his card, his eyes swept across the hall, and he suddenly smiled and said, "No card, call 1000."

Everyone was stunned.

To get 105 points, you need at least two cards. This is the second round. He only has one card in his hand. Why not? Is he getting too many points for fear of getting over ten thirty? Or……

The **** the right, who was sitting on the right, rolled her eyes. Suddenly her eyes lighted up, as if she had realized something. Then she said, "Call 1000, don't play!"

No. 3 Yu Hanjiang knew "call, don't fold."

No. 5 shrugged, and really folds the card to clear the level.

Girl No. 7 also understood, and threw a gold coin into the prize pool "Follow 1000, don't buy cards."

Xiao Lou took the lead in the second round and stopped asking for cards. This is a hint to everyone-do n’t ask for cards at the same time. Everyone suspends the cards at the same time. lowest.

At this time, everyone did not transfer beads, and it was almost impossible to get ten thirty by natural luck.

In the last game, the four must call. According to the rules of the game, for every additional round of dealing, you have to call 1000 more gold coins. Why did you throw away the gold coins for luck? Isn't it good to stay in your hand?

At this moment, the four players chose the neglect at the same time.

The hand is automatically terminated.

The gatekeeper said, "The licensing is over. Please show your cards."

No. 1 Xiaolou Hongtao a;

No. 2 girl square film a;

No. 3 Yu Hanjiang **** a;

No. 7 horsetail girl plum blossom a.

——Four people's hand is exactly the same a point!

Due to the fold on the 5th, the other four were tied, there was no winner in this game, and the gold coins bet will be recovered by the gatekeeper.

The teenager really said, "The seventh game is Liuzhuang, the game is over."

He took the gold coins on the table and said, "Congratulations to five people who successfully cleared Plum Blossom 2's secret room to challenge 10:30. The remaining gold coins in your hands are the reward for this level."

Everyone "..."

Thanks to Xiaolou taking the lead to suspend trading in the second round, everyone lost only 2,000 gold coins in this round. If you keep asking, keep calling, and after the fifth round, you will lose up to 5000.

When you are sure that everyone will be alive-don't be greedy, and stop losses in time is the smartest decision.

The number 2 girl sitting next looked at Xiao Lou with an admiration and gave him a thumbs up secretly. He took the lead in suspending trading and successfully saved everyone an extra 3,000 gold rewards.

Just then, No. 5 suddenly smiled and said, "Plum, this game, you have been controlling the card in secret, right?"

Meihua looked back at him expressionlessly.

On the 5th, he said, "I have played thousands of hands and said that" King of Heaven "hits" five small people. "This probability is less than 1 in 10,000. And in the last game, everyone started with a—Unless you're controlling the card, such a coincidence is simply not possible. "

He said so, everyone raised their ears, and Xiao Lou looked up.

Xiao Lou had already discovered this.

If it is not for the gatekeeper to control the card, it is difficult to explain the collision in the second and third games.

Transfer beads, you can be sure to get a good card.

But when two people use transfer beads at the same time-whose brand is better, is it really just luck?


Who is left and who is eliminated? In fact, the initiative of this game has always been in the hands of the plum blossom keepers.

In the second round, Yu Hanjiang and No. 6 used transfer beads at the same time. No. 6's hands were shaking nervously throughout the entire process, but Yu Hanjiang was always calm and calm-the gatekeeper decided to eliminate No. 6, so the controlling card allowed Yu Hanjiang to get the king. No. was eliminated.

In the third game, the thin girl No. 2 and the curly woman No. 4 used transfer beads at the same time. The mentality of No. 4 exploded and she started all-in. The girl No. 2 was thin but was stable to the end-so the card of No. 4 was controlled by the gatekeeper. , Less than 2 are eliminated.

The coincidence of two consecutive innings simply doesn't make sense.

Plus the words of the gatekeeper, "Luck is also a kind of strength."

Xiao Lou then understood the secret of the plum blossom secret room-the gatekeeper was controlling the card and eliminated people based on their strength.

