MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 826 i feel at ease

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"Gentlemen, our fighter formation will depart from Walter-Smith Air Force Base, carrying AGM-158C Micro Surveillance Attack Cruise Missiles for precision strikes on Titan."

Previously, the code name for the sea monster was "Leviathan", and now the code name of this colossus is, of course, "Titan".

In the war room, the defense chief pointed to the surrounding map of the Lake Huron area and was explaining the situation.

"Although the range of the AGM-158C is enough for us to kill the big guy across Lake Huron, in order to maintain the attack efficiency and strike accuracy as much as possible, the formation was ordered to approach the launch. After all, the target area is a nuclear power plant and must be handled with caution."

He called up several drawings and documents: "Canada Master submitted the nuclear power plant design to us, and they will build it well there, and our attack plan is extremely cautious. The containment of the nuclear power plant is designed with defense issues in mind. As long as The missile did not hit directly, the possibility of leakage is zero, and the warhead of the missile uses a blasting killing department, so the armor-piercing effect is not high."

A Chuan sat in the main seat, and the horses either surrounded him or stood behind him, waiting with bated breath.

Facing the defense minister's explanation, the great commander thought for a moment, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"I don't understand," he said.

Everyone was expressionless.

A Chuan waved his hand and said: "Go to **** with all those **** military terms and descriptions, I don't care how expensive fighter jets you send or how much missiles you use, you just need to tell me if this missile can kill that Iran. How efficiently and swiftly does a man clean up this giant?"

When he said this, A Chuan's tone was already gnashing his teeth.

If the giant opens an energy shield shell with a "biu", then he will be cursed!

The defense chief's eyes flickered, and he obviously recalled the sea monster incident not long ago. The army came out in vain, and even lost the nuclear bomb, but the terrifying monster disappeared anyway.

And this time...

"If that's the case, Mr. President..." he said meaningfully, "it's a good thing instead."

A Chuan was stunned for a moment, then glared angrily: "A good thing?"

"Yes, sir, in the sea last time, no matter how the monster disappeared, we have no way to take it, because the sea has never been the territory of human beings."

The defense chief's voice had a hint of excitement: "But this is on land, where humans first conquered."

He attached great importance to the energy shield technology exhibited by the sea monster, and even wanted to let the sea monster go ashore in order to create the conditions to capture it alive, even if it destroyed Los Angeles.

However, this plan was categorically rejected by A Chuan, because he was worried that things would get out of hand.

—It’s okay if California is beaten, it won’t vote for him anyway, but it’s not good if it causes political unrest, domestic chaos, and even allows political opponents to seize the opportunity to attack.

Now, another bizarre transcendent invasion has occurred.

The defense chief looked at the map. The icon representing the F35 attack formation was approaching Lake Huron. He felt both pity and dissatisfaction. According to his original plan, now was not the time to dispatch fighter jets.

At least let the ground troops from Jiama University send a wave first, check the facts, see if this giant has any extraordinary abilities, and then make plans.

—As allies, they have to play a role.

This is a very traditional American traitorous behavior, and the generals in the past one or two hundred years will praise him.

But who would know that the dog-faced commander overturned his plan again and again, and ordered an immediate attack with the sole goal of completely destroying the giant, which made the Defense Chief be furious and helpless.

The Minister of Defense did not know Kant's previous statement and actions to dismantle it.

Because the wise Achuan didn't want the defense minister to know that it was his behavior of instigating Trushao to ask for help from Kant, which led to China's attempt to take this opportunity to encroach on the status of Murray's traitor...

If he said it, the defense chief, who was not absolutely loyal, would definitely criticize himself. This kind of thing was obviously unacceptable to A Chuan, who had a strong self-esteem.

So he just waved his arms and shouted and stressed.

"Tear down! Tear down! Tear down! Don't let Tear down find a chance!"

- Go **** that! How many times do I have to repeat it to stop your paranoia! ?

