MTL - Chu Wang Fei-Chapter 297 Fly carefully!

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"Wan Wei, I advise you to hand over the gold medal!" He noticed the discoloration of Wan Zai, and Chu sighed and sighed, and his eyes could not cover his triumph. / / No pop-up window update fast / / []

However, when the smattering of his eyes touched Chu Feiyang standing in front of him, he burst into disappointment and replaced his boundless hatred. His heart was thinking about how to deal with the next thing.

"Hey, Chu is light, you are not qualified to order the truth! Chu Pei, these two are all your children, but the talent is a world of difference, but it really makes people laugh and cry. Do you think that Chu Feiyang will come to save? If the phase is not prepared, will it be rushed out?" Wan Zaixiang is now the most ignorant of the villain. In particular, I am even more annoyed by the things I have agreed with Chu Pei before. Fortunately, things have not yet developed to this point, otherwise it is not a harm to Yuanyuan's life? Married to Chu Qingyang, who is so arrogant but not powerful, is destined to suffer.

The gaze turned to Chu Feiyang again. It was really a dragon and a phoenix in the human world, and there was already a sigh of relief in the air, and it would not be awkward in addition to Yun Qianmeng’s life.

Chu Peiyu will hear the provocative meaning of the prime minister's words, watching the skin on Chu Jie's neck has been cut by the long sword in the hands of Wan Zai, Chu Pei's brow slightly wrinkled, cold voice: "Wan Wei, since this is a matter between you and me, it is up to you and me to decide and have nothing to do with the children."

"Ha ha ha..." As everyone knows, Wan Zaixiang’s words after listening to Chu Pei were actually shouting in the sky, accompanied by the evening wind pouring into the ears of everyone, it was extremely horrible, "have nothing to do with the child? Chu Pei, you are really blind Say something! You have a pair of daughters who hold the truth in your hands. You have said this in a big way that you have nothing to do with the children?"

"If you don't hold the cleansing first, will we hold Yuanyuan and you? You are less squirting in this blood!" Chu Pei was annoyed, but he knew that he could not anger the prime minister again, otherwise the sword in his hand would not Long-eyed.

When Xie Tao and Xie Yuanyuan heard that Wan Zaixiang talked about their life experience, they were all shocked and unbelievable. The faces of the two men turned pale and shivering. They were shivering and they were curled up together. The group did not dare to anger the few people around them, for fear that they would kill them.

Noticing the color of fear on his daughter's face, Wan Sai's eyes quickly passed through a touch of anxiety, but in a moment it was hidden in the depths of the eye, and then the indifference of color, people can not see the same.

"If the king is you, I will not do it at this time, and I will not choose to do it today. Wan Zaixiang, you are too anxious. You are anxious about your daughter, more worried about the half gold medal, for fear that you can’t get it. Half a gold medal, I am anxious to start in this suburb of Beijing. But you are too small to see the king, you think that out of the capital, the king does not know what you are doing? Or you think you are waiting in the capital In a month or two, your strength will be better than this king?" At this time, Chu Feiyang's faint opening, I saw his face calm, not a little nervous and anxious, but no trace of emotional fluctuations, as stated in the statement A common thing, calmly trembles in the heart. (·~)

When Wan Zaixiang listened to Chu Feiyang’s words, his face really became a little anxious, and more of it was annoyed. I saw him pointing to Chu Feiyang’s anger: “Chu Feiyang, it’s really you, you are giving it to you. Set! You pretend to go to the criminal department to visit Chu Pei, and then go to the Chu Wangfu to see Chu light, just to lead me out. Although I have defended these, I can't help the emperor of the emperor to give an early review of Chu Pei, and you I have done so much, but I want to force me to do it! Chu Feiyang, you are really embarrassed, not only play the game, even your father and brother are in your calculations!"

However, Chu Feiyang listened calmly to the analysis of Wan Zaixiang and knew it. He also knew that the last sentence of Wan Zaixiang was intended to provoke dissension, but did not care. He just said with a smile: "What is it? Not another. How? Do you really want to be a dangerous person like you to stay in West Chu?"

"Chu Feiyang, I did not expect that you were so ruthless, even your father did not let go?" Chu Feiyang's words just finished, they saw Chu swayed and screamed. I had doubts about the motives of Chu Feiyang’s going to the Chu Wangfu that day, but I didn’t want this person to be so sinister and deceitful, but he used himself to lead Wan Wei out.

Just thinking about it, if Chu Feiyang has already understood everything, then is he appearing tonight to compete for the gold medal with himself?

