MTL - Chu Wang Fei-Chapter 270

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Seeing that the shadow was groping in the darkness and coming over to himself, Rong Rong’s heart was suddenly raised. For a time, the consciousness was sober because of the shock, but the foot was like a water bag. At the beginning, I was about to scream out to the guards outside the door. The shadow was already rushing toward her...

A large hand belonging to a man instantly caught her lips and prevented her from making any sounds. At the same time, the other arm held her slender body tightly and dragged her to the back of the hall.

Rong Rong knows that if she does not resist at this time, then the next thing will only make her die.

There is not much left in his body. Rong Rong gave up the competition with the men. Instead, he waved his hands in midair and wanted to make some noise to remind the outside guards.

"Give me a quiet moment!" The man who forced her to walk was already anxious, and the hand that covered her waist could not wait to touch her chest. The disgusting big hand actually grabbed her front. Directly into the outerwear, there is a tendency to drive straight into the outerwear.

Rong Rong’s heart crossed a trace of despair, and he could remember the relatives outside the palace. If she was invaded by this, she was afraid that she would sit down on the wall of the red apricot. At that time, she would not be able to escape the jade. The punishment of the emperor.

Through the moonlight outside, Rong Rong saw the wooden fish on his desk with his left hand, endured the nausea and anger that was invaded by the man, and concentrated all the strength in the body. Rong Rong waved his left hand and grabbed the wooden hammer on the table. Shooting towards the wooden fish on the table...

‘啪...’ The wooden fish was beaten by a hammer and made a loud noise on the floor. It took a few rolls on the ground to stop the rotation.

"Mother, what happened?" The sound inside the temple immediately caught the attention of the Guards. Several guards stood outside the main hall and asked about the situation inside.

Can Rong Rong was stunned by the lips and the voice could not be heard, and the man found that Rong Rong had the strength to knock down the things, the hand holding her hand was even harder, and the palm pressed tightly. On the face of Rong, five finger prints were pressed.

The other hand touched the body of Rong Rong more unscrupulously. Rong Rong only felt that the hand was already wearing his own coat, and it was solving the rope of her apron. The calm eyes suddenly appeared anxious, if it was This person is so ruthless, I am afraid that I will be lost today.

"Mother, you are okay? A lot of words" Rong Rong was fined to the ancestral temple, but she is still a noble, after all, and the Guardian men and women are different.

Although the sound in the temple caused the suspicion of the Guards, they did not dare to sneak in. In case of disturbing Rong Gui, the emperor would blame it, only that they could not eat and walk.

"Don't dare to make a sound, Lao Tzu killed you!" The man heard the outside guards still do not give up, the hand that originally touched Rong Rong suddenly grabbed her neck and whispered in her ear.

As everyone knows, Rong Rong is not afraid of death, and will he be scared by his threat?

The wooden hammer in his hand was thrown at the front of the open space, and the wooden hammer was lucky to hit the pillar of the hall, and a loud sound was heard.

The outside garrison finally found out that the temple was unusual. Several people joined forces to push the door open. The lanterns in the hands of the people immediately illuminated the black lacquered hall, but saw a man pressed against Rong Gui’s body. People are going to do the joys of men and women in the ancestral temple.

A group of Guards suddenly stupid, and even the eunuchs who ran in, they all face each other, I don't know what to do!

"Fast... Go and inform the emperor..." The leading guards only felt that they were sweating and could only whisper to the imperial **** behind them.

Those who are the eunuchs of the palace still dare to stay here. If they are told by the emperor that they saw Rong Gui’s stealing people, they will only destroy their mouths.

Rong Rong saw everyone rushing out to report the Emperor Yu, and a heart suddenly sinks, and his face turned pale. I want to speak for myself, but her consciousness has gradually separated from reason, and she has passed out in front of everyone.

"Catch him!" The man riding on Rong Guizhen saw the incident, and suddenly let Rong Rong want to escape from the back door, but was surrounded by several guards and corps, and wanted to give birth to him.

Seeing no way to escape, the man turned his head and looked at the sorrowful sorrow of the past, full of tenderness and grief. "Ronger, we will see you in the afterlife!"

After the speech, he actually rushed toward a Guard, quickly pulled out the sword at the waist of the Guard, and wiped his neck.

"This..." Several guards face each other, but they don't know how to be rehabilitated. In particular, Rong Guizhen still fainted in the past. If they stayed in the hall for a long time, it seems to be out of order.

Several people hesitated, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, only to see the emperor emperor with the emperor rushed over from the harem.

"What the **** is going on?" Seeing that the ancestral temple was full of **** smell, a man was covered in blood in front of the ancestral tablets of the ancestors, while Ronggui was lying in the hall in a negligent manner. The eyes suddenly ignited anger, and directed at the guards and shouted: "Let you guard the ancestral temple, are you doing this for you?"

The snoring of the Emperor Yugan made the Queen's heart jump, and looked at the temple, immediately being scared by the scene inside.

The **** smell of the face made the Queen walk in with the **** blocking his nose, and his face was ugly standing beside the emperor, but he did not speak at this time.

