MTL - City: From Inheriting a Courtyard To a Giant-Chapter 637

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You only need to enter your mobile phone number or home landline, and then enter the amount. In less than 2 minutes, the exact recharge amount will be sent to your mobile phone account

Everyone for the first time. Feel the joy of this "speed consumption"L

in the past

, the people in the West have to work all day in order to get these troublesome things done. Dragging my exhausted body to the payment office to queue up, it often takes two hours to recharge the phone bill:- two hours.

Or on a leisurely Sunday, they have to give up the opportunity to sleep in. Get up and go to the payment counter :y

Now. These "miserable" lives will be gone forever, all they need to do is just another computer. Then download the good business ePav. It's so simple

However, this major update of WeChat is far more than that.

some internet people are sharp

I noticed that WePav has updated another function synchronously, that is, there is an extra "merchant section""

In this merchant section, there are two functions, "merchant registration" and "apply for QR code", which make them somewhat incomprehensible.

Then they are in the merchant section. I saw the official announcement of Hongmeng. "Hongmeng WePay is looking for a global partner. Partner L, we will open up Hongmeng Pan Entertainment's global user base of more than 1 billion and bring you a huge user market. Now, ePay will bring you a brand new online transaction_new model."

Many people have reacted, that is to say, this business

Check-in is equivalent to these gas companies and power companies. While bringing convenience to users, it also brings subversive online transaction models to related companies.

Seeing this, many companies have become interested in it, and getting on Hongmeng's chariot means that they will gain access to this huge user group. The more convenient and faster transaction mode will greatly improve their business, and User experience is a qualitative improvement.

All Internet-related business leaders. At this moment, I just want to shout long live in front of the computer, and the Internet colleagues in the entire Silicon Valley are stunned by this new function of ePax.


Counting, ψePay is not only an independent product. It has also been deeply integrated with WeChat, which is equivalent to -22 sub-pages of e_Chat.

How did Hongmeng Pan Entertainment do it? Integrate such a large and complete product into an instant messaging software.

Just now they noticed that the .WeChat update package is less than megabytes. This kind of people still say that technology is too (cde_e) powerful??_

Right now, WeChat and WlePa are linked to promote each other. The energy produced is far greater than 1 plus 1. This style of play.

It subverts the cognition of all product managers.

And once ePax has rebranded Internet merchants to provide services for WeChat.t users, then the user experience of these users will be even better. Even the living habits are bound together with this software, for the peers in the industry. They really couldn't find a flaw that could defeat Hongmeng 1

All Hongmeng products are always challenging people's inherent cognition. Qin Yan's unique product concept makes all colleagues think that they don't understand the product e

Consider for the user Standing from the user's point of view. Use the user to solve the problem. Such a product is simply invincible

On the second day after the WeChat9-V version was released, the number of global users increased by 100,000, and WePax received 00,000 orders on the same day. The revenue reached 300 million U.S. dollars, which shocked the Internet world!

At this moment, Qin He used his Internet thinking beyond the entire era to conquer his colleagues in the entire Silicon Valley.

late at night.

Weiruan's MSN business unit has fallen into despair

They watched their opponents drop nuclear bombs on their heads, but they were helpless. Compared with the WeChat head, whether it is the current MsN. or the ISN that will be launched soon

Too flimsy, the plans they've made before won't work at all

Qin Yan once again taught Internet practitioners a good lesson by using an idiom. That is "sharpening a knife without cutting wood by mistake", and the facts have proved that he explained the meaning of this idiom vividly.

When everyone thought Ye eChat. was impeccable and it was time to reap his achievements, Qin Yan decisively updated the new version. This has allowed Internet people all over the world to see the product spirit of Hongmeng Pan-entertainment. They are not convinced, but more people respect Hongmeng pan-entertainment.

This time a major update. Let the Western Internet practitioners

I started to reflect on whether I have been a little too uninspired and a frog in the bottom of the well all the time.

Qin Yan's three consecutive king bombs. Help them open the door to a new world. Let these Internet people realize that real Internet products. It should be from the perspective of users to facilitate their lives.

Li Yaode, editor-in-chief of "Silicon Valley" magazine: Stangel experienced the new version of yeCha at the first time, and then published Weibo again

"WeChat may not be the greatest product in the history of the Internet. But it is definitely the perfect product that understands the thoughts of Internet users best.

Weiruan, Pingguo, and Google have played a huge role in promoting the development of the Internet, but none of their products can make all users scream in surprise and surprise like eChat.

eChat is like a **** babe with a treasure, in addition to her revealing appearance, she also has a richer and fascinating inner heart.

She can satisfy all your thoughts. Include what you didn't expect. She is the most intimate and perfect first love."

This time, no one objected to his words, anyway, a large group of people have experienced it, and the people who eat the melon content of the new J version of Wechat came to his Weibo

.Like his comment.

After being widely recognized by Silicon Valley and Hongmeng users, Hongmeng pan-entertainment has serious competition among North American peers. A has condensed the godhead.

This is obvious, once Hongmeng Pan Entertainment makes use of "Paradise Town" to guide the industry eChat, then eChat will completely ascend to the throne and enter the Golden Palace.

The war has not yet started, and MSNFace has been bad news on a global scale.

Among them, it is better that Face is not listed. The stock price of Weisoft_, which is behind MSN, plummeted 7.4% that day. It was not until half an hour before the market closed.

Stable and stable is equivalent to a single-day total market value evaporated by nearly 100 million U.S. dollarsL

WeChat is like the arrival of the devil, and it has had a turbulent impact on Weisoft's instant messaging business l

At the same time, this update brings fundamental changes to the lives of people across the United States.

Related keywords such as Qin Yan, Hongmeng Pan-entertainment, WeC_hat, Qin Yan Internet Thinking Fund, etc., quickly appeared on the headlines of the world's mainstream media.

"Washington Shield Post" x "Wall Street Journal", "The Times", "Asahi Shimbun &..." and other traditional newspapers and news media with huge influence in the world all respect Qin Yan and

His Hongmeng Pan-entertainment has a large-scale report w

Among them, the "Wall Street Journal" obtained a photo of Qin Yan in recent days.

In the photo, Qin Yan was walking out in the lobby of an airport, followed by several beautiful and astonishing Asian women. Surrounded by more than a dozen bodyguards in black suits.

He was wearing a wide and slim dark blue handmade suit and a white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, with a handsome smile on his face. It looks free and unrestrained, yet elegant and gentlemanly.

It's not like a boss at all. On the contrary, it's more like a big star l

And the title of this article is. world internet

source. come your emperor

Chapter 520 Evaporate 40 billion, Blow the charge! (6/7)

"The birthplace of the Internet in the world, your emperor is here"