MTL - Chu Wang Fei-Chapter 299 Fight now

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Chu Fei Yang converges to the coldness in his face, and puts on the gentleness of the weekdays, but his face is still filled with some cold light. After listening to the provocation and deliberate framement of Chen Wang, Chu Feiyang sneer and raise his face and look straight on the horseback. Jiang Muchen, the opposite of the lips, "Chen Wang led the city defense army, in charge of the security of the capital, I can not think of the tentacles so long, actually able to come to the suburbs of the woods. / / no pop-up window update fast / / [~] / very literature / I do not know is a coincidence Or Wang Ye stared at our Chu family early in the morning, only waiting for the situation of the Chu family to fall into the grave. Moreover, it is not very far from the capital, and even if the king wants to rob Chu Pei and others, he is not in a hurry. The risk of being caught by Chen Wang is here. It seems that Chen Wangye was disappointed and returned this time."

Chu Feiyang’s utterance of the singer’s ‘good intentions’, a lot of ridicule in the speech, scared everyone’s snoring and dared not make it here.

Jiang Muchen is close to his lips. He is staring at Chu Feiyang, but he finds that the other side’s face is full of smiles. The eyes are even more radiant, causing Jiang Muchen’s whip to shake hands, restraining himself from being small. The loss was overwhelmed by Chu Feiyang.

"Come on!" Half a sigh, Jiang Muchen coldly called Ning Feng next to him, and told him: "Give this king a good look at these bodies, and see who is in the end, dare to be so arrogant in the capital! As for the king of Chu, As a first-class duke, you are killing a lot here. It seems to be a pet and a arrogance. With the emperor’s love and connivance for you, it’s so desperate...”

"And then?" But I don't want to, Chu Feiyang can't wait for Jiang Muchen to finish all the words, some anxiously ask Chen Wang to punish himself, his cloudy light and light resounding tone, let Jiang Muchen suffocate for a while, half a sigh Find your own tongue and continue to slash and fly.

"Chu Wang, what is your attitude? Is it difficult to be in front of the emperor, do you dare to despise Wang Fa?" Jiang Muchen was so angry that he could not pull a whip on the face of Chu Feiyang.

Chu Feiyang is humbly listening to Jiang Muchen's accusation. He is a student who seriously answers Jiang Muchen's question. "Wang Ye said very much. But the prince is not the emperor. It is difficult for the prince to hope that the king will bow to you." This depends on Wang Ye’s unbearable burden. Don’t let the king’s knees touch the ground, the emperor’s imperial edict has arrived, I’m afraid that the head of the man’s head will be Chen Wang! Even if you’re squatting, Can't behave so obviously, otherwise it will be a loss, Wang Ye is not going to lick his chest and cry long?"

"Chu Feiyang, you are deceiving too much!" Jiang Muchen was fed up with the ridicule of Chu Feiyang's cold words, and was about to throw the long whip in his hands, but he saw Ning Feng walked over quickly.

"Wang Ye!" Standing in front of Jiang Muchen's horse, Ning Feng hugged his fist.

"Say!" Strongly resisted the anger that was provoked by Chu Feiyang, Jiang Muchen spoke to Ning Feng with anger. [~]

Ning Feng made a slight glimpse, and then he looked at Chu Feiyang with a look of his face. He did not understand what Wang Chu said and angered his prince.

At the top of the head, an angry line of sight was shot. Ning Feng’s heart was tight, and he quickly returned to God to answer his own prince’s question. “Returning to the prince, the smugglers and other black people who found the dead and wounded, there is actually the Wanzai of Nanxun.”

"Chen Wang has never been to Nanxun, but I can't think of Wang's guards actually recognizing Nanzhao's Wan Zaixiang. It seems that Wang Ye is very careful about the size of the West Chu, and the tentacles are also very keen." Ning Feng's words just finished Everyone heard the sound of Chu Feiyang’s cool voice slowly sounding. *very literature*

Wen Yan, Jiang Muchen's brow wrinkled, but this time he did not rush to Chu Feiyang, his eyes crossed Chu Feiyang in front of him to see Chu Pei and others, but he saw the death of the Chu family, the wounded, the idiot, I am afraid that the prime minister The West Chu and his entourage are directed at the Chu family. If the Chu Feiyang family is brought to the face of the Holy Spirit at this time, I am afraid that the Emperor Yu Gan will look at the hardships of a hero, and may have spared Chu Pei and others.

At this moment, Chen Wang’s brain turned out countless ideas...

"What happened to Chen Wang? How can I sit down and meditate immediately? The prince Wang is not still very dissatisfied with the king tonight, want to bring the king to go to the holy? Just, the king will enter the palace to see the emperor. However, there is still some distance from the capital here. The king’s per capita is injured. If there are any assassins, I’m afraid it’s a lot of fierceness. Since the prince has the beauty of an adult, there’s a lord of the lord! Wang Ye is really capable. The king will never know the lord of the prime minister in the premise of the emperor!" Chu Feiyang smiled and opened his mouth, contrary to the coldness of the squadron guarding the gray-clothed guard.

