MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 802 Kant's Dead Line

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Five days have passed since the Aurora Mission arrived.

The guests from the East experienced initial unease and surprise, and finally gradually integrated into the city. They wore personal terminals transformed from small genius phone watches, and joined various departments as trainees according to their respective strengths.

And the news that Kant won the canonization of Empress Aurora and became a duke at the same time spread all over the continent.

The Dusk Moon Dynasty was the first to send diplomatic congratulations, followed by Dragon Island, then the Brotherhood, Dou Shen City, Dwarf Kingdom and other large-scale forces... This means recognition, recognition of Kant's Duke identity.

On the other hand, if you don't come to congratulate, you don't agree.

It is reasonable for the council to keep silent. After all, in the past three months, the two sides have become more and more at war with each other, and there are constant conflicts, big and small, and the war seems to be imminent.

It is not surprising that the empire kept silent. Since the sea monster incident, Kant rejected the emperor's proposal to recruit his son-in-law to seal the country, and the relationship between the two sides has completely dropped to freezing point. Deep-seated hostility.

But the Goethe court did not make a statement, which is very meaningful.

"The Goethe nobles have a deep prejudice against me." Kant shook his head and said, "I asked the Snowfall Sword Saint to help me tell the Grand Duke... It seems meaningless and useless."

Princess Tina looked calm, just glanced at Kant, and said calmly: "Father has officially lifted the ban on the Prime Minister, and the two of them have reunited to gradually gather power and unify the nobles."

Kant was slightly startled.

"Ah..." he said softly, "Prime Minister Cid."

Turning his gaze to Tina, the pure blue eyes of Her Royal Highness the princess swept through the untraceable sadness.

Kant showed a smile: "I haven't heard this name for a long time."

After the Battle of Danfeng Lucerne, Kant, who stayed in the capital, only spent a short honeymoon period with the Goethes, and then the relationship turned sharply. He was involved in an attack on Kant, and was dismissed by the Archduke and imprisoned at home on suspicion.

The attack had no beginning and no end. It was extremely strange. Later, various investigations were carried out, but there was still no result. Originally, Prime Minister Xide was very suspicious. If Kant let go of the trial, he would probably be able to dig up some clues - but Kant did not do this, even if the fire thief The secret method of extracting the soul is the best way of torture.

Because Prime Minister Cid, is Cleveland's father.

After the attack, the mastermind behind the scenes and all the clues flew together. The injury that Iron Son suffered at the time was later repaired one by one with better enchanting components and dragon blood armor. Later, Kant was involved in a series of events. , and even going far away to Far Harbor to become independent, many trivial matters have come one after another, and the investigation on Far Harbor has made no progress at all. The original matter has long been a mess.

However, the confused account was returned to the confused account. The Grand Duke lifted the ban, reactivated Prime Minister Xide, and relied on the Prime Minister's prestige and contacts to integrate the nobles and accumulate strength, mostly with bad intentions.


Kant said calmly: "After winning the council and opening the situation, we will start to take over power and control Goethe. If Archduke Reknos still doesn't understand the situation, then Tina can only succeed."

The shogunate ministers looked at each other and said nothing.

This is Goethe's internal affairs, and it is also Kant's family affair, and they don't want to make more comments.

Tina sighed softly: "I hope they don't do too many stupid things."

Kant reached out to hold her hand and smiled softly: "I will always give them a little more patience... As long as you don't touch my bottom line, I have already sent someone to warn them."

Tina shook hands back, the warmth of their palms entwined, and the two smiled at each other.

The Far Harbor and the Council are increasingly at odds with each other, and the iron shoes of war are approaching.

At this time, Archduke Goethe began to gather power and prepare actively, and the nobles also actively cooperated. So what is their purpose?

Eagerly ready to fight alongside Kant?

Or take advantage of Kant's fierce battle with the world's great powers, and do something about it?

Both conjectures are possible, but as downright pessimists and skeptics, Kant and Tina will lean toward the second possibility...and prepare for it.

