MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 11 Fight, teenager

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Wu Tieru arch bridge recumbently, breathing long, sweat dripping constantly.

The old iron eyes flashed in the blood, staring at Wu Tie for a while, a red light shot from his left eye, flashing on the opposite wall for a while.

On the wall, a group of blue electric stalks squirmed like water waves. After a while, the metal walls under the electric mans raised a white face.

Gradually, a white gimmick that was almost the same size as the old iron, which was about three meters in diameter, flew out of the wall and flew silently to the front of the old iron.

The old iron and the huge hoes have blood flickering in the eyelids, and the blood is staggered. In a very short time, they exchanged countless information in an inexplicable way.

"It’s been so many years..." The old iron snorted.

A small portal was opened silently on the wall that had just emerged from the white skull. With the subtle 叮叮 , sound, four white metal spiders of the size of the size smashed out quickly.

Four spiders came to the old iron, and two front paws were extended to lift the old iron.

In the sound of ‘叮叮’, a huge white **** led the way, and four metal spiders carried the old iron to the portal.

Walking along a straight ramp, walked over a hundred meters, and here is an extremely large square metal hall. In the empty hall, the neatly arranged yards contain a few piles of materials that shine with a hint of cold metal.

In the length of the metal hall, the material placed in the hall is only a few meters square, and the small piles of materials appear so pitiful and lonely in the large hall.

"Just, something?" The old iron scorpion flashed a flash of blood.

The white **** shook a few times.

The old iron snorted: "Well, let me think about it... this thing, it’s really... the clever woman is hard to be without rice..."

The white **** was slightly sideways, and the two big eyes stared at the old iron, and the blood in the scorpion flashed rapidly.

The old iron eye was condensed, and he suddenly opened his mouth and laughed: "Ha ha ha, of course... Grandpa, I am a public, public... pure pure man. Metaphor, this is a metaphor, you don't understand? ”

"Don't talk nonsense with your idiots that are not open... I am going to be stupid with you."

"Help me, take two low-level yuan, and the kid hasn't woken up yet, hurry."

Breathing, breathing, and breathing are extremely long. The muscles under the skin are as creeping as the waves in the creek, and the base medicine still plays a role in every corner of the body.

I didn't know how long it took to sleep, and Wu Tie slowly opened his eyes.

The old shovel was by his side, and the blood in his eyes flickered. In the huge light curtain, the figure wearing the white tight armor was keeping the same movement as Wu Tie.

The soft and sweet female voice quietly sounded: "Building a foundation, closing the momentum... exhaling... inhaling... exhaling... inhaling... slowly getting up."

With the action of the figure, Wu Tie slowly started, and then naturally stood up and straightened his waist.

The state of the body is better than ever.

From the time of writing, Wu Tie’s body is very weak and very weak.

Don't say that with the huge stone locks of Wu Jin, Wu Yin, and Wu Tong, the body is weak. When Wu Xing’s body is weakest, he will even breathe out in a few steps, and the internal organs will tear like a tear. The same pain.

A few days ago, under the command of Laotie, all the way to the ancient iron barracks along the old iron, the most basic foundation training was carried out along the way, the physical strength of Wutie was strengthened, and the muscles and muscles were also It is sore and swollen.

Not to mention, a thousand kilograms of prey and flesh was transported from the ancient gods and battalions to here. Wu Tie’s physical strength was almost overdraft, and every place on the body was uncomfortable.

But at the moment, the whole body is completely new.

Every part of the body, every bone, every muscle, every tiny nerve, vein, seems to be soaked in hot water, warm and comfortable to the extreme.

Wu Tie ran up subconsciously.

Approximately ten miles around this side, the metal hall that was about forty miles in circumference was running at full speed.

The feet become flexible and powerful, each step is stepping on the ground, and the powerful explosive force pushes the body to move forward quickly.

The arms are swaying vigorously, the body is harmonious and well-balanced, and the fast running can be balanced.

Breathing is smooth, the cool breath flows in the chest, and there is no slight discomfort or stagnation between the breaths.