Only these words fell in the ears of Chen Wang, but it was already let Jiang Muchen gnash his teeth.

However, Chu Feiyang’s words did not pay attention to Jiang Muchen. Instead, he returned to Chu Pei’s side and ordered his own guard. “Come, lift the lady.”

"Chu Feiyang, you dare to try my mother!" But I don't want to, the Chu Qingyang, who was next to the gold medal, suddenly heard the words of Chu Feiyang, and suddenly came to Chu Pei's face, facing Chu Feiyang's face, eyes and hate He is holding his brother.

"Why is your mother becoming like this? Isn’t there a lot in your heart? If it’s not for you to be selfish, would it make everyone become like this? Chu is light, take a good look at the current situation, don’t let His Royal Highness wait for a long time. Chu Fei Yang glanced at the glimpse of the cold, with a cold color to the Chu light, hidden in the eyes of a trace of contempt and sarcasm. Such a person actually dreams of sitting on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year, even if he can sit up, I am afraid that it will not last long, and will definitely not be blessed by the people.

Chu lightly believes that no one can listen to it at this time, and sees fiercely fluttering toward Chu: "What is Chen Wang counting? Wait for me..."

"Reverse, you don't hurry to stop!" After waiting for Chu to be light and angry, Chu Pei, who was always in the pain, suddenly stood up and pushed the Chu lightly from behind, making Chu a light and not falling. At the ground. 【leaf*】【*】

"Hey, you..." Chu Chuanyang, who thought that his father would be so disgusted with himself overnight.

The anger of the heart rushed to the heart, Chu slammed and lifted the eyes full of haze, squatting in front of the Chu Pei and Chu light, hands clenched the soil on the ground, covered with a The stock is strongly hateful.

"I don't think that the Chu family's two public voices are so big, even the king does not look in the eyes. I don't know who else in this world can get the respect of Chu Ergong, this king wants to ask for advice!" I don't know, Fang Caichu The sound of the screaming screaming was clearly heard by Jiang Muchen in the ear, only to see him screaming, extremely chilly.

The voice followed the sound of the forest and the sound of the wind was just introduced into the ears of the people. At the same time, the extremely fast and extremely accurate whip came from the wind, and swung straight to the top of the Chu who was sitting on the ground. ...

‘啪...’ A voice came, Chu Feiyang turned and blocked in front of Chu’s light, and reached out to pick up the whip in the hands of Chen’s hand. Together with Chen Wang, he pulled the head and tail of the whip and the two fell into a state of interaction.

"When the Chu family, when did the turn of the king teach?" Chu Feiyang was quiet, but the tone was obviously with an unpleasant sorrow. The half-eyed eyes shot a little cold, toward the horse on the back. Wang Chong went.

"Hey, the Chu family is a great, a sinful crime, and dare to speak out against the king. So the following commits, even if the king will take him to the local law, no one can pick the wrong! How, the king of Chu wants to cover this People?" Jiang Muchen violently pulled the long whip on his hand, trying to make Chu Feiyang ugly.

But I don't want to, Chu Feiyang's feet are set on the ground, for the sudden change of Chen Wang is actually not moving.

I saw a sudden smile on the surface of Chu Fei’s face. When Chen Wang pulled the long whip hard, he suddenly let go, but Chen Wang almost fell off the horseback because of the strength of the rebound. Fortunately, Jiang Muchen firmly grasped the saddle with one hand, which saved the embarrassment of falling off the horse.

And Chu Feiyang was in a slap in the hand, but he quickly grabbed the whip. When Chen Wang finally stabilized his body and relaxed his vigilance, he suddenly yanked his hand in his direction, making The body that Chen Wang originally fell backwards was suddenly pulled by him and dumped forward...

"Oh, Chen Wang is careful, how can you sit on this horseback? This horseback can sit better than a dragon chair. Wang Ye can't even tame a small horse. How can he still conquer the world? Is it some? Too much weight?" Chu Feiyang chuckled and his eyes were full of disdain.

"Chu--Fly--Yang!" was played by Chu Feiyang. Jiang Muchen was flushed and his eyes were full of anger.

I saw that he suddenly turned the horse's head, his legs violently sandwiched the horse's belly, the horse was hurt, and he ran wildly...

At this time, Chu Feiyang’s hand was still holding a whip, and the whole person was rushed forward by Chen Wang...