Several Guardsmen came to see the Emperor Yugan, and they fell in front of the Yugan Emperor in a pale face. One of them was under the pressure of the Emperor Yugan. "Back to the emperor, this man sneaked into the ancestral temple from the back door." When the staff found that there were some abnormalities in the temple, they pushed the door in to inspect and did not want the man to actually... actually..."

Having said that, the Guards naturally did not dare to say the scene they saw, and they were so anxious to sweat.

Emperor Yugan also saw his hesitation, and endured the anger of his heart and said to the slaves behind him: "In addition to the queen, everyone else will roll out!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the palace people quickly withdrew from the temple.

"Say!" The low-pitched voice rang again in the ancestral temple. As soon as the emperor saw the Rong Rong's clothes, he was angered and burned. He hated to pull the sword and immediately killed her. It is said that there is no red apricot out of the wall. Nowadays, this wild man has already entered the palace to have a private meeting with her. I have to look at Rong Rong, who can wake up after waking up.

"When the squad came in, the man was sitting on the body of Ronggui, and the two wanted to do things for men and women! When you see the things discovered by the savage staff, they scared the past, and the man was self-sufficient! Actually, he still shouted at Ronggui, saying... say goodbye in the afterlife!" After the speech, the guards no longer speak, but the cold sweat on their foreheads is on the ground in front of them.

The temple was dead, and even the Queen's palm was a lot of cold sweat, but the emperor was tight with a face, but the pair of shots to Rong Gui's nephew with strong hatred.

"The emperor..." The Queen cautiously made a sound, but the Jade Emperor still stared at Rong Rong lying on the ground, so that the Queen could not help but wrinkle his brow, gently bite the lower lip, once again persuaded: "The emperor, the sister is just For a moment, this man is dead. We can't marry my sister in the absence of evidence. If this is a trap set by others, if the emperor punishes her sister, then she is not too embarrassed?"

Said, the Queen would like to go forward to touch the emperor, but was greatly opened by the emperor.

"冤枉?哼!朕 is the real embarrassment! It is really a fool, expecting her to think quietly in the ancestral temple, but what about her? Actually, brazenly doing the male thief in the ancestral temple! Good Rong Rong, this 贱What is the man's sorrow!" The scorpion of the Yugan Emperor seems to be stunned by Rong Rong, and the hatred in his eyes is not something that the Queen's understatement can be extinguished.

What's more, the Queen's words seem to be talking about Rong Gui, but in reality it is to add fuel to the fire.

"The emperor, you are angry, take care of the dragon body! How to say, my sister is also a family, you can not ignore the overall situation!" The emperor was opened by the emperor, the body slightly shaken a few times, after standing still and immediately The words advised Yu Gandi, hoping that he could hold back, but did not affect the overall situation because of the anger of the moment.

"Queen, I will give this monk to you. Before the embarrassing sacred is sent, you will look at this monk for you! Several of you, drag the corpse out to feed the dog, watch the dog take him. After all the food is clean, I will come back!" After the language, Yu Gandi no longer wants to stay in the ancestral temple, and turned around and led Yu Gonggong and others to leave the ancestral temple.

"Chen Chen sent the emperor!" The Queen's back to the emperor of the emperor Yu Yingying Yingying, then immediately got up in the palace.

I looked at the guards and lifted the man’s body. The grass made people wash the blood in the temple. When the blood smell in the hall dissipated, the queen re-entered the temple and looked at the lonely man. The sullen smile on the icy ground, the eyes can not stop showing a smug smile.

Upon returning to the study, Yu Gandi wrote a few scribbled characters on the imperial edict. Then he threw away the brush in his hand angrily, took out the jade and covered it in the imperial edict, and threw the sacred spirit in the arms of Yu Gonggong. : "Give this to the Queen!"

Yu Gonggong opened his sacred glance and glanced at him. His look changed suddenly. He looked at the emperor with a panic and shivered and asked: "The emperor, this..."

"Isn't it going to roll?" But I don't want to, Yuge Emperor didn't want to see it at this time, and he was angry when he left the public.

Yu Gonggong could not, but he could only accept the imperial edict and return to the ancestral temple with full grace.

"The slaves see the empress of the queen!" Seeing the emperor standing in the temple, Yu Gonggong immediately went forward.

"Yu Gonggong, the emperor's sacred purpose?" The Queen remembered the words spoken by the Emperor Yugan when he left, and he spoke to Yu Gonggong.

"Please Queen Empresses!" Yu Gonggong naturally did not dare to talk too much, and quickly took out the sacred decree in the sleeve and handed it to the Queen, but the person did not leave.

Upon seeing it, the queen’s eyes were a little unpleasant. The lady next to her immediately stepped forward and pushed Yu Gonggong out of the ancestral temple. Then she ordered the person to close the door and refused everyone to enter.

------Off topic ------

The matter of Rong’s sister is coming to an end. Recently, it’s a bit of a minor abuse, but the ending is wonderful, huh, huh, so everyone pats!

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