MTL - Chronicles of Primordial Wars-Chapter 834 Unknown is the most dangerous

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The residence gave Shao Xuan the background of the origin of this person. As for seeing no, it was decided by Shao Xuan himself.

The old friend of Yiju is Yi’s family, named Yisuke, who is Yi’s grandfather. After the accident of Yi Jia, Yi Jie was seriously injured in the internal conflict, and was taken over by the shackle to raise the disease. Otherwise, it is a dead end to stay in Yijia in the case of Yisuke.

Bringing Shao Xuan to a place, and when he opened the door, he saw an old man with white hair lying on the couch. It looked like the situation was not good and his body was weak. Breathing is weak.

When I saw Shao Xuan coming over, Yi Jie struggled to sit up, just taking the action of sitting up, it took a lot of effort.

Shao Xuan looked at Yi Jie's expression, did not see hatred from his eyes, but more is to explore.

Seems to see Shao Xuan's doubts, Yi Jie pulled out a smile, the body suffered the pain caused by the civil war of the same people, making this laugh a bit ugly, coupled with the face of Shao Xuan, Yi Jie's mood is complicated, expression Even more weird.

Yi Yi is dead in Yanjiao, and even the death of Yi Qi also has a little Shao Xuan factor, but more reasons are Yi Xiang and their Yi Jia strength is not as good as people, if there is no Shao Xuan, Yi Jia There are more people who die in Yi Xiang.

"I just want to ask...easy things." Yisuke talked a little hard, very slow, and the voice was not loud, but the words were clear, Shao Xuan could hear.

Shao Xuan was only seen on the surface of the residence. Yi Jie helped the residence many times, especially in the search for crops. Yi Jie helped a lot, and the friendship with the residence was good. However, Shao Xuan did not expect that Yisuke would even mention the embarrassing thing so peacefully.

Although strange, Shao Xuan still said that Yi Yi’s situation at the time, from Yi Yi promised to take the role of captive to Yan Yan, and there is a deal with Yi Yi.

Yi Yi can be considered suicide, obviously able to survive, but choose that way.

Yi Jie closed his eyes and listened to Shao Xuan's remarks, covering all the emotions. When Shao Xuan finished speaking, when he opened it again, his eyes had calmed down.

Slowly breathing a few mouthfuls, Yisuke said: "When you come to Wangcheng, can you have another divination?"

Shao Xuan looked at him from a different place and did not deny it. "Yes."

“How?” Suddenly, Yisuke realized that he was somewhat vague and added, “the result of the diary on the return journey.”


"Is it a failure? Or is it successful? But there is no result?" Yi Jie asked.

"The latter." Even if the knot is successful, but the knot does not show any meaning, such as garbled.

Nowadays, the ability of Bu Yi has increased greatly. Shao Xuan can even find out where the Pirates are located, but he can't do anything about the return journey. This Shao Xuan has been wondering. He also felt the embarrassment, but he still couldn't find the answer.

Before the arrival of the divination, the knot did not reveal any danger beyond their ability, but now, getting closer and closer to the return journey, the result of the knot is still the same, which is different from Shao Xuan's intuition.

Shao Xuan intuition is dangerous, and between intuition and knot, he believes in intuition. Intuition made him avoid the dangers of life-threatening experience from childhood to age, and the divination is just a skill learned from other tribes. Yi family is better at him than him.

This is also the reason why Shao Xuan does not want to stay in Wangcheng for a long time. The original plan is to let everyone in the Yanhe River area take a good look at Wangcheng. It is good for the development of the Yanhe River Basin. Since there is ambition, the eyes can't just stay in the small one. Habitat. Recognize yourself to go further, and over-expansion will only destroy faster.

But after coming here, the feeling of more and more uneasiness made Shao Xuan change his mind. When the dinner was held, they would return to them instead of taking them to look at the famous Jingu Grange. They just let them go back and prepare. left.

"Unknown, it is the most dangerous, this line is careful!" Yi Jie stared at Shao Xuan's eyes, almost one word and one emphasized, "I can only change the results of the divination, only Yi family!"

Nowadays, Yijia can do this level, and there is no one in Wangcheng!

Desert, Yi Xiang!

Shao Xuan almost immediately got the name. In fact, when he was not going to be too smooth in his intuitive return, he had already thought of many possibilities. He also thought about how to deal with Yi Xiang. Now Yisuke’s words are almost certain. The danger this time comes from Yi Xiang.

What he can do, Yi Jie can't help too much. He also doesn't have any meaningful things, but he is the owner of the Yi family. He knows more and understands that some of them may be deliberately disturbing.

"The child is called Yi Ce? Good, very good..." Yi Jie had tears in his eyes, but he did not say anything extra. It is enough to know that Yi Ce is living very well in Yanjiao. It is not that he is satisfied with this, but because he is a Yi family, even if he is unable to confess now, he can speculate on more things according to Shao Xuan’s suggestion. The purpose of this meeting is also completed.

