MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 67 Wizard's Advice

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Adjutant Myron was held in a separate tent.

His spirit is not bad, apart from the unresolved sadness between his brows, he has no tendency to seek death and seek life... He seems to have no intention of seeking death.

Cleveland's voice came from outside: "Mr. Myron."

The adjutant said calmly, "Please come in."

The knight came in and sat opposite him.

Human and elves look at each other.

After a moment, Cleveland said, "You seem in good spirits."

The elf knew what he was talking about, and the adjutant was silent for a moment, then said, "Sometimes it takes more courage to live... I thought about dying last night, but now I want to live."

"Because of Your Excellency Captain, Ser Taizer, and many comrades-in-arms, they showed the nobility and responsibility of elves, and made great sacrifices... I want to tell their stories to my people, so that the Evening Moon Dynasty can remember them. The names of these heroes bear in mind their efforts and achievements."

The knight was silent.

long silence.

Then he raised his head, looked at the elf on the opposite side, and said sternly: "I swear to you in the name of a knight, Goethe will fully report the battle, indomitability, sacrifice, and achievements of all the elves on Wayne Wings to Evening Moon. The dynasty, including humans, will also remember your names, and this is what the master I serve ordered me to tell you, a promise from the Teldaril family."

This solemn promise has subtext.

Adjutant Myron was not surprised or afraid. He just looked at each other calmly, as if he did not understand the meaning of the knight's words. He whispered: "Why?"

It is indeed incomprehensible.

In this case, he felt that Goethe had no need to kill people.

If the fact that Goethe's side had routed and captured an Elven battleship was to be concealed, there would have been no promise to fully convey the Wings of Wayne's exploits to the Elf.

If he understood something, he still said indifferently: "The war has already progressed to this point, are you still afraid of the revenge of the Muyue Dynasty?"

The knight shook his head.

Adjutant Myron's eyes looked directly at each other: "Then let me rest my eyes."

The knight thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay... I'll ask you a question, Adjutant Myron, if you are brought back to the mainland alive and returned to the Dusk Moon King City, when you accept the questioning of the council, you will tell the island of Saint India. Have you concealed your knowledge and experience on the Internet?"

Adjutant Myron replied, "No."

"This is the reason." Cleveland said frankly, "We don't want to let outsiders know any details of this battle, because we want to hide the role of a person in this war. We are not afraid of the revenge of the elves, But don't want an innocent person involved in this whirlpool, that's the reason."

Adjutant Myron closed his eyes.

Elves are scheming and suspicious.

He didn't sleep all night last night, and deduced everything from beginning to end. The overwhelming superior force and the overwhelming performance of the ship were inexplicably wiped out.

They fell into the trap step by step, from the loss of contact with the reconnaissance team, to the discovery of the fragments of the holy artifact, then the brilliant beam of light soaring into the sky, and finally the trap of death, the Wing of Wayne was attacked, and the battleship was seized in a short period of time. , It is obviously a forbidden magic domain, but the ballista is still injected with magic energy, and every step has a corresponding.

Sir Taizer said that the people who planned the ambush strategy were good at mathematics, and the Goeths were just a bunch of barbarians.

The strange magic tool tied to the pigeon.

After he entered the rift, the shocking images he saw.

When he finally detonated the magic core, he saw a black-haired Aurora, he was surrounded by a group of animals, and his clothes were completely different from the Goethes, more like... those humans in the image.

At one point he thought it was a complete trap, that those images were created by some magical means.

But now it seems...

The elf whispered: "So, that Aurora... Really isn't Aurora."

The knight's eyes were suddenly as sharp as a falcon.

Adjutant Myron didn't seem to see such a murderous look in his eyes, he whispered: "I was crying last night, but I was watching secretly, he left early, and he is only a temporary cooperative relationship with you, not a close ally. , isn't it? He is more affectionate with the animals on the island, which shows that he is a resident of the island."

The knight said coldly, "You said he was not from Aurora."

"Yeah..." Adjutant Myron said with a smile, "We blocked your route, making it impossible for the East and the mainland to communicate. You rarely see Aurora people, but we can see them. Aurora people don't wear that kind of clothes. Clothes, I won't have that hairstyle, and I won't carry that kind of weapon on my back, and the most important thing is temperament."

"The nobles of Aurora are more arrogant than the royal family of the elves, the commoners of Aurora are more cowardly than the beggars of the elves, the former disdain to talk to you, the latter dare not talk to you, one looks at the sky, the other looks at the ground, but That black-haired man greeted everyone when he left, and his tone and attitude did not change due to the change of the other party's identity... That Aurora, there will never be such a person."

When he said this, he whispered, "Good luck, Goethe."

The knight was noncommittal, his expression unchanged, and calmly said: "Since you have thought of this step, then you can understand our motives, right? Elf, your courage and responsibility make me admire and admire, but unfortunately, I have to do this. Do you have any last words and wishes?"

Adjutant Myron was still smiling: "Yes."


The elf said, "Can I see that Aurora? I want to talk to him."

The knight categorically refused: "No."

