MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1097 Gathering together (7)

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Someone shouted in the crowd: "I followed Gongsun Yao to attack the demon war star. He held the internal structure diagram of the demon war star and knew how to enter and exit the demon war star ... He said, he said ...

This population is not bad. In a few words, Gongsun Yao's performance in the Tianjing Battle Star was clearly stated.

For a time, countless generals gathered here in horror.

Gong Sunyao's performance was too perfect. Since the Wa Island was invaded, his performance, one by one, tightly sealed, extremely tight, every step is so thorough and perfect.

The only shortcoming is that he failed to really knock down the Tianjing war stars.

If he really successfully completed the last step, laid down the Tianjing Battle Star, and controlled the entire Tianjing Battle Star according to the content of the secret contract revealed by Jing Jiu ... Gongsun Yao at this time was already qualified to stand In front of all high-ranking people, they ordered them to take the throne of the emperor.

Link by link, the design is now thoughtfully and so perfect.

Because it is so perfect, so ... it seems hypocritical.

There must be ghosts in it.

After sorting out what happened after Wadao was invaded, the truth seems to be right in front of you-who gets the most profit? Only Gongsun Yao!

And through the whole thing, who can operate this thing so perfectly behind the scenes-only Gongsun Yao's mother Wa Qing'er!

Apart from her, who can collude with the demon to invade Wadao?

Except for her, who can count the old maids and let them die without resistance?

Except for her, who can make hands and feet in the ancestral space, so that so many mothers of Wadao who want to communicate with the ancestor space and use their strength to fight back against the demon are in disarray?

Except for her, who could know the existence of Qianlong Army, and also happened to have the order of Emperor Wa, let Gongsun Yao issue orders towards Qianlong Army?

If it were n’t for the young Junyan of the Qianlong Army that they still had brains, it was n’t blindly obedient fool. Once the Qianlong Army and these grand masters of Gongsun's joined forces, the entire human race would add up, and it would definitely not be their opponent.

Not to mention, once Gongsun Yao ’s battle plan was successfully completed and Tianjing Battle Star was in his hands, it was really a blocker, and no one could oppose any of his will.

Who can be the high-level of the common people, the head of the major clans, and the elders of the major tribes, who can be a fool?

Even if Wu Tie did not come up with conclusive evidence, but the information revealed in front of him is enough to make the senior people of the ethnic group 'freedom testimony', almost ten-tenths firmly believe-Lime is Waqing, Gongsun Yao's family, hiding the scourge !

An old man with a pale hair, the big patriarchs with bears today applauded heavily: "Okay, okay, okay, Gongsun Yao, Huangkou Xiaoren, how dare you have such a scourge? What is your family's intention? Your grandson Shi, what exactly do you want to do? "

Gongsun Yao gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Gongsun Jun is chasing the whereabouts of Lime, not beside him.

After all, Gongsun Yao is young. Why did he ever think that he would encounter such an embarrassing situation?

Wu Tie almost put the hard evidence in front of everyone, how should he refute it? But in any case, the cyan figure in the light and shadow images released by Jing Jiu raised his hand and talked, and it was clearly his mother Waqing!

Although the appearance is different, the lime in the light and shadow image is more charming and evil, but ... acquaintances will recognize it, this is that Wa Qing has not run away!

Behind Gongsun Yao, the elders and warrior leaders of the Gongsun clan retreated silently with more than six adults.

They bowed deeply to the patriarch with the bear department, and then lined up into the formation with the bears.

They are the heirs of the Gongsun clan, but they are not the **** confidants of the Gongsun Jun family. Their blood is derived from the Xiong clan, and they are part of the people of the human race ... they will not give one to hide the scourge, the ambition of the suspected riot Home funeral.

"Wu Tie, why do you want to add to your sins? You are framed, framed ... You came here with a demon from outside, just to frame me!" Gongsun Yao screamed: "You want to fight for the emperor Throne ... you, you, you ... shameless, mean, indecent ... "

"You said that I want to control the demon warstar, why did you succeed in the end?" Gongsun Yao's mind was a mess, and he could only stubbornly fight against it.

Otherwise ... he could not imagine the consequences.

He heard the movement of the elders and soldiers of the Gongsun clan. Over the years, Gongsun Jun, who had worked hard in the Gongsun clan, had 60% of the fighting power, and he left him so shamelessly.

Gongsun Yao wanted to point at these elders and yell at them—would you still have faces? You can only rely on the strength of my family to have the opportunity to become a venerable power. You have eaten and wiped away, and you do n’t recognize people when you pull up your pants?

Wu Tie laughed: "The Throne of the Emperor? I'm the Iron Tie ... But I swear to the sky, I never thought of what emperor."

Shaking his head, Wu Tie sneered: "Don't say the emperor, I haven't even thought of the sovereign of the Wu Kingdom ... If someone can take over, someone can let me leave with confidence, I am more willing to take my lover and Family, find a nice place with beautiful scenery and live a peace of mind! "

"I'm tired of killing and killing things." Wu Tie said sincerely: "After killing so many days of demon, so many demons and ghosts, even if they are the enemy of our human race, I am also tired, tired, tired ... … I want to enjoy my life and live in peace. "

"So, Gongsun Yao, don't use your ideals, forcibly buckle my head!" Wu Tie shook his head: "I'm not interested in the throne of the people ... especially the throne of the people who got it by conspiracy, then Can it be the real emperor? "

A thunder flashed, taking Ji Baizao away from the fleet, and thousands of high-ranking heavenly court leaders, and ran back directly.

In his fleet just now, he carried countless people of the human race who were looted by him. He feared that the army of the people of the human race would **** these people back, so he kept busy with the army and left.

When the fleet ran away, anyway, Ji Baizao, who was not afraid of death, hurried back with his master.

He heard the last two words of Wu Tie, and Ji Baizao screamed with excitement: "Wuhan, you do n’t want to compete for the throne of the emperor. Gongsun Yao, the kid, is guilty of sin, he is simply not qualified ... Ha, it is better Let the deity take the position of emperor, isn't it a peaceful world? "

Ji Baijiao raised his head and raised his chest, and he walked towards Wutie side.

"Wu King, what do you think? We don't know each other ... I can't deserve it because of my virtue, ability, and the throne of the people."

Wu Tie's mouth twitched, pointing at Gongsun Yao with a sneer and said, "First, let's sort out the affairs of this kid's family, and then talk about it."

Ji Baizao raised his eyebrows and laughed extremely excitedly: "Okay, the deity hit him to tell the truth!"