Shao Xuan knew that Yi Jie had already said what he said to him, and it was mainly Yi Ce.

Did not stay for a long time, Shao Xuan intends to go back overnight, look at the situation in Yanjiao. The residence is not reluctant, sending people to send him into the city. At this time, the gate has been closed, and no one who lives in the house is escorted. Shao Xuan may not be able to enter the city easily.

After Shao Xuan left, the house thought about it, or asked Yi Jie, "Do you really mind the death of Yi?"

In the past, Yi Jie was more concerned about Yi Yi, and the residence was known. In fact, Yi Jia’s blood relationship is slightly lighter than other tribes. Among many grandchildren, Yi Yi can get Yisuke’s attention, of course. Because of the talent of Yi. Yi Yi was cultivated by Yi Jie, and he also placed great hopes. Even Yi Yi thought about it and let Yi Yi go to the position of the master.

However, the death of Yi Yi is embarrassing, and some young people of Yijia are secretly happy. They have lost one competitor, and those who have been pressing them have finally turned their heads.

Few people know that Yi Yi took his son out of the family and placed it in Yanjiao.

Easy to arrange, Yi Jie was only later known. At first, he didn't understand why Yi Yi would do that. After he calmed down and thought about it, he figured it out and became more and more transparent.

"I don't's fake, but, in contrast, I agree with Yi's approach. If I change it, I will choose the same." Yi Jiedao.

The great-grandson who had only seen the short-lived side since birth, the feelings are naturally less than the ones that have been cultivated, but when Yisuke thinks more and more transparent, one emotion replaces all others. Resentment, anger, and regret.

"Why?" I don't understand. Ming Yi can survive. If there is him, Yi Ce can be covered in Yanjiao. As long as he is alive, there is always a chance to return to Wangcheng. For example, this time, Wangcheng’s contract with Yanjiao is easy. If you want to come back, you can exchange conditions with Yanjiao. It is not difficult to do this with the ability of Yi.

"You don't understand." Yi Jie whispered, "I heard that Yanjiao people raise beasts, they are the kind of animals that are separated from the ethnic group, without the mother beast, and the sooner they leave the ethnic group, the better, the tribal talent I will believe it and will get close to it."

This metaphor... I live in the belly, do you compare your great-grandson to the beast?

Yi Jie does not feel anything, as long as it can be done in the simplest way to understand the reasons for this.

Drinking a bowl of medicine slowly, Yi Jie said: "You know what talent is easy. When the king sent troops to chase the Yanjiao, Yi Yi went with it. When he came back, he encountered a bottleneck. I didn't understand why I was in the same year. I will encounter this situation, but now, I know the reason." Sighing and sighing, I don’t know if it’s a pity, or regret it.

After a long silence, Yi Jie continued: "The first ancestor of Yi Jia is the closest person to Zu Wu. Shao Xuan is not a ancestral witch, but it must be related to the ancestor witch. Yi Ce stayed in the place near Shao Xuan, there will definitely be It belongs to his own opportunity, and this opportunity is about to change the future of Yijia!

That is... I am easy to home... the hope of rising!

"Easy... I really want to see him. Hey, I have to go to the day when Yi Ze returned to Yijia!" Yi Jie’s eyes showed a crazy color.

If Shao Xuan has an accident, then all his hopes will be broken, easy policy, and it will not be the easy policy he expected.

All predictions are based on Shao Xuan’s ability to return to Yanhe safely.

Therefore, Yi Jie will overdraw the distress under serious injury.

Therefore, there is a meeting today.

Yi Jie's situation is very bad. Even after serious injury, he still overdraws several times. Divination once thought that Yisuke was looking for death. It may not be long before, but now I can see the situation of Yisuke, and Yisuke’s survival is still very good. Strong.

Looking at Yi Jieqiang's endurance and sorrow and sorrow, the house shook his head and said that he was crazy. No one is more crazy than the Yi family.

Inside the palace.

I took it out and said something about what happened on the street today. I mentioned Ganche. This is the second person who has threatened him except Shao Xuan.

"The people of Yanjiao, and those in the Yanhe River area, cooperate very well." This has to be admitted, and it is quite envious, because they are six in the city, the beginning of the city is still a tacit understanding, but over time, The differences are getting bigger and bigger, and the contradictions are constant. The end of the Yi family is an example.

"Yeah, it works very well. As long as Shao Xuan is there, they will continue to expand."

"Why do you have Shao Xuan who exists?"

"Indeed, why does Yan Yan have Shao Xuan who exists?" He agreed, and then smiled again. "There is no such person in Yan Yan, so I can see if they can go back safely this time."

They are deeds, but if they don’t shoot at Yanjiao, will there be no other people? For example, a certain person in the desert.

In agreement with Yanjiao, Zhaifang intends to carry out the anti-desert with the Yanjiao. If there is a loss in both sides, it will be even better. (To be continued.)

"I want friends to visit the phone."