The elf continued: "I swear by my dignity, honor and soul as an elf, I will never do anything to harm him, I just want to talk to him."

Cleveland raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you talking about?"

The adjutant said softly, "I want to tell him that elves are not as bad as he thinks."

The knight said coldly: "Aggression for no reason, wanton killing, and starting a war, you are so bad."

The elf showed a mocking smile: "What about you?"

The knight snorted.

"Are you righteous in imposing your own good intentions on others and obstructing him from viewing the affairs of the other world justly from other channels?"

Adjutant Myron said lightly: "Why don't you ask him what he thinks?"

The knight said solemnly, "He doesn't understand your language."

"I understand the language of human beings." Adjutant Myron switched to the standard common language of the mainland human race, and showed a standard elf-like elegant smile, "Humans, you are not the only ones who will take the initiative to understand your opponents."

Cleveland wanted to say something else, when suddenly a whisper came from outside: "Knight, Mr. Conder is here."

There was a certain triumphant triumph in Myron's smile.

"…Huh? That elf wants to meet me?" Kant asked. "Why?"

The knight's expression was a little embarrassed, and he didn't know where to start.

The creed of a knight does not allow him to lie and conceal, but from the point of view of the simple patriotic sentiments of a Goethe, he does not want Kant to see the cunning elves.

Tina said, "Let's see you, just be careful."

Conder looked at her with Cleveland.

The girl pulled her hair from her ear and smiled softly: "At most, they say some slander, but the Goethe people do things upright and have no selfish thoughts, so what's there to be afraid of."

After a while, Kant saw the elf being firmly bound.

"Good day, sir."

Pointed ears, majestic figure, tough face.

burly chap.

Kant sat opposite him: "Hello, Elf."

They communicate in the common language of the alien world.

No, it's not so much a communication, it's better to say that the other party has been unilaterally staring at Kant.

As if to see through his soul.

Kant was a little uncomfortable when he stared at him: "Do you want to see me? Is there anything?"

He remained vigilant.

Kant didn't want to see any elves.

Mainly due to precautions... The defeat of the Wings of Wayne can be said to have been brought about by Kant. He can be regarded as the mastermind of the death of nearly 500 elves. If the elves in front of him knew about this, they would definitely be desperate. Get revenge on him, and he will definitely blow the other party's head.

But still agreed to meet.

Maybe it's because of some kind of respect... He originally thought that the elves were a group of war mad brothers and nobles, and they had nothing to do but burn, kill and loot, but he made such a choice and sacrifice.

"I want to ask you a question."

It would have been surprising if others were present, and Kant didn't have a comparison, so I didn't know it was a courtesy - generally speaking, it is impossible for elves to maintain such courtesy and respect for humans.

Myron said: "If the identities were reversed, and it was the elves who fled to this island, were hunted by the Goethes, and showed you an attitude of absolute friendliness and respect... Then what would be the end?"

Kant's eyes suddenly changed.

- He actually knew.

"Don't worry, the Goethes didn't tell me, I guessed it myself."

Adjutant Myron said calmly: "You helped the Goethes win this battle, I understand this, we were defeated by your strategy and strength, but I can also tell you clearly that now I am right You don't have feelings of hatred and revenge, and I can't do anything. Now, as a failed and captured soldier, I just want to talk to you, can you answer my question?"

Kant slowly calmed down.

Then think.

He thought of the classic episodes of the Western fantasy novels in the early years—traveling through another world, encountering beautiful and kind elves, and the vicious human slave-hunting team.

There is a high probability that there is only one development in the plot - the **** of the slave traders.


He replied: "It depends on what you have done with Goethe, Elf, thank you for your calmness, and I will answer you calmly, I help Goethe for self-preservation, because you are alien and have great racism. tended, and launched a war of aggression - did the Goethes lie?"

Myron shook his head with a wry smile.

Kant continued: "I think you land on the island, after killing all the Goethes and discovering me, there is a high probability that you will take unfriendly measures against me - what do you think?"

The adjutant nodded with a sigh.

He thought for a while, then said: "Then, may I think that you judge a faction by behavior rather than appearance, that is, if the elves are persecuted by aggression, and Goethe is the executioner who waged war, you will help Elf?"

- It depends on whether you have a beautiful lady on your side.


Kant nodded: "Yes, I have my own moral concept and code of conduct."

This is another world.

He is earthling.

Therefore, if a Goethe is a **** who does all kinds of evil, he will not recognize the behavior of the other party, and will not think that they can humiliate and enslave foreigners just because the other party looks like a human.

Taking a step back, even if he saw a Chinese beating a foreigner on the road, he would step up to ask about the situation, and then choose how to intervene.

The elf smiled: "Thank you for this answer, I am very happy and happy, and in return, allow me to give you a piece of advice."

Kant raised his eyebrows and said, "What?"

The elf tried to lean forward, looked at Kant, and said word by word, "Be careful of humans."


PS1: The first update, almost 3,500 words... Damn, there are so many updates every day, you don't vote too much, I feel so bad, I really want to open a reward...