The heart beats evenly and powerfully. Wu Tie has been running at full speed for three miles. The heartbeat is only slightly accelerated, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Wu Tie suddenly remembered the skills that Wu Tong had shown before him.

He screamed, his body slammed, his ankles stepped on a vertical wall, his body was almost perpendicular to the wall, and the ground formed horizontally, and the '唰唰唰' ran forward a dozen. Step, this is lightly falling back to the ground.

The two feet are heavy, the body's instinctive, very sensitive left and right, to maintain a perfect balance, continue to run forward at full speed.

This is a technique that swayed after a few years of witchcraft cultivation, and the spider step, like a spider, runs fast on a steep, vertical rock wall.

Only that time, Wu copper fell to the ground only after seven or eight steps on his own wall. When he landed on the ground, he fell a nose and swollen face, and the nosebleeds fell.

Wu Tie ran easily for more than a dozen steps. The landing was light and smart, and the pace was steady and flexible. There was no wretchedness and difficulty.

"Hey... brother..."

Wu Tie suddenly stopped, and he clenched his fists in both hands, looked up at the white swaying ceiling, and bit his teeth.

This is power?

It feels good to have power!

Wu Tie is no longer weak, weak and windy, and even a bit faster to pant.

“I’m so moved?” The old iron’s voice came from far away: “Then, start fighting, **** teenager!”

‘叮’, the ceiling of the Wu Ting’s head flashed, and the ceiling appeared like a wave of water with a vortex more than a foot in diameter. A long shadow spurted out of the whirlpool, and the nose of the witch iron fell to the ground, and ‘叮叮当当’ bounced on the ground several times.

This is a long gun.

A long gun made of a whole body metal.

The gray gun is a foot longer than the Witch Iron, and the sharp gun head is more than a foot long.

The voice of the old iron sounded again: "Grandpa, I have already selected weapons for you, rifles, grandpa, I like guns... Men, they should all play with guns, haha, long shots of enemies, short shots of girls... cough, cough..."

The old iron dry caba coughed a few times: "I have this mouth, the last two sentences, you did not hear, did not hear."

Wu Tie’s attention was not placed on the old iron. He was concentrating on the long gun under his feet. Almost instinctive, he bent down, grabbed the rifle, and firmly gripped the gun.

The gray rifle has no slight luster, the surface is covered with extremely fine lines, the gun is just a grip, and the palm grips on the gun without the slightest slippery feeling. It is very comfortable and very easy.

The weight of the gun is not light or heavy. When Wu Tie waved the rifle, he only felt smooth and natural, and he was very comfortable.

This gun is completely tailored to the height, size and strength of Wu Tie.

The rifle started, just a few swings, Wu Tie fell in love with this rifle.

“Working is so good!” Wu Tieyan looked at the tiny fine lines on the gun. The gun looks simple, but his instinctive intuition is much better than the witches and witches who work with their long knives.

The material is much better and many.

“True nonsense, work?” The old iron snorted: “This is the ancient **** barracks, which allows the ancient gods to rest, heal, replenish, and provide long-term combat support. The work is naturally top.”

Wu Tie excitedly held a long gun and strode back to the old iron.

He has decided that he will never be separated from the gun by half a step. This is his first weapon, truly his first weapon.

In the witch family, only the soldiers are qualified to possess weapons.

"Listen well." The old iron scorpion flashed with blood, staring at the witch iron.

"You have to revenge, you have to cultivate strong. You need to build a potion, you need more foundation medicine." The old iron roared loudly: "But grandpa, I can't help you... So, starting today , all your foundation-based pharmacy, you must hunt for prey and collect materials."

"If you want to be strong, fight like a pure man, boy!"

The tone of the old iron has become extremely cold and stiff: "The constant battle is constantly strong, until that day, you have enough power to do what you want to do. Before that, don't die." ”

Wu Tiezhuo looked at the old iron.

The tone of the old iron made him uneasy.

Before, the old iron also helped him to hunt a thousand pounds of flesh and blood.

