MTL - Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid-Chapter 58 Battle of Black Rock Mountain (Part 1)

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In the upper floors of Blackrock Spire, Orgrim Doomhammer has fallen into despair. There is no food here, and the Confederate army outside shouts every day ordering them to surrender.

Such days are painful torment for the last tribes, and some orcs have begun to accept their fate, waiting here for death.

Standing on the high platform in the tower, Orgrim was full of sadness as he looked at the men, women, and children who were swarmed with ants like dead bodies below. Orcs are all soldiers, this should be the most proud tradition of orcs, but now it has become a curse on them:

After the defeat of the Horde, none of the orcs will be innocent civilians, and all of them may be judged and punished by the Alliance.

Orgrim didn't understand how things could become like this.

For the sake of the tribe, he killed his chief, and for this he was not at the expense of being a usurper. Orgrim dared to say he had a clear conscience, and he killed Blackhand in Mac'Gora out of pure public good.

Even after taking over as Warchief, Orgrim appointed Blackhand's sons Red and Maim in charge of the Blacktooth Laughing Clan, and showed extra trust in them, even though he knew they were estranged from him.

Asking himself that he had done well enough, but the situation has been developing in a bad direction. Until now, there are only less than 5,000 people around. Orgrim couldn't help but wonder, did he really do something wrong?

But soon he cast aside these weak thoughts.

"Orcs shouldn't be waiting to die here like trash!"

Orgrim roared at himself in his heart. He has come to this point. The human race will not let the orcs go no matter what. The only way is to fight to the death. Even if the orcs die, they should die on the battlefield, not in the deep The dark towers rot and stink.

"Great Chief, the human race outside is mobilizing the army again."

A soldier came over and reported that he was in a slump, causing Orgrim to feel a little dazed. How he longed to have his closest companion here to share his worries, not this listless soldier.

It's a pity that in the previous divisions, Orgrim kept his most trusted lieutenants in the north, Saurfang in the Hillsbrad Foothills, Eitrigg in the Hinterlands, Kaz Modan's Kilrogg was his last resort.

Taking heavy steps, Orgrim came to the outer wall of the Blackrock Spire, and then he saw the besieged Alliance from the lookout, frequently mobilizing troops.

"The alliance should be planning an attack..."

Orgrim was thinking this, when suddenly he saw a few trebuchets behind the alliance line, and the shape of the trebuchets was particularly dazzling at the moment.

"Listen to the orcs inside, the Blood Ring clan you left behind has been defeated by us! If you don't surrender, when we break the tower, you won't be treated as prisoners of war!"

This is to use the trebuchets captured from the Blood Ring clan to attack the orcs in turn! Orgrim understood the alliance's intentions in an instant. He firmly grasped the Doomhammer that had been passed down from generation to generation in the family, so that the knuckles of his fingers turned white.

Standing on the tower, he could clearly see most of the alliance's front lines. From the deployment of troops, he could see that the opponent was not satisfied with simply being besieged. In addition to using trebuchets, they also planned to storm the main gate.

If the attack starts, Orgrim really doesn't know how many days he can hold on with the current morale of the orcs.

Suddenly, he noticed that there was a place in the alliance's position that seemed to be weak. It was a hill in the distance, and because of the terrain, the connection there was not very good.

Although roadblocks were also arranged to prevent horses and other equipment, but if you were not standing at a high place, you would not have noticed that there was an obvious gap there for a while.

"It must be because of frequent mobilization that the troops there are empty!"

In fact, not only Orgrim noticed it, but some other orcs also noticed the gap.

Seeing the hope of breaking through the siege, Orgrim's heart beat faster. He ordered someone to bring a map. The location of the gap is exactly the direction of Redridge Mountain!

In an instant, Orgrim became very excited, and he ordered the guards around him to gather all the orcs below.

The orcs, who were weary due to their loss of hope, stood up suspiciously. In the face of death, their great chief does not seem to be so tall.

"I know that the repeated defeats have dealt a heavy blow to us. But we are orcs, a race of fighting, and we have nothing to fear."

Orgrim said loudly, but few people responded to his call.

"Entering the Blackrock Tower is not to wait for death. It is to smash the enemies outside after resting!"

This sentence finally resonated with some warriors. Orcs are a race with a strong desire to fight, especially when they drink the blood of demons, which makes the orcs violent. Being trapped in Blackrock Tower and waiting to die has long dissatisfied a group of orcs who still have the desire to fight. Even if Orgrim ignores them, after a while, some people will fall into madness and slash their butcher knives at their kin.

"Don't forget why we came to this world! We want to build a new home! Get a new land!"

When the orcs heard this, in addition to shouting in response to Orgrim, some people also shed tears. They traveled through the world, the original purpose was to obtain the land of life, how did it become a thrilling journey to death?

"Now I can tell you clearly that our forbearance here has paid off. The enemy has finally made a fatal negligence! As long as we take the initiative and smash the enemy's siege, we can return to Redridge Mountain! We will be free there. home!"