But the Secretary of Defense was still unable to disobey Achuan's order, especially after he received the threat of "If you don't agree, I will tell Canadians that it is your delay that caused the crisis to spread, use Twitter".

He just looked at the image on the screen, watching the attack formation drop one by one ground-to-surface missiles at the target position, and some of the F35 fighters were still moving forward. Their task was to use GBU-39 small diameter bombs and cannons. The cabin conducts a close-range secondary attack and fill-up.

The light and shadow of the screen changed, reflecting the defense chief's eyes.

The most ideal state is that the giant is blown to the brink of death by a surface-to-surface missile, and then taken in by the emergency marines across the lake... The transport plane is ready.

Just like in the movie, the US military is very keen to capture strange creatures to study.

On the shore of Lake Huron, the roar of warplanes sounded in the quiet sky.

Above the sky, there are invisible black dots breaking through the clouds.

Titan stands on the ground, the heart of the secret vault, the center of the Titan, the parrot stands in the air, the long emerald hair dances gently, she closes her eyes, the soft halo reflects the beautiful face, if you don't speak, The previous generation of the Phoenix King was a stunning beauty, and her demeanor was once unforgettable by an era.

Faced with the roaring missiles, which were constantly accelerating at the end, Titan raised his right hand.

The deceleration force field opens invisible, and the kinetic energy is rapidly absorbed.

The speed of the missile dropped sharply, and at the same time, the pumice stones scattered on the ground were stimulated to hang in the air, like the dense stone rings in the asteroid belt, which were suspended and opened, densely packed, forming a reactive armor-like position.

Parrots are the living beings who know the earth the most in the other world. Although Kant's knowledge is limited, the books and materials brought from the earth are also very simple. Some things, by analogy and inference, are not difficult at all.

The core mysteries and essential achievements of Earth's technology are indeed far from Marekise, but she has already understood the killing principles and forms of action of Earth's weapons.

After all, it's a race that writes the principles of the strongest weapon into children's textbooks...

The corner of the Holy Spirit King's mouth evoked a smile.

Besides, she wasn't fighting with her bare hands.

Griffin-Williams would never have imagined that the Titan statue, which had been dusted in the hands of the Austrian Council for thousands of years, actually displayed the powerful strength it should have in another world.

In a series of strong explosions and violent smoke and dust, the diving and flying missiles hit the suspended stone rings and exploded one after another. The open deceleration force field absorbs kinetic energy, twists and turns and is forced to explode.

The fire light emerged, and the chemical energy was released unscrupulously.

The wind swept through, and it was a shock wave tearing and expanding.

However, the fragments were weakly beaten, the gravel splashed softly, the kinetic energy was rapidly absorbed, and the speed was attenuated to be harmless, and the objects colliding around hit the surface of the Titan without leaving any scars. This level of attack, even unable to activate the paradox On the defensive judgment of elements.

"Monkey Reichette!"

There was a big "signal loss" on the screen of the military intelligence war room, and foul language broke out on the rushing F35 group channel: "Did you see it? What the **** happened?"

The pilots wear specially customized helmets. This expensive helmet is almost in the form of sci-fi works. All the important information of the fighter is projected on the display panel of the helmet, and the pilots can even get three images through the external camera. With a 160-degree holographic vision, they zoomed in and projected the situation in the nuclear power plant below, stunned.

The captain reported: "Yes! Stones! It should be stones! Many stones are floating! Have you seen the drone's reconnaissance picture? OK, we will try to launch an attack!"

After he heard the order, he turned on the formation channel: "Okay ladies, the latest order is to launch a close-range ground strike on the target, listen carefully, you should have all watched "Transformers 2", I am different, I've even been in a **** show myself, and Michael Bay asked me to fly a plane!"

There was a whistle on the channel.

