MTL - Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid-Chapter 47 Two-Headed Ogre Cho'gall

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What appeared in the sight of the telescope were two schooners with somewhat peculiar shapes. After everyone's identification, it was confirmed that their manufacturing process did not belong to Azeroth. And the flags on these ships show that they belong to the tribe.

Li De guessed that the makers of these ships should be ogres. Ogres and Orcs are closely related, and unlike Orcs, they are very good at sailing.

It was a bit unexpected for the commanders to encounter the tribe so quickly.

But since they have all met, there is no reason to let them go. Li De immediately ordered the ship to move over to open fire.

Compared with land battles, naval battles are much more boring. Dozens of artillery pieces of the huge Dinghai were fired at the same time, and only one of them met, and the two warships of the tribe turned around and fled.

This lack of fighting spirit made several commanders feel a little surprised, but they soon realized that the two ships were probably running away, but they were unlucky to meet them.

And the dullness of the naval battle is reflected in this. Under the absolute strength gap, the two ships could not even escape, and the Dinghai was much faster than them.

Basically, the two ships raised their white flags at the same time shortly after the battle.

Everyone was amazed at how quickly the enemy surrendered, especially the 100 warriors who accompanied Li De to retreat. They had really fought the orcs. Even if they harbored a monstrous hatred for the tribe, they had to admit that the orcs were powerful. fighting power and firm will.

Although they were still wondering, the soldiers were not slow in capturing the prisoners. Soon more than 400 prisoners on the decks of the two ships were all disarmed and **** firmly.

Li De wanted to interrogate them, but unfortunately he did not know the language of the tribe. Among the more than 400 captives, dozens of them were green-skinned orcs, and the rest were all taller ogres.

On the whole, the ogre looks like an enlarged orc, and is extraordinarily tall and sturdy. But the facial features are strange. Some ogres are ordinary-looking, while others have only one eye. And some ogres have two heads, and the two heads look different, with both eyes and one eye.

Just when Li De was a little worried about how to deal with these prisoners, Primilo came over to report.

"Duhu, we found an unusual guy in the cabin."

For the time being, Ignoring these prisoners who couldn't communicate, Li De walked into the cabin with a few people. In the cabin, lay a very weak two-headed ogre.

He was bigger and taller than other ogres, with a height of six or seven meters. There are two heads on his shoulders, one with two eyes and one with one eye. The head of the eyes, and the slender mustache on his face, makes him weird, terrifying and wretched.

"This guy is injured, I guess he should be the leader of this horde. Let's tie it up first, and ask Nibuhr to bring someone to control them with shadow magic. Many of these ogres are spellcasters. If It's going to be troublesome if you don't control it."

After Li De finished speaking, he planned to turn around and leave. Unexpectedly, the two-headed ogre leader regained some sense of sanity at this time.

"Don't...don't kill me...I'll say anything."

This should not surprise Li De. Although the ogres are not as intelligent as the orcs as a whole, the two-headed ogres are an exception. They have two heads to think, have high intelligence, and are quite sensitive to arcane and shadow magic.

In fact, in the ogre culture, the two-headed ogre is an innate spellcaster, and the ogre regards the double-headed as a gift.

In their world, ogres also flourished for a while and established a powerful magic empire. They can even designate two-headed ogres to be produced in batches.

Now that this ogre is so sensible, Li De directly regards this large cabin as an interrogation room and pulls a chair over to sit in front of the ogre.

"You can answer whatever question I ask next. What's your name?"

The two-headed ogre was silent for a second or two before the head in the eyes spoke.

"My name is Gu..."

The other one-eyed head said immediately.


Li De nodded, and sure enough it was this guy, the notorious cannibal magician and mage. Since this guy is Chogal, Li De has a general idea of ​​why he is here.

"What is your identity?"

Chogall answered this very happily, still the "Gu" with his eyes spoke first.

"I'm the Twilight's Hammer of the Horde..."

"The chief."

The two heads do not fight for words, and they can form a complete sentence in an orderly manner. Li De is mentally prepared, but in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, it is both strange and curious.

"Since you are the clan chief of the tribe, what are you and your people doing in the Endless Sea?"

Li De was ready to listen to the excuses of Chogal's nonsense, but what Chogal said next really surprised Li De.

"We defected from the Horde with Gul'dan..."

"Come to the Tomb of Sargeras at sea to steal an artifact."

