MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 63 sacred

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The pigeon was the fastest and came first to the Wings of Wayne.

It found the parrot and showed it the handheld camera.

The small screen clearly plays back everything recorded.

The kneeling elves, muttering to themselves, telling stories, giving up all pride and dignity, but also the message, the last begging.

The shining light and shadow reflected in the parrot's pupil.

The parrot stood silently, staring.

It looks serious.

Serious is a strange word to use for a bird, but at this moment, the cheerful, under-mouthed animal is indeed in awe, silently watching all the messages coming from the screen.

The pigeon stood beside it, suddenly stretched out its wings, and patted the parrot's body.

The parrot whispered: "Don't suffer Lao Tzu."

Until Kant and the animals paddled across the sea, the parrot kept silent and fluttered its wings.

Turn to the lower cabin.

Kant and the others followed, all the way to the central cabin of the magic core.

This is one of the most important strategic positions of the Wing of Wayne. Around here, the elves and humans fought **** battles. The elves, who had no hope of victory, wanted to detonate the core and destroy the Wing of Wayne. The parrot stopped it, and now it is heavily guarded by the Goethes.

Seeing someone coming, the six Goethes guarding the cabin looked vigilantly. Seeing that it was Kant and his circus, they all breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they had already fought side by side.

One person came forward: "Mr. Kant, you..."

Kant said, "We're going to..."

Before the words fell, the animals had already started, how could they ignore these humans, the parrot slammed into the door, the kangaroo and the gorilla pushed the surrounding Goethes away, and the animals ran in all at once.

Kant watched from a distance, only to see the parrot flying around the suspended sphere. After a while, the radiance flashed, and the magic core landed down and was firmly caught by the gorilla. This core has a hollow metal shell, and some The ball of light that is constantly rotating inside exudes an astonishing power.

A gorilla held the magic core and walked out.

"Wait a moment!"

The Goethes next to him immediately shouted, even if they didn't know the situation, they would not allow Kant and his party to take away the magic core like this, which is the most valuable thing in the whole ship.

Two people immediately stopped in front of the passage.

The wind blew, the parrot landed on the core of the magic guide, and shouted sharply: "Go away!"

It was obviously a parrot, but this time the pronunciation was like broken gold and cracked stones, and the boiling killing intent was like a tidal wave, and it swept across this small corridor in an instant.

The few Goethes present were called elites, and after hearing this, they could not help but retreat.

One of them was quite smart, and he turned his attention to Kant: "...Mr. Kant, although your pet stopped the elves' plan to detonate the magic core, before it came, our people also paid for the delay of the elves' actions. The price of blood, even for their sacrifice and hard work, I can't let you take this away, unless there is an order from His Highness or the captain, please don't make it difficult for us."

At this moment, the knight's voice sounded from the corridor: "Don't block, this is an order."

The Goethes immediately moved out of the way, not knowing whether to obey or fear.

To be honest, those animals that shined in the Battle of the Ships, to be honest, made them feel both amazed and chilled. They were obviously beasts who couldn't speak, and they didn't look like any powerful monsters, but they fought together in cold blood. Carnage, merciless, more terrifying than battle-hardened warriors.

Obviously they are friendly troops, but they still feel chills in their hearts, not to mention standing on the opposite side...

The animals continued to move forward without saying a word. Kant followed at the end, nodding to the Goethes, and moving forward, passing by the knight, he said, "Thank you."

The knight shook his head and said, "No need...just next time your animal companions can be gentler."

Kant laughed and said, "I can't control them. After all, I'm just friends with them, not even the owner. How can I control what they really want to do?"

The knight remembered the previous kidnapping case and smiled wryly.

He immediately asked: "Are they going to detonate the magic core? That is, they understand what we say? Why are they acting so aggressively?"

Kant shook his head and said, "I don't know, I really don't know."

At this moment, the animals jumped back to the boat one after another, and the gorilla called him from the side.

Kant said, "I'm leaving."

The knight nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take someone to follow in a while."