"Every year I hear similar ridicules and comments, saying that the US Air Force in the movie is stupid, and the F22 fighter jets have to fight with machine guns at close range, obviously they can drop missiles hundreds of **** kilometers away, and they have to rush. Go up, hit the building, hit the wall, hit the mountain, hit the stone..."

The pilots laughed wildly when they heard the sound.

"So, now it's our turn to be silly, but seriously, if someone is really stupid enough to hit those flying rocks, then I'm not going to your funeral!"

"Okay, now start assigning ground attack tasks and batches, listen to my orders..."

The flock of eagles soaring in the sky dispersed and began to dive.

Across the cockpit glass, the cabin was silent. The driver held his breath and let the lake and buildings below continue to enlarge. From the panel of the flight helmet, he gradually and completely saw his enemy.

A giant with a stretched sacred ring and a huge body, countless rubble circled around his body like stars.

"Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake..."

The pilot muttered words to ease tension and fear.

He joined the army, thinking that at most he would go overseas to fight a dozen idiots and bearded men with rudimentary weapons. Who knew that after a long patrol and training mission, he would actually carry out such an attack mission.


"bring it on."

He believed that the fighter jet he was driving was the most efficient, rapid and powerful killing weapon produced by human technology. The price of almost 100 million US dollars was the most expensive, precise and accurate combat system with amazing destructive power in the world. Driving the F35, he is the **** of death.

"Ready to cast..."

At this moment, he only felt the plane shake suddenly.

It was as if he had entered some strange and special field.

The inside of the cockpit was beeping, warning signs kept popping up on the helmet panel, and a series of reports kept ringing on the communication channel: "The speed has dropped! The speed has dropped! The reason is unknown, I tried to increase the thrust, but it was completely useless! The speed is still going down! Going down!"

The lightning-fast flying eagle flapped its wings desperately. The pilots screamed and tried to control the aircraft, but the sudden stall and constant kinetic energy decay made this expensive flying weapon unmanageable. The captain shouted: "Abandon the attack! Escape as soon as possible! Regroup!"

But this is so scary! Getting closer and closer to the terrifying giant below, the eyes that were shining with thunder were terrifyingly fearful, and a pilot shouted: "No way! Get away!"

He desperately activated the ejection seat.

"Don't get away easily! It's too close!" the captain shouted, "You can fly! You can still fly!"

But suddenly, from the panel's field of vision, he saw the tens of meters tall giants clenching their fists.

The sky flashed with thunder, and the picture on the panel was blurred for a while. He saw the god-like giant holding the Thunder Spear, just like Zeus in mythology, holding the authority to judge mortals and judge sins.

In the heart of the secret Vault Furnace, Marejis opened the eyes of the phoenix, her spiritual power perfectly guided the Titan, manipulated the huge power of thunder, and locked the falling chicken in the air.

In the deceleration force field, the most cutting-edge war weapons on the earth are limited to the most proud speed. Even if the speed is limited, they can still maintain their flying posture, but under the eyes of the phoenix, their posture has already changed. It's easy to track, easy to lock on, easy to...shoot down.

Electric light roared.

In the screams of despair, a fat electricity was bombarded by thunder, disintegrated in the air, and blown into pieces.

Looking at the falling carbonized debris that was still burning, Marekise's eyes were indifferent and unwavering.

Kant sometimes still hesitates for human life, but I don't.

Because I am a bad woman.

Titan let out a fierce roar, thunder arrows, one after another.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Exasperated shouts not only resounded through the air formation, but also from the White House, the Five Heads Building and other places. In the military intelligence war room, there was a dead silence, and people's faces were ashen.

Ah Chuan froze for a while, before waiting for the defense chief to speak, suddenly jumped up and yelled at the defense chief, "Look at what you did! You screwed up again!"

- Blame me! ?

The defense chief burst into anger and immediately realized that Achuan wanted to take the blame. He said loudly: "If you insist on this, then I can resign immediately, and you can replace the defense chief who can solve this problem!"


