MTL - Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid-Chapter 51 Buck Romworth

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When he saw the waiting red dragons on Tidefall Island, Derek subconsciously ducked back, and the previous battle left a certain psychological shadow on him.

"Human, don't be nervous, we will not fight you now."

The moment he heard the red dragon with a length of more than ten meters speak, Derek was a little flustered. In the face of this kind of intelligent creature that is much stronger than himself, he still doesn't know how to get along with it.

Li De was more calm, and asked after expressing his respect for the giant dragon with etiquette.

"I came to meet you as scheduled, do you have anything to tell me?"

The seven giant dragons came slowly and formed a semicircle to look at Li De.

"Thank you again, strong human race, you rescued us from the humiliation of being enslaved."

A red dragon said that his appearance made Li De a little familiar. After careful identification, he realized that this was the one who was injured in the back when he killed the orc cavalry?

"Seriously, my main purpose is actually to end that battle. I'm sorry, I cut your back in my previous battle."

The red dragon shook his head.

"It's okay, my injury has healed."

While speaking, the giant dragon also flapped its wings twice. As expected of the red dragons who hold the power of life, only they can recover so quickly after being injured.

After some chats, the giant dragons finally got to the point, and the one who spoke was the red dragon who was rebelled by Li Dece before.

"My name is Buck Romworth. From you, I feel the power of the guardian dragon. Can you help me?"

Buck Romworth is one of the many descendants of the Red Dragon Queen. His status in the Red Dragon Legion is above average, so he has a sharper perception than ordinary dragons. strength.

"I am from the Tanaris Desert, and the Bronze Dragon King has blessed me."

The Dragon King's blessing was extraordinary. After answering this question, Li De immediately received the respect of these giant dragons.

"You are a human race worthy of trust. I ask you to help us rescue Queen Alexstrasza. She is still imprisoned in Grim Batol and suffers. Orcs have artifacts that can control dragons. We can't resist that. With all the power, I can't rescue the queen myself."

When Buck Romworth said this, Li De could feel the hatred and anger in his tone.

"The guardian dragon is of great significance to Azeroth. I will not sit back and watch her continue to fall into misery. After the orc war is over, I am willing to help you save the queen."

The Red Dragons did not expect that Li De would agree so readily, and Buck Romworth was greatly moved.

"Thank you for having such a heart, and I'm sorry that we can't help you in the next battle against the orcs. If we show up on the battlefield, the orcs will probably abuse Her Majesty. But other things. , we will try our best to help.”

While speaking, a gleaming scale fell off from Buck Romworth's jaw, and the scale floated into Li De's hand.

"Relying on it, you can contact me at any time. After the orc war is over, I hope you can find time to go to the Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend, and we will try our best to find other helpers during this period."

Li De looked at the scale in his hand, it was like a huge ruby. Immediately put it in the package and express his sincerity again.

"I will, no more than half a year at the latest. I will definitely visit Northrend."

Half a year is just a flick of a finger for the dragon's long life. Although they can't wait to rescue the queen now, they can't wait for this half year.

The dragons bowed their heads unanimously to Li De, which was their respect.

After that, they didn't have any nostalgia, so they flew into the sky and disappeared into the sky. In the past six months, they didn't want to waste a moment. It was not enough to get a promise from a strong human race. They needed to get more helpers.

Although the queen is still in captivity, the queen's consorts are still there, and there are other dragon kings, and they need to work together to come up with a perfect plan.


After saying goodbye to the red dragon, Li De and others immediately set off south to Khaz Modan. Daelin's side finally got information from Lothar's side, where they fought against the Horde Blood Ring clan.

However, after a day of sailing and a half-day overland journey, when Li De and the others arrived at Khaz Modan, they did not see Lothar. The Bronzebeard dwarves and gnomes were waiting for them, as well as the Kurdran Wildhammer.

"This is the Li De I told you about. His strength is admirable, and he also won Zandalari trolls for the alliance."

When Li De walked into the dwarf camp in the spirit village, Kurdran was enthusiastically introducing him to the dwarves beside him.

The dwarf didn't speak, just observed Li De with great interest. At the same time, Li De also noticed the burly dwarf with a thick flaxen beard.

Dwarf men without exception have thick beards, and dwarves have several times the lifespan of humans. It is difficult to judge their age based on appearance alone.

