MTL - Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort-Chapter 2382 What do you want to do if you stay?

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The account fell again, and the light in front of me suddenly went out.

The feeling of being trapped in the dark for a moment was a little helpless. Even though it had been more than a day, I still couldn't get used to it completely. Cold sweat came out of my palm, which made me hardly hold the bottle.

After a while, I wiped my hands on my side.

He was groping to go out, and the account was opened again. It was Susu who walked in. She said in a panic, "Miss, you are really here, you scared me."

I looked up at her: "What's wrong?"

"I woke up and found you missing."

"I'm just here to walk around, how can it be so scary."

"But your eyes are inconvenient right now. What if you hurt yourself or hit something? It's so messy again here!"

She didn't cover her mouth like this, and then reacted after speaking, and hurriedly took a breath. I knew she was unintentional, and just said lightly, "Okay, I know. Come and help me."

She hurried over, almost holding my arm.

The two were preparing to go out, and she looked around again, then said, "Miss, this is the tent of the Nangong concubine? Why did I just hear that she was gone, and-"

"Don't bullshit, you shouldn't care about these things."


She nodded, but said unwillingly: "Miss, Liu Gongzi doesn't need her to detoxify--"

I said, "Go back and talk."


This time, she really didn't open her mouth anymore, and carefully helped me out. When she reached the door and reached out to open the account, I couldn't help but look back.

At this glance, all I could see was the heavy haze, the dreary breath still remained, as if she was still here.

But I know that Nangong Lizhu has already left.

Although she had such a feeling in her heart, she made such a decision and forced me to make such a poisonous oath. What value did she have for the rest of her life, but I found out after thinking about it that it was completely absent.

Pei Yuanzhang's life has nothing to do with her.

If she were to stay and be a deaf and dumb lady who didn't care about anything, it wouldn't be impossible, but she would still be proud in her bones. She was the first beauty in Tianchao, even though the beautiful skin was gone, she Still willing to use life's loneliness to retain a little bit of final dignity.

What surprised me was Huo Liancheng.

Although I knew long ago when he refused the horse valley, he had a different kind of affection for Nangong Lizhu, and it was because of that that he was thrown to Longnan by Pei Yuanzhang, but I did not expect that he would be re-enabled this time. The victory over Sheng Jing was won, and then Pei Yuanzhang regained the mountains and mountains. His future is bright.

But he left at this time.

I don't know if he was great together with Nangong Lizhu or found out that she had left and went after him.

Are the two people in an appointment or just his wishful thinking.

But no matter what, this man did it for that woman and gave up his life.

No matter what, it is indeed touching.

Touching deeply.

I sighed sighing into the empty tent. Susu kept raising her account. At this time, she called me gently: "Miss?"


I responded, turned and walked out, and the account fell behind me again.

A story ends here.

However, my life is still going on. They are not the only couple. They suddenly disappeared from my life.

After getting out of that tent, I found that it was n’t too early. It was already afternoon when we arrived here. After so long, the sky became dark, and there was snow and ice in the wind. Go, don't open your eyes.

Susu almost carried me back to our own tent.

After walking back, our tent was very warm. They knew that I and she had been frostbite before, so I specially ordered two braziers here, Su Su carefully supported me back to the bed and sat down. When I took off my coat, I found that my hand was holding tightly.

She asked, "Miss, what do you have in your hand?"

I didn't answer her immediately, I just asked, "Susu, how is your injury?"

She hurriedly said, "All right."

"Really good?"

"Really, the doctor came to see it and said it was okay."

"But I am a little less injured than you. The doctor has seen my injury and said that I still need some time to rest. Why are you better than me?"


She was stunned by me, and seemed a little unconvinced, and immediately said, "I am young!"

After hearing her say this, I smiled helplessly.

She hung up her clothes and hurriedly walked back to me. She said quietly: "Miss don't worry about me, now I only worry about Miss, right, when I got up and saw them all gone, even Miss Sun followed that King Tieqi left together. Is the lady really assured? "

I was silent for a while and said, "She's grown up."

"But Miss Sun is only a teenager."

"Enough is enough, at my age--"

Having said that, I somehow felt that my nose was a little sore, swallowed the words behind, and turned to look at her again: "Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine, young lady don't always treat me as a weak girl."

"I don't believe it. I think you should lie down for a while."

"I'm really okay, you see, I just went out, and I still do things. Where does it seem to be injured."

"I don't see it now. Who knows if you are holding your teeth, and in case you can't hold it, you are really sick, then who am I to go to?"

"The young lady looks down on people, I am not."


"Really, even if the young lady has given me the hardest thing, I can do it well."

I could not help but smile when she heard her self-proclaimed words, and then said, "Well, then I will rest assured."

She smiled.

I said, "Then I'll leave this to you."

After that, she brought the bottle in her hand to her eyes.

Susu froze, looked down at the bottle, and said to me in wonder: "What is this? Why did the young lady give this to me?"

I said, "Did you just ask me, if the poison on Qing Han's body is to be cured, do you need a concubine from Nangong?"

She was smart, and immediately said, "It's hers—"

"Well," I nodded. "Although she left, she left this to me."