Tina is only more violent than Kant when it comes to guarding against plots and executing traitors.

Kant said indifferently: "The Far Harbor and even the entire Bibo Province have been eroded and controlled by me. In all fairness, this is a shame for any monarch. The Grand Duke is furious and furious about this. He wants to regain face and maintain his dignity, and take any measures. It’s all natural and understandable.”

"As for the Goethe nobles, they suffered a lot from my hands, and they were repeatedly refuted by me, realizing my hostility to the entire noble class. I brought a lot of danger and trouble to Goethe, They are dissatisfied with this, I generalize the commoners and the nobles, they are furious about it, my goods are destroying their income, they are gnashing their teeth, and my agricultural mechanization has made them even more anxious..."

His tone was neither happy nor angry, neither dissatisfied nor resentful, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

"So conflicts are inevitable, conflicts are bound to happen, they realize that I will have a plan for the whole Goethe, they are afraid of the fate of the nobles of the Far Harbor, so they will hostile and resist me at all costs, which is natural things, I will beat them for granted."

"This time they might take advantage of the chaos, and I will crush them, tame them, transform them, it's part of the replacement of the old with something new, and of course I won't kill them indiscriminately and take everything from them , but I will draw a dead line for them in advance, don't give me a reason to kill the whole family."

Leona was a little frightened when she heard this. As a "progressive aristocrat", she was still a little uneasy.

She asked, "What dead line?"

Kant glanced at her and did not answer.

Dan Feng Lucerne.

Goethe's Court.

National events should not be planned by everyone, but a ceremonial collective meeting is still needed to satisfy the sense of participation of the idiots. The nobles gather here, making noise and plotting loudly.

"War is coming!"

"We've been sanctioned by the council for three months!"

"Goethe did nothing wrong! Why should he be treated like this!"

"It's all because of Kant - is he going to bring us back into the war?"

"The Far Harbor and even the entire Bibo Province are actually occupied and controlled by him! This is an aggression!"

"And Valentine..."

They spoke, they complained, they scolded, but with their flickering eyes, they glanced silently, and no one dared to say what they really thought in their hearts.

Even if they have entertained mysterious visitors these days.

- Take the opportunity to do something!

- Free Goethe from the shadow of this conspirator!

The nobles did not dare to speak out their thoughts openly. After all, they were still afraid of the madman-like fierceness and viciousness of the Dragon of Aurora, but they could make their own suggestions.

"The war between the Council and Kant is imminent. Because of their conflict with Kant, Goethe has also been greatly affected. The Council's trade sanctions against the far port have even extended to the entire Goethe. The import of many materials has been affected, and prices have been affected. The rise, the people suffer too…”

An old noble said slowly: "It's not to persuade you to make a drastic choice, but Grand Duke, you are responsible for the entire Goethe, and the brave subjects of this country cannot be involved in another country's annihilation because of someone's ambition. Great war, and if the Far Harbor and the Council do go to war, we want to make sure that Goethe is not attacked."

The hall was quiet, and the Grand Duke on the throne raised his eyes: "What advice do you have?"

"As long as the two sides go to war and the soldiers of the council do not enter the Goethe territory under our control, then it will be a success." The noble said calmly, "If you want the council to have some scruples, Goethe needs a strong ally."

There was a murmur.

The Austrian Law Council is a major power in the world. If you want the military power of such a big country to learn to converge, it must have the same level of force to stand for Goethe.

When the world has such an equal force, the elves will not consider it, and there is only one answer left.

"I heard that a few months ago, His Majesty the Emperor asked His Royal Highness Stella, the second princess, for a marriage contract for one of his princes, as an opportunity to restore relations between the two countries... But Kant forcibly intervened and vetoed it."

The old aristocrat knelt down on one knee and bowed his head: "We thank Kant, but we can't just rely on Kant, his behavior has proved his ambition, and his interests are not entirely Goethe's interests, so apart from Kant, we Need another powerful ally or suzerain... Please consider it carefully."

