MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 45 Juvenile

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Xiaolong is raging.

The water is here.

In the fog knife base, the fog knife killers turned away without saying a word, and they trained quickly to evacuate the stronghold.

They are killers, assassins, life reapers who walk in the dark, they are not brave and fearless warriors. When you meet a strong enemy and meet a strong enemy that is impossible to resist, the choice of the fog knife killer is naturally a retreat.

Lost the pressure of the fog knife killer, the family soldiers in the point of the chaos.

They used the original family as a unit, gathered together indiscriminately, and shouted at a loss.

Some brave bull warriors waved a big axe and a mace, and roared and launched an assault on Xiaolong. Each time, Xiaolong was a sigh of relief, killing a large group of cattle warriors, and then swallowing them in a way that was very efficient, but looked a bit ‘elegant’.

Whether it is flesh, hyperthyroidism, or weapons.

Not too slow, swallowed.

The resistance of the family warriors quickly collapsed, and there were elite warriors scattered around, all over the gray gray dwarves and rock dwarfs.

Wu Tie has already taken a long distance to the lower reaches of the river under the urging of the old iron.

However, after concentrating the Yuan dynasty, Wu Xing’s five senses can be enhanced daily after the body is tempered. Now that he is very clear-headed, he clearly heard the crying from the fog knife.

The voice of the ox is boring and powerful. The wolf's shouting is high and penetrating. The gray dwarfs have the same sound as the hammer they like, and they have a strong, hard stone.

As for the weakest rock gnomes, their voices are subtle and clear, and even if they are screaming in horror, their voices are as pleasing as the sound of Piccolo.

Especially among the rocky gnomes, those children who are still under age, their voices are slender and tender, just like a large group of people screaming the whistle made of small bones at the same time, with the river wind easily coming out of the distance, far away .

Those rocky gnomes of children.

The size of the rock gnome, the height is at most one meter two, and the children in their ethnic group are more tender and weak. Light gray skin, thin arms and thin legs, soft hair close to the scalp, big eyes bigger than ordinary people, always filled with curiosity about the whole world, full of pure innocence.

At the Wujia Stone Fort, Wu Tie used these little guys as pets.

They are as cute and cute as the limestone lizards that have just hatched from the eggs.

At the Wujia Stone Fort, Wu Tie often distributed his food to these little ones, even if they were hungry.

Therefore, Wu Tie’s biggest dream at that time was that one day the Wujia Shibao could get enough and continuous water. This way they can grow more white mushrooms or other mushrooms so that these little guys won't be hungry.

Those young and slender, always surrounded by Wu Tie with a quiet smile, listened to the story he heard from the gray master, and looked at Wu Tie's little guys with adoring eyes.

Once the Wutie has something to do, it is always rushing to help the Wutie to manage the neat little guys.

Those younger, they followed their parents in the fields, wiping the scales and big teeth for the big rock, cleaning the mouth for the limestone lizards, and wiping the entire Wujia Shibao clean.

They are like a group of innocent and lovely elves, smashing in the Wujia Stone Fort, making the Wujia Stone Fort full of vitality.

"I don't know how they are..." Wu Tie remembered the few guys who had the best relationship with him.

As a slave, the limestone gnome will not have a name.

But the few little guys, Wu Tie gave them their names, the names that Wu Tie used to learn from the wonderful words they learned.

Wu Tie suddenly stopped and turned to look at the stronghold of the fog knife.

Several orders, they brought a lot of slaves.

In order to open up this secret for a sustainable situation, many slaves were brought in by the family.

There are old people here, there are young and strong, and naturally there are children. Especially the huge number of limestone gnomes, their breeding cycle is very short, they have given birth to many babies in these months.

The children of the limestone gnome can run around in just two or three months.

The dragon was on top of the wall of the fog knife base, and it was heard from a muffled sound. The large wall was broken.

Some of the warriors who stood in the wall in vain and fired their bows were shocked. They screamed and screamed together with the broken earth and stones and fell heavily on the ground.

Xiaolong was smashed into the stronghold with a few big guys.

Numerous young voices screamed, Wu Tie stood on the hill bag, and even saw the small figure of the running in the distant fog knife stronghold.