Thinking about this, Chu lightly looked nervous and instantly, the eyes full of hatred stared at Chu Feiyang, not letting him change any expression.

"You really want to lead Wanwei, even me and the lightness is counted?" At this time, Chu Pei actually asked Chu Feiyang. Unlike Chu’s affirmation of the sage, Chu Pei actually questioned Chu Feiyang’s calculations. The complicated look in Chu Pei’s eyes has never dissipated after the emergence of Chu Feiyang. At this time, the sight of Chu Feiyang is accompanied by a eagerness to know the truth.

Chu Feiyang is slightly picking his eyebrows, but some curious Chu Pei would care about such a problem, but still the sentence, "What is it? No, what? Father cares? This king just does not want someone to take the opportunity to stay in Beijing. Just messing up!"

Listening to Chu Feiyang's ambiguous answer, Chu Pei gradually recovered his sight, but it was silent for a while, half squinting, and did not speak again.

"That's it, then you will win Wan Wei! Just, the things hidden in Wan Wei are mys!" Chu Qingyang seems to be afraid of Chu Feiyang regret, followed by Chu Feiyang's words, commanding Chu Feiyang to follow He meant to act. (·~)

Chu Feiyang looked at the innocent Chu with some ridiculously sneer, with a deep sarcasm in his eyes, and asked with sneer: "What is your command of the king?"

"You..." For a time, Chu was so angry that he was about to open his mouth, but he was suddenly stopped by Chu Pei.

"Lift!" Chu Pei screamed and stunned, and the birds in the forest flew away, and Chu Chuan suddenly closed his mouth.

"Don't forget, this is your big brother!" But Chu Pei's next sentence, but let Chu lightly red eyes, a handsome face suddenly distorted, full of hateful eyes can not immediately tear Chu Feiyang.

Chu Feiyang was also very surprised by the words of Chu Pei, and he couldn’t help but have a fascinating smile, but he did not interface with Chu Pei.

"A good pair of fathers and deep love! Unfortunately, the king of Chu does not seem to lead the love of Chu adults!" Wan Zaixiang has already looked at everyone's expressions, and can not help but ridiculously said. However, I only understand in my heart that I am afraid that in the heart of Chu Pei, Chu Feiyang’s weight has been aggravated at this time. If Chu Pei decided to join forces with Chu Feiyang at this time, I am afraid that I will lose myself.

However, even if Chu Pei and Chu Fei Yang Fu joined forces, I am afraid that the most unseen of this situation, in addition to myself, there is a Chu light, this is a breakthrough...

Wan Zaixiang’s mind counts the three fathers in front of him, but Chu Feiyang does not give him a chance to speak again.

I saw that Chu Feiyang waved his hand, and the guards who stood behind him were actually attacking the equals of Wan Zai in the blink of an eye.

The sound of the weapons intersecting in the woods suddenly...

"Jieer..." Under the moonlight, the swords of the cold light intersected, causing a short-lived spark, but it was shocked that Xie’s heart mentioned the blink of an eye. With a deep concern, Mei Mei stared at Chu Jie, who was blocked by Wan Zai, who was screaming at her daughter's name.

"爹娘......Save me..." Wake up in a fight and push and pull, Chu Jie saw his situation at this time, screaming out.

Finally, in the chaos, Chu Peixie and others were found. Chu Jie shouted for Xie’s tears. The neck was cold and painful. Chu Jie felt that the blood flowed into her cloak along her neck. The fear of death suddenly shrouded her heart. The ** of life was madly yelling and yelling. Ah...爹娘 save me..."

Wan Zai met with Chu Jie and woke up, but did not stun Chu Chu, let her yell and yell for help, and Wan Zaixiang sneered and said, "Chu Feiyang, do you still have to attack? Even the life and death of your own sister. No matter what qualifications do you have in the face of this aspect to talk about the stability of the Xichu people? The life and death of the dear can be regardless of whether you are qualified to sit in the position of the king of Chu? You..."

Wan Zaixiang’s words have not been finished yet, and he slashed a sword on the head. He was shocked that he would soon be out of his control and Chu Jie pulled back to him. He regarded Chu Jie as a human shield and did not pity her to block her head. This sword...

"Ah..." Chu Jie was scared and stupid, his legs could not help but tremble and soft, and the whole body went straight down...

The guard who had been trying to slap the princes of the princes and the gods, and the uniforms of the martial arts, suddenly saw that the prime minister had pulled him back, and the sword he had cut in his hand immediately went to the side and wiped it from Chu Jie’s hair. Let Chu Jie escape the danger.