But now, the old iron wants him to hunt his prey. Leave the ancient **** barracks, go outside the alien, and kill those terrible underground creatures.

"Think about you... your brother..." The old iron seemed to see the hesitation and fear of Wu Ting's heart.

Wu Tie’s heart burst into the boundless anger and pain.

There was no longer any thought in his mind. He just whispered a slogan, and he turned and walked out.

The faster and faster, the anger and pain of my heart became more and more, Wu Tie suddenly snorted, and ran with a long rifle in both hands. Behind him, two human-sized metal spiders followed him.

At the end of the ramp, the white metal cover slides like a wave of water.

Wu Tie screamed and his feet slammed into the ground. He actually jumped up to three meters high. His right foot stepped on the wall of the big pit and jumped more than two meters, directly from five meters deep. Jumped in the big pit.

The body fell heavily on the side of the crater, and the witch and iron stayed for a long time, and this screamed with joy: "Power!"

He can run so fast, he can jump so high.

This is power.

He looked around and saw a stone that was about the height of his calf more than a dozen meters away. He strode over and placed the rifle aside, keeping his two-footed stone in his hands and holding it hard.

It was a little hard, but Wu Tie was very determined and lifted the stone over his head.

He held the stone in his hands for half a quarter of an hour, and he shouted and threw the stone out for four or five meters.

He looked at his hands with joy.

This is power!

He used to be unable to move such a large stone.

However, he took a foundation-based pharmacy and cultivated the foundation. He had such a great strength.

"Oh... my brother... I will avenge you, I won’t take long, I will avenge you..."

Wu Tie clenched his fist hard. He lowered his head and wanted to pick up a long gun. The sound of '嘶嘶' slammed from behind him, a huge force came, and a limestone lizard with a height similar to that of Wu Tie was fierce. The ground rushed over and the two front paws slammed on his back.

This limestone lizard is still young, and the limestone lizard is only young, compared to the huge volume of four or five witch irons in adult limestone lizards.

The young limestone lizard, the sharp front paws tore the shoulders of the witch iron, the big muscles were torn down, the witch iron screamed, and the face slammed down on the floor. The limestone lizard slammed on him, and the two hind paws were scratched on his thighs and calves. The large flesh was smashed and the white bones were exposed on the calves.

The hunting skills of this limestone lizard are very bad.

Change to an adult body with enough hunting skills. After a successful fight, it will bite the back neck of the witch iron with a large mouth and a heavy mouth. The heavy body can easily break the witch iron with a roll. Neck bone.

The four claws of the young lizard pulled the back of the witch iron, the ground was full of blood, and the witch iron shouted and struggled.

However, the shoulders and legs were severely damaged, and the power disappeared by more than half. Wu Tie did not have the strength to get rid of the attack of this young lizard.

The young lizard madly tore the body of the witch, while opening his mouth and covering his head, trying to bite the back of the witch iron.

This is the hunting instinct derived from the blood.

Wu Tie's blood exudes a strong **** suffocation and is rapidly awakening the hunting talent of this young lizard.

The icy teeth touched the neck of Wu Tie.

Wu Tie screamed, his right hand slammed his chest and smashed his teeth, and the backhand was a thorn.

Chi You's ‘噗嗤’ pierced the head of the young lizard and blasted a hole in the mouth of the bowl.

The blood mixed with the brains and flowing out, sprinkled the Wu iron full face, and the body of Wu Tie twitched a few times, and the black fainted in front of him.

The ‘叮叮’ sound came, and the two white spiders that had been white were crawling out of the big pit and quickly came to Wu Tie.

They turned around the Witch Iron for two laps, then opened the hard mouthparts, biting the long hair of Wu Tie, dragging him slowly on the ground.

The dead limestone lizard lingered on the back of Wu Tie, and was dragged to the big pit.

‘咚’, the witch iron and the limestone lizard fell heavily into the crater, and the gray-white metal floor squirmed, swallowing the witch iron and the limestone lizard.

Dripping blood, pulling a long blood mark on the ground.