Chogall's language became more and more fluent, but Li De was confused. Can such a secret be said casually? As for the other soldiers, although they don't necessarily know who Sargeras is, the word "artifact" can be heard clearly.

What caught everyone off guard was that while everyone was a little dazed, the two-headed ogre Gulgar suddenly got up, raised his hand and released a shadowy energy towards Li De!

Cho'gall and Gul'dan stole the artifact from the Tomb of Sargeras, but Cho'gall did not follow into the tomb, but resisted the people Orgrim sent to hunt them outside.

During the battle, Chogall was seriously injured, but soon he was thankful that he did not follow him into the tomb. Because Gul'dan died in the tomb, the demons inside used extremely cruel means to strip Gul'dan to nothing but a skeleton. His few remaining subordinates escaped from the tomb with only Gul'dan's head.

The pursuers were eager to interrogate Gul'dan, which gave Cho'gall the opportunity to escape the battlefield in a boat with the help of his subordinates.

Chogal, who had escaped from birth, was thinking of following the voice in his mind and going to serve the ancient gods while recovering from his injuries in the cabin, but he did not expect to encounter an enemy on the sea!

When he saw that it was the human race who entered the cabin, Gurga thought he had encountered the army of the Alliance.

Chogall, who cursed in his heart why he was so unlucky, forced himself to calm down.

It's not that he didn't pass through such a critical moment. In his original world, he also escaped from Highmaul on the verge of death. And after taking refuge in Gul'dan to learn shadow magic, he returned to Highmaul to kill all the ogres there and succeeded in revenge.

So Chogall believed that at this moment, he could still save himself from danger. The two heads racked their brains at the same time, allowing him to come up with a wonderful countermeasure.

He pretended to be weaker, and he succeeded in letting the human commander relax his vigilance.

In the process of being interrogated, to tell the truth is also the correct judgment made by Chogall under the balance. Under such a tense situation, if he tells a lie, he will inevitably spend more experience and energy, and it is easy for the other party to find clues.

So Chogall chose to tell the truth, and deliberately used this shocking secret to deter the opponent, revealing his flaws and creating opportunities for himself.

All of this was going smoothly according to Chogall's plan, and he had basically determined that the human race who was interrogating him in front of him was the supreme commander of this team. As long as you can control him, you can get a chance to live!

The shadow energy that is thicker than the pier cable is like a python rolling towards Li De who is sitting on the chair! Under the shock, the soldiers were too late to make a correct judgment.

A few quick-responding conditioned reflexes rushed towards Chogal, while the rest of the slow-responding ones closed their eyes subconsciously.

Chogall's two heads showed a smug grin at the same time, but the corners of his mouth grinned halfway before they froze on his face. Because when he saw that he released the shadow energy, the famous clan commander jumped up from the chair and used a somersault to escape the shadow magic that attacked him!


The wooden chair was blown to pieces by shadow magic, UU reading www.uukanshu. However, Li De also jumped in front of Chogar who was sitting up. Susas the Flayer was also pulled out from behind his waist and stuck between Cho'gall's heads.


Chogall couldn't believe that his elaborate scheme had been seen through.

"Hehe, the two-headed ogre Gulgar, your cunning is truly well-deserved."

Li De narrowed his eyes. At this moment, he already had murderous intentions. But he didn't do it immediately, because he still had a lot of key information that he needed to pry out of this guy's mouth.

All this happened in a flash, and the soldiers were all relieved to see that Li De had nothing to do. But looking at the blown up chair, I thought that this blow would really hit Li De, and I was afraid for a while. Immediately, he wished he could tear Chogall apart and stared at him.

Before, this guy fooled everyone by pretending to be dead, but now everyone doesn't care whether Chogal is really seriously injured, so he directly tied the guy into a zongzi with iron chains.

When accepting the **** of the crowd, Chogall subconsciously wanted to break free. But Li De only shook his wrist lightly, and the heavy and sharp lasher left a wound on the inside of both Chogar's necks.

"If you're really smart, don't move around."

Feeling the threat of death, Chogall immediately calmed down and let the chains bind him.

Regarding the sturdy Chogall, Li De still did not take back the whipper, but used it to suppress Chogall gasping for breath.

"From now on, you must answer all the questions I ask honestly. If your answer can satisfy me, I may spare your life. If not, you know what the consequences will be."