Behind those little figures, there are gray figures that are not much higher than them, rushing toward the dragons and the otters. Without weapons, these small figures rushed up the mining raft.

Small, specially made for limestone gnomes, with a weight of no more than two pounds on the scales of the dragon and the otter...

Xiaolong and the otter dismissed such an attack. They turned over at random, and hundreds of small figures were crushed to death.

Xiaolong raised his head and chased the young, petite figure that fled in front.

Wu Tie's face looked gloomy and looked at Xiaolong's movements.

He seemed to hear it. In the Wujia Shibao, the little guys took the sneak peek at the mushrooms they handed them, and whispered to him the voice of ‘thank you’.

He seems to see again, those little guys who are hungry for their belly, but still want to leave a little bit of mushrooms to their younger brother and sister.

Wu Tie remembered his father, his brother.

He remembered the witch gold in front of him...

The wound on Wu Jin’s back reveals the bones...

For his useless brother, Wu Jinyu is on the ground...

"I have already escaped once." Wu Jin was very inexplicable to think of what the Gray Master had read, a very imposing words.

‘Although thousands of people are going to swear!’

‘Although thousands of people are going to swear!’ !

‘Although thousands of people are going to swear!’ ! !

"Although thousands of people... I am going to swear..." Wu Tie screamed: "Although I still don't quite understand the meaning of this... But I can understand why Grey Master always likes to read the sentence. flower'!"

"This is a lot of words... It’s really spirited!"

Wu Tie laughed and straightened his waist. He grabbed a long gun and wrapped his body invisible. He was surrounded by wind and wind. He slammed into a hundred meters high and rushed to the direction of the fog knife with his whistling wind. go with.

Blood, burn again.

The blood is boiling.

In the eyebrows, a group of golden light expands in a sudden rotation.

In the surrounding air, the bright crystals of the crystals can be freed out, and the stream that is turned into a sparkling crystal is continuously injected into the body of the witch iron.

The Wu Tie mouth swallowed the surrounding energy, and the Yuanxiao in the lower abdomen rushed out and flowed rapidly in the body. Yuan can be injected into the Yuan dynasty, and the Yuan dynasty grows up. The whole body is severely painful. The Yuan Zhen is like a giant hammer, and a little bit of tempering beats the body of Wu Tie.

The blood of Wu Tie is really boiling.

In his eyebrows, the golden light of the group was violently shaken, and Wu Tie screamed exhaustedly. 'Although thousands of people are going to squatting', he is not a very understandable discourse, facing the stronghold of the fog knife, toward the terrible Xiaolong rushed.

The blood is boiling.

In the blood, some extremely subtle, strange energy hidden in the deep veins of the witch iron is motivated.

The speed of Wu Tieyuan’s operation has suddenly increased tenfold, and the pain of the body has increased by a hundredfold. A trace of blood is constantly seeping out of the pores. There is a small vortex in the top of the witch iron head. Can continue to inject into the vortex, constantly injecting him into his body.

The Lantern Festival is increasing rapidly, and the Lantern Festival is rapidly increasing.

The golden light in the eyebrows is a beautiful golden light, which is like a waterfall in the Tianhe River. It constantly washes the body of the witch iron and washes his muscles, bones and internal organs... especially his blood.

A group of unspeakable, vast and huge, to the strongest, the mighty and majestic atmosphere in the Wu Tie body faintly condensed.

In the next moment, the atmosphere burst out suddenly, and the speed of Wu Tie's forward flight soared several times. Behind him, a faint gray breath gradually became a fuzzy figure of a spine and a high crown.

When the old iron saw Wu iron rushing out, he was so scared that he was about to spurt the current to stop the impulse of Wu Tie.

That dragon is not the old iron and the Wu iron can deal with now.

If it was a few days ago, without the earth-shattering blow, the old iron still had a bit of confidence to hit this dragon.

But now... the old iron is powerless...

The current swells on the big teeth, and when the old iron is preparing to squirt the current, the sly, like a misty figure emerges quietly.

The old iron opened his mouth and looked at the sly figure.