Keywords luck, strength.

The plum blossom secret room does not look at luck, but at strength.

In the fourth round, Xiao Lou suggested that No. 7 used transfer beads, and no one crashed with No. 7, and the girl lay straight to win.

In the fifth game, No. 5 called, not to force Xiao Lou away, but because No. 5 also saw the secret of the Plum Blossom Chamber and was conducting an experiment. He has 14,000 gold coins, and even if he loses 4,000, he will not be eliminated. It is understandable to experiment. Once Xiao Lou couldn't hold his mind at this time, the two of them would likely control the Xiao Lou's card and knock Xiao Lou out.

Fortunately, Xiao Lou stabilized.

Transfer beads are not used blindly before licensing.

Instead, look at the timing and decide whether to use it based on your hand.

Before using the license, I used the transfer beads blindly, that is, I really gave my life to the unknown "luck", maybe the gatekeeper was unhappy and gave you a bunch of aa222 directly.

Only after you touch two cards and then use the transfer beads, you can infer the type of cards you will finally get based on the situation of your hand-there is always a list of five types of cards on the big screen. For everyone to compare.

For example, if you start with j and q and use transfer beads, the best card type is "jqk person small five".

In the fifth game, Xiao Lou got plum blossom k and plum blossom a at the beginning. At this time, he used the transfer beads again. The best card was only the "Tianwang card"-he was sure he would take Uranus, so he calmly called. To the end.

The gatekeeper was obviously very satisfied with Xiao Lou's performance, and directly gave him a clear plum blossom ace.


When the teenager heard the question on the 5th, his eyes lightly swept the audience. "Who else has questions about the game?"

Xiao Lou said with a smile, "The four secret rooms have their own rules, and the plum blossom secret room will certainly not eliminate people by luck. I agree with No. 5 that this game is not a gambling game, but a game of mentality. You start from the first From the beginning of the round, I have been controlling all of our hands. In the fifth round, I first touched the plum k and then the plum a, and I guess, you will give me all the plum kings, right? "

Yu Hanjiang "..."

No wonder Xiao Lou can be so calm, he turned out to have guessed that he would win.

Recall carefully that each time the teenager shuffles, the slender fingers overlap the dazzling cards. It stands to reason that he shuffled the cards so many times and would definitely shuffle the 52 cards evenly. No one would happen to get a234k, and someone would just get jjjjk.

In terms of probability, this possibility may not occur ten thousand times. Today's hand has appeared many times, and in the last hand, everyone's initial hand is all a, which is even more obvious.

There is only one explanation-the gatekeeper is manipulating the hand.

He can secretly arrange the order of the points of a deck of cards. Whoever he wants to get a will immediately get a.

Why control cards?

At the same time, everyone remembered that when the No. 4 woman questioned him, his calm sentence "Luck is also a kind of strength."

That's it!

The gatekeeper judges everyone's strength and controls everyone's hand points, so that the strong can live to the end.

The plum blossom secret room actually tests everyone's psychological quality.

The **** the 7th froze, and suddenly said softly "So, the plum blossom secret room has a perfect way to clear customs. If we start with 7 people, we will have a tacit understanding. Each of us will use the transfer beads in turn, each of us will win once, and the others will fold. Or just call 1000, so that after the seven rounds of the game, everyone has gold coins in their hands and no one will be eliminated. "

"That makes sense." Girl No. 2 whispered. "Unfortunately, everyone didn't know each other, and they were suddenly drawn into the gambling game. It is impossible to have a tacit understanding of living together ... People are selfish and will think about how they win, without I want to make others win. "

The girl's words hit the nail on the head, making the scene silent again.

The seven people cooperated with each other and used the transfer beads in turn to win one game each, which is the perfect way to clear the plum blossoms. However, at the beginning, who can selfishly think of "win-win"? Even if you think so, how do you ensure that the other six people will cooperate?

Unpredictable. Unless everyone knows that there is a tacit understanding of "to live together", it is impossible for the plum blossom secret room to pass the customs perfectly.