She reached for the bottle, looked at it for a long time, and then said softly: "At least this person is a bit conscience. With this thing, Liu's poison should be able to be resolved."

I was silent for a while, then made a faint smile at her.

But after all, she couldn't see it, but Susu could see it, she said softly, "Miss, why are your eyes red?"

I said calmly: "I'm probably too tired. I haven't slept well since last night. Today, I bumped for more than half a day and my bones are almost falling apart."

"Then you take a break."

"Not in a hurry," I said, and then said, "You pour me a cup of hot water, I'm a bit cold."

Susu agreed, and hurriedly got up to pour the water. As she turned and walked away, I reached out and rubbed the temples on both sides, so that my spirit could hit a little, so as not to show a flaw in front of her.

She poured a glass of water and came back to drink for me. After drinking, she looked up at me again: "Miss said just now, rest assured that this is what I mean?"

"What do you say?" I faced her with invisible eyes. I thought I could barely look into her eyes and said seriously: "Since I have got this antidote, of course, I should send it back immediately, send it to— Take it to Qing Han and detoxify him. "

"Yes, Mr. Liu's body is already weak. Shall we go now?"

"Not 'us', yes-you."


She froze and then quieted down. I could feel her breath choking, she should be staring at me with wide eyes, and said after a while: "Miss, you, what do you mean?"

"I want you to take this bottle immediately and go back to detoxify Qinghan."

"How about you?"

"I'm going to stay here and stay here to do something."


Her breath sounded again, but it was obviously a little disturbed. She stood up, walked for two steps, and walked back to me: "Does the lady want me to go back alone?"

"Of course not alone. We brought here so many people this time, and I will let them **** you back."

"Of course I'm not talking about them. I mean, the young lady won't go back with me?"

"I said, I still have some things to do when I stay."

"Then I--"

"Stupid girl, you just said, you should detoxify Qing Han as soon as possible, his body is already weak."


"I could have left it to other people to do this, but on this snowy field, I ca n’t say what kind of hardships and dangers will happen. I am afraid that other people will give up and give up. Only you-me You know, if I tell you to do it, you'll do it for me, right? "


"So, this is my order, have you heard? This is my order to you, you have to do it well."


"Light cold life ..., his life is in your hands!"

In the past, I told her what to do, she just said one thing, and she obeyed me, but this time, it was the first time I said the word "command". This kind of coercive feeling made her say no Out of words, just stared at me.

After a while, she solemnly said, "I know."


"I will take the antidote back as soon as possible to detoxify Liu Gongzi."

I nodded slightly, stretched my hand over her hair, and said, "Actually, I know you still have some injuries on your body, and I feel bad for you, but now, I can only believe you. On the way, maybe It's going to be very difficult, maybe there's some danger, you— "

"I will definitely stick to it, go back alive, and bring the antidote to Liu Gongzi!"

I was relieved that she was so decisive.

I said, "Just go if you want to go. While it's getting dark, I have just heard that I am afraid that there will be several tribal people attacking tonight."

"Then I'll go now--"

"I have ordered them before. The horses and dry food have been prepared by them. You can prepare them yourself and go while it is dark."

She was a little surprised that I was ready so soon, but still said immediately: "Yes."


If the idea is certain, things will happen quickly.

But in half an hour, they were ready for everything. Susu changed into a thick leather coat. I felt like an awkward bear when I touched her, but my face was still thin, probably because of the injury. My jaw is thin.

I feel distressed, but I can only say hardened, "Be careful along the way."

"I know, Miss you--"

Speaking of which, her voice couldn't help choking: "I'm not by your side, and your eyes are inconvenient. You must take good care of yourself, don't freeze, don't starve."

I can't help but smile.

She really treats me like a child.

It was completely dark, and I walked to the camp gate with her on a cane. The people who escorted her were ready. Everyone was riding on the horse. Because of the wind and snow, the horses became Very disturbed, constantly chanting in the night.

Su Su was carried on horseback and looked back at me reluctantly: "Miss, when will Miss return to Xichuan?"


"Still, shall I come to you again?"

I do n’t know if she understands the situation, she knows that neither Pei Yuanzhang nor I will stay in the grassland for a long time.

This time in Xichuan, it would be very difficult for her to come to me unless I go back again.

So when I heard her say the last few words, she couldn't help but cry.

I stood in the snow, clutching the crutches with both hands, and said calmly, "Stay well at Laoshan, and of course I will come back to you."


"Don't run around, have you heard?"


I raised my hand and waved, "Let's go."

"Miss, take care of yourself!"

Her voice finally sounded, but was immediately swallowed by the sound of horses and hoofs around, and the sound of the howling wind. I heard the horseshoes burst, and the snow foam stirred up on my face, a cold, and the voice was gone.

After a while, I reached out and wiped away the dampness left by the cold snow foam.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and it was Pei Yuanzhang who came to me.

He said, "Why did you lie to her?"

I didn't look back, I just looked forward, trying to discern the sound of the horseshoe farther and farther from the sound of the wind. After a while, I said, "This way, she will walk faster."

"You sent her away. You stay. What do you want to do?"