MTL - Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort-Chapter 2364 The horoscope indicates that it is true

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I said verbatim: "What is the origin of the Pei family? Why did they go south?"

King Tieqi didn't answer me immediately, but stared at my eyes suddenly and said, "Ms. Yan just talked about the Longxi Army, and now asks the origin of the Pei family ... Are you suggesting something to the king?"

I said lightly, "I didn't hint at you."


"If I want to hint, at least I have figured out some things myself. But now, I really want to find an answer from the king."


"Pei family, what's the origin?"

King Tieqi was silent for a while, and his brows were slightly raised. I was really thinking about it. I didn't urge, just looked at him calmly. The two of them were quiet for a while, then I heard him slowly say: The origin of this is not clear to our generation. "

"They appeared on the grassland early?"

"Yes. At least, in the generation of King's grandpa, the people of Pei's family have slowly started to create their own forces."

"You say they are slowly creating their own forces, is that--"

"Nature is the annexation of other tribes."

Speaking of this, Tieqi Wang is very calm: "The grassland is very vast and can be anywhere, but the cattle and sheep and the population are limited. To expand our power, we naturally want more people and raise more. Cattle and sheep, and the fastest way is of course to annex other tribes. "

"Pei family, and swallowed many other tribes?"

"Yes, when my grandfather said that when they first appeared, no one paid attention, and they didn't even know when they started, and they formed a small team."


"Even then, no one paid attention to them. There are too many people and horses on the prairie. They often don't exist for a long time. They are fleeting like meteors. They are either annexed or destroyed. But Pei's people are different. They have always existed and slowly gathered their power. "


"In just a few decades, they were unknown at all from the beginning to the formation of a powerful tribe, almost like our Eight Heavenly Kings."

"Then why didn't they become one of the Eight Heavenly Kings?"


King Tieqi quieted down again, and seemed to be thinking again, but this time, he didn't think about it for that long, and slowly said, "Sometimes there is only one thing, but there are many reasons."


"Maybe, no one knows the real reason, except the person in this case."


"If you want to see the king, maybe-the people of Pei's family don't want to be the eight heavenly kings, or they can never see the grasslands with their eyes."

My voice trembled slightly: "Where are their eyes looking?"

King Tieqi looked at me and said, "You can see where you are."


"Where they are now, then their eyes are looking."

"So," when I spoke, my throat was slightly stubborn and I swallowed a spit of water before I said, "They've been watching, are they all in the Central Plains?"

King Tieqi looked at me and said nothing.

Central Plains, of course.

From ancient times to the present, although the northern peoples have always been a sword hanging from the head of the Central Plains dynasty, what they have done is to disturb and invade, and plunder the wealth that can truly occupy the Central Plains south. less.

But the Pei family did it.

At this time, I felt that I really hurt my body, because my breathing became so heavy that it made me feel a little dark before my eyes. I could only reach out and support the bedside to prevent myself from falling down. There was a rumbling sound, as if something was going to burst out from it.

I don't know how long it took before I heard the rumbling sound of the iron rider's voice—

"Miss Yan ... Miss Yan?"

I looked up and saw that he had come to me, looked down at me, and frowned slightly: "Are you okay?"


"Your face is very pale. Would you like my king to call you over?"

I quickly shook my head and said, "No need."

Although it was his own voice, it sounded a little strange, as if it came from his bones, buzzing in his ears.

The Iron Knight was not reluctant, just looked down at me.

After a while, he said, "Ms. Yan, you just said you wanted to figure out something. Now, have you figured it out?"

I glanced up at him and said, "The world is impermanent."

I didn't know why I could say this sentence incoherently, and the King of Iron Riding also hesitated for a moment, but after a moment of silence, he nodded his head gently and said, "Yes, things are impermanent."


"Looks like you have some things left, and the king won't bother you."


"Take a good rest."

After that, he turned and walked out.

I can feel that the King of Iron Riding is giving me a little time and space, so that I can sort out my thoughts, at least, let me really figure out some things, but when he left, he opened his account and let the sun shine. Zi Zhao came in and shook my eyes. There was an illusion of being hit hard.

