MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-Chapter 14 Shinkansen Bombing Incident - Cross-County Arrests

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"Conan, are you serious? Did you really see the bomber?" The Mumu police department asked him deliberately with a serious face - because he was worried that the child was prank and nonsense, he had to look serious at this time. , make sure the child is telling the truth.

"It's not too late, the police department, let's go!" Mizuma Yue mentioned Conan and gestured to Kogoro Mouri: "Conan seems to know something, I'll borrow it first!"

"Just take it, you're welcome." Mouri Kogoro waved his hand generously (what do you have to be generous, uncle?), and thinking of something, Mouri Kogoro shouted at the back of Mizumayue: "Boy, it's fine. Do it!"

Mizumayuki didn't look back, she raised it in an "OK" gesture with her other hand.

Throwing Conan into the back seat of the police car, Mizuma Yue drove the police car and followed the Muki police department. Destination: Nagoya!

When they learned that the prisoner went to Nagoya, the faces of Mizuma Tsuki and the Meguro Police Department were a little dark, and they were in trouble, and the trouble was huge.

The most annoying case is the case on cross-regional transportation, such as the case on the train from A to B. After the prisoner is arrested, where should the case be handled?

Give it to A, because the prisoner's car on A is under the jurisdiction of B before reaching B.

Give it to B, because the prisoner was already at B when he was arrested, the crime scene was on the train, and the train is now at B, so the case belongs to B.

Or give it to A, because the train is dispatched by A, and the train should be in charge of A.

In this way, we talked about it, and finally it became "the issue of the ownership of the train from place A to place B"

Generally, in this situation, it is usually irrelevant to whoever wants it in the two places, and whoever wants it.

But this time is different. The Shinkansen bombing has attracted the attention of high-level government officials. If any police station does not do anything, then it will wait to be cleaned up in the end.

To put it bluntly, now all the police officers in A and B are in the hands of the high-level officials, and one will definitely die in the end. Whoever works the most actively will not have to die.

And this time it wasn't just the two places, the prisoner brought the bomb into the car in Tokyo, and the bomb exploded at the junction of Aichi Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture, successfully attracting the police from the three places, and they were all competing with each other. Basically, it can be said that whoever catches the culprit wins, and the two sides who are not caught will die.

And the prisoner has chosen to escape in Nagoya, where is Nagoya? The capital of Aichi Prefecture! People will ignore their innate advantages and let you arrest people. Not to mention that everyone is in competition now, even if they usually can't tolerate police from other jurisdictions to arrest people in their own capital, right?

Just like the police officer in Conan's original novel, Zero Furuya asked the FBI to go out from "My Japan", the police in Aichi Prefecture will also ask Meguro and his party to go out from "his Aichi".

But knowing that it was meat in someone else's bowl, he had to fish it, because if he didn't, he would die. And the other party will never let you go fishing, because a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Sure enough, the Mumu Police Department called Mizumayuki. Just now, he had told the Aichi Prefectural Police Department that the prisoner went to Nagoya, and informed him that he was about to arrive in Aichi Prefecture for arrest. Aichi Prefecture's response was also Mizumayuki's. As expected: "cooperate but not assist, the Aichi Prefectural Police will take another action." That is to say, if you want to arrest you, we will not refuse or cause trouble for you, but we will not help you, and I am arresting people myself.

Indeed, Mizuma Tsuki hoped that the Aichi prefectural police would simply refuse to wait for them, so that no matter who caught the prisoner and died, it would be Aichi prefecture, even if Aichi prefecture caught someone. No matter what the competition is, they must follow the procedures on the surface. In theory, they should work together at this time. Anyone who engages in selfishness will have problems. Just like the Mumu police department should report the news from Conan to Aichi Prefecture, Because on the surface, information and clues should be guaranteed to be shared.

Headache, Mizumayuki rubbed his temples, not because of the physical headache caused by the plot (it feels weird to say that), but because of the troublesome thing and a headache in thinking.

Glancing at Conan in the back seat, Mizuma Yue said, "Conan, is your injury healed?"

"Yes, Officer Mizuma, all my injuries are healed." Conan nodded quickly, and he must be criticizing and educating again after a while.

"Tell me everything you know."

"Uh... ah?" Conan was stunned for a moment. Isn't he criticizing education?

"Ah what, this case is very big, I don't have time to talk to you right now, I'll talk to you later when I get back." Seeing his expression, Mizumayue knew what he was thinking.

"Oh, today Uncle Mori went to Kyoto to attend a friend's wedding... quack quack..."

"Wait, you said that because you think they are bad people, UU reading installed bugs in their armrests? Where did you get the bugs?"

"'s the eye invented by Dr. A Li, with a bug on it."


"Later I heard... quack quack... go to the non-smoking carriage on the second floor... quack quack... big brother... quack quack..."

"Huh? You said you kicked the bomb out of the train with one kick?"

"Uh...Dr. A Li invented my foot-strengthening shoes... quack quack... So..."

"I'm going to have a good talk with this Dr. A Li when I go back, and even giving children such dangerous equipment."


When they arrived in Nagoya, the Megumi Police Department and Mizuma Tsuki took Conan to the Shinkansen station to investigate the surveillance video, and Conan to identify the two.

The time and place have been confirmed, Conan quickly found the two people, and the surveillance quickly locked the whereabouts of the two people. However, due to the low coverage rate of surveillance probes in Nagoya City (the background of this case is early, and the big brother is still used.), I only know that the two people may have thought that the police would track them, and they went around in a circle and finally disappeared near the Tianbai District.

PS As of the author playing this line of PS, this article has collected 249 people. (crying and laughing)

PSS thanks Flash Nightmare and Isoor for their rewards.

PSSS would like to thank Hand in Hand 2015, Ye, Drunk, Xu Ziyu, Otaku at Sea, Purple Eyed Blood Hair, Ghost Warrior, 1111, Isoor, Huiyuan & Ai, Syosika for the recommended tickets.

PSSSS now has 248 collections, what's the situation, is it a new reminder? (only cry but not laugh)

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