"Although thousands of people are going to squat..." The old iron's body shook a little, and the blood in the scorpion suddenly brightened, illuminating the range of hundreds of meters around: "This kid... This is a running dog - 屎 - 运... Still, is he really a genius of the world?"

The old iron slowly closed his mouth, and his metal-made gimmick could not have any expression change, but his tone was enough to declare his mood at the moment.

"It’s a terrible blood, it’s a terrible group... It’s not a problem, it’s the descendants of the monsters that created my grandfather...”

"The Sparks are inherited, and life is endless... As long as the blood is still... then..."

"Grass - he-mother-, do it!"

The old iron suddenly became like a mad dog. 'Wang Wang' screamed a few times, then his body sounded like a thunderous loud sound: "Battle... Fight... Fight... Life is endless, fighting is not only... Grandpa, the meaning of my birth, It’s fighting!”

"Escape? Wai Wei save Zhao?" The old iron hysterical roared: "This is not what I should have... Which bastard, in my grandfather my mind is loaded with something else? Grandpa I am a pure warrior... ah, flat Uh... ah, medical-type ancient **** soldiers..."

The blood of the double sputum condensed into the essence, and the rock that burned the gaze was melted into magma.

The old iron madly chased Wu Tie. He ran wildly and yelled: "Damn Yang Lan... Laozi just violated a battlefield discipline... The combat genius of Laozi was actually turned into a medical guard!"



The old iron screamed with enthusiasm: "Go to his mother-in-law's battlefield discipline, go to his-mother-army order... The highest commander of this theater, Yang Lan, was killed, the highest commander of the brotherhood, the hero, was killed... I didn't receive it. Any new military order... Laozi fights according to the founder...the highest command..."

"White Tiger Army... The Deadly Camp... is going to... angered Luo... Participate in the war!"

In the old iron's voice, blood is shining.

In his huge white hoe, there seems to be an invisible shackle that collapses, and the cracking sound is crisp and audible.

On the head of the old iron, white and clean and flawless, a trace of **** lines appeared quietly, forming a totem pattern on his head. The old iron, which had grown quite awkwardly, became more and more fierce and more abhorrent.

The surface of the old iron's skull is squirming rapidly, and several sharp sharp corners grow from the surface of his skull. These sharp-colored horns are fierce and fierce. Countless pieces of finely ignited light pulsate on the sharp corners. The sparkling water flow visible to the naked eye is constantly swallowed by these sharp corners.

‘啪啪’ a few sounds, the old iron’s neck and neck had a large number of electric sparks, and his movement suddenly became a little unbalanced.

In his head, a lot of horrible energy violently impacted, but his body, after all, is not his body. Under the violent energy impact, the four legs of the old iron were smashed, and they fell to the ground and smashed a huge stalagmite.


"Fighting!" The old iron screamed exhaustedly, and a large piece of electric light spurted out of his neck. He jerked up and turned into a **** fire and galloped forward.

A group of young limestone pygmy children are crying and running.

Their parents have become a flesh and blood, or have been swallowed by Snapdragon and those otters.

They struggled with less than a foot of calf and fled in a messy stronghold. Their big eyes were filled with tears, and the unprecedented fear filled their bodies and minds, and their voices were changed.

They... have no fighting power.

A huge otter chased it up, and opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the group of limestone gnomes.

"I am also afraid... but... I am coming!" Wu Tie screamed and slammed from the sky, his hands clenched with a long gun, and a slap in the hole pierced the head of the otter.

An inexplicable force, the huge force that Wu Tie could not control completely broke out from the rifle.

It is vast and powerful, and it is just strong and strong, filling the whole world, full of infinity.

The huge body of the otter blasted open and exploded into blood.

The ground trembled fiercely, and Wu Tie’s body slammed into the ground, and the long shot hit the ground and blasted a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Zhou Sheng's invisible force field rushed, and the Wu iron slowly floated out of the big pit.

He held a long gun and gritted his teeth and looked at the dragon that looked over hundreds of meters away.

"I am afraid of you...but I am still here!"

“There is always something to do... there are always people who have to protect...”

"I am stupid enough... but I am still here!"

Wu Tie hooked his finger to Xiaolong and laughed with a vibrato: "Grandson, come here, Grandpa, Grandpa, I am so happy with you..."