The morale of the orcs was finally rekindled. Thinking of the dry and cool climate of the Redridge Mountains, as well as the fertile land and abundant water sources, the orcs' desire to kill was aroused again.

Looking at the cheering soldiers, Orgrim took a deep breath and raised the Doomhammer high.

"The whole army is attacking to acquire our land!"


In the alliance army camp, everything has been arranged, but some people are still muttering in their hearts, what should they do if the orcs are not fooled?

The person sitting in the commanding position is Turalyon, and Lothar has already stationed his team on the only road leading to Redridge Mountain.

Turalyon, who was appointed as the temporary commander-in-chief, couldn't help beating a drum in his heart. Having made a decisive battle plan, he was under enormous pressure. However, if he wanted to achieve a career, he had to endure what ordinary people couldn't bear, what ordinary people could not bear.

Turalyon's forehead was already sweating from the boring waiting, and at this moment, a scout from the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse ran in quickly.

"There is a change in the Blackrock Tower, and the orcs are likely to act!"

The main force of the Iron Horse Brotherhood was taken away by Lothar, and only a few scouts were left to assist Turalyon.

"Great! Continue to closely observe the movements of the orcs!"

But just as Turalyon issued a new order, the second scout also broke in.

"The gate of Blackrock Tower is open! Orcs are dispatched!"

Almost a catapult, Turalyon stood up from his seat.

"The decisive battle has officially begun! Follow my instructions to meet the orcs step by step!"

After speaking, Turalyon seemed to be flying, and he took the lead in rushing out of the tent with his feet off the ground. The other generals also left the headquarters and took their places.

The orcs whose morale reached their peak were terrifying. They roared and wielded heavy weapons, like a human-shaped behemoth ramming wildly. In an instant, the clanging sound of the weapon's impact was intertwined with blood and fire and flooded the battlefield.

Turalyon, who had always taken the lead, was standing on a hillside at this time, carefully observing the movements of the enemy.

"Yes, the orcs are indeed breaking through in the preset direction. Order the soldiers to gradually withdraw from the battle in the direction of the flank, and don't be too entangled."

The original mission of the soldiers outside the main entrance of Blackrock Tower was to lure the enemy in and overly resist the high-willed orcs, which had no meaning other than increasing casualties.

The orcs quickly repelled the Alliance soldiers guarding outside the main gate. Orgrim believed that it was precisely because he decided to take the initiative to attack that he caught the Alliance by surprise.

Orgrim did not delay, and immediately led the army to march towards the gap previously discovered. The main entrance was blocked by less than a thousand people, and there were more enemy troops garrisoned elsewhere. Orgrim could not give the alliance army time to react.

During the march, the orcs encountered an enemy army again, and this time the number was larger, with a total of 2,000 people. But it was also vulnerable in front of the tribe, and soon retreated in the other direction.

Orgrim believed that the Alliance was delaying itself in order to gather more troops.

His guess was "correct". After half an hour, he saw a large number of Alliance troops appearing on both sides, less than two kilometers away from him, and the number reached more than 10,000!

"The enemies in other directions have come to support, right? It's a pity that you are a step behind!"

Orgrim thought excitedly that if the Alliance wanted to stop him, he had to support the weakest position in front of him. Unfortunately, the Alliance army was now left behind by Although the two kilometers of road was short, the Alliance had already chased after him. Not up to myself.

Finally, he arrived at the hilly area he saw on the tower. The number of defenders here was very small, and the enemy troops on both sides of the hill also reacted and moved towards this side to support.

There were only less than 500 people in front of him, and with the enemy troops on both sides nearby, there were only 3,000 people. But Orgrim did not choose to attack the weakest hills frontally, but approached the hills and rushed to support nearly a thousand enemy troops.

Some people around Orgrim didn't understand, why didn't they attack the hills directly, wouldn't it be better to deal with only 500 people there?

This question made Orgrim sigh, and if Saurfang or Eitrigg were around, they would never have asked such a stupid question:

Although the number of enemy troops on the hills is the smallest, it takes a long time to cross the hilly terrain. If there is a slight delay, the reinforcements on both sides will arrive, and the number of troops to be dealt with is 3,000. If you delay any longer and wait for the pursuers behind you to catch up, this is their burial place.

Instead, it's better to turn around and attack the reinforcements on one side.

In that case, it becomes to deal with more than 1,000 people in the open field, and the enemy troops on the hills will come down to support, but 500 people will be harmless. More importantly, if the enemy on the other side wants to support, they have to go further across the hills. road.

At the same time, Turalyon, who was listening to the battle report at the rear, let out a long sigh. Orgrim, who commanded thousands of people, and Orgrim, who commanded tens of thousands of people, were really different.

In the four hours from Orgrim's breakout to the present, Turalyon's flexible use of tactics has only been seen in Turalyon's life.

Half an hour later, Turalyon received the battle report again: Orgrim broke through the predetermined location and got into the pocket formation.


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