MTL - Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid-Chapter 53 confrontation

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The intensity of the fighting in the woodland far exceeded Li De's expectations.

After his previous failures, Kilrogg Deadeye could effectively organize around 3,000 troops, which is a little more than an Overseer.

There is an unwritten rule among the orcs, that the patriarch must start from the Overseer. Almost every clan leader has the experience of being an Overseer.

3000 orcs wielded blunt weapons such as battle axes, mace, and page hammers in the woodlands, constantly trying to dismember the positions of the gnomes. In such a woodland, the orcs' powerful individual combat effectiveness has been maximized.

In contrast, the dwarf's strength is only more than 2,000 people, and the strength of the army is not dominant. It is difficult for the engineering weapon mecha to exert its high mobility advantage in the woodland. The current situation is that they can only rely on long-range attacks to strictly guard their positions.

The great craftsman Mekkatorque personally led dozens of mecha troops, and used the steel body of the mecha to erect a row of large shields between the trees to form a line of defense. The dwarf shooters and bombardiers at the rear beat the orcs again and again. attack.

Although the dwarf is physically weak, he has a smart mind. The machines they invented were more precise and reliable than goblins, but they were also lacking in power.

With such technical characteristics, when encountering a race like the orcs with rough skin and thick flesh, they always seem to be somewhat incapable of punching their masters to death.

"Nix, you brought the engineering team to accompany the dwarf brothers to defend together. The others followed me to the rear of the orc army and attacked their commander!"

Li De only has more than 200 people in his hands. If he just throws himself into the battlefield like this, he won't be able to fight even a splash.

As the saying goes, there are positives and no surprises, although the whole is not intense. If these more than 200 people were to join the dwarf's position, they would still be weaker than the orcs in terms of strength.

Moreover, it may disrupt the gnome's positional arrangement, and it will not be able to exert the advantages of the troops. So Li De only let Knicks take a group of a dozen goblins, accompanied by the dwarves, to join the dwarfs.

Here, he will bring his troops and act as that special army, disrupting the orcs' positions with the beheading plan.

"Patriarch, an enemy army is marching towards our rear!"

Kilrogg is standing under the flag and commanding the battlefield. Although Kilrogg is also a brave warrior, the situation at this time is in his favor, and he does not need him as a commander at all. He is still like a big head soldier. It is irresponsible for the entire team to charge forward.

Kilrogg is more of a wise general than most orc commanders. He paid an eye to predict his own end, so Kilrogg believed that he was more accurate than other orcs in judging the future of the situation.

In the bottom of Kilrogg's heart, he did not despise Grom Hellscream, the patriarch of the Warsong Clan. He thinks that a reckless man who only knows how to fight is a bad patriarch, and it is very important to keep calm at all times. Because of this, Kilrogg, who was loyal to the Horde, did not drink the blood of the devil with the curse.

"How many are the enemy troops?"

"About 200 people."

"Hmph, 200 people? Are they dwarves? Or dwarves?"

This number made Kilrogg a little disdainful. He casually asked about the composition of the enemy army, and the scout shook his head and answered.

"Neither of them. Humans and... and trolls?"

The scout was hesitant to answer, because he wasn't sure if it was a troll, it was very different from what they had seen in Stranglethorn Vale and Loch Modan before.

"Huh? Trolls?! I knew the races in this world were unreliable! That guy Zul'jin joined us, not only did not bring much help, but also weakened our troops in disguise. Now there is another group of trolls and we enemy!"

Kilrogg cursed angrily, but then a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"There are only 200 people, are you looking down on me? Separate 300 people to stop them, the dwarf's position is almost taken down, don't distract too much energy for this small group of enemy troops. After winning the dwarf's position, there is enough time. Deal with them. I'm trying to figure out where these trolls came from."

To be honest, Kilroger's strategy is actually reasonable, and he has grasped the main contradiction on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, he made a mistake in estimating Li De's army. 300 people couldn't stop Li De and the others.

"Everyone spreads out and fights with elite warriors as the core team! Troll hunters and witch doctors are on the outer edge of the battlefield. Solve the battle as soon as possible!"

Since arriving in Tanaris, even in the most difficult period, the 100-person army has not stopped training while assisting in production. Today, the 100-person army has nearly 20 elite soldiers.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, the hundred-man army was scattered into a dozen combat groups, entangled with the orc army in the woodlands.

