MTL - Code Farmer Comprehension-Chapter 45 Yu Lingzhu【recommendation, collection, investment】

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  Chapter 45 Yu Lingzhu【Please recommend, please collect, please invest】

   Following Zhang Deming's instructions, two rings appeared at the core of the vortex-shaped exercise script.

  One of them, there is a cross-legged figure in it, which is obviously a skill rune that has been mounted.

  Another ring, slowly condensing and appearing at this moment, is still hollow at present.

  Zhang Deming threw the captured spirit cultivation rune code into it.

   "Except for the core mounts and practice exercises, once mounted, other mounts cannot be removed. Please confirm whether they are mounted."

  The prompt message made Zhang Deming frowned slightly, but he still chose to confirm.

  I saw the ball embryo rune formed by the spirit cultivation technique, shrinking rapidly, and finally inlaid on the hollow ring at the core of the vortex of the exercise script.

   Mounted successfully!

  Cultivation method: Aoki Alchemy Art · Jue (Tier 2)

  Repair: Apprentice Lv2 (107/9000)

  Skill: Nurturing Lv1 (0/2)

  Note: Nurturing is a probabilistic spell because it involves the issue of birth and wisdom. When it is cast, there is only a certain probability that the nurturing beads will successfully condense.

  Looking at the birth of the first experience value skill in the script, it is obvious that the spirit cultivation technique will be one of his core techniques.

  Before Zhang Deming originally planned to choose a main combat technique as the first core technique after the golden light sphere of merit was abundant.

   But it is too poor!

  Koukou Suosuo's spirit stone consumption is still not enough.

  Life is forced, if you want to improve your cultivation quickly, making money is an inevitable choice.

  So it is an inevitable choice to use the sub-professional spell as the first core spell.

   What was even more surprising was that because of the script, Zhang Deming actually got the remark information.

   No wonder the information I learned said that even if you learn the spirit cultivation technique, you may not necessarily be able to successfully perform it.

  Emotion is not a failure to cast, but a probabilistic failure to condense the light sphere.

   After finishing everything, Zhang Deming closed the panel, quickly came to the kitchen, and took a grain of Lingmi as a spell-casting material.

  Instinctively raised his hand, his hands began to fly rapidly, and Zhang Deming instinctively used the extremely complicated formula of nurturing spirits.

  But just halfway through the Dao, Zhang Deming stopped suddenly.

  Feeling that the spell is still running, it seems that there is no need to shake the spell before casting it?

   It seems that the mounted spells are similar to skills? Or blood?

   This is when I was promoted to Taiji, I chose the core technique, condensed the core of the rune, and obtained the ability that the natal technique should have!

  Although Zhang Deming's articulation stopped, the spirit cultivation technique did not fail.

  A large amount of spiritual power poured into the Lingmi in his hand, and in an instant, the Lingmi in his hand turned into countless light spots, which surrounded Zhang Deming, forming a huge hollow spherical space.

  In the center of the space, a small ball of light shone slightly between the eyebrows.

  At this time, Zhang Deming pondered for a while, and then threw in the growth technique, which is the most suitable technique for the material of Lingmi.

  With the input of perception, the hollow sphere formed by the entire light spot flickered rapidly.


  The moment the light ball flickered and was about to take shape, there was a crisp sound, and it disappeared into countless light spots.

  Is the material too inferior or is it a probabilistic failure?

  Feeling the empty spiritual power in his body, Zhang Deming smiled wryly for a while, it seemed that it was impossible to continue trying.

  In the middle stage of apprenticeship, he lost 60% of his mana after just one attempt. This technique is really a big mana drainer.

  Already poor man, every day because of work problems, the mana is very tight, now it's even more painful.

   Shaking his head, he didn't bother with this anymore.

   Now, he has learned the five techniques of growth, agility, spiritual shield, small cloud and rain, and spiritual cultivation.

   In terms of combat, there are growth skills, agility skills, and spiritual shields.

   In terms of survival, there are growth skills, small cloud and rain skills, and spiritual cultivation skills.

  For the disciples of the outer sect, this is considered a luxurious lineup. In terms of technique alone, it even surpassed 99% of the senior apprentices of the sect.

   Now all you need is to make money and improve your cultivation.

   A few days later, Zhang Deming had performed the Nurturing Technique 17 times, without success even once.

  After the tenth failure, Zhang Deming can basically confirm that the material of Lingmi is too low-level to be used as a material for casting spells at all, and it cannot bear the birth of Linghui in the spirit cultivation technique.

   In the past few days, Zhang Deming can say that apart from eating, planting and clocking in, the rest of the time is spent on restoring spiritual energy, and he spends his sleep in meditation.

  Since she died of sudden death after staying up late and working overtime, she has never been so **** in these years.

  Looking at the two spirit knot grass in front of him, Zhang Deming took a deep breath, this is the last two attempts.

   If it doesn’t work, Zhang Deming will really need a loan to buy the spell-casting materials summed up by those old seniors.

  Because in the medicine field now, seven or eight spirit-bonding herbs that he has stripped off privately are already the limit.

  Although it is a low-level medicinal herb, ten mature plants are worth one spirit stone. Such a large amount of misappropriation is easy to be discovered.

  This is two different things from being rewarded after winning.

  If it weren't for being too poor and lacking the capital to buy the casting materials for the spirit cultivation technique, Zhang Deming would not have done it.

  Taking a deep breath, Zhang Deming picked up a spirit knot grass and began to perform the spirit nurturing technique.

  As Zhang Deming's spiritual power spewed out, the spirit knot grass finally turned into light spots, condensing into a light ball slightly smaller than a pigeon's egg.

  In the ball of light, a vine trembled slightly.

Depend on!

  Finally completed one, how difficult it is!

   After working day and night for eight days, I finally completed the birth of the first spirit-nurturing light ball.

  On this one, there will be no start-up capital.

  As the photosphere condenses, the photosphere finally becomes a transparent glass ball.

   Except for the slight shaking of the vines representing the growth technique, there is nothing surprising about it.

  But just such a glass ball is worth at least six spirit stones.

  The basic price of the spirit cultivation ball is twice that of the same level of spells, and the special spells will be even higher.

  The reason for such a high price is that in addition to nurturing animals and plants, this thing can also be used as skill beads for people, which is the main reason for the high price.

  When it is used by people, although people will not get the birth of spiritual wisdom, they will get the insights from it.

   There is a certain possibility that you will understand the technique and learn it.

  Although there is only a 20% chance of enlightenment by using the Yuling Orb, it can be reused if you can't stand it.

  As long as there are enough nurturing spirit beads, it is not difficult to learn a spell in half a day after dropping a few.

  If it weren't for the 20% chance, the price of this thing would be even higher.

  Therefore, to human beings, the Spirit Educating Orb is also called the Spell Inheritance Light Ball, which is one of the reasons why the Spirit Educator is so important.

  Each spiritual cultivator of the sect marks a foundation, the rapid improvement of the strength of countless disciples.

   Put away the glass ball, Zhang Deming fell asleep.

   These days, I use meditation to restore mana as sleep, but Zhang Deming is very tired.

  After sleeping until dawn the next day, Zhang Deming hurriedly got up to cast a spell, and saw that eight spirit knotting plants were missing in the medicine field.

  Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Zhang Deming always felt that it was too easy to be discovered, and he always felt that there seemed to be obvious lack of herbs.

  (end of this chapter)