However, from the dwarf's bearing when he talked to Kurdran, as well as his excellent armor, Li De could probably guess his identity, and Kurdran introduced him to Li De.

"Li De, this is the leader of the Bronzebeard brothers, Magni Bronzebeard."

Regarding this amiable dwarf king, Li De's name was very familiar to Li De, and he walked over and extended his hand.

"Hello, I'm Reid Victory."

Such a novel etiquette made Magni a little curious, but this kind of equal etiquette made Magni quickly accepted.

The dwarf's hands were broad, powerful and warm, and in contrast to Khaz Modan, which was covered with snow all year round, Li De felt even more cold.

"I heard about you, venerable Terran. But it is too late for you to find Marshal Lothar. He helped us defeat the orcs here two days ago, and now he has chased the orcs south to the Burning Steppes. ."

When Magni spoke, Li De couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but Kurdran comforted him.

"I have already met Lothar. He was very relieved after hearing about you, and said he was looking forward to meeting you."

Li De immediately cheered up, knowing that he didn't have too much time to delay here, and immediately expressed his intention to travel by land to the Burning Plain from here.

However, Magni persuaded him.

"Please take a rest here first. If you go on the road like this, the climate here will make you unable to adapt. And I just have a logistics team to set off next, you can set off on the same road."

When Orgrim divided his troops in Khaz Modan before, he left behind more than 10,000 troops of the Blood Ring clan. In the face of these powerful orc armies, the dwarves and gnomes could only passively defend, and it was Lothar who led the troops to relieve the siege of Ironforge and Gnomeregan.

The dwarves and gnomes were grateful for Lothar's kindness, and not only sent combat troops to join Lothar's command, but also provided logistical materials for the Alliance army as the rear Ironforge.

For Magni's proposal, Li De, of course, happily agreed. He is here in full body plate armor, and it really means "the cold wind blows the iron clothes, and the iron clothes are cold and hard".

At first, Li De was a little worried that the dwarves had been in conflict with the frost trolls of Khaz Modan for a long time in history, and whether the trolls under his command would arouse the disgust of the dwarves.

However, Li De soon found himself worrying too much.

First of all, there is a big difference between the sand trolls with yellow skin and the frost trolls, and since joining Li De's command, the sand trolls have been influenced by the light of civilization, and their standing posture has also changed, no longer bowing their waists. sleazy temperament.

Coupled with the fact that Zandalar's golden armor is really intimidating, the dwarves quickly realized that these "Zandalar trolls" were different from the frost trolls who were still in the dark.

Also, thanks to the fact that the Bronzebeard dwarves are an open-minded group, they have the excellent quality of discerning right from If it were changed to something else, such as the narrow-minded Dark Iron Dwarves, I am afraid it would have to be a different scene.

Long story short, half an hour later, Li De and his team were all clothed in Ironforge's specialty: thick fur.

The sand trolls caressed the fur on their bodies with naive smiles on their faces. They grew up in the desert, and it goes without saying that they are resistant to drought and heat. They really can't stand this cold weather. Although the night in the desert is equally cold, compared to this icy world, it is really a little bit more paediatric.

Everyone was roasting a bonfire at the camp of the Liquor Village and drinking spirits to warm up. During this period, Magni also showed a strong interest in Li De's sword.

After obtaining Li De's consent, Magni got the Flayer to watch it. The ancient craftsmanship of this weapon made Magni, the master casting master, amazed. However, regarding the shadow energy filled with weapons, Magni also frankly stated that if possible, it is best to find a reputable priest to purify it.

Li De just smiled and said nothing.

If the heart is not right, the sword is slanted. He has always believed that there is no right or wrong in power, but the one who holds the weapon is wrong.

Sensing that Li De didn't care about this, Magni still patiently persuaded him. In his opinion, using power indiscriminately could easily put himself in a dangerous situation. He had a good impression of Li De, so he advised him like this.

However, it was also seen that Li De did have his own insistence, and Magni no longer insisted on this matter. He was a kind person, and it was not his character to force others to accept opinions.

Kurdran changed the subject at the right time, and the atmosphere of the conversation became cheerful again.

Unfortunately, happy times are always short-lived. After an hour and a half, the dwarves' logistical force was ready, and Li De and the others should set off.