When the boy heard this, the corners of his tight lips finally raised an arc. He nodded toward everyone and said, "You are very smart-yes, I have been controlling the cards from the beginning, and who I left and who we eliminated, all depends on your performance. The seven people who came through the level yesterday beat the last one. Surviving three. You can survive five people, which is already very good. "

Everyone "..."

Xiao Lou heard the chill in his back when he heard it.

The gatekeeper secretly controls the card. Is this playing with everyone? !!

The teenager seems to see through Xiao Lou's idea and said, "The d-class plum blossom secret room is a preliminary screening of challengers. I can eliminate players by observing your strength and controlling your cards. This is fair. If you really bet luck, you The luck of a few is not necessarily good. People like the 4th and 6th who have too poor psychological qualities and are not suitable for the card world, it is kind to them to eliminate them early. "

Xiao Lou frowned. "How do you ensure that the elimination of players depends on the strength of everyone, not your personal preference?"

No. 4 stood up and reasoned with him, but he kicked No. 4 in the next game. Strictly speaking, the thin **** the 2nd is not suitable to continue to survive in the card world, the 2nd and 4th k, it is reasonable to eliminate everyone.

Juvenile said, "I have the clearance scores of all of you in other secret rooms."

He waved casually, and in front of everyone, s, a, b and other clearance scores appeared. The eliminated No. 4 and No. 6, the scores of the first three pass secret rooms are all c ...

The young man said, "I know the guards of hearts, squares, and spades. The Plum Blossom Room 2 is the primary screening level. It will definitely eliminate some poor performers. As a gatekeeper, I will be based on your overall performance. Come and decide to stay. Setting up a gambling game is the final test of your mental quality-are there any questions? "

Everyone "..."

So far, everyone understands the rules of the Plum Blossom Chamber.

The d-class secret room is the simplest, but everyone thinks the plum blossom secret room hand is too complicated. As soon as I heard playing cards, everyone's first reaction was whether my luck was bad? This kind of subconscious thought will make everyone nervous.

In fact, at the moment when he entered the secret room of plum blossoms, who would stay and who would be eliminated, the plum blossom youngsters already had a comprehensive assessment report card.

The second secret room of the plum blossom made into a poker game is the last chance for everyone to overturn.

As long as you keep your mind set in a stressful card game, you can get good cards. Even if the results of the first three levels are not good, they may stay in Meihua level.

People like No. 4 and No. 6 whose mental quality is very poor, the first few stages have been very difficult. When faced with a tense plum card game, their mentality is more likely to collapse and it is impossible to live to the end. No. 5 is exactly the opposite-he scored c in the Hongtaoguan, c in the square, a in the spade, and he can live in Meihuaguan. He is really brave enough to start his life by psychological warfare.

The **** the 7th looked at Xiao Lou and said "Thank you softly." If Xiao Lou didn't read through the rules, implying that she used transfer beads and voluntarily discarded the card without colliding with her, the next one to be eliminated must be her. It can be said that Xiao Lou sent her to win.

Xiao Lou smiled. "No need to thank, the secret room will be more difficult in the future, you must be careful."

Girl No. 7 gently nodded. "I know."

The room was silent again.

Meihua Junior glanced at everyone and said calmly, "After this pass, you should realize that the Plum Blossom Chamber, as a challenge chamber, will be a direct confrontation between challengers. Playing cards, or other confrontation situations, just walk into the Plum Blossom Chamber. , It may be eliminated-in the future, before entering the plum blossom secret room, you must be mentally prepared to go back. "

The five survivors were so anxious that they didn't want to experience plum blossoms anymore.

At this moment, Yu Hanjiang, who had been silent, suddenly said, "All four d-class rooms are over. Is it possible to form a team in the next c-class room?" He said, and looked at Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou immediately noticed, and then asked, "Can you buy the contract you need now?"

After counting the gold coins in my hand, it is exactly 10,000-finally I can buy the contract!

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