The 300 people Kilrogg sent were beaten almost instantly. Because in their concept, the heavy armored infantry of the human race has always been the method of phalanx advancement. In the woodlands, they should be more dominant, why would the other side be scattered among them so quickly, fighting in such an efficient group? !

Orcs are very capable of individual combat. If it is one-on-one hand-to-hand combat, the human race will often suffer a lot. But today is different, no one goes to fight the orcs alone.

With elite warriors as the core, the heavy armored infantry fighting in the squad wields long knives, and the one-meter-long thick blade kills orcs efficiently, which is completely unmatched by traditional weapons such as war swords!

And the orcs are used to fighting alone, which is also related to their culture of advocating individual heroes. In their concept, a super-strong warrior on the battlefield can boost the morale of the entire army. Go up and you will be invincible.

This has led to a serious lack of cooperation among the orc soldiers. A single orc fighting is to deliver food. Even if they encounter the same number of orcs, they are not opponents in team battles at all!

Li De used the whipper to hold an orc's mace, and a long knife immediately rushed out from his side. After a slash, he didn't stop at all. At the same time, another long knife arrived and slashed the orc under the knife. At this time, Li Decai slashed down and solved the first orc who was seriously injured by the slash.

Every team is a whole, with continuous attacks one by one, even the most skilled combat skills, facing such an opponent, a slight negligence will only end in one.

The troops moved forward steadily, and the orc soldiers were constantly being defeated. This kind of battlefield rhythm is very comfortable, and Li De does not need to highlight his personal bravery at all, otherwise it will disrupt the rhythm.

The Orc is leading the team by a commander, and he can see the evil sect of the enemy army in front of him. The people of the Blood Ring clan have always been flexible in their fighting ideas. They realized that the form was wrong, and immediately ordered all the soldiers to press down on the whole line to disrupt the rhythm here. At the same time, they sent people back to the rear to seek support, and also pulled over the reserve troops of the other two centenarians.

This orc leader has done a good job, but the person he sent out to ask for help was shot through the neck by an arrow not long after he walked out and was killed on the spot!


Angga gave a strange cry, hung the crossbow behind his back, took off his spear and charged the three men towards the orc leader.

Among the troll troops, the one who understands Li De's tactics best is Ang Gagu. The purpose of their operation this time was to take Kilrogg directly, and Anggagu also followed suit, looking for opportunities to kill the opposing commander on the battlefield.

The sand trolls are not adapted to the snowy climate, but now fighting in the woodland, the sand trolls remember the original jungle troll imprint in their bones.

The orc commander also noticed that the grotesque trolls were staring at him, and immediately led the guards to rush up to meet Anggagu.

The three hunters who followed behind Ang Gagu used crossbow arrows to cover their officers. The troll officer held one hand, and the electric light flowed through his fingertips, and then he threw out an elemental magic and hit it there. Orc leader. UU reading

The Orc Commander wielding a mace felt half of his body numb, but he was still roaring, his eyes became blood red and oozing. His strength is so great that even just swinging the hammer with one hand makes the wrists of the two Anggagu who are holding spears to parry a little sore.

The two officers started a hand-to-hand fight on the snow. The orc leader was kicked in the chest and hit a big tree, causing the snow on the canopy to fall.

Ang Gago charged up with his spear. Unexpectedly, the other side's spear with a heavy hammer slanted to the side, and then the whole person slammed up, knocking Ang Gago into the snow at once. The spear he was holding also spread out a hand.

The Orc leader knew that the opponent was a spell caster, and he absolutely could not give the opponent the opportunity to prepare spells, and immediately gave the troll in front of him a fatal blow.

However, what he never expected was that although Ang Gaga didn't have time to prepare to cast the spell, he tilted his body and took off the crossbow from behind, lying on the ground and pulling the crossbow machine at the opponent!



An arrow hit the opponent's shoulder, the orc commander took two steps back in succession, and one of Angga Guzo stood up and stabbed the steel spearhead into the opponent's heart!


The orc commander moved his mouth twice and spit out a phrase with difficulty, but unfortunately Ang Gago couldn't understand what the other party was saying at all, and just ignored his death.

Battles like this were carried out synchronously on the battlefield, and it took only half an hour for the 300-man orc army to be killed or injured. And now that their leaders have been given their heads, the other orcs have no courage to resist, and all fled.

Li De ignored the fleeing orcs, and just ordered everyone to simply clean up the battlefield and move on.