He said solemnly: "For the future of this country, and for this hard-won peace, the Grand Duke is requested to repair and rebuild the good relationship with the Empire."

"We are an independent principality, and diplomatic decisions should not be expressed and forcibly manipulated by outsiders. As a member of the human world, it is not a good thing that Goethe and human beings are at war with each other."

The hall was silent, and everyone didn't say a word, but the silent gazes all revealed similar meanings... After all, human beings are all forgetful.

They have forgotten the predicament of turning to the co-lord of mankind for help when the elf troops are under the city, but being shied away by the empire. Of course, they don't care about a mission that risked forcibly sent out, and the whole army was annihilated in the empire for no reason. They are now I only miss the preferential treatment and courtesy from the empire that I received in the entire aristocratic system as a member of the human aristocracy.

Especially when Kant was aggressive, the emperor's gifts and glory were so precious.

Behind the door of the side room, Stella leaned her back against the door and looked up at the carvings on the ceiling.

Tina clearly stood on Kant's side, but what choice should she make?

There was a confused look in the beautiful eyes, she sighed silently, the second princess understood Tina's proposition, but also understood the painstaking efforts of her father - the soft-hearted father just didn't want to let Goethe fall into the war again.

In all fairness, trying to repair the relationship with the Empire is not a bad thing.


—The sound of the door being kicked open came clearly.

The second princess looked at the ceiling and showed a helpless smile.

The hall suddenly broke into the uninvited guests, as if bringing silent magic, all the quarrels and discussions were in their throats, and the nobles turned their heads to look, and all of them suddenly turned pale.

The visitor must be Kant's messenger.

His clothing, weapons and demeanor speak for themselves.

"Doomsday, the first Dalian, company commander Ulysses."

Even though he has become the backbone of the Chapter, he is still willing to serve as a messenger, a messenger.

Ulysses was not wearing power armor, his curly hair dangled casually on his shoulders, and the paradox spar on the chest and joints of his combat uniform shone brightly. He held an eagle staff and nodded to the crowd.

"I brought an ultimatum from the Grand Duke of Qin."

The nobles came back to their senses, were furious, and said sternly: "Outsiders! When will you humiliate Kant's sacred tradition! You are trespassing on the site of the conference!"

Ulysses said lightly: "I came in, it's best not to give me the opportunity to trespass."

He took a few steps forward, looked around, his eagle stick in his hand, and his tone was low and gentle: "I am instructed to bring the advice of Lord Kant to you, and then I will leave."

"The Duke said that he knows your hostility and plans, and that you will make hostile actions for your own interests. He is not interested in the content of your conspiracy, but he also understands your difficulties and reasons. Let’s fight, I hope this game will be a noble-style battle, and the loser will be willing to admit defeat, accept reform, and embrace a new era.”

A low chuckle sounded, full of disdain.

Ulysses glanced at it: "I warn you all, the Eye of Horus has come to me, and your voice and appearance will be recorded. Even if you hide in the crowd, your disrespectful sneer will be locked. Please respond to the shock. Dan Zhilong maintains the most basic respect, even if his position is different, if he has saved your benefactor."

Those laughter disappeared immediately.

In the silence, Ulysses said lightly, "Heh."

He ignored the blushing nobles and continued: "His Royal Highness has given you kindness and tolerance, even if you defeat you, you will not be killed..."

Hearing this, a nobleman who was not afraid of death finally rebuked: "What happened to the ancient great family whose Far Harbor was destroyed? What about Kant's kindness and tolerance?"

Ulysses raised his voice: "That's because they hyped up food prices, tried to starve civilians to death, and even instigated riots and tried to rebel! This is the line of death that His Highness has drawn for you! Civilians are not a must, not conspirators. Any tool that is used at will, anyone who plays with the people, thinks it is a conspiracy, and causes serious consequences, will definitely be investigated by His Royal Highness Kant to the end - you all remember it!"

Captured by this momentum, everyone was silent for a while.