Kant walked quickly to the side of the boat, and then jumped down. The gorilla below stretched out his arms and gently caught him. The boat was stable and never swayed, and the magic core was placed on the bow.

Kant shook the oars and set off towards the shore.

The captain came to the knight and stared at the boat: "Is it really not stopping? It's a pity."

After all, it is the magic core of a battleship, and all races on the mainland must dream of it.

Cleveland replied: "I agree with Kant. If the animals are really going to do something, it must be done by them, not blocked."

The captain frowned and said, "Why?"

The knight sighed: "After all, you didn't see the whole process..."

In the battle to seize the ship, although the kangaroos also showed their excellent archery skills, but due to different reasons on the battlefield, the skill of ambush the elves in the jungle did not appear again.

But the knights saw it clearly from beginning to end.

If kangaroos have this kind of talent, then most other animals have their own talents.

He also thought of when Kant accepted the ceremony and fell into a coma, these animals took him to the mysterious altar. Although he did not witness it with his own eyes, he firmly remembered the shocking and even frightening look of the princess.

What these animals do...let them do it.

So Cleveland said: "Let's go too, if what the elf adjutant said is true, if these animals really want to detonate the magic core, then Captain, we will witness the process of history with our own eyes."

Yes, he had this hunch.

Most of the news that can make elves send out regardless of life or death is true.

The captain put the pipe in his mouth: "Okay, you have the final say."

Here we have to select the manpower and arrange the defense. When the knight and the captain led the team to the rift, a huge fire had already ignited there, and Kant and his animal friends were waiting outside.

There are also many strange-shaped animals here, including a huge wild boar, a serval lying on a tree, and a Tibetan fox with a slap in the face... Some Goethes know it, some feel familiar, and some don't.

After all, there are so many species of animals in the world, and there are all kinds of subspecies.

They are far or near from Kant, perhaps because of their closeness or distance, or because of personality factors.

And the magic core is still in the arms of the gorilla.

The knight approached quickly, and he frowned: "Why is there a fire down there?"

"My friend let it go."

Kant pointed to some big birds hovering in the sky: "Because the elves sent information, I asked them to monitor the rift valley. If the situation is not good, throw the oil barrels down..."

There are some things that are hard to elaborate. These oil barrels were prepared in advance by him.

After all, after the Wing of Wayne was captured, the biggest threat came from the elves exploring the rift valley. If they did not encounter any danger in it, but instead came out to retake the warship, then Kant would let these elves know about Japan's Shunichi General Curtis-Lee May, the recipient of the Rising Sun Ribbon, made outstanding contributions to the urban planning, demolition and population control of Tokyo during World War II.

Now, the elves have shown the responsibility and bravery of a pure man, and there are a large number of extremely crazy black beasts. The animal friends of Beidao, under the leadership of the second senior brother, intercepted these black beasts, but the number of these black beasts is endless. Continuing, it was really impossible to kill, and the bird meat bombers in the sky dropped incendiary bombs and set up a raging fire in the rift valley, isolating and dispersing the black beasts that were afraid of fire.

After Kant learned of the situation, he was more angry.

- Anyway, kill for a while, you lazy bastards, what a good opportunity, block the door to brush black beasts, and endlessly brush spar, you don't want, you can give me, I have so many good things here.

As for now...

Kant looked at the raging flames in the rift valley with a dazed expression.

The magic core is to be transported in and detonated, but who will go?

I don't want to go.

What a joke.

The knight pondered for a moment and said, "Kant, please lend me the Fire Chaser Buckler."

Kant looked at him: "Are you going? It's dangerous."

Cleveland shook his head: "These pointed ears have shown their courage and responsibility. Goethes will never be weaker than elves. Do your animal friends have a way to activate the magic core?"

Just then, a weak but firm voice came from behind: "Let me go."

Everyone turned back, it was the elf who came with Cleveland, Adjutant Myron.

He whispered: "Let me go, I committed a big crime and abandoned honor, it is no different from walking dead, let me do this thing, wash away the humiliation with death, and take back the honor with sacrifice."