"Chu Feiyang, do you stop and stop?" Wan Zaixiang saw that Chu Feiyang’s people did not dare to take Chu Jie, and immediately pulled up the Chu Jie who was sitting on the ground, and the long sword firmly touched Chu Jie. On the neck, the eyes were bloodthirsty and cold, and Chu Feiyang, angered: "This phase has already been seen, your people are afraid to start with Chu Jie. If so, it is better to stop the two sides, let's say good! This is this The purpose of coming to Xichu is not to do anything with you. As long as I take back the things that belong to me, I will leave Xichu and never set foot on the land of West Chu! But if you insist on doing this, then you should blame it. Turn your face and don't recognize people!"

Wen Yan, Chu Feiyang floated a sneer in the eyes, is about to speak, Chu Chuan Yang on the side has long been waved and directed Chu Feiyang's subordinates, shouted: "one is an idiot, a woman can not do anything under the hand Don't you kill them all?"

"How can you say this? You are your sister!" Xie was shocked to see Chu Chuanyang, but he saw that he was already red-eyed, and he could not rush to kill the Wanzai.

'Snapped! And Chu Pei was a slap in the face of Chu lightly, then trembled and pointed at Chu and said: "Hey! That is your sister, how can you ignore her life and death?"

However, Chu Pei’s slap was not awake, but he saw that Chu swayed his face and stared at Chu Feiyang with all his hatred. "Why do all the titles of the title belong to Chu Feiyang? I am going to lower him. Why do you even stand on his side? Oh, I don't accept it, I don't accept it! The gold medal is mine. In the future, you are dead. Everything is mine. Nobody thinks. Take it away, no one thinks!"

"You are so embarrassed!" Chu Pei was already swayed by Chu and couldn't speak. The right hand raised again and wanted to fight, but was stopped by Xie.

Xie’s resentful look at Chu Feiyang’s eyes, then looked at Chu Pei with tears and persuaded: “Frather, it’s still a little light! My daughter’s life is hard to say, do you want to force me to die? Although it is not a noble princess, it is also your child who is light and clean, and is the grandson of the Chu family!"

In the dispute, a group of black people were in the depths of the woods. These people dressed in the same shape as the servants of Wanzai, seemingly associates.

"It’s no wonder that Wan Zai’s face has not been chaotic in the face of this king’s offense. It turned out that he had already left a hand.” Looking at the thousands of black people who came up, Chu Feiyang’s hand rose slightly and suddenly there were hundreds of people back. To his side, Chu Pei and others were wrapped in the middle, while the rest continued to fight, not retreating because of the sudden increase in enemies.

However, compared with the group of black people, the newly-emerged black people are obviously specially trained deadmen. Everyone's movements are clean and murderous, and the purpose is obviously to put the opponent to death.

At the time of tea, Chu Feiyang’s people gradually hanged up. Wan’s prime minister was temporarily safe. Seeing that Chu Feiyang’s side seemed to be broken again, he immediately reminded his subordinates. “Live the Chu Pei, the rest. Personality kills!"

As soon as this statement came out, thousands of black people suddenly retreated. Half of the black people actually took out the unique bows and arrows from the waist and shot them in the direction of Chu Feiyang and others...

Upon seeing it, Chu Feiyang’s face was full of smiles, and the eyes were full of dignified light. In the blink of an eye, there was already a long sword in his hand. I saw that he shook his sword slightly, and he heard the sword humming, it seems to be The master's mind is connected!

"Be careful with poison arrows!" Speaking loudly, Chu Feiyang reminded all the guards around him.

"Yes, Wang Ye!" Everyone answered in unison, but nothing else.

‘嗖嗖嗖...’ The poison arrow instantly shot...

‘Dangdang...’ The poison arrow was blocked by the sword...

Among them, the fastest speed of the sword is Chu Feiyang. I saw him standing at the forefront of everyone. A long sword in his hand was tightly guarded in front of him like a city wall, emitting a light in the moonlight. The silver sword flower.

Looking at the long sword in the hands of Chu Feiyang, the dance is so skillful. The shackles of Chu’s eyes are overflowing. When others are paying attention to the poison arrows, Chu whispers and moves the footsteps toward the Chu. Going behind the flying...

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The "Chu Wang Yi" physical book is about to go on the market. After more than half a year of hard work, mixed with the painstaking efforts and sweat, the physical book is finally going to be listed!

The "Chu Wang Yi" is planned by Yue Reading, published by Qingdao Publishing House, and is priced at 55 yuan. Dangdang and other websites are available for sale!

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