MTL - Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid-Chapter 25 The 2 Advent Events of Stonehenge

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Cenarius could not imagine that there would be mortals who would dare to reject the teachings of a demigod of the wilderness? !

"how dare you……"

Cenarius just wanted to question, but he was even more horrified to find that he could not perceive the power that was inexhaustible in Stonehenge! The spectacle was also rejecting him. No! It's not just rejection, it seems to be repulsive!

All these changes made Cenarius stunned, and he suddenly realized that it was probably himself who was arrogant. After coming here, he did not have a deep understanding of the human race leader.

Now it seems that this human race leader is not as simple as an ordinary mortal. Perhaps it is not this special spectacle that really inspires him, but Li De himself!

But it's too late to say anything now, Li De has clearly rejected his Druid way.

Cenarius swallowed all the words he wanted to say, leaving only one sentence in the end.

"Okay, I respect your wishes, I hope you can do it yourself."

After speaking, Cenarius turned around and walked out of Stonehenge.

Li De bowed slightly as a salute, and at the same time followed Cenarius' footsteps. He still has this kind of courtesy, and he has to give it to this demigod anyway.

Yishen walked out of Stonehenge one by one, and the anxious crowd waiting outside saw Cenarius walking out. Just as they were about to meet him, they saw that the other party did not intend to stay at all, and walked away on their own, walking on the flowers and plants.

And as he left, the flowers and plants behind him also dissipated in the desert.


The rare green plants in the desert dissipated like this, which made many people feel extremely lost. They thought that these flowers and plants could stay in the desert forever.

"What the **** is going on here, how could a **** come here?"

Although the goblin only believes in gold coins, he still has some respect for the **** Nogfogg.

"He wants to teach us the ways of the Druids."

Li De said in a complicated tone, his mood at the moment was a bit indescribable.


Nogfogg and the people around him were lost for a while. Legend has it that in the north of Kalimdor continent, there are powerful druids living in the forest, and they have strong vitality.

Because they don't know the specific teachings of Druids, they are a little moved by this distant and mysterious novelty. But they didn't expect that Li De suddenly changed the conversation.

"But I rejected him."


The crowd exclaimed in surprise.

Especially those trolls who yearn for faith, they subconsciously asked Li De why he did this, but out of long-term trust, they did not do anything rude.

"Teacher, why are you doing this? Isn't this the guidance of the Dao?"

The moment Cenarius appeared, Niebuhr decided that the Dao was Loa who guided a demigod of the wilderness to become a troll, but Li De has now done something contrary to the Dao!

"If we choose the Druid way, we must abandon Tanaris."

Li De didn't even bother to splash dirty water, he just explained the truth.

"Ah this..."

The crowd exclaimed again, how hard did they work to build this comfortable home? Although the Druid is fascinating, it is unacceptable for everyone to give up the home in front of him.

Only Niebuhr and some troll scribes struggled: If this is the case, should Cenarius' visit be considered a guide to the great road? If the Great Road really guides them to abandon their homes, should they follow it?

This is the particularity of the study of the classics. It is full of fascinating speculativeness, but it is easy to make people fall into the contradiction of nothingness.

In the end, Li De shook his head helplessly.

"Let's all go back. The demigods have already left, but our lives still have to go on."

Only then did the people hurrah and go back. On the way back, some people couldn't help thinking: Because of the visit of the demigods, they delayed their work for a long time, and finally the demigods left inexplicably, which is really bad luck.

Once such an idea grows, some people even begin to question the correctness of Li De's decision. Among them, goblins are the most numerous, because legally their leader is Nogfogg. Why should Li De, the human lord, decide for them? No matter how bad it is, it should be a joint decision of the leaders of the three clans.

People returned to Gadgetzan with various thoughts.

After entering the city, people were shocked to find that the flowers and plants that grew up when Cenarius visited before were still there!

This is Cenarius' arrangement, he is not that small. Although he was rejected, he still left the miracles in Gadgetzan, but it was just to maintain the vitality of some flowers and plants, and it didn't take much effort from him.