The elf walked towards the gorilla on his own, or to the core of the magic guide in the hands of the gorilla.

His steps became firmer, and an inexplicable light flashed in his empty eyes.

Perhaps it was just a reflection of the glow of the magic core.

Everyone looked at him silently, including the Cleveland Cavaliers.

At this moment, the parrot landed on the sphere and stared at the elf in front of him.

The elf raised his head, although he didn't know what the parrot meant, but the pride of the son of nature filled him with courage and firmness, making him look at him calmly.

When death and shame are nothing to fear, what has he to fear?

Suddenly, the parrot flapped its wings.

The bird grabbed the hollow shell of the core of the magic guide with its claws, lifted the sphere, which was especially huge compared to its size, flapped its wings, and rushed into the fiery rift.

Kant was taken aback: "Hey!"

He hurriedly rushed to the rift, and saw that the whistling flames separated out of thin air, avoiding the parrot's body, forming an invisible field that cut off the flames.

He was still worried, but the kangaroo stopped it with its paw.

Kant turned his head and the pigeons all signaled that Kant didn't need to worry. In the distance, whether it was the second senior brother, the serval cat, the fox or the mad rabbit... These magical animals from the North Island all straightened up and looked at the rushing in. The figure of the flaming parrot was dazed.

There is no worry, only recollection and silence.

In a dead town.

Almost all of the elves who entered this place have died, leaving only the most powerful ones. A huge number of black beasts surrounded them, running out of ammunition and food, exhausted, and death was just around the corner.

Ser Taizer and the captain stood back to back, sword in hand, gasping for breath.

"Mr. Captain, it's a pleasure to work with you."

"Country boy... me too."

"I am also a nobleman."

"Nobility and nobility are different, hillbilly, you just got a ticket."

Easy talk and jokes.

This is the last time.

"Your Excellency Captain."


"I've never prayed to human beings to behave with integrity and integrity as I do now."

"Me too, but we can only do this one step. If destruction will come, then the gods will distinguish right from wrong, knowing that it is the ugliness and sadness of human beings that caused the demise of the world, not our responsibility."

"Yes, that's enough."

"Yes, that's enough, we have fulfilled our duty, we can sleep peacefully today, sir, in the eternal dream, we will surely be rewarded by the goddess."

Sir Taizer smiled: "I'm looking forward to all this..."

Then they saw the light.

The exit that was so far away shone with a brilliance that could not be seen directly.

The black beasts let out an uneasy roar, the destruction-like power was rapidly approaching, the two elves turned their heads to look at each other, and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Immediately, the joy turned into an incredible shock.

From the incomparably radiant radiance, they saw a scene like an illusion - in the infinite light and heat, there were two splendid wings, flapping and roaring with flaming flames.

"This is…"

They muttered to themselves.

Then there were tears in his eyes.

"It's not a hallucination..."

At this moment, Sir Taizer and Captain Estes thought that they had received a compliment.

Because they saw it with their own eyes, the brilliance that had already disappeared in the dusk moon.

The violently expanding flame engulfed everything.

The explosion and vibration rose, the violent impact collided all the way, rushed out of the rift valley, people retreated one after another, Kant was extremely uneasy, he shouted: "Parrot! Parrot!"

The next moment, accompanied by a very clear cry, the golden light separated the air waves and the firelight, and rushed into the sky. Kant looked intently, it was the parrot.

It's still the same small body and the same appearance, but the parrot at this moment is hovering in the sky, giving people an incomparable sacredness and solemnity, as if a king is patrolling his world.

It let out a roar that shook the world again.

For a while, all the animals screamed loudly. What they made was not the usual sound, but a more bizarre and soul-shaking howl. The entire Sacred Seal Island responded to this sound, even overshadowing it. This violent vibration filled the whole world.


PS1: Damn, I wrote too much again. This one has 4,000 words, and it counts as two others.

PS2: As promised, let’s write another update, it may be a little later.