Ulysses snorted: "There is a second dead line, please listen carefully - this is the order of His Royal Highness Kant! All Goethe nobles, in any form, must not turn to, allegiance, collude and take refuge in the empire! Make This kind of thing - all the clans will be punished! The whole family will be wiped out!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

The nobles jumped up and down, even ignoring Kant's threat. Someone shouted: "Kant is too lenient! We are loyal to the Grand Duke, and even more loyal to the co-lord of mankind, why not?"

"do not know!"

Ulysses said sternly: "But His Highness Kant said no, then it is no! His Highness Kant said, whether it is to take refuge in the elves or surrender to the council, it is judged how it is judged, but no Goethe is qualified to submit to the empire. Bow down and kneel, whoever dares to do this, the whole family will die!"

These words were murderous, and even from the mouth of Ulysses, the narrator, I could hear Kant's uncompromising fierce killing intent and determination, which made everyone's minds turbulent and their souls awe-inspiring.

"Clan Punishment." The Doom Warrior said coldly, "It means that, if your family has 10,000 people, His Highness will not kill only 9,999. The Dragon of Aurora will keep the oath, please think about it. already."

Amid the buzzing noise and various questions and roars, Ulysses stared at the archduke for five seconds, then turned and left when the ruler of Goethe did not express his opinion.

Behind them, the nobles roared and vented angrily.

After a long time, someone whispered: "He can't do anything... He can only threaten him like this!"

But everyone could hear the weakness and anxiety in his tone.

In the fierce chaos, the Grand Duke turned his head and looked at the silent Prime Minister Xide.

"Ah... the news has been sent."

At the shogunate meeting, Kant turned his head and said, "I hope these nobles can be more rational... They and their forces are very precious human resources, and it is not good to kill them all."

Of course, he was serious.

Even if a million Goethes wanted to bow their knees to the Empire, he would not kill one less.

Even if you surrender to the Star Palace, it is not possible for the empire.

"Let's think about the war first." Leona looked at the photo in her hand, which was the information captured by the reconnaissance plane in the air, "My news network also sent back similar information, the council is conducting a large-scale The movement of troops, their troops are approaching the border between the two countries..."

"but in the meanwhile…"

Tina, who is in charge of diplomatic work, said: "The Austrian Law Council officially launched a negotiation proposal. It was a monarch's meeting between the Grand Speaker and Kant... Is the mobilization of the army a demonstration?"

Leona said, "Maybe it's an attempt to paralyze us through talks, and then the army will launch a surprise attack."

Kant shook his head and said: "It's unlikely... We have already analyzed that even if the council starts a war, it will not use the large army model. Under the attack of the forbidden spell, what is the difference between it and the delivery of food? Most of it is just a feint or smoke bomb. If I guess it's good, this time the form of war may be more interesting."

"That said..."

Dong Tianming frowned and said, "I have never seen such a strange situation and state in my life. I really can't guess why this war will break out and how it will be fought."

"I can't think of it either, so I can only see the tricks and make preparations in an all-round way."

Kant smiled slightly: "Furthermore, it doesn't really matter how the war broke out and how it was carried out. What matters is how to end the war... And we are sure of this."

The emperor stroked his beard and said, "Oh?"

"The law of victory has been confirmed." Kant's eyes flickered, "Deriladoga reminded that it is almost certain that the council is imitating our weapons, and will even use their magic technology to help create more magical things. , and increase the effectiveness and power of land combat..."

"But all the efforts are bound to fail."

The war mode of the earth, after entering modern times, becomes more and more boring.

Romantic land battles, battles between large armies, torrents of steel, roaring artillery fire... Thousands of years of history, the iron-blooded romance that evolved from cold weapons to hot weapons has finally faded under the glory of the sky. The air force will fight asymmetrically. Totally boring.

In these three months, the years on Earth also passed. In order to cope with the battle with the Council, the air force was the key construction goal during this period.

"I'll give the council a big surprise."

And Tulaxiaye, the Starry Court, today's Great Speaker fell into a siege.

"Three months - it's also been sanctioned, and the army has expanded. When are you going to negotiate with Kant!?"