"Flying, loosening the whip!" Chu Pei looked at the scene in front of him, suddenly was shocked by a cold sweat, and his heart was extremely worried that Chu Feiyang forgot to let go, at the crazy speed of Chen Wang, if Chu Feifei did not let go I am afraid that the horses that will be seated by Chen Wang will go out, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Chu Feiyang borrowed power by force. Instead of releasing his hand, he held the long whip in his hand tightly. The whole person flew up with the speed of the horse, and then borrowed the trunk and feet that could be touched by all around. Tap the trunk and pull the long whip tightly, and quickly shorten the distance between yourself and Chen Wang!

"Wang Ye is careful behind!" Jiang Muchen only looked at the road ahead. For a time, he did not realize that Chu Feiyang was shortening the distance between the two people at an extremely fast speed. Ning Feng saw it, it was full of sweat, and immediately shouted out to remind Chen Wang.

Hearing the voice of Ning Feng, Jiang Muchen suddenly turned back, but found that Chu Feiyang was close at hand, his heart was tight, and he immediately released the long whip in his hand.

At that time, Chu Feiyang had already arrived behind him, and the whole person stood on the horseback behind him. With the movement of Chen Wang to throw away the long whip, Chu Feiyang immediately released his long whip that had no use.

Jiang Muchen took advantage of this blink of an eye. The whole person suddenly stood up from the horseback and turned and attacked the palm of the plane.

Chu Feiyang had early warning. When Jiang Muchen attacked the first palm, he saw him sideways hiding from the past. However, Chu Feiyang, who had fallen into the horse because of this action, was calculated with precise backhand touch. A big tree, once again stood up by the trunk, at the same time, the soft sword that had been wrapped around his waist was instantly sheathed, and a sword was stabbed toward the shoulder of Chen Wang...

Chen Wang is already a full-body alert. He pulls the reins in one hand to prevent himself from falling off the horseback. In one hand, he draws the sword from the waist and blocks the sword that Chu Feiyang stabbed...

‘When...’ the two swords intersected, and in this silent forest, they made a very harsh sound, and the sparks were more like a fireworks illuminating the dark forest.

"Wang Ye has not answered the question of the king!" The two swords arrived between the two, Chu Feiyang face with a smile, Jiang Muchen face frosty, seemingly ordinary expression, only know each other how much the other side used on the sword If the power is slightly relaxed, I am afraid that it will end up with injuries and disabilities.

"The king does not have this obligation to answer your question! But the king of Chu should think about it, how to explain the things tonight to the people of the world! This king knows that there has been a fire in the south of the city, and the prime minister has no life! I don’t want to see Wan Zaixiang die in the soil of my West Chu today. I don’t know what kind of relationship he has with the Chu family. However, Chu Wang is vague in dealing with the things of Nanyou Youzhou. It will not be Chu. The family has a heart and does not want to be discovered by General Hu Wei. The king of Chu will use the power given by the emperor to let General Hu Wei stay in Nanxun!" Jiang Muchen is a very intelligent person, although the things tonight are a little sudden, but As long as you can find out a lot of loopholes, you can see that he is slyly looking at Chu Feiyang, and every sentence of his exports can be put to death.

"Ha ha ha..." and Chu Feiyang actually laughed at Chen’s guess as a joke.

"Wang Ye did not go to the restaurant to say a book, but it was a waste of this excellent eloquence and imagination! If there is no restaurant under the name of the Yuan family, the king can discuss his personal feelings with Rong Gong, let Wang Ye go to Tianfu Building to say that the business is booming. The financial resources are wide-ranging!" The strength of the hand was aggravated in an instant, and Chu Feiyang’s sword pressure lived in Jiang Muchen, forcing Chen Wang to step back a little.

Seeing that he will be forced to go down the horse by Chu Feiyang, Jiang Muchen immediately increased the strength of his hand, and instantly pulled back the disadvantage, once again stood firm, his eyes gloomy shot to Chu Feiyang, no longer with him nonsense, the sword in his hand directly Anti-defense is the attack, and the key to Chu Feiyang...

Chu Feiyang is also tired of such a static state. Seeing Chen Wang attacking himself, he turns his wrist and cleverly blocks the long sword that Chen Wang stabbed.

The two of you attacked me, you defended me, and actually fought on the horse, and the horses under their feet rushed up because of the fright, and the whistling wind blew the cheeks of the two ears, but only Seeing that both of them were immersed in the sword...

Looking at the two figures that are gradually drifting away, everyone standing in the forest was shocked by a cold sweat. Ning Feng was about to ride on the horseback to catch up, but he saw the deputy commander of the Guards, Zhang Wei, riding the Guards. Run over...

------Off topic ------

I recently fell in love with the fighting scene, oh, I admit, even the taste!

These two battles have long been suffocating, and this frame is estimated to hit dawn!

A cloud child shoes, is to see the scene of this fight, is it bloody? Do you want to stick out your hoof? Just cut it down and steamed the pig's feet to eat...

Haha, let's play, the more chaotic the better, wow...

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