I almost fell on the bed.

This feeling of perplexity lasted for a while. I didn't know how long it took before I finally recovered a little of my intelligence and strength, and the first thing I did was to stretch my hand and fumble around.

After being rescued by them, the baggage I brought with me was also placed on the bedside.

After groping for a long time, I finally felt it and dragged it into my arms. After thinking for a long time, I shook the bag with a hand that had accumulated a little energy and shivered.

Inside was a crimson dress.

Red like blood.

The first time I saw such clothes, it was in Fengxiang City and Dad Hu's house. The crimson clothes on the shelf were lined with precision chain mail, which made people feel like bathing blood. Now, a piece of clothes In front of me, it seemed to stain my eyes with blood.

This is what Pei Yuanzhang gave me before leaving.

He asked me to open it when I arrived in the ghost town, but at that time, because I met Yu Wenying, and entered the formation of Qian Jun, then Bagan appeared with people, and so many things happened that gave me no chance. , And almost forgot the existence of this thing.

It was not until later that I entered Wuwei that when I chose whether to go back or continue to rush to Shengjing, I remembered this burden, and when I opened it, I saw this dress.

At that time, I already understood.

I just can't believe it.

Crimson clothes, sophisticated chain mail.

The Longxi Army that collapsed overnight occupied the Pei clan in the Central Plains.

Crimson clothes ...

Pei family ...

It was not until today that I understood and believed.

It turned out they were--


Just as my tears were almost bursting out of my eyes, the sound of wonderful words suddenly came from outside, the account was slammed, and the sun broke into the tent with her.

I hurriedly raised my head and reached out to wipe the tear that had condensed on my eyelashes.

Miaoyan originally ran in with a smile, and stopped at the door when she saw me like this: "Mother, what's wrong with you? Are you crying?"

"No, no."

I gently wiped the corners of my eyes with my sleeves, then raised my head to make a smile: "Mother didn't cry."

"Then why are you, why are your eyes so red?"

She walked in front of me and looked at my eyes close: "You really crying? Why are you crying? Is something bad happening?"


I looked at her. After all, it was difficult to suppress that sad emotion in my heart, and I couldn't say more. I even got red eyes, and looked at me with a wonderful word, and looked into my arms: "This burden-- —I brought it with me. What happened to this red dress? "


"Mother, what's wrong?"


"Is there anything wrong with this dress?"

I looked at her for a while, and reached out to her, "Come, wonderful words, come to my mother."

She also obediently, hurriedly came to sit on my knees beside me, lying on my knees, and gently stroked the clothes with one hand, saying: "This clothes looks so old, who gave it to you ? "

"It was given to you by your father."

"Father Emperor? This dress—"

"Wonderful words, do you want your mother to tell you a story?"


She was inexplicable. I don't know why I told her a story at this time, but she nodded after seeing me for a while: "Mother, you say, I listen."

My daughter is very sensible and even relieved me of depression.

I smiled slightly and then said, "In the past, there was a brave and warlike army. Their commander was a bloodline of the royal family. They were responsible for guarding the frontiers. In order to protect the people and the court, they fought in blood and left an eternal battle. Beautiful name. "


"However, the commander-in-chief of such an army was met with the suspicion of the emperor, because he was highly successful in shaking the Lord; even the astronomical sign indicates that the dynasty will be overthrown by him and the throne will be taken by him. Therefore, the emperor sent someone to use The treacherous method conspired against this army and destroyed them all overnight. "


"But God opened his eyes and left them with one person, the commander in chief of this army."


"Although he survived, he couldn't return to his hometown. Therefore, he left the country with a deep hatred of blood. He went to another place incognito, and everything passed from scratch."


"But he has never been a day, forgetting hatred."


"Finally, one day, his ability is enough to take revenge, and he led his assembled soldiers and horses to overthrow the court, the court that betrayed him."

Speaking of which, my throat was a little tingling and almost silent.

And Miao Yan stroked the crimson clothes with one hand. After a while, she raised her head and looked at me: "So, the horoscope indicates that it is true."