If it was normal, this screeching 25th boy would have gotten out of the way! But now at this stall, A Chuan suddenly discovered that the difficulty of this giant was beyond imagination.

He vaguely saw Kant and Xana behind him smiling coldly.

No, we must not let them succeed!

The great commander took a deep breath and shouted, "What should I do now!"

—Don't be so arrogant and angry when you ask me for it!

The chief of defense was about to take a stab at this arrogant and self-willed idiot, but a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something, his face sank.

He looked at his secretary: "Did the Canadian side report that their fighter jets suddenly stalled, so that all the fighter formations parachuted and abandoned the plane?"

The secretary replied, "Yes, at the time we thought the UC fighter jet was in disrepair and had a breakdown."

The defense chief's eyes flickered, recalling the last emergency report of the attacking formation, as well as the abnormal phenomena and findings reported by the battlefield support department. After thinking for a long time, he showed an unbelievable expression.

"Damn..." he murmured, "no way..."

A Chuan wondered: "What did you say?"

The Minister of Defense immediately took out his mobile phone: "Drone! Send a few drones over! Then tell the Canadian side that I need them to dispatch ground troops immediately!"

He has to do a test.

The sea monster's specialty is energy shield, so this giant's special skill is probably...

If his guesses are true...that would be terrifying.

This means that the military base of Merrill and even the entire earth is severely shaken.

"I'm going to the Five Heads Building!"

He said so, but the number of his good brother from Raytheon was called up in the address book.

Before being Secretary of Defense, he was first...

Ah Chuan shouted from behind: "Wait! What are you talking about? Shit! Young Master Tru called me! How am I going to explain this shameful thing to him! Fake!"

Demolish that, Imperial City.

Colonel Tian conveyed the news from Haili, and he looked solemn: "Reliable intelligence shows that the US imperialists launched an air attack... Their flight formation suffered heavy losses."

Kant knew this very well, but to express a sense of surprise that "what the **** happened", it was also mixed with the calmness of "I'm the best in the world, so don't panic", and even some "American emperors" must be mixed. It's really heartwarming to be embarrassed and embarrassed again."

If it weren't for him being able to speed up with time, it would be really difficult to control the facial muscles in a short period of time to show such complex emotions... Alas, the country is really strict.

He glanced at the information sent over, and raised his eyebrows: "Combined with the loss of control of the Canadian aircraft fleet, the staff suspects that this is a mysterious force that can target flying objects..."

Colonel Tian nodded solemnly.

Kant glanced at him: "Do you want me to take a look?"

The soldier said sternly: "Please!"

If it is said that which country in the world has the most sense of crisis, then this dynasty will definitely be ranked in the top three, and it is used to cross the river by touching the US imperialists. Now the air power that the US imperialists are most proud of has been done so miserably. It must be greatly shaken, heartbroken, and greatly frightened.

Kant nodded and got up: "I'll go there first."

"If possible..." Colonel Tian took a deep breath, "Can you completely destroy the giant in public without leaving any traces and residues?"

Kant was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately: "Your brains are spinning very fast."

"This thing, China can't take it, and it doesn't want to take it." Tianda said indifferently, "Never let the US imperialists get it, definitely not ... So it must be completely destroyed."

At the moment of receiving the news, the above realized the potential great value of this thing, and even moved the idea of ​​asking Kant to come forward and bring it back to China for research.

But the idea was quickly rejected.

Because this is enough to shake the US imperial hegemony by force.

This thing is so deadly and terrifying, it will definitely make the American imperialists tear their faces, and even turn into a full-scale war... And China already has the help of spiritual runes and Kant, just need to follow the steps and develop steadily, it is not worth risking such a risk.

After all, the U.S. imperialists are pushed to the limit, and they can risk a war, or even allow unimportant people and cities in their own country to be wiped out, but it is difficult for China to make such a decision.

"Got it, it's amazing..."

Kant nodded lightly: "I feel very at ease."