Although the demigods were not retained, Gadgetzan has since become an oasis city, which can be regarded as bringing some comfort to people's hearts.

Li De returned to the room on the seventeenth floor of the hotel. This was his residence in Gadgetzan. After the hotel was built, the leaders of the three tribes each had a suite for permanent residence.

Li De, who was sitting on the bed, still felt a little bit of regret in his heart. Just now, he seemed a little too reckless, which made Cenarius too unable to come down on stage.

'Alas... I'm still too young to believe in Druids or not. If I come into contact with the night elves in the future, I am afraid that this incident will affect diplomatic relations...

Alas... It's a pity that the spectacle of Stonehenge was just wasted by me... I finally inspired a demigod, but I rejected it... It seems that only one can be inspired...'

Li De felt a little tired while his thoughts were flying, so he lay down on the bed, and didn't know how long he slept, when he was woken up by a loud knock on the door.

With the air of getting up, he glanced out the window, it was already late at night.

'Who is so disrespectful? I don't ask for honorifics to be used for me, at least treat me with respect, right? ’

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Li De got up and opened the door. What caught his eye was the iconic lush green hair, a sand troll.

Li De recognized him as the young Shadow Priest of Zul'Farrak, Cythes, and he was also the leader of the troll scribes in the monastery. He usually comprehends the avenue beside Stonehenge on weekdays. Why are you knocking on your door?

"What's the matter with you?"

The answer to Li De was a series of ambiguous "ancient troll words".

"Can't you be so obscure? Say something that I can understand!"

Only then did Sessus stop speaking, flick his tongue forcefully, and stumblingly opened his mouth. Only then did Li De realize that what he said just now was "ancient troll language", and it was clearly because he was too nervous and his tongue was knotted.

"Dragon...Dragon! Giant dragon!"

Li De found that he still didn't understand.

"What dragon? What the **** is going on?! Speak slowly!"

Sessus sniffed and closed his eyes, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and he swallowed hard before speaking.

"On Stonehenge! A giant dragon! A giant dragon descended on Stonehenge!"

"Guardian Dragon!"

A flash of lightning flashed across Li De's mind, and his whole body was filled with a jolt! How could he forget that the Tanaris Desert is also home to the Aspects? !

"Take me to have a look!"

As he spoke, Li De stepped out of the room and strode toward the elevator. But just halfway through, he suddenly turned in a different direction. The elevator was too slow, so he chose to walk on the stairs.

"Lord, slow down, slow down..."

Sessus followed with difficulty. As a troll, he was indeed tall and strong compared to the human race, but compared to Li De, he was slow and Every staircase , Li De ran and jumped in three steps, and walked over the seventeenth floor stairs in less than a minute. After Li De got out of the hotel door, Sessus chased after him out of breath.

"After the demigod was sent away in the daytime, we felt that there might still be some will of the gods left at Stonehenge, so we continued to understand it with a few people.

After night, we were all very tired and wanted to come back to rest, but guess what? ! We are in the blink of an eye...a giant dragon appeared in Stonehenge! We don't even know how he got here!


While walking briskly, Li De listened to Cythers' explanation. At the same time, I fell into thinking. Could it be that Stonehenge actually inspired two gods this time? !

With this thought in mind, Li De went to the north gate of Gadgetzan, where he met Niebuhr and Nogforge, not only the two of them, but also many people gathered at the north gate.

"What the **** is going on here? Why are you all here?"

Faced with Li De's question, almost everyone answered in the same way.

"We also heard that a giant dragon descended on Stonehenge."

At the same time, someone said it cautiously.

"You just rejected a demigod during the day. You must grasp it now. This time it may really be the guide of the Great Dao..."

Hearing someone say that, Li De knew that what he couldn't get was always the best, and the departure of Cenarius made many people worry about gains and losses.

Thinking of this, Li De suddenly raised his arms.

"This time everyone follows me and listens to the teachings of the giant dragon! We all decide what to do in the end! No matter what the outcome is, we will bear it together!"
